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It has recently been shown that the adrenal gland of the frog Rana ridibunda is densely innervated by a network of fibers containing two novel tachykinins, i.e. ranakinin (the counterpart of substance P) and [Leu3, Ile7]neurokinin A. Both ranakinin and [Leu3, Ile7]neurokinin A stimulate corticosteroid secretion from frog adrenal glands in vitro. In the present study, we have investigated the pharmacological profile of the receptors involved in the stimulatory action of ranakinin on perifused frog adrenal slices. The selective NK-1 receptor antagonists [ -Pro4, -Trp7,9]substance P 4–11 and CP-96,345, did not affect the stimulatory action of ranakinin. The selective NK-1 agonist substance P 6–11 had no effect on corticosteroid secretion. The non-peptidic NK-1 receptor antagonist RP 67580 significantly reduced the stimulatory effect of ranakinin on corticosterone and aldosterone secretion by 57 and 55%, respectively. In addition, the dual NK-1/NK-2 receptor antagonist FK-224 significantly inhibited the effect of ranakinin on corticosterone (−80%) and aldosterone secretion (−95%). Finally, the amphiphilic analogue of substance P, [ -Pro2, -Phe7, -Trp9]substance P, had no effect on corticosteroid secretion. These data suggest that in the frog adrenal gland the stimulatory action of ranakinin on steroid secretion is mediated by a novel type of receptor which differs substantially from the mammalian NK-1 receptor subtype.  相似文献   
Earliest cetaceans (whales) originated from the early Eocene of Indo-Pakistan, but the group dispersed through most of the oceans of the planet by the late middle to late Eocene. This late Eocene global distribution indicates that important dispersal events took place during the middle Eocene (Lutetian), a globally undersampled time interval that is well documented in the Togolese phosphate series. We report here the first discovery of a partial cetacean cranium from middle Eocene deposits of Togo (West Africa). A 3D model of the cranium and teeth was reconstructed in order to reveal hidden anatomical features. The dental and cranial characteristics of the Togolese specimen recall those of protocetid taxa described in Africa, Asia, and North America, but also display significant differences. In particular, we show that the new specimen shares a number of morphological features with the Togolese taxon Togocetus. Such a hypothesis is further supported by a cladistic analysis including 45 taxa and 167 morphological characters, which recovers the new specimen close to Togocetus as the first offshoot of protocetids. Phylogenetic analysis including all the protocetids remains of Kpogamé confirms the singular diversity of the Togolese phosphate basin, and enables to examine potential connections with faunas from contemporaneous localities in Africa.  相似文献   
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a pest of grain and vegetable crops endemic to the Western Hemisphere that has recently become widespread in sub‐Saharan Africa and has appeared in India. An important tool for monitoring S. frugiperda in the USA is pheromone trapping, which would be of value for use with African populations. Field experiments were conducted in Togo (West Africa) to compare capture of male fall armyworm using three commercially available pheromone lures and three trap designs. The objectives were to identify optimum trap × lure combinations with respect to sensitivity, specificity, and cost. Almost 400 moths were captured during the experiment. Differences were found in the number of S. frugiperda moths captured in the various trap designs and with the three pheromone lures, and in the number of non‐target moths captured with each lure. The merits of each trap × lure combination are discussed with respect to use in Africa. A nearly equal number of COI‐CS (161) and COI‐RS (158) moths was captured with no differences found in COI marker proportions among traps or lures. However, the diagnostic rice strain marker Tpi was rarely found. Overall, the genetic characterization of the pheromone trap collections indicated a consistent distribution of genetic markers from 2016 to 2017, suggesting a population at or near equilibrium.  相似文献   
Anagrus atomus L. is an important egg parasitoid of the green leafhopper Empoasca decipiens Paoli. In this study the ability of the parasitoid to locate and parasitize its host was investigated on four host plants, i.e., broad beans (Vicia faba L.), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), and French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). For each plant species, the behavior of the parasitoid was observed on E. decipiens infested and noninfested plants. Searching and oviposition behavior were characterized by drumming, probing, and resting. Parasitoids spent significantly less time on non-infested than infested plants, 274.5 and 875.7 s, respectively, and no probing behavior was observed on non-infested plants. Frequency of resting behavior was significantly greater on non-infested than on infested plants. Total foraging time was significantly longer on infested than on non-infested plants, indicating that A. atomus females can efficiently discriminate between leaves with and without infestation. Parasitism of A. atomus was influenced by parasitoid density, with the highest parasitism rate (64.0%) obtained at a density of 10 A. atomus females/0.1356 m2 but the number of parasitized eggs per female and the searching efficiency decreased with increasing parasitoid density.  相似文献   

