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The binding and unbinding constants describing interaction of ω-CTx-GVIA with N-type Ca2+ channels were calculated based on the time course of the blocking action of the toxin. The experiments were carried out on pyramidal neurons freshly dissociated from theCA3 region of the rat hippocampus using a “concentration-clamp” technique and a patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. The bindingk 1 and unbindingk −1 constants were evaluated as 0.32 (μM·sec)−1 and 0.004 sec−1, respectively. The dissociation constantK D kinetically derived from the ratiok −1/k 1 was 0.012 μM. These values allow us to interpret the apparent “irreversibility” of the toxin action.  相似文献   
Elevation of the external potassium concentration induced a two-phase inward current in freshly isolated pyramidal hippocampal neurons. This current was voltage-dependent and demonstrated strong inward rectification. The current consisted of a leakage current and a time-dependent current (τ=40–50 msec at 21°C); the latter was designated asI ΔK. As was shown earlier, K+ is a major charge carrier in the development of slow potassium-activated current. The pharmacological properties ofI ΔK were studied using a patch-clamp technique.I ΔK was completely blocked by external 10 mM TEA or 5 mM Ba2+ (IC50=480±90mM) and exhibited low sensitivity to extracellular Cs+ (2 mM). This current was not affected by 1 mM 4-aminopyridine and was insensitive to a muscarinic agonist, carbachol (50 μM), and to 1 mM extracellular Cd2+. Elevation of external Ca2+ from 2.5 mM to 10 mM did not changeI ΔK. Our data indicate that the pharmacological properties ofI ΔK differ from those of other voltage-gated potassium currents, but more specific blockers must be used to make this evidence conclusive.  相似文献   
We examined effects of purotoxin 1 (PT1), a component of the venom of Geolycosa spiders, on a few voltageand ligand-operated ion channels present in the plasma membrane of sensory neurons from the rat dorsal root ganglia (DRGs). Purotoxin 1 in a 100 nM concentration evoked no changes in ion currents through voltage-operated sodium, potassium, and calcium channels in the membranes of isolated sensory neurons. This agent was also found to be ineffective with respect to capsaicin-sensitive receptor-channel complexes (TRPV1). Testing of the effects of PT1 on purinergic receptor-channel complexes P2X3, P2X2, and P2X2/3 showed that this toxin is a highly selective blocker of exclusively P2X3 receptors. The selectivity of action of PT1 demonstrated in our experiments shows that it is a unique agent, which opens up new prospects in the studies of structural/functional peculiarities of receptor-channel complexes P2X3 as a peripheral link of the nociception system.  相似文献   
A group of imidazole derivatives was tested for their agonistic and antagonistic activity with respect to NMDA receptors in pyramidal neurons of the rat hippocampus. The data from the experiments using intracerebroventricular injections of the tested agents were compared with those carried out on isolated cells using a patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. It has been shown that the presence of lipophilic groups in the molecules of the above derivatives determines their ability to be NMDA antagonists.  相似文献   
We previously identified four missense mutations in the prodynorphin gene that cause human neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 23 (SCA23). Three mutations substitute Leu(5), Arg(6), and Arg(9) to Ser (L5S), Trp (R6W) and Cys (R9C) in dynorphin A(1-17) (Dyn A), a peptide with both opioid activities and non-opioid neurodegenerative actions. It has been reported that Dyn A administered intrathecally (i.t.) in femtomolar doses into mice produces nociceptive behaviors consisting of hindlimb scratching along with biting and licking of the hindpaw and tail (SBL responses) through a non-opioid mechanism. We here evaluated the potential of the three mutant peptides to produce similar behaviors. Compared to the wild type (WT)-peptide, the relative potency of Dyn A R6W, L5S and R9C peptides for SBL responses was 50-, 33- and 2-fold higher, and Dyn A R6W and L5S induced the SBL responses at a 10-30-fold lower doses. Dyn A R6W was the most potent peptide. The SBL responses induced by Dyn A R6W were dose dependently inhibited by morphine (i.p.; 0.1-1 mg/kg) or MK-801, an NMDA ion channel blocker (i.t. co-administration; 5-7.5 nmol). CP-99,994, a tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonist (i.t. co-administration; 2 nmol) and naloxone (i.p.; 5 mg/kg) failed to block effects of Dyn A R6W. Thus, similarly to Dyn A WT, the SBL responses induced by Dyn A R6W may involve the NMDA receptor but are not mediated through the opioid and tachykinin NK1 receptors. Enhanced non-opioid excitatory activities of Dyn A mutants may underlie in part development of SCA23.  相似文献   
The synthesis of novel dipeptidyl alpha-fluorovinyl sulfones using a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons approach on N-Boc-l-phenylalaninal is described. Inhibitory assays against a Leishmania mexicana cysteine protease (CPB2.8DeltaCTE) revealed low biological activity. Relative rates of Michael additions of 2'-(phenethyl)thiol with vinyl sulfone and alpha-fluorovinyl sulfone were determined, and ab initio calculations on several Michael acceptor model structures were performed; both were in agreement with the biological testing results.  相似文献   
