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Schuchert P  Kohli J 《Genetics》1988,119(3):507-515
The ade6-M26 mutation of Schizosaccharomyces pombe increases conversion frequency in comparison with the nearby mutation ade6-M375. In order to investigate the effect of ade6-M26 on crossover frequency, heteroallelic ade6 duplications were constructed by integration of plasmids carrying the marker gene ura4. One ade6 gene carries either of the mutations M26 or M375 while the other ade6 copy carries the L469 mutation in both duplications. The duplication with ade6-M26 yields Ade(+) recombinants at significantly higher frequencies in meiosis, but not in mitosis. Tetrad analysis and physical characterization of spore clones from recombination tetrads demonstrate that conversions, unequal crossovers and intrachromatid exchanges occur at higher frequencies but with unaltered proportions among them. The conversion events show a pronounced bias when M26 is involved: they take place preferentially at the M26 allele. Thus the ade6-M26 mutation not only enhances conversion frequency as demonstrated before, but also crossover frequency. It displays the properties expected for a preferred site of initiation of general meiotic recombination. The duplications also yielded new information on ectopic recombination in S. pombe: ectopic crossovers occur in the duplications at much higher frequency than among naturally dispersed homologous sequences.  相似文献   
Metallothionein (MT) a low molecular weight, Cd-binding, cysteine rich, cytosolic protein has been isolated, purified and characterized from cadmium exposed Rhesus monkeys maintained on protein calorie malnourished (PCM) diet. Metallothionein was resolved into three isoforms i.e. MTa, MTb and MTVc. The ratio of Cd, Zn and Cu varied in these isometallothioneins. MTc was the major isometallothionein. UV Spectra of MTc revealed the presence of mercaptide bonds and absence of aromatic amino acids. These observations were further confirmed by amino acid analysis of MTc which demonstrated high cysteine content (22.6) followed by serine, glycine and lysine. The molecular weight of MTc as determined by gel filtration and amino acid analysis was 13000 and 6398 daltons respectively. This demonstrates that MTc is a non-globular ellipsoid polypeptide. MTc showed a unique property of binding selenium. Monkey liver metallothionein was immunologically identical with human metallothionein. All the characteristics of MTc obtained in the present study reveal a similarity between monkey and human metallothionein probably due to closer phylogenetic relationship between the two species.  相似文献   
This study followed the transmission of 64 segregating genetic markers to 52 haploid offspring, obtained from both homokaryotic and heterokaryotic meiospores, of a cross (AG 93b) of Agaricus bisporus, the commonly cultivated ``button mushroom.' The electrophoretic karyotypes of the AG 93b component nuclei were determined concurrently (n = 13). Eleven distinct linkage groups were identified by two-point analysis. DNA-DNA hybridization showed that nine of these corresponded to unique chromosome-sized DNAs. Two other chromosomal DNAs were marked with nonsegregating markers, including the rDNA repeat. Two remaining chromosomes remained unmarked but hybridized to repeated-sequence probes. Cross 93b had an essentially conventional meiosis in which both independent assortment and joint segregation of markers occurred, but in which crossing over was infrequent over much of the mapped genome. The 48 homokaryotic spore-offspring had overall crossover frequencies that were similar to, but possibly slightly less than, those of three homokaryon constituents of heterokaryotic spore-offspring. These data provide support for our earlier cytogenetic model of sporogenesis in A. bisporus, that explains why heterokaryotic spore-offspring usually appear to exhibit no recombination. No evidence favoring an alternative, mitotic model of sporogenesis was found. The resulting genetic map appears to survey the genome extensively and for the first time permits localization of loci determining economically important traits in this fungal crop species. Large differences in the vigor of homokaryotic offspring were correlated with the inheritance of certain chromosome segments and were also often associated with significant departures from Mendelian segregation ratios.  相似文献   
M. Zahn-Zabal  E. Lehmann    J. Kohli 《Genetics》1995,140(2):469-478