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)) is an important crop for food security in Senegal; therefore, understanding the genetic diversity of local germplasm is relevant for crop improvement and genetic maintenance in the era of climate change. For this purpose, 15 microsatellite markers were used to estimate the genetic diversity of Senegalese cowpea germplasm, including 671 accessions grown in eight regions and 66 wild relatives and intermediate forms (weedy). For the cultivated, the main expected heterozygosity (mHe) ranged between 0.317 (Fatick) and 0.439 (South). A narrow genetic variation between accessions from the different regions was observed with genetic similarity ranging from 0.861 to 0.965 and genetic differentiation indices (Fst) between 0.018 and 0.100. The accessions from southern Senegal (Kédougou, Sédhiou, and Kolda regions) are more diverse than the others. However, the accessions from the North (Saint-Louis) are genetically different from other regions. The diversity analysis in wild relatives from Senegal, which had never been performed before, revealed that the wild/weedy forms remain more diverse than the cultivated with genetic diversity values (He) of 0.389 and 0.480, respectively. STRUCTURE software divided the Senegalese germplasm into five subpopulations. Three of them (i, ii, and iii) included only cultivated accessions from several regions, one (v) mainly from Saint-Louis, and one (iv) the wild/weedy with some cultivated accessions. Our results support the hypothesis that Vigna unguiculata var. spontanea is the wild progenitor of cowpea. The accessions from the South, the northern recession accessions, and the wild/weedy could serve as sources of new genes for the genetic improvement of cowpea in Senegal.

The objective of our study was to assess thepotential of the egg parasitoid Anagrusatomus L. (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) for controlof the greenhouse leafhopper Empoascadecipiens Paoli (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Theegg-adult development time, survivorship andreproduction of A. atomus were evaluatedat four constant temperatures (16, 20, 24 and28°C). Developmental time ranged from33.6 days at 16°C to 13.3 days at 28°C. Based on a linear regression ofdevelopment rate on temperature the lowerthreshold was estimated at 8.39°C. Anagrus atomus required 263.2 degree-days tocomplete its development from egg to adult. Theegg-adult survival rate and the sex ratio weresignificantly lower at 28°C than at theother three temperatures tested. The intrinsicrate of increase (r m) variedsignificantly between all four temperatures.The potential of A. atomus to attackdifferent host ages was additionallyinvestigated. Host eggs were parasitizedthroughout their development but rate ofparasitism was reduced in host eggs older thansix days. The number of eggs parasitized waspositively density dependent but the rate ofparasitism decreased with increasing hostdensity. A maximum rate of parasitism of 62.5%was recorded. The potential impact of the eggparasitoid on the population dynamics of E. decipiens is discussed.  相似文献   
Nemorilla maculosa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae) is a solitary endoparasitoid of the legume pod borer, Maruca vitrata Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a key pest of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (Fabaceae) in Africa. A colony of N. maculosa, introduced for experimental purposes from Taiwan to the laboratories of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Benin, was used for our studies. Olfactory reponses of N. maculosa to leaves of infested or uninfested cowpea and yellow peabush, Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. (Fabaceae), and to M. vitrata larvae were evaluated in a four‐arm olfactometer. For all combinations of odor sources, responses between naïve and oviposition‐experienced female flies did not differ. Nemorilla maculosa females were attracted by odors from uninfested leaves of yellow peabush and flowers of cowpea when compared with clean air, and they were attracted to plants damaged by M. vitrata with larvae removed. However, the female fly did not discriminate between odors from infested and uninfested plants. The parasitic fly N. maculosa proved well able to use volatile compounds from various host plants (peabush and cowpea) to locate its host, with a more pronounced attraction by the combination of host larvae and infested host plant parts. These findings are discussed in light of the prospective use of N. maculosa as a biological control agent against the legume pod borer.  相似文献   


Urban leptospirosis has increasingly been reported in both developing and developed countries. The control of the disease is limited because our understanding of basic aspects of the epidemiology, including the transmission routes of leptospires among rat populations, remains incomplete. Through the ability to distinguish among Leptospira strains in rats, multispacer sequence typing (MST) could provide a modern understanding of Leptospira epidemiology; however, to our knowledge, the distribution of Leptospira strains among urban rat colonies has not been investigated using MST.

Aims and Methodology

The objective of this study was to identify the Leptospira strains present in rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Lyon (France) using MST and to characterize their spatial distribution. Kidneys and urine were collected from rats trapped live in seven locations in the city and in one suburban location. Each location was considered to represent a rat colony. Bacterial cultures and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays were performed, and the L. interrogans DNA identified was then genotyped using MST. The distributions of Leptospira strains were spatially described.

