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Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) generally increase primary production of terrestrial ecosystems. Production responses to elevated [CO2] may be particularly large in deserts, but information on their long‐term response is unknown. We evaluated the cumulative effects of elevated [CO2] on primary production at the Nevada Desert FACE (free‐air carbon dioxide enrichment) Facility. Aboveground and belowground perennial plant biomass was harvested in an intact Mojave Desert ecosystem at the end of a 10‐year elevated [CO2] experiment. We measured community standing biomass, biomass allocation, canopy cover, leaf area index (LAI), carbon and nitrogen content, and isotopic composition of plant tissues for five to eight dominant species. We provide the first long‐term results of elevated [CO2] on biomass components of a desert ecosystem and offer information on understudied Mojave Desert species. In contrast to initial expectations, 10 years of elevated [CO2] had no significant effect on standing biomass, biomass allocation, canopy cover, and C : N ratios of above‐ and belowground components. However, elevated [CO2] increased short‐term responses, including leaf water‐use efficiency (WUE) as measured by carbon isotope discrimination and increased plot‐level LAI. Standing biomass, biomass allocation, canopy cover, and C : N ratios of above‐ and belowground pools significantly differed among dominant species, but responses to elevated [CO2] did not vary among species, photosynthetic pathway (C3 vs. C4), or growth form (drought‐deciduous shrub vs. evergreen shrub vs. grass). Thus, even though previous and current results occasionally show increased leaf‐level photosynthetic rates, WUE, LAI, and plant growth under elevated [CO2] during the 10‐year experiment, most responses were in wet years and did not lead to sustained increases in community biomass. We presume that the lack of sustained biomass responses to elevated [CO2] is explained by inter‐annual differences in water availability. Therefore, the high frequency of low precipitation years may constrain cumulative biomass responses to elevated [CO2] in desert environments.  相似文献   
Ecosystems - Legacies of past climate conditions and historical management govern forest productivity and tree growth. Understanding how these processes interact and the timescales over which they...  相似文献   
Quantitative methods were used to examine soil properties and their spatial heterogeneity in a 0-year fenced mobile dune (MD0), an 11-year fenced mobile dune (MD11) and a 20-year fenced mobile dune (MD20) in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of vegetation restoration on heterogeneity of soil properties in sand dunes and to provide a concept model to describe the relationship between vegetation succession and spatial heterogeneity variation of soil properties in the dunes. The results showed that the average values of vegetation cover, species number and diversity, soil organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and electrical conductivity (EC) increased with the increase in fenced age of mobile dunes, while soil water content (0–20 cm) showed the reverse trend. Geostatistical analysis revealed that the spatial heterogeneity of soil organic C, total N, EC, very fine sand content, and soil water content (0–20 cm) increased from MD0 to MD11 with succession from sand pioneer plant to shrub species then decreased from MD11 to MD20 due to continuous development of herbaceous plants. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that there was a relatively high correspondence between vegetation and soil factors, suggesting that the major gradients relating soil organic C, total N, EC, pH, slope, very fine sand content, and soil water content are the main factors for the distribution of dune plants and account for 68.1% of the species-environment relationship among the three sites. In addition, the distribution of the sand pioneer plant was positively related to the relative height of the sampling site and soil water content, and that of most herbaceous plants were determined by soil organic C, total N, EC, pH, and very fine sand content in mobile dunes. The conceptual model of relationship between vegetation succession and spatial heterogeneity of soil properties in mobile dunes suggests spatial patterns of soil properties are most strongly related to plant-induced heterogeneity in dune ecosystems prone to wind erosion, and conversely, the magnitude and degree of spatial heterogeneity in soil properties can influence the plant distribution pattern and vegetation succession of mobile dunes.  相似文献   
Theoretical models for allometric relationships between organismal form and function are typically tested by comparing a single predicted relationship with empirical data. Several prominent models, however, predict more than one allometric relationship, and comparisons among alternative models have not taken this into account. Here we evaluate several different scaling models of plant morphology within a hierarchical Bayesian framework that simultaneously fits multiple scaling relationships to three large allometric datasets. The scaling models include: inflexible universal models derived from biophysical assumptions (e.g. elastic similarity or fractal networks), a flexible variation of a fractal network model, and a highly flexible model constrained only by basic algebraic relationships. We demonstrate that variation in intraspecific allometric scaling exponents is inconsistent with the universal models, and that more flexible approaches that allow for biological variability at the species level outperform universal models, even when accounting for relative increases in model complexity.  相似文献   
Ogle K 《Oecologia》2003,136(4):532-542
