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Sixteen dogs were studied for infestation with R. sanguineus in Kibbutz Ze'elim in the north-western part of the Negev Desert over a period of one year. The mean number of ticks per dog per month was 16.4. The majority of the ticks were adults: males (48.6%) and females (34.4%). The cars and abdomen of the dog were the predilection sites for the ticks. Male ticks were more abundant on the ears, whereas female ticks were more abundant on the ears and the abdomen. A strong correlation between tick numbers and the ambient temperatures was found. The mean percentage of dogs infested in the winter months was 16.6% and increased in the summer months to 34.4%. During winter, ticks were found more often on the ears and head of their hosts whereas in summer they were distributed mainly on the ears, headd and abdomen. The male: female ratio was higher in winter (2.3:1) than in summer (1.1:1).  相似文献   


Tick-borne rickettsioses are caused by obligate intracellular bacteria belonging to the spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae. Although Spotted Fever is prevalent in the Middle East, no reports for the presence of tick-borne pathogens are available or any studies on the epidemiology of this disease in the West Bank. We aimed to identify the circulating hard tick vectors and genetically characterize SFG Rickettsia species in ixodid ticks from the West Bank-Palestinian territories.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 1,123 ixodid ticks belonging to eight species (Haemaphysalis parva, Haemaphysalis adleri, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus bursa, Hyalomma dromedarii, Hyalomma aegyptium and Hyalomma impeltatum) were collected from goats, sheep, camels, dogs, a wolf, a horse and a tortoise in different localities throughout the West Bank during the period of January-April, 2014. A total of 867 ticks were screened for the presence of rickettsiae by PCR targeting a partial sequence of the ompA gene followed by sequence analysis. Two additional genes, 17 kDa and 16SrRNA were also targeted for further characterization of the detected Rickettsia species. Rickettsial DNA was detected in 148 out of the 867 (17%) tested ticks. The infection rates in Rh. turanicus, Rh. sanguineus, H. adleri, H. parva, H. dromedarii, and H. impeltatum ticks were 41.7, 11.6, 16.7, 16.2, 11.8 and 20%, respectively. None of the ticks, belonging to the species Rh. bursa and H. aegyptium, were infected. Four SFG rickettsiae were identified: Rickettsia massiliae, Rickettsia africae, Candidatus Rickettsia barbariae and Candidatus Rickettsia goldwasserii.


The results of this study demonstrate the geographic distribution of SFG rickettsiae and clearly indicate the presence of at least four of them in collected ticks. Palestinian clinicians should be aware of emerging tick-borne diseases in the West Bank, particularly infections due to R. massiliae and R. africae.  相似文献   
Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella for swimming or pili for twitching. By contrast, gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages to move on solid surfaces. Flavobacterium johnsoniae and other bacteria in the Bacteroidetes phylum use adhesins whose movement on the cell surface supports motility. In F. johnsoniae, secretion and helicoidal motion of the main adhesin SprB are intimately linked and depend on the type IX secretion system (T9SS). Both processes necessitate the proton motive force (PMF), which is thought to fuel a molecular motor that comprises the GldL and GldM cytoplasmic membrane proteins. Here, we show that F. johnsoniae gliding motility is powered by the pH gradient component of the PMF. We further delineate the interaction network between the GldLM transmembrane helices (TMHs) and show that conserved glutamate residues in GldL TMH2 are essential for gliding motility, although having distinct roles in SprB secretion and motion. We then demonstrate that the PMF and GldL trigger conformational changes in the GldM periplasmic domain. We finally show that multiple GldLM complexes are distributed in the membrane, suggesting that a network of motors may be present to move SprB along a helical path on the cell surface. Altogether, our results provide evidence that GldL and GldM assemble dynamic membrane channels that use the proton gradient to power both T9SS-dependent secretion of SprB and its motion at the cell surface.

