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To investigate whether membrane proteases are involved in the activity of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxins, the rate of pore formation by trypsin-activated Cry1Aa was monitored in the presence of a variety of protease inhibitors with Manduca sexta midgut brush border membrane vesicles and by a light-scattering assay. Most of the inhibitors tested had no effect on the pore-forming ability of the toxin. However, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a serine protease inhibitor, promoted pore formation, although this stimulation only occurred at higher inhibitor concentrations than those commonly used to inhibit proteases. Among the metalloprotease inhibitors, o-phenanthroline had no significant effect; EDTA and EGTA reduced the rate of pore formation at pH 10.5, but only EDTA was inhibitory at pH 7.5. Neither chelator affected the properties of the pores already formed after incubation of the vesicles with the toxin. Taken together, these results indicate that, once activated, Cry1Aa is completely functional and does not require further proteolysis. The effect of EDTA and EGTA is probably better explained by their ability to chelate divalent cations that could be necessary for the stability of the toxin's receptors or involved elsewhere in the mechanism of pore formation.  相似文献   


Pseudomonas fluorescens is a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium frequently encountered in hospitals as a contaminant of injectable material and surfaces. This psychrotrophic bacterium, commonly described as unable to grow at temperatures above 32°C, is now considered non pathogenic. We studied a recently identified clinical strain of P. fluorescens biovar I, MFN1032, which is considered to cause human lung infection and can grow at 37°C in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
Altered proteolysis of amyloid precursor protein is an important determinant of pathology development in Alzheimer''s disease. Here, we describe the detection of two novel fragments of amyloid precursor protein in H4 neuroglioma cells undergoing apoptosis. Immunoreactivity of these 25–35 kDa fragments to two different amyloid precursor protein antibodies suggests that they contain the amyloid-β region and an epitope near the C-terminus of amyloid precursor protein. Generation of these fragments is associated with cleavage of caspase-3 and caspase-7, suggesting activation of these caspases. Studies in neurons undergoing DNA damage-induced apoptosis also showed similar results. Inclusion of caspase inhibitors prevented the generation of these novel fragments, suggesting that they are generated by a caspase-dependent mechanism. Molecular weight prediction and immunoreactivity of the fragments generated suggested that such fragments could not be generated by cleavage at any previously identified caspase, secretase, or calpain site on amyloid precursor protein. Bioinformatic analysis of the amino acid sequence of amyloid precursor protein revealed that fragments fitting the observed size and immunoreactivity could be generated by either cleavage at a novel, hitherto unidentified, caspase site or at a previously identified matrix metalloproteinase site in the extracellular domain. Proteolytic cleavage at any of these sites leads to a decrease in the generation of α-secretase cleaved secreted APP, which has both anti-apoptotic and neuroprotective properties, and thus may contribute to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer''s disease.  相似文献   

Background and methods

Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a recently discovered respiratory virus associated with bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup and exacerbations of asthma. Since respiratory viruses are frequently detected in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD (AE-COPD) it was our aim to investigate the frequency of hMPV detection in a prospective cohort of hospitalized patients with AE-COPD compared to patients with stable COPD and to smokers without by means of quantitative real-time RT-PCR.


We analysed nasal lavage and induced sputum of 130 patients with AE-COPD, 65 patients with stable COPD and 34 smokers without COPD. HMPV was detected in 3/130 (2.3%) AE-COPD patients with a mean of 6.5 × 105 viral copies/ml in nasal lavage and 1.88 × 105 viral copies/ml in induced sputum. It was not found in patients with stable COPD or smokers without COPD.