The M26 mutation in the ade6 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe creates a hot spot of meiotic recombination. A single base substitution, the M26 mutation is situated within the open reading frame, near the 5' end. It has previously been shown that the heptanucleotide sequence 5' ATGACGT 3', which includes the M26 mutation, is required for hot spot activity. The 510-bp ade6-delXB deletion encompasses the promoter and the first 23 bp of the open reading frame, ending 112 bp upstream of M26. Deletion of the promoter in cis to M26 abolishes hot spot activity, while deletion in trans to M26 has no effect. Homozygous deletion of the promoter also eliminates M26 hot spot activity, indicating that the heterology created through deletion of the promoter per se is not responsible for the loss of hot spot activity. Thus, DNA sequences other than the heptanucleotide 5' ATGACGT 3', which must be located at the 5' end of the ade6 gene, appear to be required for hot spot activity. While the M26 hotspot stimulates crossovers associated with M26 conversion, it does not affect the crossover frequency in the intervals adjacent to ade6. The flanking marker ura4-aim, a heterology created by insertion of the ura4(+) gene upstream of ade6, turned out to be a hot spot itself. It shows disparity of conversion with preferential loss of the insertion. The frequency of conversion at ura4-aim is reduced when the M26 hot spot is active 15 kb away, indicating competition for recombination factors by hot spots in close proximity.  相似文献   
The following inhibitors of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase reduce the specific activity of tyrosine aminotransferase when added to cultures of rat hepatoma (HTC) cells: theophylline, 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine, 4-(3-butoxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-2-imidazolidinone, and papaverine. Immunochemical measurements show that each inhibitor reduces the rate of tyrosine aminotransferase synthesis and increases the rate of degradation of the enzyme. The effect on synthesis also occurs with general proteins while that on degradation appears specific for tyrosine aminotransferase.  相似文献   
Oocytes from Xenopus laevis were injected with purified amber (UAG), ochre (UAA), and opal (UGA) suppressor tRNAs from yeasts. The radioactively labeled proteins translated from the endogenous mRNAs were then separated on two-dimensional gels. All three termination codons are used in a single cell, the Xenopus laevis oocyte. But a surprisingly low number of readthrough polypeptides were observed from the 600 mRNAs studied in comparison to uninjected oocytes. The experimental data are compared with the conclusions obtained from the compilation of all available termination sequences on eukaryotic and prokaryotic mRNAs. This comparison indicates that the apparent resistance of natural termination codons against readthrough, as observed by the microinjection experiments, cannot be explained by tandem or very close second stop codons. Instead it suggests that specific context sequences around the termination codons may play a role in the efficiency of translation termination.  相似文献   
Peritoneal macrophages from uninfected controls and Mycobacterium leprae infected Swiss albino mice were studied for their respiratory burst (RB) activity at different time intervals. The RB metabolic activity of macrophages declined significantly after 3 month infection using latex (p less than 0.001) and M. leprae (p less than 0.01) as stimuli. However, significant rise (p less than 0.001) in the oxidative metabolic activity was seen at 6 and 9 months postinfection period on stimulation with both the stimuli. The sharp rise in the oxidative metabolic status at peak period of infection in the experimental animals suggests that the macrophages are functionally normal though M. leprae is unable to trigger the respiratory burst sufficiently.  相似文献   
Sheep pituitary cells prelabelled with radioactive [35S] sulfate (35SO4(2-)) were incubated with different concentrations of LH-RH and the release of LH (lutropin) into the medium was monitored in terms of immunoprecipitable [35S] sulfated LH radioactivity and estimation of LH in the same sample by radioimmunoassay. A dose dependent response was obtained with a maximum of a 16 fold increase in immunoprecipitable 35SO4(2-) -labelled LH radioactivity in the medium which was confirmed by radioimmunoassay. Similar results were also obtained for Buserelin, a well known superactive analogue of LH-RH. However, the half maximal response for Buserelin was obtained at 3-5 nM in comparison to 80.5 nM for LH-RH. After the maximal response to LH-RH as well as Buserelin, a further increase in the concentrations caused a decrease in the release of immunoprecipitable [35S]-sulfate labelled LH into the medium. Differential labelling of stored and newly synthesized LH with radioactive [35S] sulfate and [3H]-labelled leucine revealed that there was a dose dependent increase in the [35S] sulfate labelled LH into the medium whereas the release of [3H]-leucine labelled newly synthesized LH did not show a parallel increase either at different concentrations of LH-RH or at different time intervals. The above observations strongly suggest the possibility of sulfation of LH being the potential signal indicating the storage of LH in sheep pituitary cells. Another important observation in our study was that the dose dependent response of LH-RH in the form of release of [35S]-sulfate labelled LH, which was monitored by immunoprecipitation with specific LH antiserum, can be used in an in vitro bioassay for LH-RH. We believe that a new cheap and sensitive in vitro bioassay could be developed on the basis of this observation.  相似文献   
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