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Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a variety of diagnostic criteria: obesity, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, and arterial hypertension. They contribute to the elevated risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The potential for Amorpha fruticosa L. (Fabaceae) to improve diabetes and metabolic disease is promising, based on in vitro tests. This is why a further investigation of the species is needed. Additionally, a toxicity review in relation to safety revealed that to date, there are no published data regarding the toxicity of A. fruticosa towards humans. This species could provide abundant and cheap resources because it is an aggressive invasive plant that grows almost unrestrictedly. The objective of this study was to evaluate the acute toxicity of a purified extract of A. fruticosa (EAF), and to assess its antioxidant, antihypertensive, and antihyperglycemic activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). The EAF was slightly toxic (LD50 = 2121 mg/kg, b.w.) when administered orally, and moderately toxic (LD50 = 316 mg/kg, b.w.) at intraperitoneal administration, both in mice. The oral administration of EAF (100 mg/kg) for 35 days to SHRs caused significant decreases in the systolic pressure, blood glucose levels, and MDA quantity. It also increased the hepatic level of the endogenous antioxidant GSH, not only in diabetic SHRs, but also in the control group. An additional potential benefit to human health might be conferred through the environmental management of A. fruticosa based on its large-scale use for medicinal purposes, as this aggressive invasive species brings problems to natural habitats in many European countries.  相似文献   
We evaluated the use of an RNA stabilisation buffer, RNAlater® (Ambion, Austin, Texas), as a preservation medium for parasitic coprology analysis of faecal samples collected from chimpanzees living in the wild (Pan troglodytes troglodytes). Thirty faecal samples collected in the forests of south-east Cameroon (Mambele area) from 2003 to 2011 were preserved in RNAlater® at −80 °C and analysed for their parasite content. We identified and counted parasitic elements and assessed their shape, size and morphology in relation to the storage time of the samples. We found that parasite elements were identifiable in RNAlater® preserved samples after as many as 7 years, showing that RNAlater® could be an effective and reliable preservation medium for coprology. Thus, its use could be an interesting way to optimise sample collection for several types of studies (parasitology and bacteriology/virology) at once, especially considering the logistically challenging and time-consuming field campaigns needed to obtain these faecal samples.  相似文献   
This study presents a 2-stage heartbeat classifier of supraventricular (SVB) and ventricular (VB) beats. Stage 1 makes computationally-efficient classification of SVB-beats, using simple correlation threshold criterion for finding close match with a predominant normal (reference) beat template. The non-matched beats are next subjected to measurement of 20 basic features, tracking the beat and reference template morphology and RR-variability for subsequent refined classification in SVB or VB-class by Stage 2. Four linear classifiers are compared: cluster, fuzzy, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and classification tree (CT), all subjected to iterative training for selection of the optimal feature space among extended 210-sized set, embodying interactive second-order effects between 20 independent features. The optimization process minimizes at equal weight the false positives in SVB-class and false negatives in VB-class. The training with European ST-T, AHA, MIT-BIH Supraventricular Arrhythmia databases found the best performance settings of all classification models: Cluster (30 features), Fuzzy (72 features), LDA (142 coefficients), CT (221 decision nodes) with top-3 best scored features: normalized current RR-interval, higher/lower frequency content ratio, beat-to-template correlation. Unbiased test-validation with MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database rates the classifiers in descending order of their specificity for SVB-class: CT (99.9%), LDA (99.6%), Cluster (99.5%), Fuzzy (99.4%); sensitivity for ventricular ectopic beats as part from VB-class (commonly reported in published beat-classification studies): CT (96.7%), Fuzzy (94.4%), LDA (94.2%), Cluster (92.4%); positive predictivity: CT (99.2%), Cluster (93.6%), LDA (93.0%), Fuzzy (92.4%). CT has superior accuracy by 0.3–6.8% points, with the advantage for easy model complexity configuration by pruning the tree consisted of easy interpretable ‘if-then’ rules.  相似文献   
Some of the most effective anticancer compounds are still derived from plants since the chemical synthesis of chiral molecules is not economically efficient. Rapid discovery of lead compounds with pronounced biological activity is essential for the successful development of novel drug candidates. This work aims to present the chemical diversity of antitumor bioactive compounds and biotechnological approaches as alternative production and sustainable plant biodiversity conservation. Astragalus spp., (Fabaceae) and Gloriosa spp. (Liliaceae) are selected as research objects within this review because they are known for their anticancer activity, because they represent two of the largest families respectively in dicots and monocots, and also because many of the medicinally important plants are rare and endangered. We summarized the ethnobotanical data concerning their anticancer application, highlighted the diversity of their secondary metabolites possessing anticancer properties such as saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids, and revealed the potential of the in vitro cultures as an alternative way of their production. Since the natural supply is limited, it is important to explore the possibility of employing plant cell or organ in vitro cultures for the biotechnological production of these compounds as an alternative.  相似文献   