HMPV is only found in a very small number of patients with AE-COPD. However it should be considered as a further possible viral trigger of AE-COPD because asymptomatic carriage is unlikely.  相似文献   
Glucocorticoids or the glucocorticoid analog dexamethasone (DEX) enhances the differentiation of preadipocytes in the presence of insulin and influences preadipocyte proliferation. The purpose of the present study was to determine if DEX can induce the recruitment of preadipocytes. Using monoclonal antibodies for complement-mediated cytotoxicity, preadipocytes were removed from porcine stromal vascular (S-V) cell cultures. Our experiments demonstrated for the first time that after removal of preadipocytes by cytotoxicity, preadipocytes or fat cells could be induced by DEX or DEX plus insulin but not by insulin alone. However, many more fat cells were induced (258 ± 15/unit area) when DEX was added with fetal bovine serum (FBS) followed with insulin treatment, compared to DEX with insulin (21.3 ± 5.1/ unit area) after removal of preadipocytes. Immunocyto-chemistry with AD-3, a preadipocyte marker, showed that DEX with FBS for 3 days after seeding (i.e., the proliferation phase) produced many more preadipocytes (AD-3 positive, 223 ± 45/unit area) than FBS alone (10.5 ± 1.4/unit area). Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation assays demonstrated that the efficiency of DEX with FBS (i.e., during proliferation) was mitosis dependent. Accordingly, we conclude that: porcine S-V cultures contain preadipocytes at different stages of differentiation and that DEX induced early preadipocyte differentiation depends on mitosis.  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their nitro derivatives are culprits of the detrimental health effects of environmental pollution. These hydrophobic compounds metabolize to reactive species and attach to DNA producing bulky lesions, such as N-[deoxyguanosine-8-yl]-1-aminopyrene (APG), in genomic DNA. The bulky adducts block DNA replication by high-fidelity polymerases and compromise replication fidelities and efficiencies by specialized lesion bypass polymerases. Here we present three crystal structures of the DNA polymerase Dpo4, a model translesion DNA polymerase of the Y family, in complex with APG-lesion-containing DNA in pre-insertion and extension stages. APG is captured in two conformations in the pre-insertion complex; one is highly exposed to the solvent, whereas the other is harbored in a shallow cleft between the finger and unique Y family little finger domain. In contrast, APG is in a single conformation at the extension stage, in which the pyrene ring is sandwiched between the little finger domain and a base from the turning back single-stranded template strand. Strikingly, a nucleotide intercalates the DNA helix to form a quaternary complex with Dpo4, DNA, and an incoming nucleotide, which stabilizes the distorted DNA structure at the extension stage. The unique APG DNA conformations in Dpo4 inhibit DNA translocation through the polymerase active site for APG bypass. We also modeled an insertion complex that illustrates a solvent-exposed pyrene ring contributing to an unstable insertion state. The structural work combined with our lesion replication assays provides a novel structural mechanism on bypass of DNA adducts containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon moieties.  相似文献   
The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   
A survey was conducted to determine the levels of fumonisins B1 and B2 in corn and corn-based products available in Colombia for human and animal consumption. A total of 120 samples were analyzed by acetonitrile-water extraction, cleanup with a strong-anion-exchange column, and liquid chromatography with o-phthaldialdehyde-2-mercaptoethanol derivatization and fluorescence detection. The samples of corn and corn-based products for animal intake were taken at different feed manufacturing plants, whereas the samples used for human foods where purchased from local retail stores. The number of positive samples for fumonisin B1 was 20.0% higher in corn and corn-based products for animal intake (75.0%) than in corn and corn-based products for human consumption (55.0%). The levels of fumonisin B1 were also higher in corn and corn-based products for animal intake (mean = 694 μg/kg; range = 32–2964 μg/kg), than in corn and corn-based products for human intake (mean = 218 μg/kg; range = 24–2170 μg/ kg). The incidence and levels of fumonisin B2 were lower than those for fumonisin B1. Corn and corn-based products for animal consumption had an incidence of fumonisin B2 of 58.3%, with a mean value of 283 μg/kg, and a range of 44–987 μg/kg. The incidence of fumonisin B2 in corn-based products for human intake was 35.0%, with a mean value of 118 μg/kg and a range of 21–833 μg/kg. The highest incidence and levels of fumonisins were found in samples of hominy feed, with concentrations ranging from 86 to 2964 μg/kg fumonisin B1 and 57 to 987 μg/kg fumonisin B2.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has been reported to contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and post-transplantation diabetes. However, CMV infection has not been evaluated as a possible risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Our aim was to investigate potential associations between CMV seropositivity, CMV IgG antibody level and glucose regulation in the oldest old. RESULTS: CMV seropositive subjects were more likely to have type 2 diabetes (17.2% vs 7.9%, p = 0.016), had a higher level of HbA1c (p = 0.014) and higher non-fasting glucose (p = 0.024) in the oldest olds. These associations remained significant after adjustment for possible confounders. CMV IgG antibody level was not significantly associated with glucose regulation (all p > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In the oldest old, CMV seropositivity is significantly associated with various indicators of glucose regulation. This finding suggests that CMV infection might be a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes in the elderly.  相似文献   
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