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Interpopulation hybridization can increase the viability of small populations suffering from inbreeding and genetic drift, but it can also result in outbreeding depression. The outcome of hybridization can depend on various factors, including the level of genetic divergence between the populations, and the number of source populations. Furthermore, the effects of hybridization can change between generations following the hybridization. We studied the effects of population divergence (low vs. high level of divergence) and the number of source populations (two vs. four source populations) on the viability of hybrid populations using experimental Drosophila littoralis populations. Population viability was measured for seven generations after hybridization as proportion of populations facing extinction and as per capita offspring production. Hybrid populations established at the low level of population divergence were more viable than the inbred source populations and had higher offspring production than the large control population. The positive effects of hybridization lasted for the seven generations. In contrast, at the high level of divergence, the viability of the hybrid populations was not significantly different from the inbred source populations, and offspring production in the hybrid populations was lower than in the large control population. The number of source populations did not have a significant effect at either low or high level of population divergence. The study shows that the benefits of interpopulation hybridization may decrease with increasing divergence of the populations, even when the populations share identical environmental conditions. We discuss the possible genetic mechanisms explaining the results and address the implications for conservation of populations.  相似文献   
Baboons (Papio cynocephalus) imported from Ethiopia were screened for antibodies to various primate retroviruses by immunoblotting. Antibodies that cross-reacted with SIV/Mne or with type D viral antigens were detected in approximately one-third of these animals. In addition, 20% of these baboons had antibodies that cross-reacted with HTLV-I viral antigens. These data suggest that wild-caught baboons are infected with retroviruses only partially related to known primate viral isolates.  相似文献   
Expression of GLUT-4 and insulin receptor mRNAs was investigated in rat skeletal muscle by Northern hybridization. GLUT-4 mRNA was barely detectable in foetal muscle, was expressed at low levels by 1-8 days and at 2-3-fold higher levels during and after weaning (18-40 days). In contrast there was little change in insulin receptor mRNA levels prior to weaning and a reduction in mRNA abundance between 18 and 40 days. Weaning rats on to a diet rich in fat prevented the increase in GLUT-4 abundance seen between 15 and 29 days in animals weaned on a high-carbohydrate diet.  相似文献   
Sodium valproate is often used with phenytoin when epilepsy cannot be controlled by a single drug. Sodium valproate depresses phenytoin protein binding and so invalidates plasma phenytoin monitoring as a means of determining precise phenytoin dosage requirements. Plasma and saliva phenytoin and plasma valproate concentrations were measured in 42 patients with epilepsy receiving both drugs. Phenytoin protein binding was also measured by ultrafiltration in 19 of these patients and 19 patients taking phenytoin alone. Saliva phenytoin concentration bore the same close correlation to unbound (therapeutically active) phenytoin in patients receiving both drugs as it did in patients receiving phenytoin alone, whereas plasma total phenytoin did not. The same therapeutic range for saliva phenytoin (4-9 mumol/1; 1-2 microgram/ml) was therefore valid in both groups. The depression of phenytoin binding was directly related to the plasma concentration of valproate both in random samples taken from the 42 patients and in samples taken throughout the day in two of these patients. This was confirmed in vitro. Even when the concentration of valproate is known the degree of binding cannot be predicted. Saliva rather than plasma monitoring of phenytoin treatment is therefore valuable in the presence of valproate and with reduced phenytoin binding from any cause.  相似文献   
S Mormeneo  R Knott  D Perlman 《Gene》1987,61(1):21-30
Bidirectionally cleaving blunt-ended DNA linkers have been constructed to generate defined nucleotide sequence modifications. The oligodeoxynucleotides (termed 'excision linkers'), contain two back-to-back recognition sites for class-IIS restriction endonucleases and provide a new instrument for modifying DNA primary structure. Following insertion of these linkers into host DNA, digestion with the cognate class-IIS enzyme results in a cleavage upstream and downstream from the adjoining enzyme recognition sites. Bidirectional cleavage efficiency can be improved by including spacer nucleotides between the two recognition sites. The number of nucleotides removed from or added to the host DNA depends upon the cleavage shift characteristic of the class-IIS enzyme, the design of the linker (including lateral spacer nucleotides to set the cleavage position), and the method used to make blunt ends from staggered ends following excision of the linker. BspMI linkers constructed in this study have been used to generate defined deletions in the ApR and TcR genes of pBR322. BsmI excision linkers are also described.  相似文献   
