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Chlorophyll biosynthetic heterogeneity is rooted mainly in parallel divinyl (DV) and monovinyl (MV) biosynthetic routes interconnected by 4-vinyl reductases (4VRs) that convert DV tetrapyrroles to MV tetrapyrroles by conversion of the vinyl group at position 4 of the macrocycle to ethyl. What is not clear at this stage is whether the various 4VR activities are catalyzed by one enzyme of broad specificity or by a family of enzymes encoded by one gene or multiple genes with each enzyme having narrow specificity. Additional research is needed to identify the various regulatory components of 4-vinyl reduction. In this undertaking, Arabidopsis mutants that accumulate DV chlorophyllide a and/or DV chlorophyll [Chl(ide)] a are likely to provide an appropriate resource. Because the Arabidopsis genome has been completely sequenced, the best strategy for identifying 4VR and/or putative regulatory 4VR genes is to screen Arabidopsis Chl mutants for DV Chl(ide) a accumulation. In wild-type Arabidopsis, a DV plant species, only MV chlorophyllide (Chlide) a is detectable. However in Chl mutants lacking 4VR activity, DV Chl(ide) a may accumulate in addition to MV Chl(ide) a. In the current work, an in situ assay of DV Chl(ide) a accumulation, suitable for screening a large number of mutants lacking 4-vinyl Chlide a reductase activity with minimal experimental handling, is described. The assay involves homogenization of the tissues in Tris-HCl:glycerol buffer and the recording of Soret excitation spectra at 77K. DV Chlide a formation is detected by a Soret excitation shoulder at 459 nm over a wide range of DV Chlide a/MV Chl a ratios. The DV Chlide a shoulder became undetectable at DV Chlide a/MV Chl a ratios less than 0.049, that is, at a DV Chlide a content of less than 5%.  相似文献   
Rebeiz  C.A.  Ioannides  I.M.  Kolossov  V.  Kopetz  K.J. 《Photosynthetica》1999,36(1-2):117-128
A unified multibranched chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthetic pathway is proposed. The proposed pathway takes into account the following considerations: (a) that the earliest putative precursor of monovinyl Chl b that has been detected in higher plants is monovinyl protochlorophyllide b, (b) that in most cases, Chl b biosynthesis has its roots in the Chl a biosynthetic pathway, (c) that the Chl a biosynthetic pathway exhibits extensive biosynthetic heterogeneity, (d) that Chl biosynthesis may proceed differently at different stages of greening and in different greening groups of plants. Integration of the Chl a and b biosynthetic pathways into a unified multibranched pathway offers the functional flexibility to account for the structural and biosynthetic complexity of photosynthetic membranes. In this context, it is proposed that the unified, multibranched Chl a/b biosynthetic pathway represents the template of a Chl-protein biosynthesis center where photosystem (PS) 1, PS2, and light-harvesting Chl-protein complexes are assembled into functional photosynthetic units. The individual biosynthetic routes or groups of two to three adjacent biosynthetic routes may constitute Chl-protein biosynthesis subcenters, where specific Chl-protein complexes are assembled. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cell-derived hepatocyte precursor cells represent a promising model for clinical transplantations to diseased livers, as well as for establishment of in vitro systems for drug metabolism and toxicology investigations. This study aimed to establish an in vitro culture system for scalable generation of hepatic progenitor cells. We used stable transgenic clones of murine embryonic stem cells possessing a reporter/selection vector, in which the enhanced green fluorescent protein- and puromycin N-acetyltransferase-coding genes are driven by a common alpha-fetoprotein gene promoter. This allowed for “live” monitoring and puromycin selection of the desired differentiating cell type possessing the activated alpha-fetoprotein gene. A rotary culture system was established, sequentially yielding initially partially selected hepatocyte lineage-committed cells, and finally, a highly purified cell population maintained as a dynamic suspension spheroid culture, which progressively developed the hepatic gene expression phenotype. The latter was confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR analysis, which showed a progressive up-regulation of hepatic genes during spheroid culture, indicating development of a mixed hepatocyte precursor-/fetal hepatocyte-like cell population. Adherent spheroids gave rise to advanced differentiated hepatocyte-like cells expressing hepatic proteins such as albumin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, cytokeratin 18, E-cadherin, and liver-specific organic anion transporter 1, as demonstrated by fluorescent immunostaining. A fraction of adherent cells was capable of glycogen storage and of reversible up-take of indocyanine green, demonstrating their hepatocyte-like functionality. Moreover, after transplantation of spheroids into the mouse liver, the spheroid-derived cells integrated into recipient. These results demonstrate that large-scale hepatocyte precursor-/hepatocyte-like cultures can be established for use in clinical trials, as well as in in vitro screening assays.  相似文献   
