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PGRP-S (Tag7) is an innate immunity protein involved in the antimicrobial defense systems, both in insects and in mammals. We have previously shown that Tag7 specifically interacts with several proteins, including Hsp70 and the calcium binding protein S100A4 (Mts1), providing a number of novel cellular functions. Here we show that Tag7–Mts1 complex causes chemotactic migration of lymphocytes, with NK cells being a preferred target. Cells of either innate immunity (neutrophils and monocytes) or acquired immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes) can produce this complex, which confirms the close connection between components of the 2 branches of immune response.  相似文献   
A major feature of Alzheimer's disease is the deposition of the amyloid beta peptide (Abeta) in the brain by mechanisms which remain unclear. One hypothesis suggests that oxidative stress and Abeta aggregation are interrelated processes. Protein kinase C, a major neuronal regulatory protein is activated after oxidative stress and is also altered in the Alzheimer's disease brain. Therefore, we examined the effects of Abeta(1-40) peptide on the protein kinase C cascade and cell death in primary neuronal cultures following anoxic conditions. Treatment with Abeta(1-40) for 48 h caused a significant increase in the content and activity of Ca2+ dependent and Ca2+ independent protein kinase C isoforms. By 72 h various protein kinase C isoforms were down-regulated. Following 90 min anoxia and 6 h normoxia, a decrease in protein kinase C isoforms was noticed, independent of Abeta(1-40) treatment. A combination of Abeta(1-40) and 30-min anoxia enhanced cytotoxicity as noticed by a marked loss in the mitochondrial ability to convert 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide and by enhanced 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole nuclear staining. Phosphorylation of two downstream protein kinase C substrates of apparent molecular mass 80 and 43 kDa, tentatively identified as the myristoyl alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS), were gradually elevated up to 72 h upon incubation with Abeta(1-40). Anoxia followed by 30 min normoxia enhanced MARCKS phosphorylation in the membrane but not in the cytosolic fraction. In the presence of Abeta(1-40), phosphorylation of MARCKS was reduced. After 6 h normoxia, MARCKS phosphorylatability was diminished possibly because of protein kinase C down-regulation. The data suggest that a biphasic modulation of protein kinase C and MARCKS by Abeta(1-40) combined with anoxic stress may play a role in Alzheimer's disease pathology.  相似文献   
The effect of amyloid (A), the major constituent of the Alzheimer's (AD) brain on lipid metabolism was investigated in cultured nerve cells and in a fetal rat brain model. Differentiated (NGF) and undifferentiated PC12 cells or primary cerebral cell cultures were incubated with [14C]acetate in the absence or presence of A1–40. Incorporation of label into lipid species was determined after lipid extraction and TLC separation. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylserine (PS) synthesis was increased by A1–40, in a dose dependent manner, an effect which was more pronounced in differentiated PC12 cells. A significant proportion of radioactivity (5–6%) was released into the medium with a radioactivity distribution similar to that of the cellular lipids. Cholesterol and PC were the highest labeled medium lipids. Increasing A1–40 concentration up to 0.1 g/ml in cerebral cells but not in PC12 cells, caused a relative increase (1.5 fold) in release of PS, while that of PE decreased. Stimulation of PS release may possibly be associated with apoptotic cell death. A1–40 peptide (5 g) was administered intraperitonealy into rat fetuses (18 days gestation) along with [14C]acetate (2Ci/fetus). After 24 h, the maternal-fetal blood supply was occluded for 20 min (ischemia) followed by 15 min reperfusion. Fetuses were killed and liver and brain tissue subjected to lipid extraction and radioactivity determination after TLC. A1–40 peptide increased synthesis of different classes of lipids up to 20–40% in brain tissue compared to controls. Labeling of liver lipids was decreased by A1–40 by 20–30%. A general decrease in synthesis of lipids was observed after ischemia/reperfusion. Our data suggest that A1–40 peptide regulates normal lipid biosynthesis but under ischemia it compromises it. The latter finding may confirm the oxidative stress etiology in AD and suggests that A1–40 modulation of lipid metabolism may have Alzheimer's pathological relevance, particularly at high peptide concentrations.  相似文献   
10B-enriched L-p-boronophenylalanine (BPA) is one of the compounds used in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). In this study, several variations of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) were applied to investigate the uptake, clearance and metabolism of the BPA-fructose complex (BPA-F) in normal mouse kidneys, rat oligodendroglioma xenografts, and rat blood. Localized 1H MRS was capable of following the uptake and clearance of BPA-F in mouse kidneys with temporal resolution of a few minutes, while 1H MRSI was used to image the BPA distribution in the kidney with a spatial resolution of 9 mm3. The results also revealed significant dissociation of the BPA-F complex to free BPA. This finding was corroborated by 1H and 11B NMR spectroscopy of rat blood samples as well as of tumor samples excised from mice after i.v. injection of BPA-F. This investigation demonstrates the feasibility of using 1H MRS and MRSI to follow the distribution of BPA in vivo, using NMR techniques specifically designed to optimize BPA detection. The implementation of such procedures could significantly improve the clinical efficacy of BNCT.  相似文献   
We present an efficient computational architecture designed using supervised machine learning model to predict amyloid fibril forming protein segments, named AmylPepPred. The proposed prediction model is based on bio-physio-chemical properties of primary sequences and auto-correlation function of their amino acid indices. AmylPepPred provides a user friendly web interface for the researchers to easily observe the fibril forming and non-fibril forming hexmers in a given protein sequence. We expect that this stratagem will be highly encouraging in discovering fibril forming regions in proteins thereby benefit in finding therapeutic agents that specifically aim these sequences for the inhibition and cure of amyloid illnesses.


AmylPepPred is available freely for academic use at www.zoommicro.in/amylpeppred  相似文献   
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