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Extracellular Ca2+-deprivation inhibited the proliferation of normal T51B rat liver cells and reduced (2-4 fold) the amount of EDTA/EGTA-extractable protein kinase C activity. By contrast, preneoplastic and neoplastic T51B rat liver cells were able to proliferate in Ca2+-deficient medium and retained all of their extractable protein kinase C activity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Exopeptidase- und Dipeptidaseaktivitäten des Hepatopankreas und Magensaftes von Astacus astacus (L.) und Cambarus affinis (Say) quantitativ bestimmt (Durchschnittswerte von ca. 90 Tieren). Die besonders im Magensaft vorkommende Carboxypeptidase hydrolysiert Carbobenzoxyglycyl-l- phenylalanin und Carbobenzoxy-l-glutamyl-l-tyrosin ungefähr gleichstark (pH-Optimum 7,6 bzw. 7,0). Im Vergleich zur kristallisierten Pankreascarboxypeptidase wird das Magensaftenzym stärker durch Hydrozimtsäure als durch o-Phenanthrolin gehemmt. SH-Gruppen sind für die Wirkung nicht nötig. Die Leucinamid- und Leucin--naphthylamid-Hydrolyse ist nicht auf die klassische Leucinaminopeptidase, sondern auf eine metallionenunabhängige und puromycinempfindliche Arylamidase-ähnliche Wirkung (pH-Optimum 7,7–8,0) zurückzuführen. Amidase- und Dipeptidase (Substrat: Glycyl-l-lencin)-Wirkung sind besonders im Hepatopankreas aktiv.
Occurrence and properties of proteolytic enzymes in the gastric juice and hepatopancreas of the crayfishes Astacus astacus (L.) and cambarus affinis (Say)I. Exopeptidases
Summary The exopeptidase and dipeptidase activities of the hepatopanereas and gastric juice of Astacus astacus (L.) and Cambarus affinis (Say) were determined (mean values from approximately 90 exemplares). The carboxypeptidase which was highly active in the gastric juice hydrolyzes carbobenzoxyglycyl-l-phenylalanine and carbobenzoxy-l-glutamyl-l-tyrosine at about the same rate (pH-optimum at 7,6 and 7,0 respectively). Compared with the crystalline pancreas carboxypeptidase the gastric juice enzyme was stronger inhibited by hydrocinnamic acid than by o-phenanthroline. Sulfhydryl groups are not essential for the enzyme action. The observed hydrolysis of leucine amide and leucine--naphthyl amide could not be attributed to the classic leucine aminopeptidase but to an arylamidase like action (pH Optimum 7,7 to 8,0) which was independent of metal ions and puromycin-sensitive. The amidase and dipeptidase (substrate: glycyl-l-leucine) are mainly localized in hepatopanereas.
Seven microbial peptide inhibitors—chymostatin, antipain, elastatinal, leupeptin, pepstatin, bestatin, and phosphoramidon—were tested for their efficiency to inhibit thermitase, a thermostable serine protease fromThermoactinomyces vulgaris. Chymostatin and antipain were the most effective inhibitors, with Ki values of 7×10–8 M and 2×10–7 M, respectively. Except for leupeptin, all inhibitors resist hydrolysis by thermitase. Leupeptin, however, is cleaved by thermitase between the two leucylresidues. Further, a close relationship in specificity between thermitase and subtilisin BPN and their distinct discrimination from elastase specificity was demonstrated by using these inhibitors.  相似文献   
Spatiotemporal cytoskeleton remodeling is pivotal for cell adhesion and migration. Here we investigated the function of Gas2-related protein on chromosome 22 (GAR22β), a poorly characterized protein that interacts with actin and microtubules. Primary and immortalized GAR22β/ Sertoli cells moved faster than wild-type cells. In addition, GAR22β/ cells showed a more prominent focal adhesion turnover. GAR22β overexpression or its reexpression in GAR22β/ cells reduced cell motility and focal adhesion turnover. GAR22β–actin interaction was stronger than GAR22β–microtubule interaction, resulting in GAR22β localization and dynamics that mirrored those of the actin cytoskeleton. Mechanistically, GAR22β interacted with the regulator of microtubule dynamics end-binding protein 1 (EB1) via a novel noncanonical amino acid sequence, and this GAR22β–EB1 interaction was required for the ability of GAR22β to modulate cell motility. We found that GAR22β is highly expressed in mouse testes, and its absence resulted in reduced spermatozoa generation, lower actin levels in testes, and impaired motility and ultrastructural disorganization of spermatozoa. Collectively our findings identify GAR22β as a novel regulator of cell adhesion and migration and provide a foundation for understanding the molecular basis of diverse cytoskeleton-dependent processes.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Hepatopankreas (HP) der Flußkrebse Astacus astacus (L.) und Cambarus affinis (Say) enthält eine hochmolekulare Carboxypeptidase A-Wirkung (Substrat: Carbobenzoxyglycyl-l-phenylalanin) (K d-Wert auf Sephadex G-200=0,04) und eine Arylamidase-Wirkung [Substrat: l-Leucin--naphthyl-amid·HCl (LNA)], sowie Dipeptidase-Wirkung (Substrat: Glycyl-l-leucin) (K d-Werte auf Sephadex G-200=0,46 bzw. 0,39). Carboxypeptidase B (Substrat: Hippuryl-l-arginin)-Aktivität wurde im HP nicht gefunden. Im Gegensatz zum HP ist die Carboxypeptidase A des Magensaftes (MS) niedriger molekular (K d-Wert auf Sephadex G-150=0,62; Molekulargewicht: ca. 30000), die LNA-ase des MS höher molekular (K d-Wert auf Sephadex G-150=0,26). Außerdem enthält der MS eine hochaktive Carboxypeptidase B-ähnliche Wirkung, die sich auf Sephadexgel wie die Carboxypeptidase A verhält. Chelatbildner (,-Dipyridyl, o-Phenanthrolin) hemmen die Hippurylarginin-Wirkung nicht. Die Carboxypeptidase A des HP wird durch EDTA und Hydrozimtsäure deutlich, durch p-Chlormercuribenzoat gering aktiviert und durch 2-Mercaptoäthanol (10–3 m und höhere Konzentrationen) stark gehemmt.
