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Trait genes are usually introduced into the plant genome together with a marker gene. The last one becomes unnecessary after transgene selection and characterization. One of the strategies to produce transgenic plants free from the selectable marker is based on site-specific recombination. The present study employed the transient Cre-lox system to remove the nptII marker gene from potato. Transient marker gene excision involves introduction of Cre protein in lox-target plants by PVX virus vector followed by plant regeneration. Using optimized experimental conditions, such as particle bombardment infection method and application of P19 silencing suppressor protein, 20-27% of regenerated plants were identified by PCR analysis as marker-free. Based on our comparison of the recombination frequencies observed in this study to the efficiency of other methods to avoid or eliminate marker genes in potato, we suggest that PVX-Cre mediated site-specific excisional recombination is a useful tool to generate potato plants without superfluous transgenic sequences.  相似文献   
Here we report the production of marker-free transgenic plants expressing phenolic compounds with high pharmacological value. Our strategy consisted in simultaneous delivery of lox-target and cre-containing constructs into the plant genome by cotransformation. In the Cre-vector, the cre recombinase gene was controlled by a seed-specific napin promoter. In the lox-target construct the selectable bar gene was placed between two lox sites in direct orientation, while a napin promoter driven vstI gene was inserted outside of the lox sites. Upon seed-specific cre induction the bar expression cassette was excised from the tobacco genome. Genetic and molecular analysis of T1 progeny plants indicated DNA excision in all 10 transgenic lines tested. RP-HPLC analysis demonstrated that the expression of the vstI gene resulted in accumulation of trans-resveratrol and its glycosylated derivative piceid in seeds of all marker free lines. These findings indicate that the seed-specific marker gene excision did not interfere with the expression of the gene of interest. Our data demonstrated the feasi of a developmentally controlled cre gene to mediate site-specific excision in tobacco very efficiently.  相似文献   
To study the impact of regulatory sequences from Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) on Cre-mediated recombination rates, the cre gene was flanked by the 5′ non-translated and 3′ non-translated regions of CPMV. This cre configuration was tested by simultaneous excision of nptII selectable marker gene and heat-inducible cre recombinase gene in potato. Fusion of the cre recombinase sequence with modified regulatory sequences of CPMV increased both the excision efficiencies in primary regenerants and transmission frequencies of recombined loci to vegetative progeny as was confirmed by molecular analysis. These data might have practical implication with regard to selection of putative recombinants in vegetative progeny of potato and other clonally propagated plants as well.  相似文献   
Agroinfiltration was used to express transiently cre recombinase from bacteriophage P1 in planta. Activation of gfp expression after cre-mediated excision of a bar intervening sequence served as a marker to monitor site-specific recombination events in lox-target N. benthamiana plants. Gfp expressing regenerants from A. tumefaciens infiltrated leaves were obtained with an efficiency of about 34%. In 20% of the regenerants bar gene excision was due to the expression of stably integrated cre gene, whereas in 14% of plants site-specific recombination was a consequence of transient cre expression. Phenotypic and molecular data indicated that the recombined state has been transferred to the T1 generation. These results demonstrate the suitability of agroinfiltration for the expression of cre recombinase in vivo.  相似文献   
Transgenic Research - In this short communication, we report that the cell cycle checkpoint genes At-CycD2 and At-CDC27a from Arabidopsis thaliana enhance the transient heterologous protein...  相似文献   
