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Several methods for the estimation of the reaeration coefficient were compared by determining the ability of the methods to recover the correct K value from a computer-simulated stream oxygen record affected by a variety of non-ideal conditions. Noisy data and long observation intervals were not a serious problem for most methods. Saturating photosynthesis, fluctuating light intensity, afternoon depression and temperature variation caused failures by some methods but were well handled by others. Serious impairment of all methods occurred with low productivity or high K. In general, the best-performing methods were the modified hysteresis, nighttime regression, daytime regression, Odum and Hornberger-Kelly daytime methods.  相似文献   
The contributions of different sources of error in sampling mixed and unmixed bacterial microcosms were evaluated by using analysis of variance. Culturable heterotrophic bacteria from a turbid freshwater impoundment were sampled from 9-liter tanks that were unagitated or mixed with magnetic stirrers or pumps and from dilution bottles that were unagitated or agitated with a mechanical shaker. Axenic cultures of Enterobacter aerogenes were also sampled from manually shaken test tubes. In both agitated and unagitated tanks and in unagitated dilution bottles, dilutions made from the same sampling pipette were significantly different, showing a clumping of bacteria on the scale of millimeters. Also, microcosms within a single experiment differed from one another by a large margin. Dilution mean squares and tank or bottle mean squares were homogeneous for all types of tanks and unagitated bottles, indicating that the gentle mixing provided by pumps and stir bars did not reduce either millimeter scale or intermicrocosm variability over what prevailed in unagitated microcosms. By contrast, the vigorously shaken bottles and test tubes showed no millimeter scale variability. Intermicrocosm variability was undetectable in test tubes and two orders of magnitude less in shaken bottles than in unshaken bottles. When these facts are coupled with the inherent statistical advantage of replicating large rather than small experimental units, it is concluded that sampling error in the enumeration of aquatic bacteria in microcosms will be reduced by using numerous, small, violently agitated microcosms with a minimum of subsampling per microcosm.  相似文献   
Surfactant protein-A (SP-A) belongs to a family of collagen-containing C-type lectins called collectins. SP-A is expressed by renal tubule epithelial cells. We investigated the distribution of SP-A in renal cell carcinomas (RCC) using immunohistochemical techniques and western blotting. We used 35 formalin fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) RCC tissue samples. We compared results with clinico-pathological parameters of RCC including age, sex, Fuhrman grade, tumor volume, tumor node metastasis (TNM) and clinical stage. SP-A was localized in the glomerulus and renal tubule epithelium in nontumor tissue and strong SP-A immunoreactivity was observed in tumor tissue. SP-A was expressed in the RCC tumor cells (64%) and nontumor cells (34%) in males and RCC tumor cells (90%) and nontumor cells (30%) in females. There was a significant correlation between SP-A immunoreactivity in tumor cells and gender, age, tumor diameter, Fuhrman grade and tumor diameter. Western blot analysis supported the immunohistochemical findings. We present evidence for involvement of SP-A in RCC and suggest that increased SP-A expression in RCC is associated with favorable prognosis.  相似文献   
A "gold" standard test, providing definitive verification of disease status, may be quite invasive or expensive. Current technological advances provide less invasive, or less expensive, diagnostic tests. Ideally, a diagnostic test is evaluated by comparing it with a definitive gold standard test. However, the decision to perform the gold standard test to establish the presence or absence of disease is often influenced by the results of the diagnostic test, along with other measured, or not measured, risk factors. If only data from patients who received the gold standard test were used to assess the test performance, the commonly used measures of diagnostic test performance--sensitivity and specificity--are likely to be biased. Sensitivity would often be higher, and specificity would be lower, than the true values. This bias is called verification bias. Without adjustment for verification bias, one may possibly introduce into the medical practice a diagnostic test with apparent, but not truly, high sensitivity. In this article, verification bias is treated as a missing covariate problem. We propose a flexible modeling and computational framework for evaluating the performance of a diagnostic test, with adjustment for nonignorable verification bias. The presented computational method can be utilized with any software that can repetitively use a logistic regression module. The approach is likelihood-based, and allows use of categorical or continuous covariates. An explicit formula for the observed information matrix is presented, so that one can easily compute standard errors of estimated parameters. The methodology is illustrated with a cardiology data example. We perform a sensitivity analysis of the dependency of verification selection process on disease.  相似文献   
三氧化二砷对食管癌细胞增殖和热休克蛋白70表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究三氧化二砷(As2O3)对食管癌细胞增殖和热休克蛋白70(HSP70)表达的影响。方法:通过相差显微镜、流式细胞术、免疫细胞化学染色和免疫印迹分析等方法观察As2O3对人食管癌细胞株EC1的作用效果和作用机制。结果:与对照组相比,经2μmol/L和5μmol/Las2O3作用的细胞出现明显的生长抑制,G2/M期细胞比例增加;2μmol/Las2O3作用48h后经Ecl细胞HSP70(heat shock protein70)及HSC70(heat shock cognate protein70)表达均增加。结论:As2O3诱导食管癌细胞G2/M期阻滞抑制细胞增殖和生长;HSP70的升高是细胞对As2O3作用后出现的应激反应,并与细胞周期阻滞相关。  相似文献   
