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A cDNA clone encoding a small cysteine and serine-rich basic protein has been isolated from a mouse testis cDNA library. This cDNA clone encodes the mouse homologue of a protein involved in the initial phases of condensation of chromatin during spermiogenesis in rats, TP2, based on similarities in the sequence of the carboxyl terminus, composition, molecular weight, and electrophoretic mobility. Mouse TP2 can be divided into a highly basic domain comprising about one-third of the polypeptide chain at the carboxyl terminus and a much less basic domain comprising the remaining two-thirds at the amino terminus. The 5' end of the mouse TP2 mRNA contains two in-phase initiation codons both of which may be used generating two polypeptides which differ in length at the amino terminus. Southern blots demonstrate that there is a single copy of the TP2 gene in the mouse genome and Northern blots demonstrate that the polyadenylated TP2 mRNA is present at high and essentially equal levels in early and late haploid cells, and that it is virtually absent from meiotic cells.  相似文献   
The nuclei of mouse spermatozoa contain two protamine variants, mouse protamine 1 (mP1) and mouse protamine 2 (mP2). The amino acid sequence predicted from mP1 cDNAs demonstrates that mP1 is a 50-amino-acid protein with strong homology to other mammalian P1 protamines. Nucleotide sequence analysis of independently isolated, overlapping cDNA clones indicated that mP2 is initially synthesized as a precursor protein which is subsequently processed into the spermatozoan form of mP2. The existence of the mP2 precursor was confirmed by amino acid composition and sequence analysis of the largest of a set of four basic proteins isolated from late-step spermatids whose synthesis is coincident with that of mP1. The sequence of the first 10 amino acids of this protein, mP2 precursor 1, exactly matches that predicted from the nucleotide sequence of cDNA and genomic mP2 clones. The amino acid composition of isolated mP2 precursor 1 very closely matches that predicted from the mP2 cDNA nucleotide sequence. Sequence analysis of the amino terminus of isolated mature mP2 identified the final processing point within the mP2 precursor. These studies demonstrated that mP2 is synthesized as a precursor containing 106 amino acids which is processed into the mature, 63-amino-acid form found in spermatozoa.  相似文献   
I have compared the quantity and the length of the poly(A) tracts of five haploid-expressed mRNAs in the polysomal and nonpolysomal fractions of round and elongating spermatids in mice: transition proteins 1 and 2, protamines 1 and 2, and an unidentified mRNA of about 1050 bases. Postmitochondrial supernatants of highly enriched populations of round and elongating spermatids (early and late haploid spermatogenic cells) were sedimented on sucrose gradients, and the size and amount of each mRNA in gradient fractions were analyzed in Northern blots. In round spermatids, all five mRNAs are restricted to the postpolysomal fractions, but in elongating spermatids about 30-40% of each mRNA is associated with the polysomes. The distribution of these mRNAs in sucrose gradients suggests that all five mRNAs are stored in a translationally repressed state in round and early elongating spermatids, and that they become translationally active in middle and late elongating spermatids. The translationally repressed forms of all five mRNAs are long and homogenous in size, whereas the polysomal forms are shorter and more heterogenous due to shortening of their poly(A) tracts. The relationship between translational activity and poly(A) size exemplified by these five mRNAs may be typical of mRNAs which are translationally repressed in round spermatids and translationally active in elongating spermatids.  相似文献   
The mitochondrial selenoprotein is a major structural protein of the keratinous mitochondrial capsule in mammalian sperm, a structure that functions in shaping mitochondria into the helical sheath surrounding the flagellum. A cDNA clone (Kleene et al., 1990) was isolated previously encoding a protein whose predicted size and amino acid content of > 20% cysteine and proline closely resembled a selenoprotein in the bull mitochondrial capsule. The sequences of additional cDNAs and genomic DNA reported here reveal that the mouse mitochondrial capsule selenoprotein reading frame begins 54 codons further upstream than previously reported. Significantly, these 54 codons contain three in-phase UGA codons, which normally signify stop but encode selenocysteine in bacterial and mammalian selenoproteins. The coding region of the mitochondrial capsule selenoprotein gene is interrupted by a single intron. S1 mapping and primer extension demonstrate that the vast majority of MCS mRNAs are spliced using consensus 5' and 3' slice junctions in mammalian cells. However, two cDNAs have been identified that apparently represent rare mRNA variants produced by use of cryptic splice sites.  相似文献   