We have developed a self-excision Cre-vector to remove marker genes from Brassica napus. In this vector cre recombinase gene and bar expression cassette were inserted between two lox sites in direct orientation. These lox-flanked sequences were placed between the seed-specific napin promoter and the gene of interest (vstI). Tissue-specific cre activation resulted in simultaneous excision of the recombinase and marker genes. The vector was introduced into B. napus by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. F1 progeny of seven lines with single and multiple transgene insertions was subjected to segregation and molecular analysis. Marker-free plants could be detected and confirmed by PCR and Southern blot in all transgenic lines tested. The recombination efficiency expressed as a ratio of plants with complete gene excision to the total number of investigated plants varied from 13 to 81% dependent on the transgene copy number. Potential application of this system would be the establishment of marker-free transgenic plants in generatively propagated species.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana At-4/1 is the protein of unknown function capable of polar localization in plant cells and intercellular trafficking. In this work, we cloned cDNAs and chromosomal genes of At-4/1 orthologues from several Nicotiana species. Similarly to the 4/1 genes of A. thaliana and Oryza sativa, Nicotiana 4/1 genes have eight exons and seven introns but are considerably longer due to their larger introns. The allotetraploid genome of Nicotiana tabacum, which is known to consist of the ‘S genome’ originated from Nicotiana sylvestris and the ‘T genome’ derived from Nicotiana tomentosiformis, encodes two 4/1 genes. The T genome-encoded 4/1 gene, but not that of the S genome, contains a SINE-like transposable element in its intron 2. The 4/1 genes of Nicotiana hesperis and Nicotiana benthamiana lack such an element in the intron 2, but possess a related SINE-like sequence in their intron 4. Collectively, the sequence analysis data provide an insight into the organization of 4/1 genes in flowering plants and the patterns of evolution in the genus Nicotiana. The Nicotiana 4/1 proteins and those of other flowering plants show a significant level of sequence similarity. Computer-assisted analysis was further used to compare their predicted secondary structures. Several algorithms confidently predicted the presence of several coiled-coil domains occupying similar positions in different 4/1 proteins. Analysis of circular dichroism spectra carried out for bacterially expressed N. tabacum 4/1 protein (Nt-4/1) and its N- and C-terminally truncated mutants confirmed that the secondary structure of Nt-4/1 is generally alpha-helical. The C-terminal region of Nt-4/1 was found to undergo a partial proteolysis in Escherichia coli cells. Differential scanning calorimetry of Nt-4/1 protein and its mutants revealed three calorimetric domains most probably corresponding to the N-terminal, central, and C-terminal structural domains of the protein.  相似文献   
The Nicotiana tabacum Nt-4/1 protein is a plant-specific protein of unknown function. Analysis of bacterially expressed Nt-4/1 protein in vitro revealed that the protein secondary structure is mostly alpha-helical and suggested that it could consist of three structural domains. Earlier studies of At-4/1, the Arabidopsis thaliana-encoded ortholog of Nt-4/1, demonstrated that GFP-fused At-4/1 was capable of polar localization in plant cells, association with plasmodesmata, and cell-to-cell transport. Together with the At-4/1 ability to interact with a plant virus movement protein, these data supported the hypothesis of the At-4/1 protein involvement in viral transport through plasmodesmata. Studies of the Nt-4/1-GFP fusion protein reported in this paper revealed that the protein was localized to cytoplasmic bodies, which were co-aligned with actin filaments and capable of actin-dependent intracellular movement. The Nt-4/1-GFP bodies, being non-membrane structures, were found in association with the plasma membrane, the tubular endoplasmic reticulum and endosome-like structures. Bimolecular fluorescence complementation experiments and inhibition of nuclear export showed that the Nt-4/1 protein was capable of nuclear-cytoplasmic transport. The nuclear export signal (NES) was identified in the Nt-4/1 protein by site-directed mutagenesis. The Nt-4/1 NES mutant was localized to the nucleoplasm forming spherical bodies. Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy of cytoplasmic Nt-4/1-containing bodies and nuclear structures containing the Nt-4/1 NES mutant revealed differences in their fine structure. In mammalian cells, Nt-4/1-GFP formed cytoplasmic spherical bodies similar to those found for the Nt-4/1 NES mutant in plant cell nuclei. Using dynamic laser light scattering and electron microscopy, the Nt-4/1 protein was found to form multimeric complexes in vitro.  相似文献   
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