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Summary Cotyledonary somatic embryos ofLarix × leptoeuropaea that developed after various maturation times on media containing abscisic acid showed different frequencies of conversion into plants. Drying of these somatic embryos under high relative humidity (RH) before germination improved plantlet recovery and eliminated differences in the performance of somatic embryos matured for different times. However, dehydration of somatic embryos under 98% RH to a water content below that of zygotic embryos excised from mature seeds (0.97 and 1.36 g H2O/g dry weight, respectively) showed a strong positive correlation between longer maturation time and desiccation tolerance. Drying somatic embryos at 4° C under 59% RH for 1 wk resulted in desiccation to a water content of 0.30 g H2O/g dry weight, which was the closest to the hydration state of zygotic embryos in dried, stored seeds (0.20 g H2O/g dry weight). Under this condition, only somatic embryos matured for 5 wk germinated and produced plantlets at a relatively high frequency (73 and 41%, respectively).  相似文献   
Explants composed of the epidermis and 4–9 layers of subepidermal cells were excised from internodes of Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera cv. Westar and cultured on modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. The three or four terminal internodes excised from plants at an early stage (before any flower buds had opened) were shown to be the best explant source. Both cytokinin and auxin were required for induction of shoot organogenesis. Of six auxins tested, only naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) was effective in shoot bud initiation. All four cytokinins tested (when associated with 0.5 mgl-1 NAA) promoted organogenesis, but at differing frequencies. The highest shoot induction frequency was obtained at 10–15 mgl-1 benzyladenine (BA). The organogenic response was strongly affected by the nitrogen content of the medium. The best response was observed when NO3 - was the sole nitrogen source (supplied as KNO3) in the range 30–90 mM. Sucrose and glucose were equally supportive in shoot regeneration with the optimal levels at 0.12 M and 0.15 M, respectively. Shoots were rooted on medium free of growth regulators and mature plants were grown in the greenhouse. Plants were also recovered from leafy structures which differed morphologically and histologically from shoot buds.  相似文献   
A genetic transformation procedure for white pine has been developed after cocultivation of embryogenic tissues with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. This efficient transformation procedure led to an average of four independent transformed lines per gram of cocultivated embryogenic tissue and up to 50 transformed lines can be obtained in a routine experiment. Constructs bearing the uidA gene or the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene were introduced and -glucuronidase (GUS) activity was followed over time. The expression of the uidA gene was lowest with a 35S-gus-intron construct and was 20-fold higher with a 35S-35S-AMVgus::nptII construct. The addition of scaffold attachment region (SAR) sequences surrounding the gus::nptII fusion did not significantly enhance the GUS activity. Transformed mature somatic embryos have been germinated and plantlets are presently being acclimatized.  相似文献   
Optimized somatic embryogenesis in Pinus strobus L.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Somatic embryogenesis (SE) initiation in Pinus strobus was optimized by the manipulation of plant growth regulator (PGR) concentrations in the culture medium. Modified Litvay medium (MLV) of Litvay et al. (1985) supplemented with lower than routinely used PGR concentration increased initiation of established embryogenic cultures from approximately 20 to 53%. The original developmental stage of zygotic embryos had a pronounced effect on the SE response. The optimum stage was the pre- to shortly post-cleavage stage. A substantial genetic influence on initiation of SE was indicated by a significant variance component due to families. Genotype X collection date and genotype X media interactions had large effects on initiation of SE. The PGR levels in the culture medium prior to maturation had a significant effect on subsequent production of mature somatic embryos. Embryogenic tissue initiated and proliferated on medium with a low level of PGR consistently produced a high number of somatic embryos, indicating that optimized initiation protocol also enhanced somatic embryo production. Somatic embryos of 93 embryogenic lines (representing five families) that were initiated on media with different PGR concentrations were converted to plants at an overall frequency of 76%, and grown in the greenhouse. With these improved protocols, application of P. strobus SE in commercial clonal forestry is feasible as an alternative to traditional breeding and reforestation.  相似文献   
Application of somatic embryogenesis to Pinus strobus clonal propagation and genetic improvement was hampered by the difficulty in achieving synchronous maturation of a large number of somatic embryos that would germinate and produce plants. Media containing abscisic acid (80 μ M ) and osmotic agents such as sucrose, polyethylene glycol and/or dextran did not sustain development of mature somatic embryos from plated embryonal masses. This indicated that factors other than osmotic agents might be involved in sustaining development of Pinus strobus somatic embryos to maturity. It was subsequently found that media lacking osmotica but containing a high concentration of gellan gum (1%) induced significant improvement in the development of mature somatic embryos in the presence of 80 or 120 μ M abscisic acid. This positive effect was independent of the genotype and all four tested lines displayed similar responses. Media containing gellan gum at concentrations from 0.4 to 1.2% formed gels that varied in their strength. Gel strength was proportional to the concentration of gellan gum in the specific medium but varied depending on the medium formulation. Gel strength increased with the duration of storage of the culture medium by 46% (SD 14) after 14 days of storage. Preliminary results showed that embryos matured on high gellan gum media displayed improved germination frequencies. These results indicate that in Pinus strobus the water status and possibly other medium characteristics that are influenced by increased concentration of gelling agent have stimulatory effects on maturation of somatic embryos.  相似文献   