Eucalypts are the most widely planted hardwood trees in the world occupying globally more than 18 million hectares as an important source of carbon neutral renewable energy and raw material for pulp, paper and solid wood. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) in Eucalyptus have been localized on pedigree-specific RAPD or AFLP maps seriously limiting the value of such QTL mapping efforts for molecular breeding. The availability of a genus-wide genetic map with transferable microsatellite markers has become a must for the effective advancement of genomic undertakings. This report describes the development of a novel set of 230 EMBRA microsatellites, the construction of the first comprehensive microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for Eucalyptus and the consolidation of existing linkage information for other microsatellites and candidate genes mapped in other species of the genus.  相似文献   
Cell lines and primary cells exhibit varying degrees of resistance to DNA transfection strategies. In this study, we employed the synthetic peptide Tat-RGD (TR), composed of the HIV-1 derived translocation peptide Tat fused to the integrin binding RGD motif, as a tool for improving DNA transfer into pulmonary cells. Binding experiments between DNA and TR and cytotoxicity measurements of TR treated cells were undertaken to optimize DNA and TR concentrations for transfection. Addition of a complex of TR and DNA (TRD) to A549 cells yielded significant transgene expression. When TRD was combined with Lipofectamine (TRDL), the expression was increased by 5-fold over Lipofectamine (DL) and by approximately 30-fold over TRD-mediated transfections. Also, in primary smooth muscle cells (SMC) and fibroblasts (FB) derived from pulmonary arteries, an increase in TRDL-mediated transfection efficiency was observed by a factor of approximately 2 and approximately 3 over that of DL. Laser scanning confocal microscopy for visualizing TR-dependent DNA uptake demonstrated that the internalization of TRDL complexes is linked to caveoli in the plasma membrane. Interfering with caveoli formation by methyl-b-cyclo-dextrin drastically decreased the transfection efficiency by TR. In conclusion, the Tat-RGD peptide mediates efficient gene delivery in human pulmonary cells, in particular when combined with a standard cationic lipid based transfection reagent. The enhancement of DNA uptake by Tat-RGD is suggested to be mediated by caveoli-dependent endocytosis.  相似文献   
Water deficit is one of the most important environmental factors limiting sustainable crop yields and it requires a reliable tool for fast and precise quantification. In this work we use simultaneously recorded signals of photoinduced prompt fluorescence (PF) and delayed fluorescence (DF) as well as modulated reflection (MR) of light at 820nm for analysis of the changes in the photosynthetic activity in detached bean leaves during drying. Depending on the severity of the water deficit we identify different changes in the primary photosynthetic processes. When the relative water content (RWC) is decreased to 60% there is a parallel decrease in the ratio between the rate of excitation trapping in the Photosystem (PS) II reaction center and the rate of reoxidation of reduced PSII acceptors. A further decrease of RWC to 20% suppresses the electron transfer from the reduced plastoquinone pool to the PSI reaction center. At RWC below values 15%, the reoxidation of the photoreduced primary quinone acceptor of PSII, Q(A)(-), is inhibited and at less than 5%, the primary photochemical reactions in PSI and II are inactivated. Using the collected sets of PF, DF and MR signals, we construct and train an artificial neural network, capable of recognizing the RWC in a series of "unknown" samples with a correlation between calculated and gravimetrically determined RWC values of about R(2)≈0.98. Our results demonstrate that this is a reliable method for determination of RWC in detached leaves and after further development it could be used for quantifying of drought stress of crop plants in situ. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability: from Natural to Artificial.  相似文献   
A new triterpeniod saponin 3-O-β-arabinopyranosyl-(1  3)-[β-galactopyranosyl-(1  2)]-β-glucuronopyranosyl gypsogenin (1), together with the known saponin 3-O-β-xylopyranosyl-(1  3)-[β-galactopyranosyl-(1  2)]-β-glucuronopyranosyl gypsogenin (2), and three known triterpenes gypsogenic acid (3), quillaic acid (4) and gypsogenin (5) were isolated from the roots of Gypsophila trichotoma Wend. (Caryophyllaceae). Their structures were elucidated by chemical and spectral methods. Cytotoxic activity of compounds 1 and 2 were tested against seven human cancer cell lines. Compound 1 showed cytotoxic activity against all of them, while compound 2 only against two cell lines.  相似文献   
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