The differential behaviour of the exopeptidases from hepatopancreas and gastric juice of the crayfish Astacus astacus (L.) and Cambarus affinis (Say) during gelfiltration on sephadex and towards effectors
Summary Hepatopancreas (HP) of the crayfishes Astacus astacus (L.) and Cambarus affinis (Say) contains a high molecular carboxypeptidase A like action (substrate: carbobenzoxyglycyl-l-phenylalanine) (K d-value on Sephadex G-200 =0,04), an arylamidase like action (substrate: l-leucine- -naphthylamide·HCl; LNA), and a dipeptidase (substrate: glycyl-l-leucine) (K d-values on Sephadex G-200 0,46 and 0,39 respectively). Carboxypeptidase B (substrate: hippuryl-l-arginine) activity was absent in HP. Contrary to the exopeptidases of HP the carboxypeptidase A of the gastric juice is of lower molecular weight (K d-value on Sephadex G-150=0,62; molecular weight approx. 30.000), and the arylamidase of the gastric juice is of higher molecular weight (K d-value on Sephadex G-150=0,26). Moreover gastric juice contains a highly active carboxypeptidase like activity, with identical behaviour on Sephadexgel as carboxypeptidase A. ,-dipyridyl and o-phenanthroline are without effect on the hippurylarginine splitting activity. Carboxypeptidase A of HP is significantly activated by EDTA and hydrocinnamic acid, and slightly activated by p-chloromercuribenzoate. 2-mercaptoethanol (10–3 molar and higher concentrations) inhibits strongly the carboxypeptidase A of HP.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Hanson möchte ich für sein Interesse an dieser Arbeit sowie für die kritische Durchsicht des Manuskriptes vielmals danken. — Der medizinisch-technischen Assistentin Frau Johanna Scheel danke ich für ihre wertvolle Mit-arbeit bei den Versuchen.  相似文献   
Eosinophilperoxidase (EPO), a cationic protein found in eosinophils, has beenreported to be cytotoxic independent of its peroxidase activity. Thisstudy investigated with electrophysiological methods whether EPO istoxic to mammalian urinary bladder epithelium. Results indicate thatEPO, when added to the mucosal solution, increases apical membraneconductance of urinary bladder epithelium only when the apical membranepotential is cell interior negative. The EPO-induced conductance wasconcentration dependent, with a maximumconductance of 411 µS/cm2 and aMichaelis-Menten constant of 113 nM. The EPO-induced conductance wasnonselective for K+ andCl. The conductance waspartially reversed using voltage but not by removal of EPO from thebulk solution. Mucosal Ca2+reversed the EPO-induced conductance by a mechanism involving reversible block of the conductance. Prolonged exposure (up to 1 h) toEPO was toxic to the urinary bladder epithelium, as indicated by anirreversible increase in transepithelial conductance. These resultssuggest that EPO is indeed toxic to urinary bladder epithelium via amechanism that involves an increase in membrane permeability.  相似文献   
Absence of intrinsic electric conductivity in single dsDNA molecules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intrinsic dc conductivity of long, individual lambda phage dsDNA molecules has been investigated by ultrasensitive low current-voltage-spectroscopy (IV) under ambient conditions and controlled low humidity inert gas atmosphere on microfabricated metal-insulator-metal gap structures. We found a strong dependence of the measured conductivity on the apparent humidity, which we attribute to capillary condensation of water to the immobilized DNA molecules, giving rise to additional ionic currents. Additional IV-spectroscopy experiments under controlled argon atmosphere always revealed a significant drop in electrical conductivity to 4 x 10(-15)AV(-1)microm(-1), indicating almost no considerable contribution of electrical long range charge transport.  相似文献   
We report a prematurely born patient with a 68,XX karyotype. She presented with syndactyly of 2nd and 3rd toes, minor facial features, microcephaly, slender hands, bicuspid aortic valve, patent ductus arteriosus and hypotonia. Comparison with other reported cases is given.  相似文献   
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