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The hermaphroditic freshwater clam Corbicula leana reproduces by androgenesis. In the control (androgenetic development), all maternal chromosomes and maternal centrosomes at the meiotic poles were extruded as the two first polar bodies, and subsequently, second meiosis did not occur. But, in C. leana eggs treated with cytochalasin D (CD) to inhibit polar body extrusion, the second meiosis occurred. At metaphase-I, the spindle showed the typical bipolar structure and two spheroid centrosomes were located at its poles. All the maternal chromosomes were divided at anaphase-I, but they were not extruded as polar bodies due to the effects of CD. After completion of first meiosis, the maternal centrosomes split into four. At the second meiosis, twin or tetrapolar spindles were formed and two groups of maternal chromosomes divided into four sets of chromosomes. After the second meiosis, the spindle disassociated and the four maternal centrosomes disappeared. Four groups of maternal chromosomes transformed into the four female pronuclei. Male and female pronuclei became metaphase chromosomes of the first mitosis. The present study clearly indicates that typical meiosis systems still proceed in androgenetic triploid C. leana. We conclude that the androgenetic form may have arisen from the meiotic form.  相似文献   
Over the course of evolution, the acquisition of novel structures has ultimately led to wide variation in morphology among extant multicellular organisms. Thus, the origins of genetic systems for new morphological structures are a subject of great interest in evolutionary biology. The larval skeleton is a novel structure acquired in some echinoderm lineages via the activation of the adult skeletogenic machinery. Previously, VEGF signaling was suggested to have played an important role in the acquisition of the larval skeleton. In the present study, we compared expression patterns of Alx genes among echinoderm classes to further explore the factors involved in the acquisition of a larval skeleton. We found that the alx1 gene, originally described as crucial for sea urchin skeletogenesis, may have also played an essential role in the evolution of the larval skeleton. Unlike those echinoderms that have a larval skeleton, we found that alx1 of starfish was barely expressed in early larvae that have no skeleton. When alx1 overexpression was induced via injection of alx1 mRNA into starfish eggs, the expression patterns of certain genes, including those possibly involved in skeletogenesis, were altered. This suggested that a portion of the skeletogenic program was induced solely by alx1. However, we observed no obvious external phenotype or skeleton. We concluded that alx1 was necessary but not sufficient for the acquisition of the larval skeleton, which, in fact, requires several genetic events. Based on these results, we discuss how the larval expression of alx1 contributed to the acquisition of the larval skeleton in the putative ancestral lineage of echinoderms.  相似文献   
H. Ohsaki, E. Hirakawa, K. Kagawa, M. Nakamura, H. Kiyomoto and R. Haba Value of computer‐assisted quantitative nuclear morphometry for differentiation of reactive renal tubular cells from low‐grade urothelial carcinoma Objective: To assess whether computer‐assisted quantitative morphological parameters can be an effective tool for objectively distinguishing reactive renal tubular cells from low‐grade urothelial carcinoma cells (LG‐UCs) in voided urine. Methods: Nuclear morphometry was performed by a computer‐assisted image analyser system on Papanicolaou‐stained cytological specimens. The circumference of reactive renal tubular cells (n = 40) or LG‐UC (n = 20) nuclei were manually traced, and the following nuclear morphometric parameters were analysed: (i) area, (ii) perimeter, (iii) roundness factor, (iv) maximum length, and (v) linear factor. For each nuclear measurement, we calculated the maximum, minimum, mean and standard deviation. Results: The mean nuclear area and nuclear perimeter were higher in reactive renal tubular cells compared to the LG‐UCs. The mean of roundness and linear factors (reflecting a tendency for the nuclear outline to be regular and oval, respectively) were higher in LG‐UCs compared with reactive renal tubular cells. Among nuclear areas, the nuclear perimeter, roundness factors and maximum length did not show any significant differences between reactive renal tubular cells and LG‐UCs. On the other hand, the linear factor showed a mean higher value among LG‐UCs than reactive renal tubular cells (P = 0.023). Conclusions: Of five quantitative nuclear morphological parameters, only linear factor was statistically significant in differentiating reactive renal tubular cells in renal disease from LG‐UCs.  相似文献   
