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Biosynthesis of alginate in algae may be studied by following the cell wall regeneration of brown seaweed protoplasts in culture. The enzyme mannuronan C-5 epimerase will control the composition of the alginate being synthetized.Freshly isolated protoplasts from the thallus of young Laminaria digitata plants showed only low expression of this enzyme. However, after prolonged periods in culture, this activity increased 15-fold. The synthesis of C-5 epimerase by the protoplasts is probably essential for the formation of a new cell wall.After cellular disruption by osmotic shock and centrifugation, most of the epimerase activity resided in the pellet fraction. This may indicate that the enzyme is membrane associated.  相似文献   
Anaerobic digestion of the brown algaLaminaria saccharina (L.) Lamour. harvested in spring and autumn was carried out at controlled laboratory conditions in stirred fermentor systems. Due to the normal seasonal variations, the autumn material had a much higher content of carbohydrates such as mannitol and laminaran. Both batch and semi-continuous feeding conditions were investigated for periods up to 800 h, with inoculum provided from previous kelp fermentations. In batch cultures, the methane yield from the autumn material was doubled compared to that of the spring material. Semi-continuous conditions gave more similar methane yields for both raw materials, 0.22 and 0.27 l CH4 per g VS for spring and autumn material, respectively. In all experiments, mannitol and laminaran were reduced to less than 5 of the initial values within 24–48 hours after inoculation, whereas 30 of the alginate content was detectable even after 30 days. Viscometry revealed that this material was severely depolymerized, and alginate lyase activity was found to develop rapidly in all cultures. Although mannitol and laminaran were fermented much faster than alginate, the total accumulated methane yields seemed to be determined by the total carbohydrate content of the raw material during extended semi-continuous feeding.(*author for correspondence)  相似文献   
Whereas the negative muscle regulator myostatin (MSTN) in mammals is almost exclusively expressed in the muscle by a single encoding gene, teleost fish possess at least two MSTN genes which are differentially expressed in both muscular and non-muscular tissues. Duplicated MSTN-1 genes have previously been identified in the tetraploid salmonid genome. From Atlantic salmon we succeeded in isolating the paralogous genes of MSTN-2, which shared about 70% identity with MSTN-1a and -1b. The salmon MSTN-2a cDNA encoded a predicted protein of 363 residues and included the conserved C-terminal bioactive domain. MSTN-2a seemed to be primarily expressed in the brain, and a functional role of teleost MSTN-2 in the neurogenesis similar to the inhibitory action of the closely related GDF-11 in the mammalian brain was proposed. In contrast, a frame-shift mutation in exon 1 of salmon MSTN-2b would lead to the synthesis of a putatively non-functional truncated protein. The absence of processed MSTN-2b mRNA in the examined tissues indicated that this gene has become a non-functional pseudogene. The differential, but partially overlapping, expression patterns of salmon MSTN-2a, -1a and -1b in muscular and non-muscular tissues are probably due to the different arrangement of the potential cis-acting regulatory elements identified in their putative promoter regions. Single and paired E-boxes in the MSTN-1b promoter were shown to bind both homo-and hetero-dimers of the myogenic regulatory factor MyoD and E47 in vitro of importance for initiating the myogenic program. Analyses of nucleotide substitution patterns indicated that the teleost MSTNs essentially have evolved under purifying selection, but a subset of amino acid sites under positive selective pressure were identified within the MSTN1 branch. The results may reflect the evolutionary forces related to adoption of the different functional roles proposed for the teleost MSTN isoforms. The phylogenetic analysis of multiple vertebrate MSTNs suggested at least two separate gene duplication events in the fish lineage. Linkage analysis of polymorphic microsatellites within intron 2 of salmon MSTN-1a and -1b mapped the two genes to different linkage groups in agreement with the tetraploid origin of the duplicated salmonid MSTN-1 and MSTN-2 genes.  相似文献   
Dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are known producers of paralytic shellfish toxins. Species within the genus have similar phenotypes making morphological identification problematical. The use of Alexandrium rDNA sequence data is therefore increasing, resulting in the improved resolution of evolutionary relationships by phylogenetic inferences. However, the true branching pattern within Alexandrium remains unresolved, with minimal support shown for the main phylogentic branch. The aim of this study is to improve phylogenetic resolution via a concatenated rDNA approach with a broad sample of taxa, allowing inference of the evolutionary pattern between species and toxins. 27 Alexandrium strains from 10 species were tested with HPLC for PSP toxin presence and additionally sequenced for 18S, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and 28S rDNA before being phylogenetically inferred together with all available orthologous sequences from NCBI. The resulting alignment is the largest to date for the genus, in terms of both inferred characters and taxa, thus allowing for the improved phylogenetic resolution of evolutionary patterns there in. No phylogenetic pattern between PSP producing and non-producing strains could be established, however the terminal tamarense complex was shown to produce more PSP analogues than basal clades. Additionally, we distinguish a high number of polymorphic regions between the two copies of A. fundyense rDNA, thus allowing us to demonstrate the presence of chimeric sequences within GenBank, as well as a possible over estimation of diversification within the tamarense complex.  相似文献   
Serial transfer of plastids from one eukaryotic host to another is the key process involved in evolution of secondhand plastids. Such transfers drastically change the environment of the plastids and hence the selection regimes, presumably leading to changes over time in the characteristics of plastid gene evolution and to misleading phylogenetic inferences. About half of the dinoflagellate protists species are photosynthetic and unique in harboring a diversity of plastids acquired from a wide range of eukaryotic algae. They are therefore ideal for studying evolutionary processes of plastids gained through secondary and tertiary endosymbioses. In the light of these processes, we have evaluated the origin of 2 types of dinoflagellate plastids, containing the peridinin or 19'-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (19'-HNOF) pigments, by inferring the phylogeny using "covarion" evolutionary models allowing the pattern of among-site rate variation to change over time. Our investigations of genes from secondary and tertiary plastids derived from the rhodophyte plastid lineage clearly reveal "heterotachy" processes characterized as stationary covarion substitution patterns and changes in proportion of variable sites across sequences. Failure to accommodate covarion-like substitution patterns can have strong effects on the plastid tree topology. Importantly, multigene analyses performed with probabilistic methods using among-site rate and covarion models of evolution conflict with proposed single origin of the peridinin- and 19'-HNOF-containing plastids, suggesting that analysis of secondhand plastids can be hampered by convergence in the evolutionary signature of the plastid DNA sequences. Another type of sequence convergence was detected at protein level involving the psaA gene. Excluding the psaA sequence from a concatenated protein alignment grouped the peridinin plastid with haptophytes, congruent with all DNA trees. Altogether, taking account of complex processes involved in the evolution of dinoflagellate plastid sequences (both at the DNA and amino acid level), we demonstrate the difficulty of excluding independent, tertiary origin for both the peridinin and 19'-HNOF plastids involving engulfment of haptophyte-like algae. In addition, the refined topologies suggest the red algal order, Porphyridales, as the endosymbiont ancestor of the secondary plastids in cryptophytes, haptophytes, and heterokonts.  相似文献   
The phylogenies of allopolyploids take the shape of networks and cannot be adequately represented as bifurcating trees. Especially for high polyploids (i.e., organisms with more than six sets of nuclear chromosomes), the signatures of gene homoeolog loss, deep coalescence, and polyploidy may become confounded, with the result that gene trees may be congruent with more than one species network. Herein, we obtained the most parsimonious species network by objective comparison of competing scenarios involving polyploidization and homoeolog loss in a high-polyploid lineage of violets (Viola, Violaceae) mostly or entirely restricted to North America, Central America, or Hawaii. We amplified homoeologs of the low-copy nuclear gene, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), by single-molecule polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the chloroplast trnL-F region by conventional PCR for 51 species and subspecies. Topological incongruence among GPI homoeolog subclades, owing to deep coalescence and two instances of putative loss (or lack of detection) of homoeologs, were reconciled by applying the maximum tree topology for each subclade. The most parsimonious species network and the fossil-based calibration of the homoeolog tree favored monophyly of the high polyploids, which has resulted from allodecaploidization 9-14 Ma, involving sympatric ancestors from the extant Viola sections Chamaemelanium (diploid), Plagiostigma (paleotetraploid), and Viola (paleotetraploid). Although two of the high-polyploid lineages (Boreali-Americanae, Pedatae) remained decaploid, recurrent polyploidization with tetraploids of section Plagiostigma within the last 5 Ma has resulted in two 14-ploid lineages (Mexicanae, Nosphinium) and one 18-ploid lineage (Langsdorffianae). This implies a more complex phylogenetic and biogeographic origin of the Hawaiian violets (Nosphinium) than that previously inferred from rDNA data and illustrates the necessity of considering polyploidy in phylogenetic and biogeographic reconstruction.  相似文献   