To initiate somatic embryogenesis in Pinus sylvestris and Pinus pinaster, immature seeds were collected from June to August and the developmental stage of the zygotic embryos was determined. Four developmental stages were distinguished and the response of the zygotic embryos at each of the four developmental stages was compared intra- and inter-species. For this study, modified Litvay's medium (LM), with or without growth regulators, was chosen. Somatic embryogenesis was initiated and maintained on both media but the two species displayed different propensities. In P. sylvestris, the highest initiation frequency was obtained with intact megagametophytes containing embryos at the four-cell stage to the stage of cleavage polyembryony (up to 22 and 9%, respectively). The culture medium had no significant effect on the initiation and proliferation of embryogenic cultures. In P. pinaster, however, the best response occurred from excised zygotic embryos at the stage prior to elongation of cotyledon primordia (up to 40% explants responded), on medium with growth regulators. Another characteristic distinguishing the two species in culture was that in some embryogenic cell lines of P. sylvestris, somatic embryos matured spontaneously when initiated and maintained on medium without growth regulators. Some of these embryos developed into plantlets on the same medium at the frequency of 40%. Therefore, in P. sylvestris all the stages of somatic embryogenesis were achieved on the medium without growth regulators. However, in both species, maturation of a large number of somatic embryos was greatly improved on medium containing high concentration of gellan gum (Gelrite 10 g l?1) and abscisic acid (60 μM). Cotyledonary somatic embryos subsequently germinated (72 and 80% for P. sylvestris and P. pinaster, respectively) and developed into plantlets (48 and 29%, for P. sylvestris and P. pinaster, respectively). This represents a significant improvement in plantlet recovery from somatic embryos of both species.  相似文献   
Regeneration of plants by somatic embryogenesis (SE) was achieved in Stone pine (Pinus pinea), one of the most characteristic tree species of the Mediterranean ecosystem. The initial explants were megagametophytes containing zygotic embryos from five selected half-sib families collected at different dates over 2 consecutive years. Rates of extrusion and initiation of SE differed in both years. However, qualitative patterns were very similar: for most families, the responsive developmental window was from late cleavage polyembryony to early cotyledonary stage. The highest overall mean frequencies of extrusion and SE initiation (7 and 0.9%, respectively, for the five families and the eight 2006 collections) were obtained on a modified Litvay’s medium with 9 μM 2,4-D and 4.5 μM BAP, supplemented with L-glutamine and casein hydrolysate. Families showed large differences in frequencies of SE initiation from year to year. Only seven embryogenic lines were induced in 2005, representing three of the five families tested, whereas 34 lines from all the families were obtained in 2006. Proliferation of embryonal masses (EM) was significantly improved when they were subcultured after dispersing in liquid medium and collected on filter paper disks, instead of being subcultured as small clumps. This effect showed a significant interaction with genotype. Several preconditioning treatments and culture media combinations were tested for embryo development and maturation. The high proliferation rate of EM hampered somatic embryo development. However, up to 42 mature embryos from different lines of three of the five families were obtained, 23 of them germinated and seven converted into somatic seedlings.  相似文献   
Vegetative propagation of superior conifer trees can be achieved, e.g., through rooted cuttings or rooted microshoots, the latter predominantly through in vitro tissue culture. Both techniques are used to achieve rapid multiplication of trees with favorable genetic combinations and to capture a large proportion of the genetic diversity in a single generation cycle. However, adventitious rooting of shoots (cuttings) is often not efficient due to various problems, such as scarcity of roots and cessation of their growth, both of which limit the application of vegetative propagation in some conifer species. Many factors are involved in the adventitious rooting of shoots, including physical and chemical ones, such as plant growth regulators, carbohydrates, light quality, temperature and rooting substrates, or media [reviewed by Ragonezi et al. (Trees 24(6):975–992, 2010)]. The focus of this review is on biological factors, such as inoculations with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria and other endophytes, and mycorrhizal fungi, which were found to stimulate adventitious rooting. These microorganisms could contribute not only to adventitious root development but also to help in protecting conifer plants against pathogenic microorganisms, facilitate acclimation and transplanting, and contribute to more sustainable, chemical-free forests.  相似文献   
Summary Somatic embryos and plantlets were regenerated from protoplasts of hybrid larch (Larix × eurolepis) isolated from two embryogenic callus and cell suspension culture lines (L1 and L2). L2, which was highly embryogenic, consistently yielded protoplasts that gave rise to somatic embryos. Centrifugation on a discontinuous medium/Percoll density gradient resulted in accumulation of embryogenic protoplasts in one of the Percoll interfaces. First division frequencies were in the range of 28–39% in line 1 and 18–20% in line 2 in both liquid and agarose-solidified culture media. The critical factor in maintaining high viability of cultures was lowering of osmotic pressure by dilution of the initial medium. The first somatic embryos were detected in 23- to 28-day-old cultures. Some of these developed into plants that were transferred to soil.  相似文献   
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