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Summary Voltage-dependent K channels could be identified in on-cell and excised patch-clamp records on membranes of isolated plant cell vacuoles. The current through a membrane patch is dominated by a channel population with a conductance of about 121 pS in symmetrical 250mm KCl solution. The single channel adopts at least two conducting levels the 121-pS state being most frequently observed. The channel shows outward rectification, representing a cation flux into the vacuoles. The rectification appears to be caused by a vanishing open probability and a short channel lifetime at hyperpolarizing voltages. A selectivity ratio of potassium over sodium of about 6 was derived as an estimate. Occasionally, an additional population of K channels with a single-channel conductance of approximately 18 pS is observed. This channel type exhibits outward rectification as well.  相似文献   
The synthesis of ribosomal proteins (r proteins) under the conditions of greatly reduced RNA synthesis were studied by using a strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in which the production of the largest subunit (RPA190) of RNA polymerase I was controlled by the galactose promoter. Although growth on galactose medium was normal, the strain was unable to sustain growth when shifted to glucose medium. This growth defect was shown to be due to a preferential decrease in RNA synthesis caused by deprivation of RNA polymerase I. Under these conditions, the accumulation of r proteins decreased to match the rRNA synthesis rate. When proteins were pulse-labeled for short periods, no or only a weak decrease was observed in the differential synthesis rate of several r proteins (L5, L39, L29 and/or L28, L27 and/or S21) relative to those of control cells synthesizing RPA190 from the normal promoter. Degradation of these r proteins synthesized in excess was observed during subsequent chase periods. Analysis of the amounts of mRNAs for L3 and L29 and their locations in polysomes also suggested that the synthesis of these proteins relative to other cellular proteins were comparable to those observed in control cells. However, Northern analysis of several r-protein mRNAs revealed that the unspliced precursor mRNA for r-protein L32 accumulated when rRNA synthesis rates were decreased. This result supports the feedback regulation model in which excess L32 protein inhibits the splicing of its own precursor mRNA, as proposed by previous workers (M. D. Dabeva, M. A. Post-Beittenmiller, and J. R. Warner, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:5854-5857, 1986).  相似文献   
Summary For patch-clamp measurements cultured kidney (OK) cells were exposed to osmotic and mechanical stress. Superfusion of a cell in whole cell configuration with hypotonic media (190 mOsm) evokes strong depolarization, which is reversible by returning to the isotonic bath medium. In the cell-attached configuration the exposure to hypotonic media evokes up to six ion channels of homogeneous single-channel properties in the membrane patch. Subsequently, the channels became activated after a time lag of a few seconds. At an applied membrane potential of 0 mV, the corresponding membrane current is directed inward and shows a transient behavior in the time range of minutes. In the same membrane patch these ion channels can be activated by application of negative hydrostatic pressure. The channel has a single-channel conductance of about 22 pS and is permeable to Na+ and K+ as well as to Cl. It is suggested that volume regulation involves mechanoreceptor-operated ion channels.  相似文献   
Summary Parameters estimated from a Gardner-Eberhart analysis of the F2 generation of a six-parent diallel in oats (Avena sativa L.) were used to compare methods for predicting the performance of F3 row plots. The prediction methods were: (1) individual F2 plant performance (F2I), (2) parent average plus F2 plot deviations (PF2), (3) parent average plus weighted F2 plot deviations (PF2P), (4) best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of parent average plus F2 plot deviations (BPF2), and (5) BLUP plus weighted F2 deviations (BF2). The F2 single-plant traits used for prediction were biological yield to predict F3 biological yield, whole plant and primary tiller grain yield for prediction of F3 grain yield, and whole plant and primary tiller harvest index (HI) to predict F3 HI. Prediction methods were evaluated by correlations between predicted and observed F3 performance. Prediction methods and traits for which correlations were greater than for F2I included: BF2 for biological yield, PF2, PF2P and BF2 for whole plant grain yield, PF2, BPF2, and BF2 for primary tiller grain yield. None had a correlation significantly greater than F2I for either measure of HI, where heritability was large. PF2 is the recommended method for traits with low heritability because of its simplicity and because it had the largest or nearly the largest correlation for each of the yield traits. F2I is the recommended method for traits with larger heritability.Contribution No. 8821 of the U.S. Regional Pasture Research LaboratoryDeceased  相似文献   
A stable human T-cell hybridoma was established by cell fusion between activated human peripheral blood lymphocytes from an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation patient and the JD1-17 cell line, a subclone of the human T leukemia Jurkat cell line. This hybrid clone 1-8, which bore the surface phenotype of suppressor cells (CD8+HNK1+), spontaneously secreted a factor which, at high dilutions, suppressed the responses of T and B cells induced by mitogens and alloantigens. This suppressor factor was found to be heat-resistant (56 degrees C, 30 min), stable at alkaline but not acid pH, unaffected by 2-mercaptoethanol, and sensitive to trypsin. Preparative isoelectric focusing revealed an isoelectric point of 5.35. The suppressor activity was selectively absorbed by blast T cells. By gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and HPLC, the suppressor activity was found in two peaks corresponding to 40-45 kDa (monomer) and 90-95 kDa (dimer).  相似文献   
