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B cells are required for both the expression of lupus nephritis and spontaneous T cell activation/memory cell accumulation in MRL-Faslpr mice (MRL/lpr). Autoimmunity in the MRL/lpr strain is the result of Fas-deficiency and multiple background genes; however, the precise roles of background genes vs Fas-deficiency have not been fully defined. Fas-deficiency (i.e., the lpr defect) is required in B cells for optimal autoantibody expression, raising the possibility that the central role for B cells in MRL/lpr mice may not extend to MRL/+ mice and, thus, to lupus models that do not depend on Fas-deficiency ("polygenic lupus"). To address this issue, B cell-deficient, Fas-intact MRL/+ mice (JHd-MRL/) were created; and disease was evaluated in aged animals (>9 mo). The JHd-MRL/+ animals did not develop nephritis or vasculitis at a time when the B cell-intact littermates had severe disease. In addition, while activated/memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells accumulated in B cell-intact mice, such accumulation was substantially inhibited in the absence of B cells. This effect appeared to be restricted to the MRL strain because it was not seen in B cell-deficient BALB/c mice (JHd-BALB) of similar ages. The results indicate that B cells are essential in promoting systemic autoimmunity in a Fas-independent model. Therefore, B cells have an important role in pathogenesis, generalizable to lupus models that depend on multiple genes even when Fas expression is intact. The results provide further rationale for B cell suppression as therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   
Donor APCs are required for maximal GVHD but not for GVL   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major source of morbidity in allogenic stem cell transplantation. We previously showed that recipient antigen-presenting cells (APCs) are required for CD8-dependent GVHD in a mouse model across only minor histocompatibility antigens (minor H antigens). However, these studies did not address the function of donor-derived APCs after GVHD is initiated. Here we show that GVHD develops in recipients of donor major histocompatibility complex class I-deficient (MHC I(-)) bone marrow. Thus, after initial priming, CD8 cells caused GVHD without a further requirement for hematopoietic APCs, indicating that host APCs are necessary and sufficient for GHVD. Nonetheless, GVHD was less severe in recipients of MHC I(-) bone marrow. Therefore, once initiated, GVHD is intensified by donor-derived cells, most probably donor APCs cross-priming alloreactive CD8 cells. Nevertheless, donor APCs were not required for CD8-mediated graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) against a mouse model of chronic-phase chronic myelogenous leukemia. These studies identify donor APCs as a new target for treating GVHD, which may preserve GVL.  相似文献   
Estimating hypermutation rates from clonal tree data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To understand the mechanisms underlying the varying patterns of mutations that occur during immune and autoimmune responses, estimates of the somatic hypermutation rate are critical. However, despite its significance, precise estimates of the mutation rate do not currently exist. Microdissection studies of mutating B cell clones provide an opportunity to measure this rate more accurately than previously possible. Each microdissection provides a number of clonally related sequences that, through the analysis of shared mutations, can be genealogically related to each other. The shape of these clonal trees is influenced by many processes, including the hypermutation rate. We have developed two different methods to estimate the mutation rate based on these data. These methods are applied to two sets of experimental data, one from an autoimmune response and one from the antihapten response to (4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)acetyl (NP). Comparable mutation rates are estimated for both responses, 0.7-0.9 x 10(-3) and 0.9-1.1 x 10(-3) bp(-1) division(-1) for the autoimmune and NP responses, respectively. In addition to comparing the results of the two procedures, we investigate the effect on our estimate of assumptions, such as the fraction of lethal mutations.  相似文献   
Target antigens determine graft-versus-host disease phenotype   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chronic graft-vs-host disease (cGVHD) is an increasingly frequent complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Phenotypically, cGVHD differs from patient to patient; in particular, a subset of patients develops extensive cutaneous fibrosis. Similarly, graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) is distinct in inbred murine donor:recipient pairings, indicating a genetic component to disease phenotype. The B10.D2 -->BALB/c (H-2d) strain pairing uniquely recapitulates key pathologic features of fibrotic human cutaneous cGVHD. To distinguish whether this genetic component is due to differences in genes that modulate immune responses or to the specific Ags targeted, we asked whether skin-dominant cGVHD also develops in the B10 -->BALB.B (H-2b) and B10.BR -->BALB.K (H-2k) MHC-congenic pairings. Because each MHC haplotype presents different peptides and selects different T cell repertoires, GVHD in each donor:recipient pair undoubtedly targets different Ags. We found that, in contrast to BALB/c recipients, BALB.B mice never manifested skin disease while BALB.K mice developed a modified form of skin disease. Instead, BALB.B and BALB.K recipients developed systemic GVHD which was absent in BALB/c mice. Moreover, in (B10 x B10.D2)F1 -->(BALB.B x BALB/c)F1 H-2b/d transplants, recipients developed both cutaneous and systemic disease. Thus, the selection of immunodominant Ags determines the target and character of GVHD, providing insight into the genetic basis for different forms of GVHD.  相似文献   
