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Reproductive physiology was studied in female stumptail macaques. Initially the monkeys were housed indoors (individually and in small groups) and later as one large (92 individuals) social group in an outdoor cage. Most data were collected during the 4-year outdoor period. Plasma progesterone determination in blood samples taken at weekly intervals allowed estimation of ovulation and conception dates. The age at first ovulation (X =3.73 years) was positively correlated with body weight at 3 years of age. The average age at first birth was 4.90 years. Gestation lengths averaged 176.6 days. Following a live birth ovulations returned after a mean interval of 11 months but following an abortion or still birth this interval was 1 month. Usually a number of ovulatory cycles (X =2.37) preceded a conception. Interbirth intervals (IBIs) in the outdoor cage (X =619.4 days) were significantly longer than IBIs during the indoor period (X =523.1), because indoors the infants were weaned at the age of 7 months, while outdoors weaning occurred more naturally. IBIs following abortions or still births (X =291.9 days) were significantly shorter than IBIs following live births. Age at first ovulation, age at first birth, IBIs, and infant production rates were not correlated with dominance rank. Ovarian cycle lengths (X =30.2 days, mode = 28 days) were comparable to previously reported data from laboratory-housed stumptails. No systematic seasonal fluctuations were found in the onset of sexual maturity, in ovarian cycle lengths, in copulation frequencies, and in distribution of births.  相似文献   
The possibility that adenosine mediates hypoxic inhibition of fetal breathing and eye movements was tested in nine chronically catheterized fetal sheep (0.8 term). Intracarotid infusion of adenosine (0.25 +/- 0.03 mg.min-1.kg-1) for 1 h to the fetus increased heart rate and hemoglobin concentration but did not significantly affect mean arterial pressure or blood gases. As with hypoxia, adenosine decreased the incidence of rapid eye movements by 55% and the incidence of breathing by 77% without significantly affecting the incidence of low-voltage electrocortical activity. However, with longer (9 h) administration, the incidence of breathing and eye movements returned to normal during the adenosine infusion. Intravenous infusion of theophylline, an adenosine receptor antagonist, prevented most of the reduction in the incidence of breathing and eye movements normally seen during severe hypoxia (delta arterial PO2 = -10 Torr). It is concluded that 1) adenosine likely depresses fetal breathing and eye movements during hypoxia and 2) downregulation of adenosine receptors may contribute to the adaptation of breathing and eye movements during prolonged hypoxia.  相似文献   
Estrogen induces a rapid increase in microvascular permeability in the rodent uterus, leading to stromal edema and a marked increase in uterine wet weight. This edema is believed to create an environment optimal for the growth and remodeling of the endometrium in preparation for implantation and pregnancy. Increased endometrial microvascular permeability also occurs in conjunction with implantation. Estrogen-induced uterine edema is immediately preceded by an increase in the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a potent stimulator of microvascular permeability. The objective of this study was to determine to what degree immunoneutralization of VEGF would interfere with a) estradiol-induced uterine edema and b) pregnancy. In the first set of experiments, immature female rats were injected with either VEGF antiserum or normal rabbit serum (NRS) prior to 17beta-estradiol treatment. Rats treated with estradiol alone showed a 57% increase in uterine wet weight at 6 h compared with controls. Injection of 200 or 300 micro l of VEGF antiserum reduced the response to only 20% and 10% above controls, respectively. In the second set of experiments, young adult female mice were treated with 100 micro l of either VEGF antiserum or NRS at 1200 h on the fourth day after mating. NRS-treated mice had normal pregnancies. VEGF antiserum, however, completely blocked pregnancy. When VEGF antiserum-treated females were examined on Day 5 for the presence of implantation sites, none were found. These results show that a) VEGF is the major mediator of estrogen-induced increase in uterine vascular permeability and b) VEGF-induced edema is absolutely essential for implantation to take place.  相似文献   
In isolated, perfused ovaries of rats treated with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG), purified preparations of ovine follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (oFSH-211B) and rat FSH (rFSH-I-6), 100 ng/ml, were found to induce ovulations (4.8 +/- 0.9, n = 4, and 6.4 +/- 2.0, n = 5, ovulations per ovary, respectively). Indomethacin (5 micrograms/ml) added to the perfusate inhibited this ovulatory effect and exogenous prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) (1 microgram/ml), or prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) (0.5 microgram/ml), reversed the blockade. Ovine FSH and rFSH had only a weak stimulatory effect on estradiol release, and only rFSH caused a significant increase in progesterone accumulation. Indomethacin reduced the stimulatory effect of rFSH on progesterone release, and this effect was reversed by PGE2 but not by PGF2 alpha. In a 6-h incubation experiment with preovulatory rat follicles, we tested the biological activity of gonadotropins used to induce oocyte maturation. The concentration of FSH used in the perfusion experiments induced oocyte maturation in more than 88% of the oocytes studied. The data confirm earlier findings that FSH can induce ovulations and show that prostaglandins are involved in this process. The data also indicate that prostaglandins might be involved in the FSH-induced increase of progesterone levels.  相似文献   
