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Conditions were established for efficient plant regeneration from four freshmarket cultivars of Lycopersicon esculentum. In order to increase the yield of viable protoplasts which are able to sustain cell divisions, the donor plants are preconditioned by incubation at 25°C in the dark for 18 hours, followed by a cold treatment at 4°C in the dark for the last 6 hours, prior to protoplast isolation. Browning of the dividing cell colonies can be prevented by culturing protoplasts in 100 l droplets of low-melting agarose, surrounded by liquid medium. Alternatively, protoplasts can be cultured in liquid medium. In both procedures the plating efficiencies and percentage of shoot regeneration are increased, only when dilutions were performed with auxin-free culture medium. Shoot regeneration is obtained by using a two step procedure: initiation of greening of microcalli on a medium containing 0.2 M mannitol and 7.3 mM sucrose, which is followed by shoot development on a mannitol-free medium containing 0.5 M sucrose. In this way, plants can be regenerated within 3 months from the hybrid cultivars Bellina, Abunda, Sonatine and also from the true seedline Moneymaker. The latter one showed the highest regeneration frequency (30%).Abbreviations BAP 6-Benzylamino purine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid - IAA indole acetic acid - MES 2-(N-morpholino)- ethane sulfonic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - PE plating efficiency  相似文献   
After nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, strain Escherichia coli P678-54, bacteriocinogenic for Clo DF13, yielded a mutant strain that showed an enhanced bacteriocin production. The results from conjugation experiments indicated that the mutation, responsible for the enhanced bacteriocin production, is located on the Clo DF13 plasmid. The following properties of strains harboring the mutant Clo DF13 plasmid could be observed. (i) The bacteriocin production in these strains can be further enhanced at least fourfold by mitomycin C. (ii) The fraction of spontaneously induced cells, as revealed by lacunae experiments, in cultures of these strains is about nine times higher than in cultures of wild-type Clo DF13-harboring strains. (iii) Chromosomeless minicells from strain P678-54 harboring the mutant Clo DF13 plasmid synthesize about six times more deoxyribonucleic acid, ribonucleic acid, and protein as compared to wild-type Clo DF13-harboring minicells. (iv) Analysis of this mutant Clo DF13-specific ribonucleic acid and protein on polyacrylamide gels revealed mainly the same ribonucleic acid and polypeptide species as synthesized by the wild-type Clo DF13 minicells, but in larger amounts (Kool et al., 1974). (v) Segregation experiments, using a strain with temperature-sensitive polymerase I, show that mutant Clo DF13-harboring cells contain an average of 70 Clo DF13 copies per cell, whereas wild-type Clo DF13-harboring cells contain only about 10 Clo DF13 copies per cell. The data presented in this paper indicate that the mutation on the Clo DF13 plasmid leads to an altered control of Clo DF13 replication and results in an enhanced number of Clo DF13 copies per cell. As a secondary effect, this enhanced number of Clo DF13 copies enhances the probability of "spontaneous" induction per cell. Since the mutation is plasmid specific and affects the number of plasmid copies produced, one can conclude that the Clo DF13 plasmid is not dependent solely on chromosomal information, but that at least plasmid base sequences are involved in Clo DF13 plasmid replication.  相似文献   
Overbeeke  Nico  Haring  Michel A.  John  H.  Nijkamp  J.  Kool  Ad. J. 《Plant molecular biology》1984,3(4):235-241
Summary Sequences from Petunia hybrida chloroplast DNA which have the property to promote autonomous replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were cloned in vector YIp5. Seven cloned chloroplast DNA fragments are localized at one of two different sites on the chloroplast genome. One site, arsA was mapped on a 1.8 Kb fragment at position 27.0–28.8 Kb on the P. hybrida chloroplast genome. The plasmids containing this arsA are stable both in yeast and E. coli. The other site, arsB, was shown to be very unstable and is located either in the small single copy region close to the inverted repeat or just in the inverted repeat. The functioning of these sequences as a possible origin of replication in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   
A reassortant, TyRh, was isolated after coinfection of MA104 cells with avian Ty-1 and simian RRV rotaviruses. Hybridization and serological studies showed that the reassortant's 4th gene, which encodes Vp4, was derived from the simian RRV rotavirus parent, whereas the remaining 10 genes were derived from the avian Ty-1 rotavirus parent.  相似文献   
Early diagnosis is important for effective disease management. Measurement of biomarkers present at the local level of the skin could be advantageous in facilitating the diagnostic process. The analysis of the proteome of suction blister fluid, representative for the interstitial fluid of the skin, is therefore a desirable first step in the search for potential biomarkers involved in biological pathways of particular diseases. Here, we describe a global analysis of the suction blister fluid proteome as potential body fluid for biomarker proteins. The suction blister fluid proteome was compared with a serum proteome analyzed using identical protocols. By using stringent criteria allowing less than 1% false positive identifications, we were able to detect, using identical experimental conditions and amount of starting material, 401 proteins in suction blister fluid and 240 proteins in serum. As a major result of our analysis we construct a prejudiced list of 34 proteins, relatively highly and uniquely detected in suction blister fluid as compared to serum, with established and putative characteristics as biomarkers. We conclude that suction blister fluid might potentially serve as a good alternative biomarker body fluid for diseases that involve the skin.  相似文献   
