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Transecting the axons of neurons in the adult superior cervical ganglion (SCG; axotomy) results in the survival of most postganglionic neurons, the influx of circulating monocytes, proliferation of satellite cells, and changes in neuronal gene expression. In contrast, transecting the afferent input to the SCG (decentralization) results in nerve terminal degeneration and elicits a different pattern of gene expression. We examined the effects of decentralization on macrophages in the SCG and compared the results to those previously obtained after axotomy. Monoclonal antibodies were used to identify infiltrating (ED1+) and resident (ED2+) macrophages, as well as macrophages expressing MHC class II molecules (OX6+). Normal ganglia contained ED2+ cells and OX6+ cells, but few infiltrating macrophages. After decentralization, the number of infiltrating ED1+ cells increased in the SCG to a density about twofold greater than that previously seen after axotomy. Both the densities of ED2+ and OX6+ cells were essentially unchanged after decentralization, though a large increase in OX6+ cells occurred after axotomy. Proliferation among the ganglion's total non‐neuronal cell population was examined and found to increase about twofold after decentralization and about fourfold after axotomy. Double‐labeling experiments indicated that some of these proliferating cells were macrophages. After both surgical procedures, the percentage of proliferating ED2+ macrophages increased, while neither procedure altered the proliferation of ED1+ macrophages. Axotomy, though not decentralization, increased the proliferation of OX6+ cells. Future studies must address what role(s) infiltrating and/or resident macrophages play in regions of decentralized and axotomized neurons and, if both are involved, whether they play distinct roles. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 53: 68–79, 2002  相似文献   
Summary The nuclei of mesophyll cells of olive trees contain numerous sizeable crystalloid inclusions. Cytochemical examination using epoxy resin-embedded, semithin-sectioned tissue indicated the presence of proteins and oligoor polysaccharides in these inclusions. Their electron microscopical analysis revealed a crystalline substructure consisting of intersected subunits of high order. The spacing of the lattice fibrils and the angles of intersection were determined and used to establish a model of the unit cell of crystallization. It is suggested that the nuclear crystalloids of olive trees consist of glycoprotein molecules. They differ from the intranuclear crystalloids observed in other species predominantly in the high density of their subunit arrangement.  相似文献   
Wie aus Elektrophorese- und spektralphotometrischen Untersuchungen hervorgeht, liegt der kationische Farbstoff Chrysoidin G, je nach dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Farblösungen, als I-, II-, III- und IV-wertiges Kation und elektroneutrales Farbbasenmolekül vor. Von physiologischer Bedeutung ist nur das I-wertige Kation und das Farbbasenmolekül. Die Unabhängigkeit der Absorptionsmaxima wäßriger Farbstofflösungen mit konstantem pH-Wert von der Farbstoffkonzentration deutet darauf hin, daß Chrysoidin keine Assoziate bildet. In organischen Lösungsmitteln ergibt Chrysoidin G je nach dem Grad der Polarität des Solvens und dem pH-Wert der wäßrigen Phase bei Ausschüttelungs-versuchen unterschiedliche Absorptionskurven. Natriumnucleinat bedingt eine negative Metachromasie; die jeweilige Lage des Maximums wird von der Natriumnucleinatkonzentration bestimmt. Rutin übt keinen wahrnehmbaren Einfluß auf das Absorptionsspektrum aus. Nach einer Vitalfärbung von Oberepidermiszellen der Schuppenblätter von Allium cepa mit Chrysoidin G zeigen das diffus gefärbte Plasma und die darin auftretenden gelben Kugeln übereinstimmende Absorptionsspektren mit einem breiten Bandenmaximum bei ? 420 nm. Der lebende Zellkern färbt sich nicht. Der gefärbte volle Zellsaft der Unterepidermis besitzt ein Maximum bei ? 448 nm. Aus der Lage der Absorptionsmaxima und dem Verlauf der Absorptionskurven kann geschlossen werden, daß die Färbung des lebenden Plasmas auf eine Anreicherung des einwertigen Kations und des Farbbasenmoleküls in polaren Lipoiden beruht, während es sich bei der Färbung des fixierten Zellkerns um eine Bindung des Chrysoidins an Nucleinsäuren handelt. Die Vitalfärbung des vollen Zellsaftes mit Chrysoidin G ist nicht auf den Gehalt der Vakuolen an Flavonolen zurückzuführen, sondern hängt vermutlich vom pH-Wert des Zellsaftes ab.  相似文献   
It has been reported that the human cell line NHIK 3025 has a specific cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptor. When these cells were exposed to glucocorticoids, the cell cycle time was prolonged. Cells, synchronized by mitotic selection, were subjected to the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone throughout the cell cycle. Only cells exposed in the first half of G1 phase had a lengthened cell cycle time. Most of the prolongation was also located within the G1 phase. The dexamethasone growth inhibition was reversible and could be detected only in the cell cycle where the cells were exposed to the steroid. DNA-histograms of asynchronous cells were recorded by flowcytometry at various times after steroid exposure. These histograms also showed G1 phase sensitivity and G1 phase prolongation after exposure to dexamethasone. Our results thus indicate that these cells have a dexamethasone-sensitive restriction point in mid-G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   
Die Morphologie der Schleimsekretion im Fruchtknoten vonAptenia cordifolia   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Udo Kristen 《Protoplasma》1976,89(3-4):221-233
Zusammenfassung Der Fruchtknoten vonAptenia cordifolia enthÄlt wÄhrend der Samenentwicklung einen proteinreichen Polysaccharidschleim. Verschieden alte schleimproduzierende Placentarpapillen werden einer elektronenmikroskopischen Analyse unterzogen. Kurz vor dem Einsetzen der Schleimproduktion ist das rauhe ER noch spÄrlich entwickelt. Der Golgi-Apparat ist unauffÄllig und wenig aktiv. Zu Beginn der Schleimbildung sind als hauptsÄchliche Strukturkomponenten hypersekretorische Dictyosomen und ER-umschlossene Vakuolen (storage vesicles) zu beobachten. Es wird angenommen, da\ diese Komplexe aus rauhem ER und vermutlich mitèinander verschmolzenen Golgi-Vesikeln die charakteristischen Synthese-Einheiten für den Polysaccharid-Protein-Schleim darstellen, da sie nachweislich neben Polysacchariden auch Proteine enthalten. Membranfusionen zwischen Vesikeln und dem Plasmalemma deuten auf Exocytose-Prozesse unter Beteiligung des Golgi-Apparates hin. Daneben wird eine holocrine Ausscheidung des in den storage vesicles zunÄchst gespeicherten Polysaccharid-Protein-Schleimes bei Degeneration des Protoplasten vermutet.
Morphology of slime secretion in the seed vessels ofAptenia cordifolia
Summary During seed development the gynaeceum ofAptenia cordifolia produces a mucilage rich in carbohydrates and protein. The mucilage-producing placentary papillae are analyzed in different developmental stages by electron microscopy. Just before mucilage production is started, the rough ER occurs but sparsely. At that time the dictyosomes are inconspicuous and of low activity. When mucilage production commences, one can observe hypersecretory dictyosomes and ER-ensheathed vacuoles (storage vesicles) as the main structural components. It is suggested that the complexes of rough ER and probably fused Golgi vesicles are the synthetizing units of the carbohydrate protein mucilage, since in these complexes both components can be identified cytochemically. Fusion sites of plasmalemma and vesicles indicate processes of exocytosis-probably involving the Golgi apparatus. In addition, a holocrine excretion of the mucilage initially enclosed in the storage vesicles via degeneration of the protoplast is assumed.
Influenza A virus (IAV) preferentially infects conducting airway and alveolar epithelial cells in the lung. The outcome of these infections is impacted by the host response, including the production of various cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. Fibroblast growth factor-9 (FGF9) is required for lung development, can display antiviral activity in vitro, and is upregulated in asymptomatic patients during early IAV infection. We therefore hypothesized that FGF9 would protect the lungs from respiratory virus infection and evaluated IAV pathogenesis in mice that overexpress FGF9 in club cells in the conducting airway epithelium (FGF9-OE mice). However, we found that FGF9-OE mice were highly susceptible to IAV and Sendai virus infection compared to control mice. FGF9-OE mice displayed elevated and persistent viral loads, increased expression of cytokines and chemokines, and increased numbers of infiltrating immune cells as early as 1 day post-infection (dpi). Gene expression analysis showed an elevated type I interferon (IFN) signature in the conducting airway epithelium and analysis of IAV tropism uncovered a dramatic shift in infection from the conducting airway epithelium to the alveolar epithelium in FGF9-OE lungs. These results demonstrate that FGF9 signaling primes the conducting airway epithelium to rapidly induce a localized IFN and proinflammatory cytokine response during viral infection. Although this response protects the airway epithelial cells from IAV infection, it allows for early and enhanced infection of the alveolar epithelium, ultimately leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Our study illuminates a novel role for FGF9 in regulating respiratory virus infection and pathogenesis.  相似文献   


