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The effect of 33 h of wakefulness on the control of forearm cutaneous blood flow and forearm sweating during exercise was studied in three men and three women. Subjects exercised for 30 min at 60% peak O2 consumption while seated behind a cycle ergometer (Ta = 35 degrees C, Pw = 1.0 kPa). We measured esophageal temperature (Tes), mean skin temperature, and arm sweating continuously and forearm blood flow (FBF) as an index of skin blood flow, twice each minute by venous occlusion plethysmography. During steady-state exercise, Tes was unchanged by sleep loss. The sensitivity of FBF to Tes was depressed an average of 30% (P less than 0.05) after 33 h of wakefulness with a slight decrease (-0.15 degrees C, P less than 0.05) in the core temperature threshold for vasodilatory onset. Sleep loss did not alter the Tes at which the onset of sweating occurred; however, sensitivity of arm sweating to Tes tended to be lower but was not significant. Arm skin temperature was not different between control and sleep loss experiments. Reflex cutaneous vasodilation during exercise appeared to be reduced by both central and local factors after 33 h of wakefulness.  相似文献   
The purpose ofthis study was to test the hypothesis that regulated body temperatureis decreased in the preovulatory phase in eumenorrheic women. Six womenwere studied in both the preovulatory phase (Preov-2;days 9-12), which was 1-2days before predicted ovulation when 17-estradiol(E2) was estimated to peak, andin the follicular phase (F; days2-6). The subjects walked on a treadmill (~225W · m2)in a warm chamber (ambient temperature = 30°C; dew-pointtemperature = 11.5°C) while heavily clothed.E2, esophageal temperature(Tes), local skin temperatures,and local sweating rate were measured. The estimate of when theE2 surge would occur was correctfor four of six subjects. In these four subjects,E2 increased(P  0.05) from 42.0 ± 24.5 pg/mlduring F to 123.2 ± 31.3 pg/ml during Preov-2. RestingTes was 37.02 ± 0.20°Cduring F and 36.76 ± 0.28°C during Preov-2(P  0.05). TheTes threshold for sweating wasdecreased (P  0.05) from 36.88 ± 0.27°C during F to 36.64 ± 0.35°C during Preov-2. Both meanskin and mean body temperatures were decreased during rest in Preov-2group. The hypothesis that regulated body temperature is decreasedduring the preovulatory phase is supported.

Visceral adiposity is strongly associated with insulin resistance; however, little evidence directly demonstrates that visceral fat per se impairs insulin action. Here, we examine the effects of the surgical removal of the greater omentum and its occupying visceral fat, an omentectomy (OM), on insulin sensitivity (SI) and β‐cell function in nonobese dogs. Thirteen male mongrel dogs were used in this research study; animals were randomly assigned to surgical treatment with either OM (n = 7), or sham‐surgery (SHAM) (n = 6). OM failed to generate measurable changes in body weight (+2%; P = 0.1), or subcutaneous adiposity (+3%; P = 0.83) as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The removal of the greater omentum did not significantly reduce total visceral adipose volume (?7.3 ± 6.4%; P = 0.29); although primary analysis showed a trend for OM to increase SI when compared to sham operated animals (P = 0.078), further statistical analysis revealed that this minor reduction in visceral fat alleviated insulin resistance by augmenting SI of the periphery (+67.7 ± 35.2%; P = 0.03), as determined by the euglycemic‐hyperinsulinemic clamp. Insulin secretory response during the hyperglycemic step clamp was not directly influenced by omental fat removal (presurgery 6.82 ± 1.4 vs. postsurgery: 6.7 ± 1.2 pmol/l/mg/dl, P = 0.9). These findings provide new evidence for the deleterious role of visceral fat in insulin resistance, and suggest that a greater OM procedure may effectively improve insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   
The endocannabinoid system is highly implicated in the development of insulin resistance associated with obesity. It has been shown that antagonism of the CB(1) receptor improves insulin sensitivity (S(I)). However, it is unknown whether this improvement is due to the direct effect of CB(1) blockade on peripheral tissues or secondary to decreased fat mass. Here, we examine in the canine dog model the longitudinal changes in S(I) and fat deposition when obesity was induced with a high-fat diet (HFD) and animals were treated with the CB(1) antagonist rimonabant. S(I) was assessed (n = 20) in animals fed a HFD for 6 wk to establish obesity. Thereafter, while HFD was continued for 16 additional weeks, animals were divided into two groups: rimonabant (1.25 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1) RIM; n = 11) and placebo (n = 9). Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamps were performed to evaluate changes in insulin resistance and glucose turnover before HFD (week -6) after HFD but before treatment (week 0) and at weeks 2, 6, 12, and 16 of treatment (or placebo) + HFD. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed to determine adiposity- related changes in S(I). Animals developed significant insulin resistance and increased visceral and subcutaneous adiposity after 6 wk of HFD. Treatment with RIM resulted in a modest decrease in total trunk fat with relatively little change in peripheral glucose uptake. However, there was significant improvement in hepatic insulin resistance after only 2 wk of RIM treatment with a concomitant increase in plasma adiponectin levels; both were maintained for the duration of the RIM treatment. CB(1) receptor antagonism appears to have a direct effect on hepatic insulin sensitivity that may be mediated by adiponectin and independent of pronounced reductions in body fat. However, the relatively modest effect on peripheral insulin sensitivity suggests that significant improvements may be secondary to reduced fat mass.  相似文献   