Key Results

Among 84 wild rats, MST profiles were obtained in 35 of 37 rats that had a positive result for L. interrogans by bacterial culture and/or qPCR analyses. All of the MST profiles were related to reference strains previously isolated from human patients that belong to the serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae and the serovars [strain(s)] Copenhageni [Wijinberg or M20] (n = 26), Icterohaemorrhagiae [CHU Réunion] (n = 7), Icterohaemorrhagiae [R1] (n = 1) and Copenhageni [Shibaura 9] (n = 1). Each colony was infected with leptospires having the same MST profile.

Major Conclusions

This study demonstrated that MST could be used for the purpose of field studies, either on culture isolates or on DNA extracted from kidneys and urine, to distinguish among L. interrogans isolates in rats. MST could thus be used to monitor their distributions in urban rats from the same city, thereby providing new knowledge that could be applied to explore the circulation of L. interrogans infection in rat colonies. Because the strains are related to those previously found in humans, this application of MST could aid in the source tracking of human leptospirosis, and the findings would be relevant for public health purposes according to the One Health principle.  相似文献   
16S rRNA gene (rrs) is considered of low taxonomic interest in the genus Aeromonas. Here, 195 Aeromonas strains belonging to populations structured by multilocus phylogeny were studied using an original approach that considered Ribosomal Multi-Operon Diversity. This approach associated pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to assess rrn operon number and distribution across the chromosome and PCR-temporal temperature gel electrophoresis (TTGE) to assess rrs V3 region heterogeneity. Aeromonads harbored 8 to 11 rrn operons, 10 operons being observed in more than 92% of the strains. Intraspecific variability was low or nul except for A. salmonicida and A. aquariorum suggesting that large chromosomic rearrangements might occur in these two species while being extremely rarely encountered in the evolution of other taxa. rrn operon number at 8 as well as PFGE patterns were shown valuable for taxonomic purpose allowing resolution of species complexes. PCR-TTGE revealed a high rate of strains (41.5%) displaying intragenomic rrs heterogeneity. Strains isolated from human samples more frequently displayed intragenomic heterogeneity than strains recovered from non-human and environmental specimens. Intraspecific variability ranged from 0 to 76.5% of the strains. The observation of species-specific TTGE bands, the recovery of identical V3 regions in different species and the variability of intragenomic heterogeneity (1–13 divergent nucleotides) supported the occurrence of mutations and horizontal transfer in aeromonad rrs evolution. Altogether, the presence of a high number of rrn operon, the high proportion of strains harboring divergent rrs V3 region and the previously demonstrated high level of genetic diversity argued in favor of highly adaptative capabilities of aeromonads. Outstanding features observed for A. caviae supported the ongoing process of adaptation to a specialized niche represented by the gut, previously hypothesized. 16S rRNA gene is an informative marker in the genus Aeromonas for both evolutionary and polyphasic taxonomic studies provided that multi-operon fingerprinting approaches are used.  相似文献   
Tetraploid individuals of orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. hispanica Roth.) sampled from a natural population were used to evaluate the correlation between both single and multilocus heterozygosity at 7 enzyme loci, and several quantitative traits (plant size at time of collection, leaf weight, and panicle number in experimental trials). Four hundred and forty-eight plants were studied at the 7 loci and 288 of these individuals were scored for an additional eighth locus. Five genotype classes (monogenic, simplex, and duplex digenic, trigenic, and tetragenic) were distinguished according to their heterozygosity level. Multilocus heterozygosity showed a significant positive correlation with both leaf and panicle yield in experimental conditions, but not with original plant size, which was found to be markedly influenced by environmental microheterogeneity. Multilocus heterozygosity, estimated from both the number of heterozygous loci and the number of distinct alleles per locus, had a significant influence on plant performance. Individual locus effects were positive and significant at two loci (GOT1 and PX1). Panicle number increased regularly with heterozygosity level (from monogenics to tetragenics) at the GOT1 locus, as did leaf weight and panicle number at the PX1 locus. Such variation would be predicted by overdominance at these loci or at linked loci. Significant relationships between leaf yield and heterozygosity level at the GOT1 locus distinguished the homozygotes from the heterozygotes (of any class) and was thus more consistent with inbreeding effects. No significant differences were observed among the five genotype classes for any quantitative trait at the six remaining loci. At both the GOT1 and PX1 loci, heterozygosity had a significant independent effect on leaf weight and panicle number even when the correlation between these traits was removed by analysis of covariance.  相似文献   
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