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Slash pine needles and cortex oleoresin have been found to contain a new major diterpene constituent, imbricataloic acid. The closely related imbricatoloic acid, previously reported only in Araucaria imbricata, was found to be present in small amounts in slash pine needle extract. Spectral data are given for an unidentified diterpene alcohol isolated from the cortex oleoresin.  相似文献   
The mechanism(s) underlying the potent accessory cell function of dendritic cells (DC) remains unclear. The possibility was considered that a soluble factor(s) released during the interaction of DC and T cells might contribute to the potent T cell activating function of DC. Culture supernatants were generated from mixtures of murine spleen DC and periodate-treated spleen T cells and were examined for the presence of known cytokine activities and factors capable of enhancing T cell responsiveness to IL-2. Serum-free supernatants from 24 h DC-T cell co-cultures exhibited high levels of IL-2, detectable levels of IL-3, and negligible levels of IL-1, -4, -5, -6, and TNF. A factor(s) was also identified with an apparent Mr of 12.5 to 17.0 kDa, henceforth designated IL-2 enhancing factor (IL-2EF), which enhanced the IL-2-induced proliferation of murine thymocytes, CTLL, and HT-2 cells by approximately three- to fourfold. This enhancement was also observed in the presence of neutralizing antibodies to murine IL-1 alpha, -1 beta, -3, -4, -5, -6, granulocyte-macrophage (GM)-CSF, TNF, and IFN-gamma. However, IL-2EF failed to enhance: 1) the activity of IL-1, -3, -4, -5, or -6 on cells responsive to these cytokines; 2) IL-2-augmented, IL-5-induced BCL1 proliferation; and 3) either PHA- or Con A-stimulated thymocyte proliferation. Moreover, neither IFN-gamma nor GM-CSF exhibited IL-2EF activity. When DC and T cells were cultured separately (after an initial 12 h co-culture period), IL-2EF activity resided predominantly in the T cell-derived supernatants. These and other data indicate that IL-2EF, a heat-labile T cell-derived 12.5 to 17.0 kDa protein, is distinct from IL-1 alpha, -1 beta, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, TNF, IFN-gamma, GM-CSF, and previously described factors that co-stimulate thymocyte proliferation in the presence of Con A or PHA. It is suggested that IL-2EF functions to specifically enhance IL-2-driven T cell proliferation and contributes to the potent activation of T cells induced by DC.  相似文献   
We have integrated and coordinately expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae a xylose isomerase and cellobiose phosphorylase from Ruminococcus flavefaciens that enables fermentation of glucose, xylose, and cellobiose under completely anaerobic conditions. The native xylose isomerase was active in cell-free extracts from yeast transformants containing a single integrated copy of the gene. We improved the activity of the enzyme and its affinity for xylose by modifications to the 5′-end of the gene, site-directed mutagenesis, and codon optimization. The improved enzyme, designated RfCO*, demonstrated a 4.8-fold increase in activity compared to the native xylose isomerase, with a Km for xylose of 66.7?mM and a specific activity of 1.41?μmol/min/mg. In comparison, the native xylose isomerase was found to have a Km for xylose of 117.1?mM and a specific activity of 0.29?μmol/min/mg. The coordinate over-expression of RfCO* along with cellobiose phosphorylase, cellobiose transporters, the endogenous genes GAL2 and XKS1, and disruption of the native PHO13 and GRE3 genes allowed the fermentation of glucose, xylose, and cellobiose under completely anaerobic conditions. Interestingly, this strain was unable to utilize xylose or cellobiose as a sole carbon source for growth under anaerobic conditions, thus minimizing yield loss to biomass formation and maximizing ethanol yield during their fermentation.  相似文献   
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii possesses a CO2-concentrating mechanism, induced by limiting CO2, which involves active transport and accumulation of inorganic carbon within the cell. Synthesis of several proteins is induced by limiting CO2, but, of those, only periplasmic carbonic anhydrase has an identified function in the system. No proteins involved in active transport have yet been identified, but induced, membrane-associated polypeptides, such as the 36 kilodalton polypeptide focused on in this paper, would seem to be candidates for such involvement. The 36 kilodalton polypeptide was shown to be synthesized de novo upon transfer of cells to limiting CO2. It was purified using SDS-PAGE and used to produce polyclonal antibodies. Antibodies were used to confirm the air-specific nature of the polypeptide, its strict association with membrane fractions, and the time course of its induction. Using the antibodies, a single, 36 kilodalton polypeptide was found to be specifically immunoprecipitated from in vitro translation products of poly(A+) RNA from cells only after exposure to limiting CO2. The absence of translatable mRNA for this polypeptide in CO2-enriched cells indicated that regulation occurs at the level of message abundance. The antibodies were also used to demonstrate the distinction between the limiting-CO2 induced 36 kilodalton polypeptide and the similarly sized, limiting-CO2 induced periplasmic carbonic anhydrase.  相似文献   