Motile bacteria usually rely on external apparatus like flagella or pili, but gliding bacteria do not rely on obvious surface appendages for their movement. This study shows that bacteria in the phylum Bacteroidetes use proton-dependent motors to power protein secretion and gliding motility.  相似文献   
Quantitative proteomics based on isotopic labeling has become the method of choice to accurately determine changes in protein abundance in highly complex mixtures. Isotope‐coded protein labeling (ICPL), which is based on the nicotinoylation of proteins at lysine residues and free N‐termini was used as a simple, reliable and fast method for the comparative analysis of three different cellular states of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum through pairwise comparison. The labeled proteins were subjected to SDS‐PAGE, in‐gel digested and the proteolytic peptides were separated by LC and analyzed by MALDI‐TOF/TOF MS. Automated quantitation was performed by comparing the MS peptide signals of 12C and 13C nicotinoylated isotopic peptide pairs. The transitions between (i) aerobic growth in complex versus synthetic medium and (ii) aerobic versus anaerobic/phototrophic growth, both in complex medium, provide a wide span in nutrient and energy supply for the cell and thus allowed optimal studies of proteome changes. In these two studies, 559 and 643 proteins, respectively, could be quantified allowing a detailed analysis of the adaptation of H. salinarum to changes of its living conditions. The subtle cellular response to a wide variation of nutrient and energy supply demonstrates a fine tuning of the cellular protein inventory.  相似文献   
The aim of this interdisciplinary project is to establish slice culture preparations from rodents and humans as a new model system for studying effects of X-rays and heavy ions within normal and tumor tissues. The advantage of such slice cultures relies on the conservation of an organotypic environment, the easy treatment and observation by live-imaging microscopy, and the independence from genetic immortalization strategies used to generate cell lines. Rat brains as well as human tumors were cut into 300-μm-thick sections and cultivated in an incubator in a humidified atmosphere at 37°C. This is realized by a membrane-based culture system with a liquid–air interface. With this system, it is possible to keep rodent slices viable for several months. Human brain tumor slices remained vital for at least 21 days. Slices were irradiated with X-rays at the radiation facility of the University Hospital in Frankfurt/Main at doses up to 40 Gy. Heavy ion irradiations were performed at GSI (Darmstadt) with different ions, energies, and doses. The irradiated slices were analyzed by 3D-confocal microscopy following immunostaining for DNA damage, microglia, and proliferation markers. The phosphorylated histone γH2AX proved to be suitable for the detection of ion traversals in this system.  相似文献   
The ectoparasite fauna of reintroduced roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was surveyed in a Mediterranean forest in Israel. Ectoparasites were collected from four female hand-reared deer during 2004 and 2005. Seasonality, predilection sites of infestation, and the apparent effect of the parasites are presented. This is the first study of roe deer parasites in the East Mediterranean. The ectoparasite fauna included three hippoboscid fly (Lipoptena capreoli, Hippobosca equina, and Hippobosca longipennis), four tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus kohlsi, and Hyalomma marginatum), and one unidentified trombiculid mite species. For most of these ectoparasites, this is the first record on roe deer. All ectoparasite species were documented in Israel prior to the reintroduction program; exotic ectoparasites were not detected.  相似文献   
The signaling pathways governing pathophysiologically important autophagic (ACD) and necrotic (NCD) cell death are not entirely known. In the Dictyostelium eukaryote model, which benefits from both unique analytical and genetic advantages and absence of potentially interfering apoptotic machinery, the differentiation factor DIF leads from starvation-induced autophagy to ACD, or, if atg1 is inactivated, to NCD. Here, through random insertional mutagenesis, we found that inactivation of the iplA gene, the only gene encoding an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) in this organism, prevented ACD. The IP3R is a ligand-gated channel governing Ca2+ efflux from endoplasmic reticulum stores to the cytosol. Accordingly, Ca2+-related drugs also affected DIF signaling leading to ACD. Thus, in this system, a main pathway signaling ACD requires IP3R and further Ca2+-dependent steps. This is one of the first insights in the molecular understanding of a signaling pathway leading to autophagic cell death.  相似文献   
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