Cardiovascular side effects are critical in drug development and have frequently led to late-stage project terminations or even drug withdrawal from the market. Physiologically relevant and predictive assays for cardiotoxicity are hence strongly demanded by the pharmaceutical industry. To identify a potential impact of test compounds on ventricular repolarization, typically a variety of ion channels in diverse heterologously expressing cells have to be investigated. Similar to primary cells, in vitro-generated stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes simultaneously express cardiac ion channels. Thus, they more accurately represent the native situation compared with cell lines overexpressing only a single type of ion channel. The aim of this study was to determine if stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes are suited for use in an automated patch clamp system. The authors show recordings of cardiac ion currents as well as action potential recordings in readily available stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. Besides monitoring inhibitory effects of reference compounds on typical cardiac ion currents, the authors revealed for the first time drug-induced modulation of cardiac action potentials in an automated patch clamp system. The combination of an in vitro cardiac cell model with higher throughput patch clamp screening technology allows for a cost-effective cardiotoxicity prediction in a physiologically relevant cell system.  相似文献   
We have implemented a ratiometric, genetically encoded redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein fused to human glutaredoxin (Grx1-roGFP2) to monitor real time intracellular glutathione redox potentials of mammalian cells. This probe enabled detection of media-dependent oxidation of the cytosol triggered by short wavelength excitation. The transient nature of light-induced oxidation was revealed by time-lapse live cell imaging when time intervals of less than 30 s were implemented. In contrast, transient ROS generation was not observed with the parental roGFP2 probe without Grx1, which exhibits slower thiol-disulfide exchange. These data demonstrate that the enhanced sensitivity of the Grx1-roGFP2 fusion protein enables the detection of short-lived ROS in living cells. The superior sensitivity of Grx1-roGFP2, however, also enhances responsiveness to environmental cues introducing a greater likelihood of false positive results during image acquisition.  相似文献   
In contrast to terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes, relatively little is known about the characteristics of mammalian cardiac cells before the initiation of spontaneous contractions (precursor cells). Functional studies on these cells have so far been impossible because murine embryos of the corresponding stage are very small, and cardiac precursor cells cannot be identified because of the lack of cross striation and spontaneous contractions.In the present study, we have used the murine embryonic stem (ES, D3 cell line) cell system for the in vitro differentiation of cardiomyocytes. To identify the cardiac precursor cells, we have generated stably transfected ES cells with a vector containing the gene of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under control of the cardiac α-actin promoter. First, fluorescent areas in ES cell–derived cell aggregates (embryoid bodies [EBs]) were detected 2 d before the initiation of contractions. Since Ca2+ homeostasis plays a key role in cardiac function, we investigated how Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ release sites were built up in these GFP-labeled cardiac precursor cells and early stage cardiomyocytes. Patch clamp and Ca2+ imaging experiments proved the functional expression of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) starting from day 7 of EB development. On day 7, using 10 mM Ca2+ as charge carrier, ICa was expressed at very low densities 4 pA/pF. The biophysical and pharmacological properties of ICa proved similar to terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. In cardiac precursor cells, ICa was found to be already under control of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation since intracellular infusion of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A resulted in a 1.7-fold stimulation. The adenylyl cyclase activator forskolin was without effect. IP3-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores and Ca2+-ATPases are present during all stages of differentiation in both GFP-positive and GFP-negative cells. Functional ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores, detected by caffeine-induced Ca2+ release, appeared in most GFP-positive cells 1–2 d after ICa. Coexpression of both ICa and ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores at day 10 of development coincided with the beginning of spontaneous contractions in most EBs.Thus, the functional expression of voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel (VDCC) is a hallmark of early cardiomyogenesis, whereas IP3 receptors and sarcoplasmic Ca2+-ATPases are expressed before the initiation of cardiomyogenesis. Interestingly, the functional expression of ryanodine receptors/sensitive stores is delayed as compared with VDCC.