HIV-1 matrix protein p17 variants (vp17s) detected in HIV-1-infected patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (HIV-NHL) display, differently from the wild-type protein (refp17), B cell growth-promoting activity. Biophysical analysis revealed that vp17s are destabilized as compared to refp17, motivating us to explore structure-function relationships.


We used: biophysical techniques (circular dichroism (CD), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and thermal/GuHCL denaturation) to study protein conformation and stability; Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to study interactions; Western blot to investigate signaling pathways; and Colony Formation and Soft Agar assays to study B cell proliferation and clonogenicity.


By forcing the formation of a disulfide bridge between Cys residues at positions 57 and 87 we obtained a destabilized p17 capable of promoting B cell proliferation. This finding prompted us to dissect refp17 to identify the functional epitope. A synthetic peptide (F1) spanning from amino acid (aa) 2 to 21 was found to activate Akt and promote B cell proliferation and clonogenicity. Three positively charged aa (Arg15, Lys18 and Arg20) proved critical for sustaining the proliferative activity of both F1 and HIV-NHL-derived vp17s. Lack of any interaction of F1 with the known refp17 receptors suggests an alternate one involved in cell proliferation.


The molecular reasons for the proliferative activity of vp17s, compared to refp17, relies on the exposure of a functional epitope capable of activating Akt.

General significance

Our findings pave the way for identifying the receptor(s) responsible for B cell proliferation and offer new opportunities to identify novel treatment strategies in combating HIV-related NHL.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori infection in children and adolescents differs in comparison to adults with respect to epidemiology, host responses, and disease manifestations. Furthermore, treatment options are limited in this population and antibiotic resistance rates continue to increase. Therefore, ongoing research is vital to understand disease pathogenesis and provide optimal management of children with infection. This review summarizes relevant publications from April 2019 to March 2020. Similar to adults, recent studies show a decreasing prevalence of infection in the pediatric population. Studies of pathogenesis investigated serum immune responses and the potential inverse association of infection and allergy. Several studies investigated the effect of H pylori and related inflammation on the gut microbiome. The recommendation of endoscopy‐based testing to identify the cause of symptoms and not just H pylori, reserving noninvasive UBT or stool antigen tests for post‐eradication follow‐up, was supported by the current literature.  相似文献   
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