An introduced social wasp Vespula vulgaris may compete with native birds for honeydew and invertebrates in New Zealand forests. Experimentally hidden mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) persisted longer at two sites following wasp poisoning that at two sites where wasps were not poisoned. Mealworms persisted longer in the morning than in the afternoon within all study sites. An unusually low mealworm removal rate during a morning trial before wasp poisoning heavily influences the results of this experiment but we have no ecological reason to ignore it. Wasps may therefore be having a heavy impact on invertebrate abundance on very short time scales (within a day following dawn emergence). They may also remove cached food items that would otherwise be retrieved by the South Island robin (Petroica australis australis) during cold or dark feeding conditions.  相似文献   
The quantum requirement (QR) for photosynthesis in Sedum praealtum, a Crassulacean acid metabolism plant, was compared with that of wheat, a C3 plant, and maize, a C4 plant, at 30 C. During the deacidification phase in S. praealtum, approximately 16 moles quanta were absorbed per mole malate consumed. This is equivalent to 16 moles quanta per mole CO2 fixed, assuming 1 mole CO2 is assimilated per mole malate decarboxylated. This QR for Crassulacean acid metabolism is similar to that of the C3 or C4 plant under atmospheric conditions, even though there are considerable differences in the biochemistry of photosynthesis. During late-afternoon C3-like fixation of atmospheric CO2 in S. praealtum, the QR was relatively high with values of 41 under 21% O2 and 19 under 2% O2. During the deacidification phase in S. praealtum, the relatively low QR can be accounted for by the repression of photorespiration and saturation of photosynthesis from the elevated CO2 concentration in the leaves during malate decarboxylation.  相似文献   
Mitochondria isolated from the Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Sedum praealtum were demonstrated to decarboxylate added malate at basal rates of 30–50 μmol mg?1 original chlorophyll h?1. The basal rate could be stimulated markedly by the addition of ADP, oxaloacetic acid, an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, or NAD, with maximum rates of 70–100 μmol mg?1 original chlorophyll h?1 observed. These observed rates were high enough to account for a large proportion of the estimated rate of malate decarboxylation in vivo. The major products of malate oxidation by the mitochondria in most cases were found to be pyruvate and CO2, indicating that malate oxidation in these mitochondria proceeds mainly through NAD malic enzyme rather than NAD malate dehydrogenase. Under conditions employed little of the pyruvate formed was further oxidized, suggesting a fate other than oxidation (conversion to starch) for this pyruvate. Malate decarboxylation by mitochondria and by partially purified NAD malic enzyme was markedly inhibited by NaHCO3. A possible physiological role is suggested for this inhibition as a feedback control on the enzyme.  相似文献   
Summary Efflux of36Cl from frog sartorius muscles equilibrated in two depolarizing solutions was measured. Cl efflux consists of a component present at low pH and a pH-dependent component which increases as external pH increases.For temperatures between 0 and 20°C, the measured activation energy is 7.5 kcal/mol for Cl efflux at pH 5 and 12.6 kcal/mol for the pH-dependent Cl efflux. The pH-dependent Cl efflux can be described by the relationu=1/(1+10n(pK a -pH)), whereu is the Cl efflux increment obtained on stepping from pH 5 to the test pH, normalized with respect to the increment obtained on stepping from pH 5 to 8.5 or 9.0. For muscles equilibrated in solutions containing 150mm KCl plus 120mm NaCl (internal potential about –15 mV), the apparent pK a is 6.5 at both 0 and 20°C, andn=2.5 for 0°C and 1.5 for 20°C. For muscles equilibrated in solutions containing 7.5mm KCl plus 120mm NaCl (internal potential about –65 mV), the apparent pK a at 0°C is 6.9 andn is 1.5. The voltage dependence of the apparent pK a suggests that the critical pH-sensitive moiety producing the pH-dependent Cl efflux is sensitive to the membrane electric field, while the insensitivity to temperature suggests that the apparent heat of ionization of this moiety is zero. The fact thatn is greater than 1 suggests that cooperativity between pH-sensitive moieties is involved in determining the Cl efflux increment on raising external pH.The histidine-modifying reagent diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) applied at pH 6 reduces the pH-dependent Cl efflux according to the relation, efflux=exp(–k·[DEPC]·t), wheret is the exposure time (min) to DEPC at a prepared initial concentration of [DEPC] (mm). At 17°C,k –1=188mm·min. For temperatures between 10 and 23°C,k has an apparent Q10 of 2.5. The Cl efflux inhibitor SCN at a concentration of 20mm substantially retards the reduction of the pH-dependent Cl efflux by DEPC. The findings that the apparent pK a is 6.5 in depolarized muscles, that DEPC eliminates the pH-dependent Cl efflux, and that this action is retarded by SCN supports the notion that protonation of histidine groups associated with Cl channels is the controlling reaction for the pH-dependent Cl efflux.  相似文献   
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