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Microheterogeneity of a photosystem I (PSI) subunit encodedby a nuclear gene psaE was examined in Nicotiana sylvestris,with the aid of cDNA cloning, peptide mapping analysis and proteinsequencing. The psaE product of this plant has four isoformswhose mobilities in PAGE are slightly different from each other.We isolated two types of psaE cDNAs from a N. sylvestris cDNAlibrary, and designated the corresponding genes as psaEa andpsaEb, respectively. The psaEa and psaEb genes are 77% homologousat DNA level, and their translation products share 80.4% homologyfor the precursor proteins and 89.1% for the mature forms. Comparativeanalysis of the four isoproteins and the putative products ofthe two psaE genes revealed that two isoproteins out of fourare derived from psaEa gene, and the difference between thesetwo isoproteins lies in the respective presence or absence ofN-terminal alanine. Likewise, the other two proteins are derivedfrom psaEb with similar N-terminal heterogeneity. These resultsindicate that multi-gene organization and heterogeneous N-terminalformation at post-translational level are two possible causesfor PSI subunit polymorphism in isogenic plant lines. (Received October 8, 1993; Accepted November 30, 1993)  相似文献   
Arbuscular mycorrhizae formed between more than 80% of land plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi represent the most widespread symbiosis on the earth. AM fungi facilitate the uptake of soil nutrients, especially phosphate, by plants, and in return obtain carbohydrates from hosts. Apocarotenoids, oxidative cleavage products of carotenoids, have been found to play a critical role in the establishment of AM symbiosis. Strigolactones previously isolated as seed-germination stimulants for root parasitic weeds act as a chemical signal for AM fungi during presymbiotic stages. Stimulation of carotenoid metabolism, leading to massive accumulation of mycorradicin and cyclohexenone derivatives, occurs during root colonization by AM fungi. This review highlights research into the chemical identification of arbuscular mycorrhiza-related apocarotenoids and their role in the regulation and establishment of AM symbiosis conducted in the past 10 years.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - Detection and monitoring of SO2 is important because it is a representative toxic gas in the atmospheric environment that is emitted from industrial and natural processes. Localized...  相似文献   
Galnt3 belongs to the GalNAc transferase gene family involved in the initiation of mucin-type O-glycosylation. Male Galnt3-deficient (Galnt3 ?/?) mice were infertile, as previously reported by Ichikawa et al. (2009). To investigate the involvement of Galnt3 in spermatogenesis, we examined the differentiation of germ cells in Galnt3 ?/? mice. Galnt3 mRNA was most highly expressed in testis, and Galnt3 protein was localized in the cis-medial parts of the Golgi stacks of spermatocytes and spermatids in the seminiferous tubules. Spermatozoa in Galnt3 ?/? mice were rare and immotile, and most of them had deformed round heads. They exhibited abnormal acrosome and disturbed mitochondria arrangement in the flagella. At the cap phase, proacrosomal vesicles of various sizes, which had not coalesced to form a single acrosomal vesicle, were attached to the nucleus in Galnt3 ?/? mice. TUNEL-positive cells were increased in the seminiferous tubules. The binding of VVA lectin, which recognizes the Tn antigen (GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr), in the acrosomal regions of spermatids and spermatozoa in Galnt3 ?/? mice was drastically reduced. Equatorin is a N, O-sialoglycoprotein localized in the acrosomal membrane and is suggested to be involved in sperm–egg interaction. Immunohistochemical and Western blot analyses showed a drastic reduction in the reactivity with MN9 antibody, which recognizes the O-glycosylated moiety of equatorin and inhibits sperm–egg interaction. These findings indicate that deficiency of Galnt3 results in a severe reduction of mucin-type O-glycans in spermatids and causes impaired acrosome formation, leading to oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, and suggest that Galnt3 may also be involved in the process of fertilization through the O-glycosylation of equatorin.  相似文献   