Neuropeptides induce signal transduction across the plasma membrane by acting through cell-surface receptors. The dynorphins, endogenous ligands for opioid receptors, are an exception; they also produce non-receptor-mediated effects causing pain and neurodegeneration. To understand non-receptor mechanism(s), we examined interactions of dynorphins with plasma membrane. Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and patch-clamp electrophysiology, we demonstrate that dynorphins accumulate in the membrane and induce a continuum of transient increases in ionic conductance. This phenomenon is consistent with stochastic formation of giant (~2.7 nm estimated diameter) unstructured non-ion-selective membrane pores. The potency of dynorphins to porate the plasma membrane correlates with their pathogenic effects in cellular and animal models. Membrane poration by dynorphins may represent a mechanism of pathological signal transduction. Persistent neuronal excitation by this mechanism may lead to profound neuropathological alterations, including neurodegeneration and cell death.Neuropeptides are the largest and most diverse family of neurotransmitters. They are released from axon terminals and dendrites, diffuse to pre- or postsynaptic neuronal structures and activate membrane G-protein-coupled receptors. Prodynorphin (PDYN)-derived opioid peptides including dynorphin A (Dyn A), dynorphin B (Dyn B) and big dynorphin (Big Dyn) consisting of Dyn A and Dyn B are endogenous ligands for the κ-opioid receptor. Acting through this receptor, dynorphins regulate processing of pain and emotions, memory acquisition and modulate reward induced by addictive substances.1, 2, 3, 4 Furthermore, dynorphins may produce robust cellular and behavioral effects that are not mediated through opioid receptors.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 As evident from pharmacological, morphological, genetic and human neuropathological studies, these effects are generally pathological, including cell death, neurodegeneration, neurological dysfunctions and chronic pain. Big Dyn is the most active pathogenic peptide, which is about 10- to 100-fold more potent than Dyn A, whereas Dyn B does not produce non-opioid effects.16, 17, 22, 25 Big Dyn enhances activity of acid-sensing ion channel-1a (ASIC1a) and potentiates ASIC1a-mediated cell death in nanomolar concentrations30, 31 and, when administered intrathecally, induces characteristic nociceptive behavior at femtomolar doses.17, 22 Inhibition of endogenous Big Dyn degradation results in pathological pain, whereas prodynorphin (Pdyn) knockout mice do not maintain neuropathic pain.22, 32 Big Dyn differs from its constituents Dyn A and Dyn B in its unique pattern of non-opioid memory-enhancing, locomotor- and anxiolytic-like effects.25Pathological role of dynorphins is emphasized by the identification of PDYN missense mutations that cause profound neurodegeneration in the human brain underlying the SCA23 (spinocerebellar ataxia type 23), a very rare dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder.27, 33 Most PDYN mutations are located in the Big Dyn domain, demonstrating its critical role in neurodegeneration. PDYN mutations result in marked elevation in dynorphin levels and increase in its pathogenic non-opioid activity.27, 34 Dominant-negative pathogenic effects of dynorphins are not produced through opioid receptors.ASIC1a, glutamate NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) and AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid)/kainate ion channels, and melanocortin and bradykinin B2 receptors have all been implicated as non-opioid dynorphin targets.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 35, 36 Multiplicity of these targets and their association with the cellular membrane suggest that their activation is a secondary event triggered by a primary interaction of dynorphins with the membrane. Dynorphins are among the most basic neuropeptides.37, 38 The basic nature is also a general property of anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) and amyloid peptides that act by inducing membrane perturbations, altering membrane curvature and causing pore formation that disrupts membrane-associated processes including ion fluxes across the membrane.39 The similarity between dynorphins and these two peptide groups in overall charge and size suggests a similar mode of their interactions with membranes.In this study, we dissect the interactions of dynorphins with the cell membrane, the primary event in their non-receptor actions. Using fluorescence imaging, correlation spectroscopy and patch-clamp techniques, we demonstrate that dynorphin peptides accumulate in the plasma membrane in live cells and cause a profound transient increase in cell membrane conductance. Membrane poration by endogenous neuropeptides may represent a novel mechanism of signal transduction in the brain. This mechanism may underlie effects of dynorphins under pathological conditions including chronic pain and tissue injury.  相似文献   
Excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) were studied in the CA1 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampal slices. Components mediated by alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-proprionic acid (AMPA) and by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors were separated pharmacologically. Quantal parameters of AMPA and NMDA receptor-mediated EPSCs were obtained using both maximal likelihood and autocorrelation techniques. Enhancement of transmitter release with 4-aminopyridine caused a significant increase in quantal size of NMDA EPSC. This was accompanied by a slowing of the EPSC decay. The maximal number of quanta in the NMDA current was unchanged, while the probability of quantal event dramatically enhanced. In contrast, neither the quantal size nor the kinetics of AMPA EPSC was altered by 4-aminopyridine, while the maximal number of quanta increased. These changes in the quantal parameters are consistent with a transition to multivesicular release of the neurotransmitter. Spillover of excessive glutamate on the nonsynaptic areas of dendritic spines causes an increase in the quantal size of NMDA synaptic current. The difference in quantal behavior of AMPA and NMDA EPSCs implies that different mechanisms underlie their quantization: the additive response of nonsaturated AMPA receptors contrasts with the variable involvement of saturated intrasynaptic and nonsaturated extrasynaptic NMDA receptors.  相似文献   
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