H. Ohsaki, E. Hirakawa, Y. Kushida, S. Yokoshita, M. Nakamura, H. Kiyomoto and R. Haba Can cytological features differentiate reactive renal tubular cells from low‐grade urothelial carcinoma cells? Objective: To compare the cytomorphological and immunocytochemical features of reactive renal tubular cells and low‐grade urothelial carcinoma cells (LG‐UCs). Methods: We examined 15 cytological parameters in 38 cases with reactive renal tubular cells in renal disease and 20 cases of LG‐UCs from bladder cancer that had been diagnosed by histological examination. Voided urine cytological parameters evaluated were as follows: (i) maximum cell numbers of clusters, (ii) cannibalism, (iii) rosette‐like arrangement, (iv) hobnail‐shaped cells, (v) vacuolated cytoplasm, (vi) intracytoplasmic haemosiderin, (vii) irregular nuclear contours, (viii) chromatin pattern, (ix) prominent nucleoli, (x) cast encasement, (xi) casts, (xii) dysmorphic erythrocytes, (xiii) isomorphic erythrocytes, (xiv) necrosis, and (xv) vimentin reactivity. The above parameters were determined using Mann–Whitney U‐test and chi‐square test, with differences considered significant at P < 0.05. Results: In reactive renal tubular cells, low to moderate cell numbers of clusters (fewer than 50 cells), rosette‐like arrangement, hobnail‐shaped cells, vacuolated cytoplasm, intracytoplasmic haemosiderin, euchromatin pattern, prominent nucleoli, dysmorphic erythrocytes and vimentin reactivity were present in significantly higher proportions compared with those in LG‐UCs. In LG‐UCs, high cell numbers of clusters (50 cells or more), cannibalism, heterochromatin pattern, isomorphic erythrocytes and necrosis were seen in significantly higher proportions. No significant differences were observed in irregular nuclear contours, cast encasement or casts. Conclusions: Based on results of the present study, maximum cell numbers of clusters, cannibalism, rosette‐like arrangement, hobnail‐shaped cells, vacuolated cytoplasm, intracytoplasmic haemosiderin, chromatin pattern, prominent nucleoli, dysmorphic erythrocytes, isomorphic erythrocytes, necrosis, and vimentin reactivity were capable of distinguishing reactive renal tubular cells from LG‐UCs.  相似文献   
A member of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family, VEGF165, regulates vascular endothelial cell functions in autocrine and paracrine fashions in microvessels. Proteoglycans are highly glycosylated poly-anionic macromolecules that influence cellular behaviors such as proliferation and migration by interacting with cytokines/growth factors. In the present study, we investigated the regulation of proteoglycan synthesis by VEGF165 in cultured human brain microvascular endothelial cells. The cells were exposed to recombinant human VEGF165, and the proteoglycans were then characterized using biochemical techniques. VEGF165 treatment increased the accumulation of proteoglycans 1.4- and 1.6-fold in the cell layer and conditioned medium, respectively. This effect resulted from the activation of VEGFR-2, and was mimicked by vammin, a VEGFR-2 ligand from snake venom but not placenta growth factor, which binds specifically to VEGFR-1. VEGF165 stimulated the production and secretion of perlecan, substituted with shorter heparan sulfate side chains, but with unaltered sulfated disaccharide composition. The perlecan secreted by VEGF165-stimulated endothelial cells may be involved in the regulation of cellular behavior during angiogenesis, in diseases of the brain microvessels, and in the maintenance of the endothelial cell monolayer.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the morphologic characteristics and immunocytochemical reaction to vimentin of the reactive renal tubular cells (RRTCs) in renal glomerular disease. STUDY DESIGN: We prospectively evaluated the urine cytology of renal glomerular disease in 40 patients who underwent renal biopsy. The cytology and renal biopsy specimens were analyzed for vimentin immunostaining. RESULTS: A total of 40 urine samples from the 40 patients were cytologically analyzed, and RRTCs were found in 25 samples (25 of 40, 62.5%). These RRTCs showed clear or vacuolated cytoplasm, intracytoplasmic pigmented granules (hemosiderin or lipofuscin) and large nuclei with round to irregular nuclear contours and prominent nucleoli. These cells were seen singly and in acinar clusters. Occasionally RRTCs were embedded in a cast (RRTC cast). Immunocytochemicalstudy revealed RRTCs to be positive for vimentin (25 of 25, 100%). CONCLUSION: Frequently observed characteristic cytomorphologic features of RRTCs included RRTC cast, acinar cluster, vacuolated cytoplasm and intracytoplasmic pigmented granules. A diagnosis of RRTCs can be suggested based on these cytomorphologic features. However, a definitive diagnosis will require immunocytochemical confirmation for vimentin.  相似文献   