The eye lens is composed of fiber cells that differentiate from epithelial cells on its anterior surface. In concert with this differentiation, a set of proteins essential for lens function is synthesized, and the cellular organelles are degraded. DNase II-like acid DNase, also called DNase IIbeta, is specifically expressed in the lens, and degrades the DNA in the lens fiber cells. Here we report that DNase II-like acid DNase is synthesized as a precursor with a signal sequence, and is localized to lysosomes. DNase II-like acid DNase mRNA was found in cortical fiber cells but not epithelial cells, indicating that its expression is induced during the differentiation of epithelial cells into fiber cells. Immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical analyses indicated that DNase II-like acid DNase was colocalized with Lamp-1 in the lysosomes of fiber cells in a relatively narrow region bordering the organelle-free zone, and was often found in degenerating nuclei. A comparison by microarray analysis of the gene expression profiles between epithelial and cortical fiber cells of young mouse lens indicated that some genes for lysosomal enzymes (cathepsins and lipases) were strongly expressed in the fiber cells. These results suggest that the lysosomal system plays a role in the degradation of cellular organelles during lens cell differentiation.  相似文献   
New convulsive compounds, brasiliamides A (1) and B (2), were isolated by activity-guided fractionation from okara fermented with a soil isolate of Penicillium brasilianum Batista JV-379. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral and chemical evidence and by X-ray crystallography of the hydrogenated product of 2. In the 1H- and 13C-NMR spectra of 2, the signals were complicated, all being doubled or broadened in several deuterated solvents at room temperature. The conformational change of 2 was clarified as the rotational isomerization of amide bonds in solution by NMR measurements at various temperatures. Four rotamers of 2 at two amide bonds were presented at -60 degrees C in CDCl3, whereas only two isomers were apparent at room temperature, owing to rapid rotation of one of the amide bonds. Brasiliamides A and B respectively showed convulsive activity against silkworms with ED50 values of 300 and 50 microg/g of diet.  相似文献   
Chemical regulation of secondary-metabolite synthesis was investigated through the improvement of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production in transgenic tobacco plants by the use of enzyme inhibitors. Two tobacco lines, BC3 and rCAB8, that produce PHB in both the cytosol and plastids were used. An acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitor, D-(+)-Quizalofop-ethyl, increased PHB accumulation in both lines 2-fold. The accumulation rate of plastidial PHB in the rCAB8 line was 2.5-fold higher than that of cytosolic PHB in the BC3 line. A specific inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase, mevastatin, also increased PHB accumulation but only in the BC3 line. These results indicated that chemical regulation of the native metabolic flows by the specific enzyme inhibitors increased secondary-metabolite production in the transgenic tobacco plants we used.  相似文献   
Escherichia blattae non-specific acid phosphatase (EB-NSAP) possesses a pyrophosphate-nucleoside phosphotransferase activity, which is C-5'-position selective. Current mutational and structural data were used to generate a mutant EB-NSAP for a potential industrial application as an effective and economical protein catalyst in synthesizing nucleotides from nucleosides. First, Gly74 and Ile153 were replaced by Asp and Thr, respectively, since the corresponding replacements in the homologous enzyme from Morganella morganii reduced the K(m) value for inosine and thus increased the productivity of 5'-IMP. We determined the crystal structure of G74D/I153T, which has a reduced K(m) value for inosine, as expected. The tertiary structure of G74D/I153T was virtually identical to that of the wild-type. In addition, neither of the introduced side chains of Asp74 and Thr153 is directly involved in the interaction with inosine in a hypothetical binding mode of inosine to EB-NSAP, although both residues are situated near a potential inosine-binding site. These findings suggested that a slight structural change caused by an amino acid replacement around the potential inosine-binding site could significantly reduce the K(m) value. Prompted by this hypothesis, we designed several mutations and introduced them to G74D/I153T, to decrease the K(m) value further. This strategy produced a S72F/G74D/I153T mutant with a 5.4-fold lower K(m) value and a 2.7-fold higher V(max) value as compared to the wild-type EB-NSAP.  相似文献   
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