A mouse model for nonatopic asthma was employed to study the alterations of the lung proteome to gain insight into the underlying molecular mechanisms of disease pathophysiology post-challenge. Lung samples from asthmatic and control mice were used to generate 24 high quality two-dimensional electrophoresis gels wherein 2115 proteins were examined for disease relevance. In total, 23 proteins were significantly up- or down-regulated following hapten-challenge of dinitro-fluorobenzene-hypersensitive mice. Twenty proteins were identified by mass spectrometry, of which 18 could be linked to asthma related symptoms, such as stress and inflammation, lung detoxification, plasma exudation and/or tissue remodeling. As such, proteomics was clearly vindicated as a means of studying this complex disease phenomenon. The proteins found in this study may not necessarily play a role in the immunological mechanisms and/or pathophysiology of asthma development. However, they may prove useful as surrogate biomarkers for quantitatively monitoring disease state progression or response to therapy. The mathematics of achieving statistical confidence from low numbers of gel replicates containing large numbers of independent variables stress the need for high numbers of replicates to better sample the population of proteins revealed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   
Crystal structures of bacterial MutS homodimers bound to mismatched DNA reveal asymmetric interactions of the two subunits with DNA. A phenylalanine and glutamate of one subunit make mismatched base-specific interactions, and residues of both subunits contact the DNA backbone surrounding the mismatched base, but asymmetrically. A number of amino acids in MutS that contact the DNA are conserved in the eukaryotic Msh2-Msh6 heterodimer. We report here that yeast strains with amino acids substituted for residues inferred to interact with the DNA backbone or mismatched base have elevated spontaneous mutation rates consistent with defective mismatch repair. Purified Msh2-Msh6 with substitutions in the conserved Phe(337) and Glu(339) in Msh6 thought to stack or hydrogen bond, respectively, with the mismatched base do have reduced DNA binding affinity but normal ATPase activity. Moreover, wild-type Msh2-Msh6 binds with lower affinity to mismatches with thymine replaced by difluorotoluene, which lacks the ability to hydrogen bond. The results suggest that yeast Msh2-Msh6 interacts asymmetrically with the DNA through base-specific stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions and backbone contacts. The importance of these contacts decreases with increasing distance from the mismatch, implying that interactions at and near the mismatch are important for binding in a kinked DNA conformation.  相似文献   
Although DNA polymerase fidelity has been mainly ascribed to Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds, two nonpolar isosteres for thymine (T) and adenine (A)--difluorotoluene (F) and benzimidazole (Z) --effectively mimic their natural counterparts in polymerization experiments with pol I (KF exo-) [JC Morales and ET Kool. Nature Struct Biol, 5, 950-954, 1998]. By ab initio quantum chemical gas phase methods (HF/6-31G* and MP2/6-31G**) and a solvent phase method (CPCM-HF/6-31G**), we find that the A-F interaction energy is 1/3 the A-T interaction energy in the gas phase and unstable in the solvent phase. The F-Z and T-Z interactions are very weak and T-Z is quite unstable in the solvent. Electrostatic solvation energy calculations on F, Z and toluene yield that Z is two times, and F and toluene are five times, less hydrophilic than the natural bases. Of the new "base-pairs" (F-Z, T-Z, and F-A), only F-A formed an A-T-like arrangement in unconstrained optimizations. F-Z and T-Z do not freely form planar arrangements, and constrained optimizations show that large amounts of energy are required to make these pairs fit the exact A-T geometry, suggesting that the polymerase does not require all bases to conform to the exact A-T geometry. We discuss a model for polymerase/nucleotide binding energies and investigate the forces and conformational range involved in the polymerase geometrical selection.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin (Ig)-free light chains IgLC are present in serum and their production is augmented under pathological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and neurological disorders. Until now, no (patho)physiological function has been ascribed to circulating Ig light chains. Here we show that IgLCs can confer mast cell dependent hypersensitivity in mice. Antigenic stimulation results in plasma extravasation, cutaneous swelling and mast-cell degranulation. We show that IgLCs have a crucial role in development of contact sensitivity, which could be completely prevented by a novel IgLC antagonist. Although IgE and IgG(1) are central to the induction of immediate hypersensitivity reactions, our results show that IgLCs have similar activity. IgLCs may therefore be a novel factor in the humoral immune response to antigen exposure. Our findings open new avenues in investigating the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and their treatments.  相似文献   
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