The Drosophila behaviour/human splicing (DBHS) proteins are a family of RNA/DNA binding cofactors liable for a range of cellular processes. DBHS proteins include the non-POU domain-containing octamer-binding protein (NONO) and paraspeckle protein component 1 (PSPC1), proteins capable of forming combinatorial dimers. Here, we describe the crystal structures of the human NONO and PSPC1 homodimers, representing uncharacterized DBHS dimerization states. The structures reveal a set of conserved contacts and structural plasticity within the dimerization interface that provide a rationale for dimer selectivity between DBHS paralogues. In addition, solution X-ray scattering and accompanying biochemical experiments describe a mechanism of cooperative RNA recognition by the NONO homodimer. Nucleic acid binding is reliant on RRM1, and appears to be affected by the orientation of RRM1, influenced by a newly identified ‘β-clasp’ structure. Our structures shed light on the molecular determinants for DBHS homo- and heterodimerization and provide a basis for understanding how DBHS proteins cooperatively recognize a broad spectrum of RNA targets.  相似文献   
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been mapped in many studies of F2 populations derived from crosses between diverse lines. One approach to confirming these effects and improving the mapping resolution is genetic chromosome dissection through a backcrossing programme. Analysis by interval mapping of the data generated is likely to provide additional power and resolution compared with treating data marker by marker. However, interval mapping approaches for such a programme are not well developed, especially where the founder lines were outbred. We explore alternative approaches to analysis using, as an example, data from chromosome 4 in an intercross between wild boar and Large White pigs where QTLs have been previously identified. A least squares interval mapping procedure was used to study growth rate and carcass traits in a subsequent second backcross generation (BC2). This procedure requires the probability of inheriting a wild boar allele for each BC2 animal for locations throughout the chromosome. Two methods for obtaining these probabilities were compared: stochastic or deterministic. The two methods gave similar probabilities for inheriting wild boar alleles and, hence, gave very similar results from the QTL analysis. The deterministic approach has the advantage of being much faster to run but requires specialized software. A QTL for fatness and for growth were confirmed and, in addition, a QTL for piglet growth from weaning at 5 weeks up to 7 weeks of age and another for carcass length were detected.  相似文献   
The Framingham Heart Study offspring cohort, a complex data set with irregularly spaced longitudinal phenotype data, was made available as part of Genetic Analysis Workshop 13. To allow an analysis of all of the data simultaneously, a mixed-model- based random-regression (RR) approach was used. The RR accounted for the variation in genetic effects (including marker-specific quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects) across time by fitting polynomials of age. The use of a mixed model allowed both fixed (such as sex) and random (such as familial environment) effects to be accounted for appropriately. Using this method we performed a QTL analysis of all of the available adult phenotype data (26,106 phenotypic records). In addition to RR, conventional univariate variance component techniques were applied. The traits of interest were BMI, HDLC, total cholesterol, and height. The longitudinal method allowed the characterization of the change in QTL effects with aging. A QTL affecting BMI was shown to act mainly at early ages.  相似文献   


Metabolic perturbations and slower renewal of cellular components associated with aging increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Declining activity of AMPK, a critical cellular energy sensor, may therefore contribute to neurodegeneration.


Here, we overexpress various genetic variants of the catalytic AMPKα subunit to determine how AMPK activity affects the survival and function of neurons overexpressing human α-synuclein in vivo.


Both AMPKα1 and α2 subunits have neuroprotective effects against human α-synuclein toxicity in nigral dopaminergic neurons. Remarkably, a modified variant of AMPKα1 (T172Dα1) with constitutive low activity most effectively prevents the loss of dopamine neurons, as well as the motor impairments caused by α-synuclein accumulation. In the striatum, T172Dα1 decreases the formation of dystrophic axons, which contain aggregated α-synuclein. In primary cortical neurons, overexpression of human α-synuclein perturbs mitochondrial and lysosomal activities. Co-expressing AMPKα with α-synuclein induces compensatory changes, which limit the accumulation of lysosomal material and increase the mitochondrial mass.


Together, these results indicate that modulating AMPK activity can mitigate α-synuclein toxicity in nigral dopamine neurons, which may have implications for the development of neuroprotective treatments against PD.
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