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Journal of Plant Research - A group of temperate grassland plant species termed the “Mansen elements” occurs in Japan and is widely distributed in the grasslands of continental East...  相似文献   
Stories of g-tummo meditators mysteriously able to dry wet sheets wrapped around their naked bodies during a frigid Himalayan ceremony have intrigued scholars and laypersons alike for a century. Study 1 was conducted in remote monasteries of eastern Tibet with expert meditators performing g-tummo practices while their axillary temperature and electroencephalographic (EEG) activity were measured. Study 2 was conducted with Western participants (a non-meditator control group) instructed to use the somatic component of the g-tummo practice (vase breathing) without utilization of meditative visualization. Reliable increases in axillary temperature from normal to slight or moderate fever zone (up to 38.3°C) were observed among meditators only during the Forceful Breath type of g-tummo meditation accompanied by increases in alpha, beta, and gamma power. The magnitude of the temperature increases significantly correlated with the increases in alpha power during Forceful Breath meditation. The findings indicate that there are two factors affecting temperature increase. The first is the somatic component which causes thermogenesis, while the second is the neurocognitive component (meditative visualization) that aids in sustaining temperature increases for longer periods. Without meditative visualization, both meditators and non-meditators were capable of using the Forceful Breath vase breathing only for a limited time, resulting in limited temperature increases in the range of normal body temperature. Overall, the results suggest that specific aspects of the g-tummo technique might help non-meditators learn how to regulate their body temperature, which has implications for improving health and regulating cognitive performance.  相似文献   
The investigation of hydrodynamic and thermodynamic properties and the determination of the molecular mass of legumin-T, the product of limited tryptic hydrolysis of the 11-S-globulin from pea seeds, was carried out to ascertain the structural relationship to globulin-T's from other legumin-like proteins. The obtained legumin-T preparation has a molecular mass M(W)=260+/-10 kDa and M(S,D)=270+/-20 kDa. The secondary structure of legumin-T is characterised by a high percentage of beta-sheet conformation, comparable to that of native legumin and a reduced percentage of helical conformation. The conformational stability of legumin-T evaluated by equilibrium unfolding in the presence of guanidinium chloride was only slightly reduced in comparison to the native legumin, whereas the calorimetrically determined denaturation enthalpy and Gibbs energy of denaturation were found to be increased for legumin-T. These physicochemical properties are very similar to those of faba bean legumin-T.  相似文献   
When an Oriental hornet Vespa orientalis is subjected to ether anesthesia and then exposed to ultraviolet A light (UVAL) (at a wavelength of 366 nm), it commences showing signs of awakening by starting to move its limbs. While in the process of waking the voltage on its body surface surges sharply from 17-180 mV (median = 71.0) to a level of 93-570 mV (median = 327.5). This elevated level is maintained for several minutes but subsequently drops sharply to starting level. The increase in voltage is throughout accompanied by fluttering of the wings and movements of the legs, as well as attempts to extricate itself from the bindings to the electrodes. These movements by the awakening hornet persist for several minutes even after the irradiation source is turned off but shortly after the switch-off the hornet lapses into sleep again. The described scenario is generally similar in worker, queen and drone hornets, and may even occur in decapitated specimens. The same type of awakening can be repeated in the same fashion after a while, but then the increase in voltage will be smaller than the first time. Continuous UV irradiation of an anesthetized hornet results in a generalized and protracted awakening which, however, is significantly shorter than in a hornet left anesthetized in the dark.  相似文献   
Congenital heart block (CHB) is associated with high mortality and affects children of mothers with autoantibodies (IgG) to ribonucleoproteins SSB/La and SSA/Ro. IgG from mothers of children with CHB (positive IgG) was used to assess activation patterns in both the right atrium (RA) and right ventricle (RV) of Langendorff-perfused young rabbit hearts. Optical action potentials (AP) were obtained by using a 124-site photodiode array with 4-[-[2-(di-n-butylamino)-6-naphthyl]vinyl]pyridinium. Optical APs were recorded to simultaneously image activation patterns from the RA and RV. Perfusion of positive IgG (800--1,200 micro resulted in sinus bradycardia and varying degrees of heart block. Activation maps revealed marked conduction delay at the sinoatrial junction but only minor changes in overall atrial and ventricular activation patterns. No conduction disturbances were seen in the presence of IgG from mothers with healthy children. In conclusion, besides atrioventricular (AV) block, positive IgG induces sinus bradycardia. These results establish that the sequelae of CHB are associated with impaired intrasinus and/or sinoatrial conduction. The findings raise the possibility that sinus bradycardia in the developing heart may indicate the potential for AV conduction disturbances.