Graded methemoglobinemia (MetHb) was produced in unanesthetized fetal sheep to determine the effects on brain oxygenation. MetHb was induced by infusing methemoglobin-containing erythrocytes in exchange for fetal blood. During the hour after MetHb was established, fetal methemoglobin concentrations averaged 1.23 +/- 0.12 (mild MetHb), 1.71 +/- 0.13 (moderate MetHb), and 2.27 +/- 0.17 g/dl (severe MetHb). MetHb reduced mean arterial O2 content by approximately 19 (mild MetHb), 29 (moderate MetHb), and 39% (severe MetHb). The average preductal arterial PO2 fell by 1.6 (-7%), 2.8 (-11%), and 4.0 Torr (-16%) for mild, moderate, and severe MetHb, respectively. Fetal heart rate increased significantly during mild and moderate MetHb, and mean arterial pressure fell slightly during moderate and severe MetHb. The incidences of fetal breathing and eye movements were reduced in a dose-dependent manner when the calculated brain end-capillary PO2 was less than 14 Torr. We conclude that: 1) the effective capillary PO2 in the fetal brain can be significantly reduced by increasing the distance between non-methemoglobin-laden erythrocytes in capillaries and 2) hypoxic inhibition of fetal breathing probably arises from discrete areas of the brain having a PO2 less than 3 Torr.  相似文献   
It remains unknown if and how the polyethylene bearing in mobile bearing knees moves during dynamic activities with respect to the tibial base plate. Marker Configuration Model-Based Roentgen Fluoroscopic Analysis (MCM-based RFA) uses a marker configuration model of inserted tantalum markers in order to accurately estimate the pose of an implant or bone using single plane Roentgen images or fluoroscopic images. The goal of this study is to assess the accuracy of (MCM-Based RFA) in a standard fluoroscopic set-up using phantom experiments and to determine the error propagation with computer simulations. The experimental set-up of the phantom study was calibrated using a calibration box equipped with 600 tantalum markers, which corrected for image distortion and determined the focus position. In the computer simulation study the influence of image distortion, MC-model accuracy, focus position, the relative distance between MC-models and MC-model configuration on the accuracy of MCM-Based RFA were assessed. The phantom study established that the in-plane accuracy of MCM-Based RFA is 0.1 mm and the out-of-plane accuracy is 0.9 mm. The rotational accuracy is 0.1 degrees. A ninth-order polynomial model was used to correct for image distortion. Marker-Based RFA was estimated to have, in a worst case scenario, an in vivo translational accuracy of 0.14 mm (x-axis), 0.17 mm (y-axis), 1.9 mm (z-axis), respectively, and a rotational accuracy of 0.3 degrees. When using fluoroscopy to study kinematics, image distortion and the accuracy of models are important factors, which influence the accuracy of the measurements. MCM-Based RFA has the potential to be an accurate, clinically useful tool for studying kinematics after total joint replacement using standard equipment.  相似文献   
Reduced mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, via activation of adenylate kinase and the resulting exponential rise in the cellular AMP/ATP ratio, appears to be a critical factor underlying O? sensing in many chemoreceptive tissues in mammals. The elevated AMP/ATP ratio, in turn, activates key enzymes that are involved in physiologic adjustments that tend to balance ATP supply and demand. An example is the conversion of AMP to adenosine via 5'-nucleotidase and the resulting activation of adenosine A(?A) receptors, which are involved in acute oxygen sensing by both carotid bodies and the brain. In fetal sheep, A(?A) receptors associated with carotid bodies trigger hypoxic cardiovascular chemoreflexes, while central A(?A) receptors mediate hypoxic inhibition of breathing and rapid eye movements. A(?A) receptors are also involved in hypoxic regulation of fetal endocrine systems, metabolism, and vascular tone. In developing lambs, A(?A) receptors play virtually no role in O? sensing by the carotid bodies, but brain A(?A) receptors remain critically involved in the roll-off ventilatory response to hypoxia. In adult mammals, A(?A) receptors have been implicated in O? sensing by carotid glomus cells, while central A(?A) receptors likely blunt hypoxic hyperventilation. In conclusion, A(?A) receptors are crucially involved in the transduction mechanisms of O? sensing in fetal carotid bodies and brains. Postnatally, central A(?A) receptors remain key mediators of hypoxic respiratory depression, but they are less critical for O? sensing in carotid chemoreceptors, particularly in developing lambs.  相似文献   
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