Depletion of B cells in murine lupus: efficacy and resistance   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In mice, genetic deletion of B cells strongly suppresses systemic autoimmunity, providing a rationale for depleting B cells to treat autoimmunity. In fact, B cell depletion with rituximab is approved for rheumatoid arthritis patients, and clinical trials are underway for systemic lupus erythematosus. Yet, basic questions concerning mechanism, pathologic effect, and extent of B cell depletion cannot be easily studied in humans. To better understand how B cell depletion affects autoimmunity, we have generated a transgenic mouse expressing human CD20 on B cells in an autoimmune-prone MRL/MpJ-Fas(lpr) (MRL/lpr) background. Using high doses of a murine anti-human CD20 mAb, we were able to achieve significant depletion of B cells, which in turn markedly ameliorated clinical and histologic disease as well as antinuclear Ab and serum autoantibody levels. However, we also found that B cells were quite refractory to depletion in autoimmune-prone strains compared with non-autoimmune-prone strains. This was true with multiple anti-CD20 Abs, including a new anti-mouse CD20 Ab, and in several different autoimmune-prone strains. Thus, whereas successful B cell depletion is a promising therapy for lupus, at least some patients might be resistant to the therapy as a byproduct of the autoimmune condition itself.  相似文献   
The paucity of murine memory B cell markers has been a significant impediment to the study of memory. The most commonly used marker is IgG, which is neither sensitive nor specific, because activated nonmemory cells can be IgG(+), and memory cells can be IgM(+). In this article, we show that, together, PD-L2 (CD273), CD80, and CD73 define at least five phenotypic subsets of murine memory B cells. These subsets are generated from naive cells bearing a single BCR in response to a single T-dependent Ag. This diversity is independent of class switch, because IgG(1)- and IgM-bearing memory cells are found within each compartment. Memory subsets defined by PD-L2, CD80, and CD73 are biologically distinct from one another, because they differ in ontogeny and selection. Together, these distinctions suggest that there is a spectrum of memory B cells and progressive acquisition from more naive-like to more memory-like properties.  相似文献   
Ag, in the form of immune complexes retained on follicular dendritic cells, has been implicated in the development and maintenance of B cell memory. We addressed this question using a H chain transgenic (Tg) mouse model that lacks secreted Ig (mIg), and thus does not deposit Ag-containing immune complexes. We compared the ability of the mIg strain and a control Tg strain, which secretes IgM, to develop and maintain long-lived memory cells. After immunization, there was an increase of Ag-specific B cells in both strains that was maintained for at least 20 wk. We labeled the long-lived Ag-specific cells with BrdU and found that this population was similarly maintained. In addition, both Tgs were able to maintain a functional memory response as measured by secondary germinal center reactions. Our studies indicate that localization of Ag on follicular dendritic cells is not necessary for development and maintenance of B cell memory.  相似文献   
Autoreactive B cells are activated by DNA, chromatin, or chromatin-containing immune complexes (ICs) through a mechanism dependent on dual engagement of the BCR and TLR9. We examined the contribution of endogenous DNA sequence elements to this process. DNA sequence can determine both recognition by the BCR and by TLR9. DNA fragments containing CpG islands, a natural source of unmethylated CpG dinucleotides, promote the activation of DNA-reactive B cells derived from BCR transgenic mice as well as DNA-reactive B cells present in the normal repertoire. ICs containing these CpG island fragments are potent ligands for AM14 IgG2a-reactive B cells. In contrast, ICs containing total mammalian DNA, or DNA fragments lacking immunostimulatory motifs, fail to induce B cell proliferation, indicating that BCR crosslinking alone is insufficient to activate low-affinity autoreactive B cells. Importantly, priming B cells with IFN-alpha lowers the BCR activation threshold and relaxes the selectivity for CpG-containing DNA. Taken together, our findings underscore the importance of endogenous CpG-containing DNAs in the TLR9-dependent activation of autoreactive B cells and further identify an important mechanism through which IFN-alpha can contribute to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus.  相似文献   
Intracerebral inoculation with mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 results in viral replication in the CNS and liver. To investigate whether B cells are important for controlling mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 infection, we infected muMT mice who lack membrane-bound IgM and therefore mature B lymphocytes. Infectious virus peaked and was cleared from the livers of muMT and wild-type mice. However, while virus was cleared from the CNS of wild-type mice, virus persisted in the CNS of muMT mice. To determine how B cells mediate viral clearance, we first assessed CD4(+) T cell activation in the absence of B cells as APC. CD4(+) T cells express wild-type levels of CD69 after infection in muMT mice. IFN-gamma production in response to viral Ag in muMT mice was also normal during acute infection, but was decreased 31 days postinfection compared with that in wild-type mice. The role of Ab in viral clearance was also assessed. In wild-type mice plasma cells appeared in the CNS around the time that virus is cleared. The muMT mice that received A59-specific Ab had decreased virus, while mice with B cells deficient in Ab secretion did not clear virus from the CNS. Viral persistence was not detected in FcR or complement knockout mice. These data suggest that clearance of infectious mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 from the CNS requires Ab production and perhaps B cell support of T cells; however, virus is cleared from the liver without the involvement of Abs or B cells.  相似文献   
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