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A kinetic study of induction of the enzymes of the lactose operon was carried out under conditions known to affect the kinetics of derepression of the enzymes of the histidine operon. The results show that the lactose system is similar to the histidine system in its responsiveness to conditions thought to affect the formylating capacity of the cell. This was demonstrated in the following ways: (i) trimethoprim, which is known to reduce the formylating capacity of the cell, gives rise to a relatively long interval between the times of induction of beta-galactosidase and transacetylase; (ii) under conditions in which the histidine operon is derepressed, chloramphenicol causes a prolongation of the interval between the times of induction of the two enzymes, and this prolongation is reversed by adenine, methionine, and serine, compounds known to enrich the one-carbon pool of the cell; and (iii) 4-amino-5-imidazolcarboxamide ribonucleoside, a compound which may act as a drain for formyl groups, reverses the effect of the latter compounds. The finding that the interval between the times of induction of the two enzymes is shortened under conditions expected to maintain a relatively high intracellular fo rmylating capacity suggests that under certain conditions translation of the polycistronic messenger ribonucleic acid of the lactose operon may be initiated at more than one site or may proceed more rapidly from the operator end.  相似文献   
The ability of seeds to withstand desiccation develops during embryogenesis and differs considerably among species. Paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) grains readily survive dehydration to as low as 2% water content, whereas North American wild rice (Zizania palustris var interior [Fasset] Dore) grains are not tolerant of water contents below 6% and are sensitive to drying and imbibition conditions. During embryogenesis, dehydrin proteins, abscisic acid (ABA), and saccharides are synthesized, and all have been implicated in the development of desiccation tolerance. We examined the accumulation patterns of dehydrin protein, ABA, and soluble saccharides (sucrose and oligosaccharides) of rice embryos and wild rice axes in relation to the development of desiccation tolerance during embryogenesis. Dehydrin protein was detected immunologically with an antibody raised against a conserved dehydrin amino acid sequence. Both rice and wild rice embryos accumulated a 21-kD dehydrin protein during development, and an immunologically related 38-kD protein accumulated similarly in rice. Dehydrin protein synthesis was detected before desiccation tolerance had developed in both rice embryos and wild rice axes. However, the major accumulation of dehydrin occurred after most seeds of both species had become desiccation tolerant. ABA accumulated in wild rice axes to about twice the amount present in rice embryos. There were no obvious relationships between ABA and the temporal expression patterns of dehydrin protein in either rice or wild rice. Wild rice axes accumulated about twice as much sucrose as rice embryos. Oligosaccharides were present at only about one-tenth of the maximum sucrose concentrations in both rice and wild rice. We conclude that the desiccation sensitivity displayed by wild rice grains is not due to an inability to synthesize dehydrin proteins, ABA, or soluble carbohydrates.  相似文献   
Single cell suspensions of human keratinocytes when seeded onto floating three-dimensional gels constructed with type I collagen form a tissue resembling epidermis. These morphogenetic events occur in a serum-free environment in the absence of fibroblasts. Light and transmission electron microscopy show that cells form a basal layer plus suprabasilar cell layers corresponding to the stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, and stratum corneum. The suprabasilar keratinocyte layers show morphologies which resemble intact skin in which cells are connected by desmosomes and contain intermediate filaments and keratohyalin-fillagrin granules. The basal cell layer differs from skin in vivo in that there is no connection to a basement membrane via hemidesmosomes. Cells in the basal layers are polarized as evidenced by the secretion of type IV collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycans, and laminin at the cell membrane interface with the collagen gel. These proteins are not organized into a cytological basement membrane. Bullous pemphigoid antigen, a protein component of hemidesmosomes, is synthesized by basal keratinocytes, but like the basement membrane proteins it is not incorporated into a definable cytological structure. Keratinocytes in the basal and suprabasilar layers also synthesize α2β1 integrins. The mechanisms of keratinocyte adhesion to the gel may be through the interactions of this cell surface receptor with laminin and type IV collagen synthesized by the cell and/or direct interactions between the receptor and type I collagen within the gel. This in vitro experimental system is a useful model for defining the molecular events which control the formation and turnover of basement membranes and the mechanisms by which keratinocytes adhere to type I collagen when sheets of keratinocytes are used clinically for wound coverage.  相似文献   
Local environmental features can shape hybrid zone dynamics when hybrids are bounded by ecotones or when patchily distributed habitat types lead to a corresponding mosaic of genotypes. We investigated the role of marsh‐level characteristics in shaping a hybrid zone between two recently diverged avian taxa – Saltmarsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) and Nelson's (A. nelsoni) sparrows. These species occupy different niches where allopatric, with caudacutus restricted to coastal marshes and nelsoni found in a broader array of wetland and grassland habitats and co‐occur in tidal marshes in sympatry. We determined the influence of habitat types on the distribution of pure and hybrid sparrows and assessed the degree of overlap in the ecological niche of each taxon. To do this, we sampled and genotyped 305 sparrows from 34 marshes across the hybrid zone and from adjacent regions. We used linear regression to test for associations between marsh characteristics and the distribution of pure and admixed sparrows. We found a positive correlation between genotype and environmental variables with a patchy distribution of genotypes and habitats across the hybrid zone. Ecological niche models suggest that the hybrid niche was more similar to that of A. nelsoni and habitat suitability was influenced strongly by distance from coastline. Our results support a mosaic model of hybrid zone maintenance, suggesting a role for local environmental features in shaping the distribution and frequency of pure species and hybrids across space.  相似文献   
The expression of stable recombinant human collagen requires an expression system capable of post-translational modifications and assembly of the procollagen polypeptides. Two genes were expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to produce both propeptide chains that constitute human type I procollagen. Two additional genes were expressed coding for the subunits of prolyl hydroxylase, an enzyme that post-translationally modifies procollagen and that confers heat (thermal) stability to the triple helical conformation of the collagen molecule. Type I procollagen was produced as a stable heterotrimeric helix similar to type I procollagen produced in tissue culture. A key requirement for glutamate was identified as a medium supplement to obtain high expression levels of type I procollagen as heat-stable heterotrimers in Saccharomyces. Expression of these four genes was sufficient for correct assembly and processing of type I procollagen in a eucaryotic system that does not produce collagen.  相似文献   
Dispersal and gene flow within animal populations are influenced by the composition and configuration of the landscape. In this study, we evaluated hypotheses about the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on genetic differentiation in two amphibian species, the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) in a commercial forest in central Maine. We conducted this analysis at two scales: a local level, focused on factors measured at each breeding pond, and a landscape level, focused on factors measured between ponds. We investigated the effects of a number of environmental factors in six categories including Productivity, Physical, Land Composition, Land Configuration, Isolation and Location. Embryos were sampled from 56 spotted salamander breeding ponds and 39 wood frog breeding ponds. We used a hierarchical Bayesian approach in the program GESTE at each breeding pond and a random forest algorithm in conjunction with a network analysis between the ponds. We found overall high genetic connectivity across distances up to 17 km for both species and a limited effect of natural and anthropogenic factors on gene flow. We found the null models best explained patterns of genetic differentiation at a local level and found several factors at the landscape level that weakly influenced gene flow. This research indicates multiscale investigations that incorporate local and landscape factors are valuable for understanding patterns of gene flow. Our findings suggest that dispersal rates in this system are high enough to minimize genetic structuring and that current forestry practices do not significantly impede dispersal.  相似文献   
Barnacle adhesion strength was used to screen seventy-seven polydimethylsiloxane elastomeric coatings for fouling-release properties. The test coatings were designed to investigate the effect on barnacle adhesion strength of silicone fluid additive type, additive location, additive molecular weight, additive loading level, mixtures of additives, coating matrix type and coating fillers. The type of silicone fluid additive was the primary controlling factor in barnacle fouling-release. The type of silicone matrix in which the fluid resided was found to alter the effect on fouling-release. Two PDMS fluids, DMSC15 and DBE224, significantly reduced the adhesion strength of barnacles compared to unmodified elastomers. Optimum fouling-release performance was dependent on the interaction of fluid type and elastomeric matrix.  相似文献   
Climate-induced phenological shifts can influence population, evolutionary, and ecological dynamics, but our understanding of these phenomena is hampered by a lack of long-term demographic data. We use a multi-decade census of 5 salmonid species representing 14 life histories in a warming Alaskan stream to address the following key questions about climate change and phenology: How consistent are temporal patterns and drivers of phenology for similar species and alternative life histories? Are shifts in phenology associated with changes in phenotypic variation? How do phenological changes influence the availability of resource subsidies? For most salmonid species, life stages, and life histories, freshwater temperature influences migration timing – migration events are occurring earlier in time (mean = 1.7 days earlier per decade over the 3–5 decades), and the number of days over which migration events occur is decreasing (mean = 1.5 days per decade). Temporal trends in migration timing were not correlated with changes in intra-annual phenotypic variation, suggesting that these components of the phenotypic distribution have responded to environmental change independently. Despite commonalities across species and life histories, there was important biocomplexity in the form of disparate shifts in migration timing and variation in the environmental factors influencing migration timing for alternative life history strategies in the same population. Overall, adult populations have been stable during these phenotypic and environmental changes (λ ≈1.0), but the temporal availability of salmon as a resource in freshwater has decreased by nearly 30 days since 1971 due to changes in the median date of migration timing and decreases in intra-annual variation in migration timing. These novel observations advance our understanding of phenological change in response to climate warming, and indicate that climate change has influenced the ecology of salmon populations, which will have important consequences for the numerous species that depend on this resource.  相似文献   