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the establishment of transgenic mice, where the expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) is under control of the human cardiac α-actin promoter. These mice display cardiac specific GFP expression already during early embryonic development. Prominent GFP fluorescence was observed at the earliest stage of the murine heart anlage (E8). Cardiomyocytes of different developmental stages proved GFP positive, but the intensity varied between cells. We further show that contractions of single GFP positive cardiomyocytes can be monitored within the intact embryo. At later stages of embryonic development, the skeletal musculature was also GFP positive, in line with the known expression pattern of cardiac α-actin. The tissue specific labeling of organs is a powerful new tool for embryological as well as functional investigations in vivo.  相似文献   
The thorough understanding of photosynthetic membrane assembly requires a deeper knowledge of the coordination and regulation of the chlorophyll (Chl) and thylakoid apoprotein biosynthetic pathways. As a working hypothesis we have recently proposed three different Chl-thylakoid apoprotein biosynthesis models: a single-branched Chl biosynthetic pathway (SBP)-single location model, a SBP-multilocation model, and a multibranched Chl biosynthetic pathway (MBP)-sublocation model. The detection of resonance excitation energy transfer between tetrapyrrole precursors of Chl, and several Chl-protein complexes, has made it possible to test the validity of the proposed Chl-thylakoid apoprotein biosynthesis models by resonance excitation energy transfer determinations. In this work, resonance excitation energy transfer techniques that allow the determination of distances separating tetrapyrrole donors from Chl-protein acceptors in green plants by using readily available electronic spectroscopic instrumentation are developed. It is concluded that the calculated distances are compatible with the MBP-sublocation model and incompatible with the operation of the SBP-single location Chl-protein biosynthesis model.  相似文献   
The ability to sense intracellular or intraorganellar reduction/oxidation conditions would provide a powerful tool for studying normal cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Genetically encoded biosensors enable monitoring of the intracellular redox environment. We report the development of chimeric polypeptides useful as redox-sensitive linkers in conjunction with F?rster resonance energy transfer (FRET). Alpha-helical linkers differing in length were combined with motifs that are sensitive to the redox state of the environment. The first category of linkers included a redox motif found in the thioredoxin family of oxidoreductases. This motif was flanked by two alpha-helices of equal length. The second and third categories of redox linkers were composed of alpha-helices with embedded adjacent and dispersed vicinal cysteine residues, respectively. The linkers containing redox switches were placed between a FRET pair of enhanced cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins and these constructs were tested subsequently for their efficacy. A robust method of FRET analysis, the (ratio)(A) method, was used. This method uses two fluorescence spectra performed directly on the FRET construct without physical separation of the fluorophores. The cyan/yellow construct carrying one of the designed redox linkers, RL5, exhibited a 92% increase in FRET efficiency from its reduced to oxidized states. Responsiveness of the cyan-RL5-yellow construct to changes in the intracellular redox environment was confirmed in mammalian cells by flow cytometry.  相似文献   
[4-Vinyl] chlorophyllide a reductase (4VCR) is a key enzyme of the chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthetic pathway. It catalyzes the conversion of divinyl chlorophyllide (Chlide) a to monovinyl Chlide a by reduction of the vinyl group at position 4 of the macrocycle to ethyl. 4VCR is a membrane-bound enzyme, embedded in etioplast and etiochloroplast membranes. A study of the regulation and properties of this enzyme is mandatory for a comprehensive understanding of the biosynthetic heterogeneity of Chl biosynthesis. Solubilization and partial purification of 4VCR are described for the first time. The enzyme was solubilized with 5 mM Chaps and was partially purified by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and Cibacron Blue 3GA-1000 agarose. An overall 20-fold purification was achieved. The partially purified enzyme was stable for several months at -80 degrees C.  相似文献   
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