Summary A Ca and potential-dependent K channel of large unit conductance was detected in the apical membrane of JTC-12.P3 cells, a continuous epithelial cell line of renal origin. The open probability of the channel is dependent on membrane potential and cytoplasmic-free Ca concentration. At cell-free configuration of the membrane patch, the open probability shows a bell-shaped behavior as function of membrane potential, which decreases at larger depolarization. With increasing Ca concentration, the width of the bell-shaped curve increases and the maximum shifts into the hyperpolarizing direction. For the first time the kinetics of this channel was analyzed under cell-attached conditions. In this case the kinetics could sufficiently be described by a simple open-closed behavior. The channel has an extremely small open probability at resting potential, which increases exponentially with depolarization. The low probability induces an uncertainty about the actual number of channels in the membrane patch. The number of channels is estimated by kinetic analysis. It is discussed that this K channel is essential for the repolarization of the membrane potential during electrogenic sodium-solute cotransport across the apical membrane.  相似文献   
The endocytosis pathways of particles with terminal beta-D-galactosyl groups were studied in isolated rat Kupffer cells by electron microscopy. Colloidal gold particles of sizes 5, 17 and 50 nm were coated with asialofetuin (ASF) and isolated liver macrophages were allowed to bind (at 4 degrees C) or take up (at 37 degrees C) these ligands. Particles of all three sizes were bound via the galactose-particle receptor as shown by carbohydrate inhibition experiments and were ingested effectively. But, whereas ASF-gold particles of sizes 5 and 17 nm are taken up via the coated pit/coated vesicle pathway, the 50 nm particles are not. These enter the cell via non-coated endocytic vacuoles. All three particle sizes are transported to the same lysosomal compartment. These observations demonstrate that at least in macrophages one receptor is capable to mediate endocytosis via two different pathways depending on ligand size and/or valency.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die spektrale Transmission wurde mit dem UMSP (UniversalMicro-Spektralphotometer) im Bereich von 550–300 nm am fixierten (Carnoy) und frischen dioptrischen Apparat einzelner Ommatidien von Aeschna cyanea Müll. (Odonata) gemessen.Die Transmission der Kristallkegel und der frischen Cornea ist zwischen 550–370 nm nahezu konstant; bei kürzeren Wellenlängen des UV-Bereiches sinkt die Transmission etwas. Erst bei Wellenlängen, die kürzer als 330 nm sind, wird der Transmissionsabfall signifikant.
The spectral transmission of the dioptric apparatus of aeschna
Summary Spectral transmission was measured by means of a Zeiss Universalmicro-spectralphotometer between 550 and 300 nm on fixed (Carnoy) and also on fresh cornea and crystalline cones of single ommatidia of Aeschna cyanea Müll. (Odonata).Both crystalline cones and fresh corneas (in contrast to fixed corneas) have nearly constant transmission from 550 to 370 nm; in uv-range with shorter wavelengths the transmission decreases slightly. Only at wavelengths shorter than 330 nm is the absorption significant.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Mit Unterstützung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung.  相似文献   
Golgi-impregnated retinae of rhesus monkeys have been examined by serial section electron microscopy to establish in a quantitative manner the neural connexions in the outer plexiform layer. The results have shown that there are two types of midget bipolar cell, here called the invaginating midget bipolar and the flat midget bipolar. Both types of midget bipolar are exclusive to a single cone. The invaginating midget bipolar has been found to fit a dendritic terminal process into every invagination in the cone pedicle base. The flat midget bipolar has dendritic terminals that make superficial contact on the cone pedicle base. There are twice as many dendritic terminals and points of contact with the cone pedicle on a flat midget bipolar top as compared with an invaginating midget bipolar top. These observations, together with light microscope counts of the numbers of the two types of midget bipolars, suggest that there are two midget bipolars per cone. The diffuse cone bipolar (the flat bipolar) also makes superficial contacts on the cone pedicle base, and serial sections have shown that a flat bipolar contacts about six cones. Rod bipolars connect exclusively to rods and their dendritic terminals always end as one of the central processes that penetrate the invagination. Horizontal cell dendrites end exclusively in cone pedicles and their axon terminals end in rod spherules. The point of contact with both the types of receptor is as the lateral elements of the invaginations. A single small horizontal cell contacts about seven cones and a large horizontal cell contacts about twelve cones. The numbers of contacts per cone pedicle decrease from the centre to the periphery of the horizontal cell's dendritic field, suggesting there is an overlap of four to six horizontal cells onto a single cone pedicle. The horizontal cell axon terminals are too numerous to assess in absolute numbers but there is only one terminal to a given rod spherule from any particular axon.  相似文献   
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