Post influenza pneumonia is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, with mortality rates approaching 60% when bacterial infections are secondary to multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogens. Staphylococcus aureus, in particular community acquired MRSA (cMRSA), has emerged as a leading cause of post influenza pneumonia.


Linezolid (LZD) prevents acute lung injury in murine model of post influenza bacterial pneumonia


Mice were infected with HINI strain of influenza and then challenged with cMRSA at day 7, treated with antibiotics (LZD or Vanco) or vehicle 6 hours post bacterial challenge and lungs and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) harvested at 24 hours for bacterial clearance, inflammatory cell influx, cytokine/chemokine analysis and assessment of lung injury.


Mice treated with LZD or Vanco had lower bacterial burden in the lung and no systemic dissemination, as compared to the control (no antibiotic) group at 24 hours post bacterial challenge. As compared to animals receiving Vanco, LZD group had significantly lower numbers of neutrophils in the BAL (9×103 vs. 2.3×104, p < 0.01), which was associated with reduced levels of chemotactic chemokines and inflammatory cytokines KC, MIP-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-1β in the BAL. Interestingly, LZD treatment also protected mice from lung injury, as assessed by albumin concentration in the BAL post treatment with H1N1 and cMRSA when compared to vanco treatment. Moreover, treatment with LZD was associated with significantly lower levels of PVL toxin in lungs.


Linezolid has unique immunomodulatory effects on host inflammatory response and lung injury in a murine model of post-viral cMRSA pneumonia.  相似文献   
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