The dinoflagellates are a diverse lineage of microbial eukaryotes. Dinoflagellate monophyly and their position within the group Alveolata are well established. However, phylogenetic relationships between dinoflagellate orders remain unresolved. To date, only a limited number of dinoflagellate studies have used a broad taxon sample with more than two concatenated markers. This lack of resolution makes it difficult to determine the evolution of major phenotypic characters such as morphological features or toxin production e.g. saxitoxin. Here we present an improved dinoflagellate phylogeny, based on eight genes, with the broadest taxon sampling to date. Fifty-five sequences for eight phylogenetic markers from nuclear and mitochondrial regions were amplified from 13 species, four orders, and concatenated phylogenetic inferences were conducted with orthologous sequences. Phylogenetic resolution is increased with addition of support for the deepest branches, though can be improved yet further. We show for the first time that the characteristic dinoflagellate thecal plates, cellulosic material that is present within the sub-cuticular alveoli, appears to have had a single origin. In addition, the monophyly of most dinoflagellate orders is confirmed: the Dinophysiales, the Gonyaulacales, the Prorocentrales, the Suessiales, and the Syndiniales. Our improved phylogeny, along with results of PCR to detect the sxtA gene in various lineages, allows us to suggest that this gene was probably acquired separately in Gymnodinium and the common ancestor of Alexandrium and Pyrodinium and subsequently lost in some descendent species of Alexandrium.  相似文献   
Animals are evolutionarily related to fungi and to the predominantly unicellular protozoan phylum Choanozoa, together known as opisthokonts. To establish the sequence of events when animals evolved from unicellular ancestors, and understand those key evolutionary transitions, we need to establish which choanozoans are most closely related to animals and also the evolutionary position of each choanozoan group within the opisthokont phylogenetic tree. Here we focus on Ministeria vibrans, a minute bacteria-eating cell with slender radiating tentacles. Single-gene trees suggested that it is either the closest unicellular relative of animals or else sister to choanoflagellates, traditionally considered likely animal ancestors. Sequencing thousands of Ministeria protein genes now reveals about 14 with domains of key significance for animal cell biology, including several previously unknown from deeply diverging Choanozoa, e.g. domains involved in hedgehog, Notch and tyrosine kinase signaling or cell adhesion (cadherin). Phylogenetic trees using 78 proteins show that Ministeria is not sister to animals or choanoflagellates (themselves sisters to animals), but to Capsaspora, another protozoan with thread-like (filose) tentacles. The Ministeria/Capsaspora clade (new class Filasterea) is sister to animals and choanoflagellates, these three groups forming a novel clade (filozoa) whose ancestor presumably evolved filose tentacles well before they aggregated as a periciliary collar in the choanoflagellate/sponge common ancestor. Our trees show ichthyosporean choanozoans as sisters to filozoa; a fusion between ubiquitin and ribosomal small subunit S30 protein genes unifies all holozoa (filozoa plus Ichthyosporea), being absent in earlier branching eukaryotes. Thus, several successive evolutionary innovations occurred among their unicellular closest relatives prior to the origin of the multicellular body-plan of animals.  相似文献   
Several dinoflagellate strains of the genus Pfiesteria were isolated by culturing techniques from sediment samples taken in the Oslofjord region of Norway. Pfiesteria piscicida, well known as a fish killer from the Atlantic coast of America, was identified by genetic methods and light microscopy. The related species Pfiesteria shumwayae was attracted from the sediment by the presence of fish, and has proved toxic. This present survey demonstrates the wide distribution of these potentially harmful species, but so far they have not been connected with fish kills in Europe.  相似文献   
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