We have characterized cDNA clones encoding the selenium-containing polypeptide of the keratinous mitochondrial capsule in mouse sperm. The longest open reading frame encodes a polypeptide 143 amino acids long which contains 21% cysteine and 27% proline and closely resembles the size and amino acid composition of bull mitochondrial capsule seleno-protein (V. Pallini, B. Baccetti, and A. G. Burrini, 1979, in "The Spermatozoon," D. W. Fawcett and J. M. Bedford, Eds., pp. 141-151, Urban & Schwartzenberg, Baltimore/Munich). The reading frame encoding the mitochondrial capsule seleno-protein ends with an amber stop codon suggesting that selenium is not incorporated cotranslationally into the protein by an opal suppressor selenocysteyl-tRNA as has been found for several eukaryotic and bacterial proteins. Northern blots using RNA extracted from purified spermatogenic cells and staged prepuberal mice suggest that the mitochondrial capsule seleno-protein mRNA is first transcribed in late meiotic cells and that the levels of the mRNA increase after meiosis in early haploid cells. Southern blots demonstrate that there is one copy of the gene in the mouse genome. The identification of this cDNA clone, in combination with previous work (K. C. Kleene, 1989, Development 106, 367-373) demonstrates that the mRNA for the mitochondrial capsule seleno-protein is translationally repressed with long homogenous poly(A) tracts in round spermatids and translationally active with shortened heterogenous poly(A) tracts in elongating spermatids.  相似文献   
Dysregulation of the proteolytic processing of amyloid precursor protein by γ-secretase and the ensuing generation of amyloid-β is associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s disease. Thus, the identification of amyloid precursor protein binding proteins involved in regulating processing of amyloid precursor protein by the γ-secretase complex is essential for understanding the mechanisms underlying the molecular pathology of the disease. We identified calreticulin as novel amyloid precursor protein interaction partner that binds to the γ-secretase cleavage site within amyloid precursor protein and showed that this Ca2+- and N-glycan-independent interaction is mediated by amino acids 330–344 in the C-terminal C-domain of calreticulin. Co-immunoprecipitation confirmed that calreticulin is not only associated with amyloid precursor protein but also with the γ-secretase complex members presenilin and nicastrin. Calreticulin was detected at the cell surface by surface biotinylation of cells overexpressing amyloid precursor protein and was co-localized by immunostaining with amyloid precursor protein and presenilin at the cell surface of hippocampal neurons. The P-domain of calreticulin located between the N-terminal N-domain and the C-domain interacts with presenilin, the catalytic subunit of the γ-secretase complex. The P- and C-domains also interact with nicastrin, another functionally important subunit of this complex. Transfection of amyloid precursor protein overexpressing cells with full-length calreticulin leads to a decrease in amyloid-β42 levels in culture supernatants, while transfection with the P-domain increases amyloid-β40 levels. Similarly, application of the recombinant P- or C-domains and of a synthetic calreticulin peptide comprising amino acid 330–344 to amyloid precursor protein overexpressing cells result in elevated amyloid-β40 and amyloid-β42 levels, respectively. These findings indicate that the interaction of calreticulin with amyloid precursor protein and the γ-secretase complex regulates the proteolytic processing of amyloid precursor protein by the γ-secretase complex, pointing to calreticulin as a potential target for therapy in Alzheimer''s disease.  相似文献   
cDNA encoding porin of Neurospora crassa, the major protein component of the outer mitochondrial membrane, was isolated and the nucleotide sequence was determined. The deduced protein sequence consists of 283 amino acids (29,979 daltons) and shows sequence homology of around 43% to yeast porin; however, no significant homology to bacterial porins was apparent. According to secondary structure predictions, mitochondrial porin consists mainly of membrane-spanning sided beta-sheets. Porin was efficiently synthesized in vitro from the cDNA; this allowed us to study in detail its import into mitochondria. Thereby, three characteristics of import were defined: (i) import depended on the presence of nucleoside triphosphates; (ii) involvement of a proteinaceous receptor-like component on the surface of the mitochondria was demonstrated; (iii) insertion into the outer membrane was resolved into at least two distinct steps: specific binding to high-affinity sites and subsequent assembly to the mature form.  相似文献   
Plasmonics - This study shows development of highly sensitive and stable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)-active U-bent glass and polymeric optical fiber (GOF and POF) sensor probes by a...  相似文献   
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