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The ability of two alkyl pyridinium sponge toxin preparations (poly-APS and halitoxin) to form transient pores/lesions in cell membranes and allow transfection of plasmid cDNA have been investigated using HEK 293 cells. Poly-APS and halitoxin preparations caused a collapse in membrane potential, reductions in input resistance and increased Ca2+ permeability. At least partial recovery was observed after poly-APS application but recovery was more rarely seen with halitoxin. The transfection with plasmid cDNAs for an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and human tumour necrosis factor receptor 2 (TNFR2) was assessed for both toxin preparations and compared with lipofectamine. Stable transfection was achieved with poly-APS although it was less efficient than lipofectamine. These results show that viable cells transfected with alien cDNA can be obtained using novel transient pore-forming alkyl pyridinium sponge toxins and a simple pre-incubation protocol. This provides the first proof of principle that pore-forming alkyl pyridinium compounds can be used to deliver cDNA to the intracellular environment without permanently compromising the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Shells of the bivalve Arctica islandica are used to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions (e.g. temperature) via biogeochemical proxies, i.e. biogenic components that are related closely to environmental parameters at the time of shell formation. Several studies have shown that proxies like element and isotope-ratios can be affected by shell growth and microstructure. Thus it is essential to evaluate the impact of changing environmental parameters such as high pCO2 and consequent changes in carbonate chemistry on shell properties to validate these biogeochemical proxies for a wider range of environmental conditions. Growth experiments with Arctica islandica from the Western Baltic Sea kept under different pCO2 levels (from 380 to 1120 µatm) indicate no affect of elevated pCO2 on shell growth or crystal microstructure, indicating that A. islandica shows an adaptation to a wider range of pCO2 levels than reported for other species. Accordingly, proxy information derived from A. islandica shells of this region contains no pCO2 related bias.  相似文献   
Abstract Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was applied to characterize Rhizobium bacteria isolated from the root nodules of Acacia senegal and Prosopis chilensis trees growing in Sudan and Keya. For the electrophoresis, the total DNA of 42 isolates, embedded in agarose, was digested by a rare-cutting restriction endonuclease, Xba I. The PFGE run resulted in good resolution of the DNA fragments and gave the strains distinctive fingerprint patterns. The patterns were analysed visually and using automated clustering analysis, which divided the strains into groups resembling the results generated by numerical taxonomy. However, several strains had unique banding patterns, which indicates that these strains are genetically very diverse.  相似文献   
Fermentation systems are used to provide an optimal growth environment for many different types of cell cultures. The ability afforded by fermentors to carefully control temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen concentrations in particular makes them essential to efficient large scale growth and expression of fermentation products. This video will briefly describe the advantages of the fermentor over the shake flask. It will also identify key components of a typical benchtop fermentation system and give basic instruction on setup of the vessel and calibration of its probes. The viewer will be familiarized with the sterilization process and shown how to inoculate the growth medium in the vessel with culture. Basic concepts of operation, sampling, and harvesting will also be demonstrated. Simple data analysis and system cleanup will also be discussed.  相似文献   
In den Jahren 1987 bis 1989 wurden die Auswirkungen und Effekte eines kombinierten Befalls des Winterweizens mit Sitobion avenae (Fabr.) und Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. f.sp.tritici Erikss. untersucht. Dabei wurde das Verhalten der Schaderregerpopulationen und die Einflußnahme auf das Ertragsgeschehen bei separatem und simultanem Befall erfaßt. Während bei starkem Befall der oberen Blattetagen mit P.recondita eine Förderung der Aphidenpopulation an den Ähren der befallenen Pflanzen registriert werden konnte, war bei schwachem Braunrostbefall keine Einflußnahme auf die Blattläuse nachweisbar. Durch das kombinierte Auftreten beider Schaderreger kann es zu Reduktionen bei der Kornmasse/Ähre und bei der Tausendkornmasse kommen, die größer sind, als die Summe der Verluste bei Einzelbefall. Ähren stark braunrostbefallener Winterweizenpflanzen wurden zeitiger von S.avenae angeflogen und schneller besiedelt als diese von gesunden Kontrollpflanzen. Als Ursache für die Förderung der Populationsentwicklung von S.avenae werden durch P.recondita induzierte Veränderungen im Angebot an freien Aminosäuren in der Wirtspflanze diskutiert.  相似文献   
