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Biochemistry (Moscow) - One of the main factors associated with worse prognosis in oncology is metastasis, which is based on the ability of tumor cells to migrate from the primary source and to...  相似文献   
In this article, the characteristics of the functional activity of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), a key element of the neuroanatomical error detection system of the brain in drug-resistant forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are discussed on the basis of both original and published data. Available data indicate the presence of a functional deficit zone in the ACC during PCD. This fact suggests that the functions of the ACC in OCD patients are partially redistributed between other brain areas. Thus, in contrast to the previously accepted ideas, the target of stereotactic surgery for OCD is a pathologically altered brain region. Probably, this explains the fact that the operation does not lead to significant changes in the patient’s psyche. The pathological reorganization of the functional activity of the brain in OCD remains unclear and requires further investigation.  相似文献   
The exceptional cytology provided by polytene chromosomes has made Drosophila melanogaster a premier model for chromosome studies, but full exploitation of polytene cytology is impeded by the difficulty in preparing high-quality chromosome spreads. Here we describe use of high pressure to produce formaldehyde-fixed chromosome spreads, which upon light-microscopy examination reveal structural detail previously observed only in electron microscopy preparations. We demonstrate applications to immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization.  相似文献   
An auxological study of 538 adolescent males (from 12 to 17) from different settlements of the Saratov region with various degrees of industrialization and iodine deficiency was carried out. All subjects have undergone an ultra-sound screening of thyroid volume to reveal the frequency of endemic goiter in each group. The results obtained during investigation showed the existence of deviations in the physical development of boys with goiter in skinfold thickness, body circumferences (chest, shoulder, and forearm), biacromial and biiliocristal diameters, transversal and sagittal chest diameters, body height and weight, BMI, leg length, and corpus length, all of which are greater in healthy adolescents (SD = 1.0, p = 0.000). In 46 subjects with endemic goiter, characteristics of metabolic status were investigated by the method of registration of endogenous intoxication (Malakhova, 1995). In comparison to the control group, a 1.2 times lower LAMM level in erythrocytes (p < 0.05) and 1.1 in urine (p < 0.05), and an increase by 2.3 in the LAMM level in blood plasma (p < 0.01) were detected. The relative percentage of catabolic substances exceeded the control values by 3.2 (p < 0.001). The OP level in erythrocytes is reduced by 2.2 (p < 0.01), in urine (p < 0.01) by 8.4. The OP level is higher in plasma by 3.0 (p < 0.01). The adolescents with endemic goiter have a reallocation of protein matter between erythrocytes, plasma and urine. The spectrogram of erythrocytes shows lowering metabolites on membrane frames, which testifies to the destruction of the structurally functional properties of erythrocytes, and a lowering of absorption properties in glycocalix erythrocytes.  相似文献   
Asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGP-R) is a promising biological target for drug delivery into hepatoma cells. Nevertheless, there are only few examples of small-molecule conjugates of ASGP-R selective ligand equipped by a therapeutic agent for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In the present work, we describe a convenient and versatile synthetic approach to novel mono- and multivalent drug-conjugates containing N-acetyl-2-deoxy-2-aminogalactopyranose and anticancer drug – paclitaxel (PTX). Several molecules have demonstrated high affinity towards ASGP-R and good stability under physiological conditions, significant in vitro anticancer activity comparable to PTX, as well as good internalization via ASGP-R-mediated endocytosis. Therefore, the conjugates with the highest potency can be regarded as a promising therapeutic option against HCC.  相似文献   
The role of the nuclear matrix components in the organization of structural and functional domains of interphase nuclei was studied using irradiation with blue light in the presence of a photosensibilized agent (Ethidium bromide). Nuclear domain resistance to extractive solution (2 M NaCl) treatment served as a criterion of irradiation-induced stabilization of different nuclear domains. The following results have been obtained: 1) the structural organization of the complexes of chromatin and clusters of replication does not depend on the state of the nuclear matrix in isolated nuclei; 2) chemical stabilization of the nuclear matrix by Cu(2+)-ions is not sufficient for the organization of chromatin domains; 3) irradiation in the presence of Ethidium bromide stabilizes domains of the nuclei, but does not lead to stabilization of the nuclear matrix internal network. Hence, the irradiation prevented extraction from the nuclear domains of nonhistone proteins which were not standard matrix proteins. Based on the results obtained, a hypothesis was proposed about a coexistence of two groups of nonhistone proteins in the cell nucleus. The first group includes proteins of the nuclear matrix involved in immobilization of scafford attachment regions and active genes. The second group includes some hypothetical structural proteins participating only in compaction of DNA of condensed chromatin.  相似文献   
The method of chromatin photo-stabilization by the action of visible light in the presence of ethidium bromide was used for investigation of higher-level chromatin structures in isolated nuclei. As a model we used rat hepatocyte nuclei isolated in buffers which stabilized or destabilized nuclear matrix. Several higher-level chromatin structures were visualized: 100nm globules-chromomeres, chains of chromomeres-chromonemata, aggregates of chromomeres-blocks of condensed chromatin. All these structures were completely destroyed by 2M NaCl extraction independent of the matrix state, and DNA was extruded from the residual nuclei (nuclear matrices) into a halo. These results show that nuclear matrix proteins do not play the main role in the maintenance of higher-level chromatin structures. Preliminary irradiation led to the reduction of the halo width in the dose-dependent manner. In regions of condensed chromatin of irradiated nucleoids there were discrete complexes consisting of DNA fibers radiating from an electron-dense core and resembling the decondensed chromomeres or the rosette-like structures. As shown by the analysis of proteins bound to irradiated nuclei upon high-salt extraction, irradiation presumably stabilized the non-histone proteins. These results suggest that in interphase nuclei loop domains are folded into discrete higher-level chromatin complexes (chromomeres). These complexes are possibly maintained by putative non-histone proteins, which are extracted with high-salt buffers from non-irradiated nuclei.  相似文献   
Previously, when discussing the properties of one parameter discrete model of genetic diversity (M.Yu. Shchelkanov et al, J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 15, 887-894 (1998)), we took into account Hamming distance distribution only between precursor and arbitrary descendant sequences. However, really there are sets of sequence populations produced during amplification process. In the presented work we have investigated Hamming distance distributions between sequences from different descendant sets produced in the frame of one parameter discrete model. Two basic descendant generation operators (so called amplifiers) are introduced: 1) the last generation amplifier, L, which produces descendants with precursor elimination; 2) all generations amplifier, G, which produces descendants without precursor elimination. Generalization of one-parameter discrete model for the case when precursor sequences do not coincide are carried out. Using this generalization we investigate the distribution of Hamming distances between L- and G-generated sequences. Basic properties of L and G operators, L/G-choice alternative problem have been discussed. Obtained results have common theoretical significance, but they are more suitable for high level genetic diversity process (for example, HIV diversity).  相似文献   
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