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity and structure of Pulsatilla cernua, a continental‐grassland relict, were investigated using variations in chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and microsatellites of nuclear DNA. In the analyses of three cpDNA regions, 17 haplotypes were found in 24 populations of P. cernua from Japan, Korea, and Russia. Although the route and time of migration between the continent of Asia and Japan could not be well resolved, the cpDNA haplotype network suggests the existence of several ancient lineages in Japan and a recent secondary migration from Japan to the continent. Microsatellite analyses did not indicate genetic structure among the Japanese populations, indicating the existence of gene flow across the distribution area until recently. These results indicate that the present fragmentation of P. cernua in Japan may reflect a rapid, recent reduction from a previously large, continuous distribution.  相似文献   
The effect of the limited proteolysis by trypsin on selected seed storage 11S globulins (broad bean and pea legumins, glycinin and helianthinin) was studied by high-sensitive differential scanning calorimetry, fluorescence spectroscopy and analysis of proteolysis kinetics. Different behaviour of glycinin and helianthinin, on one hand, and broad bean and pea legumins, on the other, were observed: in the first group changes in the physicochemical characteristics of the proteins due to their limited proteolysis are more pronounced in comparison with the second one, in relation with the extent of primary structure modifications. The differences observed have been evaluated in relation with the amino acid sequence features of the four 11S globulin studied and agree with the literature data concerning the protein structural changes in the course of the limited proteolysis.  相似文献   
Interhemispheric EEG asymmetry was studied in 26 male subjects aged 8-23 with different behavioral destructiveness levels. Subjects with higher destructiveness level in the state of rest had the focus of interhemispheric asymmetry in the temporal and frontal areas of the left hemisphere, whereas in subjects with lower destructiveness level the asymmetry focus was found in the same areas of the right hemisphere. Simulation of aggressive activity led to displacement of the asymmetry focus to the right hemisphere in both groups. However, in the group with higher destructiveness the changes in the focus were observed in the EEG theta band, which suggested the involvement of mainly stem oscillators of EEG activity in the destructive behavior. In the group with lower destructiveness changes were observed mainly in the alpha3 and beta1 bands, which indicated that cortical oscillators of EEG activity were involved in the control of the destructive behavior. The results suggest better perception and assessment of stimuli by subjects with lower aggressiveness and their choice of more adequate models of behavior.  相似文献   
The physiological, biochemical, genetic, and cultural characteristics of the glucose-utilizing mutant strain Ralstonia eutropha B8562 were investigated in comparison with the parent strain R. eutropha B5786. The morphological, cultural, and biochemical characteristics of strain R. eutropha B8562 were similar to those of strain R. eutropha B5786. Genetic analysis revealed differences between the 16S rRNA gene sequences of these strains. The growth characteristics of the mutant using glucose as the sole carbon and energy source were comparable with those of the parent strain grown on fructose. Strain B8562 was characterized by high yields of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from different carbon sources (CO2, fructose, and glucose). In batch culture with glucose under nitrogen limitation, PHA accumulation reached 90% of dry weight. In PHA, β-hydroxybutyrate was predominant (over 99 mol %); β-hydroxyvalerate (0.25–0.72 mol %) and β-hydroxyhexanoate (0.008–1.5 mol %) were present as minor components. The strain has prospects as a PHA producer on glucose-containing media.  相似文献   
A 25-year-old previously asymptomatic pregnant woman at 36 weeks'' gestation was noticed to have repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. A dilated left ventricle with moderately reduced systolic function was found on echocardiographic examination. This is a very rare presentation of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCMP) presenting with repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.  相似文献   
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