Experimental studies have identified a complex link between neurodegeneration, β-amyloid (Aβ) and calcium homeostasis. Here we asked whether early phase β-amyloid pathology in transgenic hAPPSL mice exaggerates the ischemic lesion and remote secondary pathology in the thalamus, and whether a non-selective calcium channel blocker reduces these pathologies. Transgenic hAPPSL (n = 33) and non-transgenic (n = 30) male mice (4–5 months) were subjected to unilateral cortical photothrombosis and treated with the non-selective calcium channel blocker bepridil (50 mg/kg, p.o., once a day) or vehicle for 28 days, starting administration 2 days after the operation. Animals were then perfused for histological analysis of infarct size, Aβ and calcium accumulation in the thalamus. Cortical photothrombosis resulted in a small infarct, which was associated with atypical Aβ and calcium accumulation in the ipsilateral thalamus. Transgenic mice had significantly smaller infarct volumes than non-transgenic littermates (P<0.05) and ischemia-induced rodent Aβ accumulation in the thalamus was lower in transgenic mice compared to non-transgenic mice (P<0.01). Bepridil decreased calcium load in the thalamus (P<0.01). The present data suggest less pronounced primary and secondary pathology in hAPPSL transgenic mice after ischemic cortical injury. Bepridil particularly decreased calcium pathology in the thalamus following ischemia.  相似文献   
With the help of a ribonucleoprotein it is possible to precipitate collagen in a layer of fibers with a 700 Å period. As collagen is a constituent of many membrane systems in the body, it seemed interesting to investigate the permeability of ions and water through a native collagen membrane.The experiments were carried out with the help of an acryl glass apparatus, where an osmotic pressure, a hydrostatic pressure difference or both can be maintained between the two bulk phases separated by the membrane. The diffusion coefficients for NaCl and KCl were found to be comparable with those in other biological membranes (Ds = 9 · 10−7cm2 · s−1) whereas there is difference of more than three orders of magnitude in the hydraulic permeability (Lp = 6 cm4 · J−1 · s−1).Volume flow measurements caused by an osmotic gradient indicated that the reflection coefficient for NaCl and KCl is very small. In hydrostatic pressure experiments, the membrane shows a preferred direction for volume flows which seems to have something to do with the mode of preparation of the membrane.  相似文献   
Summary Certain secretory cells in the hypophysial pars tuberalis of the Djungarian hamster display marked circannual structural alterations. The present investigation deals with the immunohistochemical properties of this cell group. A distinct TSH-like immunoreactivity was found in secretory cells of this type in the pars tuberalis of animals exposed to long photoperiods, whereas under short photoperiods the TSH-like immunoreactivity was nearly absent. In the pars distalis, the number and distribution of TSH-positive cells did not differ significantly between animals maintained under long and under short photoperiods. LH-and FSH-positive cells could not be detected in the pars tuberalis, but they are clearly present in the pars distalis of both groups of hamsters. Our immunocytochemical results suggest that photoperiodic stimuli influence the secretory activity of TSH-like immunoreactive cells in the pars tuberalis. A connection with the neuroendrocrine-thyroid axis is discussed.The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Wi 558/3-1, Pe 134/2-4)  相似文献   
The present experiment investigated whether observers' emotional and behavioral reactions to facially deformed patients could be substantially improved by surgical procedures conducted by well-trained specialists in an experienced multidisciplinary team. Also investigated was the hypothesis that emotional states mediate the effects of physical attractiveness and facial deformity on social interaction. Twenty patients between the ages of 3 months and 17 years were randomly selected from over 2000 patients' files of Kenneth E. Salyer of Dallas, Texas. Patient diagnoses included facial clefts, hypertelorism, Treacher Collins syndrome, and craniofacial dysostoses (Crouzon's and Apert's syndromes). Rigorously standardized photographs of patients taken before and after surgery were shown to 22 "naive" raters ranging in age from 18 to 54 years. Raters were asked to predict their emotional and behavioral responses to the patients. These ratings indicated that observers' behavioral reactions to facially deformed children and adolescents would be more positive following craniofacial surgery. Similarly, the ratings indicated that observers' emotional reactions to these patients would be more positive following surgery. The results are discussed in terms of current sociopsychologic theoretical models for the effects of attractiveness on social interaction. A new model is presented that implicates induced emotional states as a mediating process in explaining the effects of attractiveness and facial deformity on the quality of social interactions. Limitations of the current investigation and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   
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