For the development of a method for the prediction of single point mutations substantially affecting protein thermostability, we studied the effect of the E85R and R82E mutations on the thermostability of thioredoxins from Escherichia coli (Trx) and Bacillus acidocaldarius (BacTrx), respectively. The basic method of investigation was the molecular dynamics simulation of 3D protein models in a particular solvent at different temperatures (300 and 373 K). Some thermolabile regions in Trx, BacTrx, and their mutants were revealed by analyzing the temperature effect on the molecular dynamics of the protein molecule. The effect of single point mutations on the temperature changes of the protein conformation mobility in several thermolabile regions was found. The results of the calculations are in accord with the experimental data indicating that the mutation E85R increases Trx thermostability, whereas the mutation R82E decreases BacTrx thermostability. The thermostability of these proteins was revealed to depend on ionic interactions between the thermolabile regions. The single point mutations change the parameters of these interactions and make them more favorable in the E85R-Trx mutant and less favorable in the R82E-BacTrx mutant. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004, vol. 30, no. 5; see also http: // www.maik.ru.  相似文献   
Our research on hydantoin based TNF-α converting enzyme (TACE) inhibitors has led to an acetylene containing series that demonstrates sub-nanomolar potency (K(i)) as well as excellent activity in human whole blood. These studies led to the discovery of highly potent TACE inhibitors with good DMPK profiles.  相似文献   
DNA-protein cross-links form when guanine undergoes a 1-electron oxidation in a flash-quench experiment, and the importance of reactive oxygen species, protein, and photosensitizer is examined here. In these experiments, a strong oxidant produced by oxidative quenching of a DNA-bound photosensitizer generates an oxidized guanine base that reacts with protein to form the covalent adduct. These cross-links are cleaved by hot piperidine and are not the result of reactive oxygen species, since neither a hydroxyl radical scavenger (mannitol) nor oxygen affects the yield of DNA-histone cross-linking, as determined via a chloroform extraction assay. The cross-linking yield depends on protein, decreasing as histone > cytochrome c > bovine serum albumin. The yield does not depend on the cytochrome oxidation state, suggesting that reduction of the guanine radical by ferrocytochrome c does not compete effectively with cross-linking. The photosensitizer strongly influences the cross-linking yield, which decreases in the order Ru(phen)(2)dppz(2+) [phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; dppz = dipyridophenazine] > Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) [bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine] > acridine orange > ethidium, in accordance with measured oxidation potentials. A long-lived transient absorption signal for ethidium dication in poly(dG-dC) confirms that guanine oxidation is inefficient for this photosensitizer. From a polyacrylamide sequencing gel of a (32)P-labeled 40-mer, all of these photosensitizers are shown to damage guanines preferentially at the 5' G of 5'-GG-3' steps, consistent with a 1-electron oxidation. Additional examination of ethidium shows that it can generate cross-links between histone and plasmid DNA (pUC19) and that the yield depends on the quencher. Altogether, these results illustrate the versatility of the flash-quench technique as a way to generate physiologically relevant DNA-protein adducts via the oxidation of guanine and expand the scope of such cross-linking reactions to include proteins that may associate only transiently with DNA.  相似文献   
R.MvaI is a Type II restriction enzyme (REase), which specifically recognizes the pentanucleotide DNA sequence 5'-CCWGG-3' (W indicates A or T). It belongs to a family of enzymes, which recognize related sequences, including 5'-CCSGG-3' (S indicates G or C) in the case of R.BcnI, or 5'-CCNGG-3' (where N indicates any nucleoside) in the case of R.ScrFI. REases from this family hydrolyze the phosphodiester bond in the DNA between the 2nd and 3rd base in both strands, thereby generating a double strand break with 5'-protruding single nucleotides. So far, no crystal structures of REases with similar cleavage patterns have been solved. Characterization of sequence-structure-function relationships in this family would facilitate understanding of evolution of sequence specificity among REases and could aid in engineering of enzymes with new specificities. However, sequences of R.MvaI or its homologs show no significant similarity to any proteins with known structures, thus precluding straightforward comparative modeling. We used a fold recognition approach to identify a remote relationship between R.MvaI and the structure of DNA repair enzyme MutH, which belongs to the PD-(D/E)XK superfamily together with many other REases. We constructed a homology model of R.MvaI and used it to predict functionally important amino acid residues and the mode of interaction with the DNA. In particular, we predict that only one active site of R.MvaI interacts with the DNA target at a time, and the cleavage of both strands (5'-CCAGG-3' and 5'-CCTGG-3') is achieved by two independent catalytic events. The model is in good agreement with the available experimental data and will serve as a template for further analyses of R.MvaI, R.BcnI, R.ScrFI and other related enzymes.  相似文献   
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