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Studies on compactization and decompactization of the genome are of great importance for elucidation of structural mechanisms taking part in the regulation of gene activity. Kinetoplast DNA (kpDNA) is a convenient model for studies of compactization processes. KpDNA represents unique structure ("network"), consisting of catenated circular molecules of two types: minicircles (900 b.p.) and maxicircles (40 000 b.p.). The compactization process of kpDNA in vitro caused by interaction with synthetic peptide-dansylhydraside trivaline was studied. It was shown that at the initial stages the hairpins are observed on minicircles as if triple rings are being organized. The formation of hairpin is probably favoured by the presence in the minicircles of bent DNA, a specific nucleotide sequence causing rigid bending of the DNA helix. The hairpin does not make contact with the neighbouring DNA segment to form a triple ring, because the sizes of minicircles are too small. The minicircles compactization is finished with a complete collapse of the minicircles with the formation of rod-like structures. The catenation causes branching of rod-like structures. As a result of their intermolecular interaction, the branched rod-like structures become thicker. The process is completed with formation of the compact network, its diameter being 3-6 times smaller compared to the initial one.  相似文献   
By means of immunohistochemical methods a study of the liver intralobular localization of cytochromes P-450b(+e) and P-450c(+d) has been carried out after separate and consecutive treatment of rats with phenobarbital (PB) and 3-methylcholanthrene (MC). PB-treatment leads to localization of P-450b in the centrilobular region, whereas homogeneous distribution of P-450c in the lobule is observed after MC-treatment. The consecutive treatment with PB and MC is accompanied by the localization of P-450c only in cells of the periportal region of the lobule. PB-treatment of rats after preliminary MC-injection also results in the periportal localization of P-450c, and a small quantity of P-450b is localized in hepatocytes of the centrilobular region. Hence, the consecutive treatment with inducers of different molecular forms of cytochrome P-450 is accompanied by the redistribution of these isoenzymes in parenchymatous cells of the liver lobule. That is confirmed also by biochemical testing and immunochemical analysis of the microsomal fraction of hepatocytes.  相似文献   
NIH 3T3 mouse cells were transfected by the plasmid pSV3neo (G418-resistant) with the help of high-velocity mechanical DNA injection based on the principle of bombarding cells with tungsten particles covered with the DNA. Stable transformants were obtained. Dot-hybridization and Southern analysis revealed the integration into the genome of 5-20 copies per cell of original plasmid DNA. The plasmid DNA was shown to have tandem organization.  相似文献   
Distribution of different forms of cytochrome P-450 (forms C, D and B) in human placenta by immunohistochemical methods on light microscopy level with colloid gold was studied. Positive reaction with cytoplasm of endothelial cells, called the "epithelioid" plates of chorionic villi was found. Trophoblastic and stromal cells were not stained.  相似文献   
The time-course of formation of the conditioned defence reflex and electromyograms of the working forelimb were studied on cats with classical and commissural somatosensory pathways transections. It was established that exclusion of the classical somatosensory projections only reduces the rate of the skill formation that is related to the possibility of conducting feedback signals via the remaining commissural pathways. However, the commissural channel in question is not effective enough, since its isolated functioning is accompanied by an increase in the duration of instrumental movement. The combined transection of the classical and commissural somatosensory pathways excludes the possibility of formation of the conditioned reflex on the "deafferented" limb. The lack of direct visual control over the moving forelimb does not essentially affect the behavioral and electromyographic data.  相似文献   
The present communication gives experimental results of the studies of catalytic and photochemical properties of peptide-like compounds containing metalloporphyrins (hemoproteinoids and molecular complexes obtained through adsorption of porphyrins and amino acids on volcanic ash). The data suggest that molecular complexes of amino acids with porphyrins could have evolved in the course of chemical evolution and were intermediated between abiogenically synthesized molecules of amino acids and porphyrins and pigment-protein systems of living organisms.  相似文献   
Distribution in mature human placenta of plasminogen, pregnancy-associated inhibitors of proteases (pregnancy-associated protein A (PAPP-A) and alpha 2--pregnancy-associated glycoprotein, and also of not associated with pregnancy alpha 2-macroglobulin and alpha 1-antitrypsin was examined. Primary monospecific antibodies and secondary antibodies labeled with colloid gold were used. Plasminogen was detected in the fetal and maternal blood, and also on the surface of some placental villi (as thin positively stained rims). Pregnancy-associated protease inhibitors were detected in the syncytium of the villi of all histological types and also in the fetal and maternal blood. Staining for alpha 2-macroglobulin was most intensive. This antigen was detected in the maternal and fetal blood and on the surface of the villi. alpha 2-antitrypsin was detected in the fetal and maternal blood. It has been shown that both free plasminogen and its inhibitors are retained on the surface of the placental villi.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to reconstitute the Na+-conductivity elements of rod outer segment (ROS) plasma membrane on the artificial lipid membrane (ALM). ALM were modified by preparation with bovine ROS plasma membrane fragments. Discrete fluctuations of the ALM conductivity were observed at addition of this preparation to the ALM bathing solutions to a final concentration of 0.1--1.0 microgram/ml. The magnitude of these fluctuations was about 25 pS at 140 mM NaCl. The modified ALM possessed preferentially the Na+-conductivity, which was at least five times as great as that for K+ or Li+. The modified ALM showed practically no conductivity for Cl-. The Na+-channels were voltage-dependent. The Na+-channels were "sensitive to visible light" at some experimental conditions. The optimal conditions were obtained for reconstitution of Na+-channel on the ALM. The temporal and termal stabilities of the modified preparation were investigated. It was shown that the frequency of the modified ALM conductivity fluctuations are dependent on temperature and on lipids composition of ALM. The data obtained in our work are in a good agreement with the results of electrophysiological studies of photoreceptor cells. It may be indicated, that the investigated ALM contains the Na+-channel of the ROS plasma membranes. It is suggested that the reconstituted system will be useful for studying the principles of regulation of ROS plasma membrane sodium conductivity and the nature of a mediator in a photoreceptor transduction mechanism.  相似文献   
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