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At present, direct data on risk from protracted or fractionated radiation exposure at low dose rates have been limited largely to studies of populations exposed to low cumulative doses with resulting low statistical power. We evaluated the cancer risks associated with protracted exposure to external whole-body gamma radiation at high cumulative doses (the average dose is 0.8 Gy and the highest doses exceed 10 Gy) in Russian nuclear workers. Cancer deaths in a cohort of about 21,500 nuclear workers who began working at the Mayak complex between 1948 and 1972 were ascertained from death certificates and autopsy reports with follow-up through December 1997. Excess relative risk models were used to estimate solid cancer and leukemia risks associated with external gamma-radiation dose with adjustment for effects of plutonium exposures. Both solid cancer and leukemia death rates increased significantly with increasing gamma-ray dose (P < 0.001). Under a linear dose-response model, the excess relative risk for lung, liver and skeletal cancers as a group (668 deaths) adjusted for plutonium exposure is 0.30 per gray (P < 0.001) and 0.08 per gray (P < 0.001) for all other solid cancers (1062 deaths). The solid cancer dose-response functions appear to be nonlinear, with the excess risk estimates at doses of less than 3 Gy being about twice those predicted by the linear model. Plutonium exposure was associated with increased risks both for lung, liver and skeletal cancers (the sites of primary plutonium deposition) and for other solid cancers as a group. A significant dose response, with no indication of plutonium exposure effects, was found for leukemia. Excess risks for leukemia exhibited a significant dependence on the time since the dose was received. For doses received within 3 to 5 years of death the excess relative risk per gray was estimated to be about 7 (P < 0.001), but this risk was only 0.45 (P = 0.02) for doses received 5 to 45 years prior to death. External gamma-ray exposures significantly increased risks of both solid cancers and leukemia in this large cohort of men and women with occupational radiation exposures. Risks at doses of less than 1 Gy may be slightly lower than those seen for doses arising from acute exposures in the atomic bomb survivors. As dose estimates for the Mayak workers are improved, it should be possible to obtain more precise estimates of solid cancer and leukemia risks from protracted external radiation exposure in this cohort.  相似文献   
Aflatoxins are polyketide-derived secondary metabolites produced by Aspergillus spp. The toxic effects of aflatoxins have adverse consequences for human health and agricultural economics. The aflR gene, a regulatory gene for aflatoxin biosynthesis, encodes a protein containing a zinc-finger DNA-binding motif. AFLR-Protein three-dimensional model was generated using Robetta server. The modeled AFLR-Protein was further optimization and validation using Rampage. In the simulations, we monitored the backbone atoms and the C-α-helix of the modeled protein. The low RMSD and the simulation time indicate that, as expected, the 3D structural model of AFLR-protein represents a stable folding conformation. This study paves the way for generating computer molecular models for proteins whose crystal structures are not available and which would aid in detailed molecular mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin.  相似文献   
Visualization of molecular structures aids in the understanding of structural and functional roles of biological macromolecules. Macromolecular transport between the cell nucleus and cytoplasm is facilitated by the nuclear pore complex (NPC). The ring structure of the NPC is large and contains several distinct proteins (nucleoporins) which function as a selective gate for the passage of certain molecules into and out of the nucleus. In this note we demonstrate the utility of a python code that allows direct mapping of the physiochemical properties of the constituent nucleoporins on the scaffold of the yeast NPC׳s cytoplasmic view. We expect this tool to be useful for researchers to visualize the NPC based on their physiochemical properties and how it alters when specific mutations are introduced in one or more of the nucleoporins. The code developed using Python is available freely from the authors.  相似文献   
The osa gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a nuclear protein that is a component of the Brahma chromatin-remodeling complex. Osa is required for embryonic segmentation, development of the notum and wing margin, and photoreceptor differentiation. In these tissues, osa mutations have effects opposite to those caused by wingless (wg) mutations, suggesting that osa functions as an antagonist of wg signaling. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of mammalian orthologues of osa. Three evolutionarily conserved domains were identified in Osa family members: the N-terminal Bright domain and C-terminally located Osa homology domains 1 and 2. RNase protection analysis indicates a widespread expression of the Osa1 gene during mouse development, in adult tissues, and in cultured cell lines. The Osa1 gene was localized to mouse chromosome 4, within the region syntenic to chromosomal position 1p35-p36 of its human counterpart. We present evidence that the OSA1 product is localized in the nucleus and associates with human Brahma complex, which suggests evolutionarily conserved function for Osa in gene regulation between mammals and Drosophila.  相似文献   
Problems presented by genera, or small groups of genera, which have been given family rank are reviewed, and the genera are divided into a number of categories according to the closeness of their affinity to other genera or families. Satellite genera that stand in close relation to families should be united with them. Binary families, that have been divided into two (or more) related families, should be re–united. Families connected by linking genera, should, logically, be united but practical considerations usually prevent this. Clusters of diverse but more or less distantly related genera present unusual problems, being treated either as several, often monogeneric families or as a loosely structured family. Truly isolated genera must be given family and often ordinal rank.  相似文献   
With long-term (90 days) administration of tritium oxide (0.37 MBq/g body weight) to ras the carbon-bound tritium accumulated in DNA of haemopoietic tissues during two-month administration of the isotope (the accumulation half-time of 15-25 days); during the next month, the isotope level remained nearly constant (about 20 X 10(6) decay/min/g DNA). Elimination of tritium from DNA started 3 days after termination of its administration and proceeded with two half-times (4-8 days and 12-18 days). The ratio of the tritium content per 1 M hydrogen of DNA to tritium content per 1 M hydrogen of tissue water increased up to 0.5-0.7 during the uptake of tritium oxide, and up to 4-7 after the administration of the isotope had ceased.  相似文献   
At Branch No. 1 of the Russian State Research Center "Biophysics Institute", a registry has been created of workers at the "Mayak" Production Association, the first nuclear complex in Russia. This registry includes 18,830 persons hired at Mayak's nuclear reactors and radiochemical and plutonium production plant between 1948 and 1972. Twenty-five percent of these workers are women. As of December 31, 1994, the vital status is known for approximately 90% of the cohort members. A total of 5,118 persons have died. The cause for 97% of total deaths has been ascertained. The cohort members were exposed to both external gamma radiation and internal radiation from incorporated plutonium. The plutonium body burden has been measured in 30% of the cohort members with potential for plutonium exposure. External gamma-ray doses were in the range from tenths of milligrays to about 10 Gy, and plutonium body burdens were up to about 260 kBq. In view of the nature of the Mayak worker cohort, it has the potential to provide reasonably precise, quantitative estimates of the long-term health effects associated with chronic low-dose-rate exposure to external gamma radiation as well as internal radiation from plutonium. However, a number of issues must be addressed before credible risk estimates can be obtained from this cohort. These issues include the development of an appropriate internal comparison group and/or external rates and separating of the effects of internal and external exposures on risk estimates.  相似文献   
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