The serotonin system may contribute to reduced human performance when hypohydrated in the heat. This study determined whether branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) supplementation could sustain exercise and cognitive performance in the heat (40 degrees C dry bulb, 20% relative humidity) when hypohydrated by 4% of body mass. Seven heat-acclimated men completed two experimental trials, each consisting of one preparation and one test day. On day 1, a low-carbohydrate diet was eaten and subjects performed exhaustive cycling (morning) and treadmill exercise in the heat (afternoon) to lower muscle glycogen and achieve the desired hypohydration level. On day 2, subjects consumed an isocaloric BCAA and carbohydrate (BC) or carbohydrate-only drink during exercise. Experimental trials included 60 min of cycle ergometry (50% peak oxygen uptake) followed by a 30-min time trial in the heat. A cognitive test battery was completed before and after exercise, and blood samples were taken. BC produced a 2.5-fold increase (P < 0.05) in plasma BCAA and lowered (P < 0.05) the ratios of total tryptophan to BCAA and large neutral amino acid. Blood prolactin, glucose, lactate, and osmolality were not different between trials but increased over time. Cardiovascular and thermoregulatory data were also similar between trials. BC did not alter time-trial performance, cognitive performance, mood, perceived exertion, or perceived thermal comfort. We conclude that BCAA does not alter exercise or cognitive performance in the heat when subjects are hypohydrated.  相似文献   
We compared carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) concentrations in atmospheric deposition, runoff, and soils with microbial respiration [dehydrogenase (DHA)] and ecoenzyme activity (EEA) in an ombrotrophic bog and a minerotrophic fen to investigate the environmental drivers of biogeochemical cycling in peatlands at the Marcell Experimental Forest in northern Minnesota, USA. Ecoenzymatic stoichiometry was used to construct models for C use efficiency (CUE) and decomposition (M), and these were used to model respiration (Rm). Our goals were to determine the relative C, N, and P limitations on microbial processes and organic matter decomposition, and to identify environmental constraints on ecoenzymatic processes. Mean annual water, C, and P yields were greater in the fen, while N yields were similar in both the bog and fen. Soil chemistry differed between the bog and fen, and both watersheds exhibited significant differences among soil horizons. DHA and EEA differed by watersheds and soil horizons, CUE, M, and Rm differed only by soil horizons. C, N, or P limitations indicated by EEA stoichiometry were confirmed with orthogonal regressions of ecoenzyme pairs and enzyme vector analyses, and indicated greater N and P limitation in the bog than in the fen, with an overall tendency toward P-limitation in both the bog and fen. Ecoenzymatic stoichiometry, microbial respiration, and organic matter decomposition were responsive to resource availability and the environmental drivers of microbial metabolism, including those related to global climate changes.  相似文献   
A small imbalance in plant productivity and decomposition accounts for the carbon (C) accumulation capacity of peatlands. As climate changes, the continuity of peatland net C storage relies on rising primary production to offset increasing ecosystem respiration (ER) along with the persistence of older C in waterlogged peat. A lowering in the water table position in peatlands often increases decomposition rates, but concurrent plant community shifts can interactively alter ER and plant productivity responses. The combined effects of water table variation and plant communities on older peat C loss are unknown. We used a full-factorial 1-m3 mesocosm array with vascular plant functional group manipulations (Unmanipulated Control, Sedge only, and Ericaceous only) and water table depth (natural and lowered) treatments to test the effects of plants and water depth on CO2 fluxes, decomposition, and older C loss. We used Δ14C and δ13C of ecosystem CO2 respiration, bulk peat, plants, and porewater dissolved inorganic C to construct mixing models partitioning ER among potential sources. We found that the lowered water table treatments were respiring C fixed before the bomb spike (1955) from deep waterlogged peat. Lowered water table Sedge treatments had the oldest dissolved inorganic 14C signature and the highest proportional peat contribution to ER. Decomposition assays corroborated sustained high rates of decomposition with lowered water tables down to 40 cm below the peat surface. Heterotrophic respiration exceeded plant respiration at the height of the growing season in lowered water table treatments. Rates of gross primary production were only impacted by vegetation, whereas ER was affected by vegetation and water table depth treatments. The decoupling of respiration and primary production with lowered water tables combined with older C losses suggests that climate and land-use-induced changes in peatland hydrology can increase the vulnerability of peatland C stores.  相似文献   
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