Four long-spined sea urchin species in the genus Diadema are known to occur around the Japanese Archipelago. Three species (D. savignyi, D. setosum, and D. paucispinum) are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific Ocean. The fourth species was detected by DNA analysis among samples originally collected as D. savignyi or D. setosum in Japan and the Marshall Islands and tentatively designated as Diadema -sp, remaining an undescribed species. We analyzed nucleotide sequences of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene in the “D. savignyi-like” samples, and found all 17 individuals collected in the mainland of Japan (Sagami Bay and Kyushu) to be Diadema-sp, but all nine in the Ryukyu Archipelago (Okinawa and Ishigaki Islands) to be D. savignyi, with large nucleotide sequence difference between them (11.0%±1.7 SE). Diadema-sp and D. savignyi shared Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores along the interambulacrals, but individuals of Diadema-sp typically exhibited a conspicuous white streak at the fork of the Y-shaped blue iridophore lines, while this feature was absent in D. savignyi. Also, the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines of iridophores was approximately twice as long as the V-component in D. savignyi whereas it was of similar length in Diadema-sp. Two parallel lines were observed to constitute the central axis of the Y-shaped blue lines in both species, but these were considerably narrower in Diadema-sp. Despite marked morphological and genetic differences, it appears that Diadema-sp has been mis-identified as D. savignyi for more than half a century.  相似文献   
Although estrogens have been detected in some echinoderm species, their role is not clearly understood; so we examined the effects of estrogens administered to sea urchin embryos and larvae. A typical malformation was exogastrulation, induced by the exposure to ethynylestradiol (EER) in a defined period of 12 h from 12 h after fertilization (HAF). Morphogenesis for gastrulation was delayed in the treated embryos: protrusion of the archenteron started at 30 HAF when gastrulation had already finished in normal embryos. Exogastrulation induced by EER was cancelled by the antiestrogen chemical, ICI182,780. Feeding larvae were less sensitive to estrogens than those in early embryogenesis and, at certain concentrations, developed without abnormal morphology. The effect of estrogens was examined at the level of gene expression of the major yolk protein (MYP). MYP expression started during the larval stage and was suppressed by estrone at the six-armed stage, but not by β-estradiol, and in later stage larvae, the expression was not affected by treatment with either estrogen. Estrogens affect sea urchins in the early stage of embryogenesis, leading to abnormal morphogenesis and interference with gene expression.  相似文献   
Three distinct subtypes of vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs) have been identified to date that are expressed basically in a cell type-specific manner. We have found a splice variant of VGLUT1 mRNA that is expressed almost exclusively in photosensitive tissues, i.e. the retina and the pineal gland. The variant mRNA, termed VGLUT1v, contains an additional 75 base pair sequence derived from part of a second intron (designated as exon IIa) between exons 2 and 3. The variant accounted for approximately 70% and 25%of VGLUT1 mRNA in the adult retina and pineal gland, respectively. The expression of VGLUT1v was developmentally regulated in both tissues. Organ culture showed that expression of the variant in the retina increased in association with the development of rod cells, suggesting that VGLUT1v is expressed in rod cells. In situ hybridization with variant-specific probes showed expression of VGLUT1v in the inner segment layer of photoreceptor cells. On the other hand, variant expression did not parallel the development of rhodopsin-positive cells in the pineal gland. As rod cells and pinealocytes are known to release glutamate continuously at ribbon synapses, it is possible that the variant has some functional advantage over the wild-type transporter in such a specialized manner of glutamate release.  相似文献   
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