The distance between veins has the potential to affect photosynthesis in C4 grasses because photon capture and photosynthetic carbon reduction are primarily restricted to vascular bundle sheath cells (BSC). For example, BSC density should increase as interveinal distance (IVD) decreases, and thus IVD may influence photon capture and photosynthesis in C4 grasses. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential importance of IVD to the function of C4 grasses, and a literature survey is conducted to test the hypothesis that quantum yield of photosynthesis () increases with decreasing IVD. First, a meta-analysis of and IVD values obtained for 12 C4 grass species supports this hypothesis as and IVD are significantly negatively correlated (r=–0.61). Second, a regression of carbon isotope discrimination () versus IVD was conducted and the regression equation was used in a simple biochemical model that relates to and leakage of CO2 from the BSC. The modeling analysis also supports the hypothesis that decreases with increasing IVD in C4 grasses. C4 grasses are virtually absent from shaded habitats, and the biochemical model is employed to examine the implications of IVD for shade-tolerance in C4 grasses. The model predicts that only those species with uncommonly small IVD values are able to tolerate prolonged shade.  相似文献   
Ogle K  Reynolds JF 《Oecologia》2004,141(2):282-294
The two-layer and pulse-reserve hypotheses were developed 30 years ago and continue to serve as the standard for many experiments and modeling studies that examine relationships between primary productivity and rainfall variability in aridlands. The two-layer hypothesis considers two important plant functional types (FTs) and predicts that woody and herbaceous plants are able to co-exist in savannas because they utilize water from different soil layers (or depths). The pulse-reserve model addresses the response of individual plants to precipitation and predicts that there are biologically important rain events that stimulate plant growth and reproduction. These pulses of precipitation may play a key role in long-term plant function and survival (as compared to seasonal or annual rainfall totals as per the two-layer model). In this paper, we re-evaluate these paradigms in terms of their generality, strengths, and limitations. We suggest that while seasonality and resource partitioning (key to the two-layer model) and biologically important precipitation events (key to the pulse-reserve model) are critical to understanding plant responses to precipitation in aridlands, both paradigms have significant limitations. Neither account for plasticity in rooting habits of woody plants, potential delayed responses of plants to rainfall, explicit precipitation thresholds, or vagaries in plant phenology. To address these limitations, we integrate the ideas of precipitation thresholds and plant delays, resource partitioning, and plant FT strategies into a simple threshold-delay model. The model contains six basic parameters that capture the nonlinear nature of plant responses to pulse precipitation. We review the literature within the context of our threshold-delay model to: (i) develop testable hypotheses about how different plant FTs respond to pulses; (ii) identify weaknesses in the current state-of-knowledge; and (iii) suggest future research directions that will provide insight into how the timing, frequency, and magnitude of rainfall in deserts affect plants, plant communities, and ecosystems.  相似文献   
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important water loss flux in ecosystem water cycles, and quantifying the spatial and temporal variation of ET can improve ecohydrological models in arid ecosystems. Plant neighbor interactions may be a source of spatial and temporal variation in ET due to their effects on the above- and belowground microclimate and increased water demand for transpiration. Over longer timescales (annual to multiple years), adjustments in plant physiological traits may occur in response to neighbor environments, potentially affecting the transpiration (T) component of ET. We used a dynamic soil water model to assess the sensitivity of ET and T estimates to neighbor effects on soil moisture via competition for water, aboveground microclimate effects via canopy shading, and physiological adjustments (specifically, root distribution, stomatal behavior, and canopy leaf area). We focus on a common desert shrub (Larrea tridentata) under different inter-specific neighbor environments and precipitation regimes. Neighbors impacted T of Larrea by as much as 75% at the patch scale (plant and surrounding soil) and 30% at the stand scale. Annual T estimates were highly sensitive to changes in soil moisture associated with competition for water, and the inclusion of physiological adjustments to neighbor environments significantly impacted seasonal T. Plant neighbor interactions can significantly influence ET and soil moisture, and their inclusion in models can help explain spatial and temporal variation in water fluxes in arid ecosystems. Furthermore, physiological adjustments to neighbor environments may be an important source of variation to include in models that operate over seasonal timescales or in studies focused on plant responses to precipitation under climate change.  相似文献   
It is often assumed that daytime patterns of ecosystem carbon assimilation are mostly driven by direct physiological responses to exogenous environmental cues. Under limited environmental variability, little variation in carbon assimilation should thus be expected unless endogenous plant controls on carbon assimilation, which regulate photosynthesis in time, are active. We evaluated this assumption with eddy flux data, and we selected periods when net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was decoupled from environmental variability in seven sites from highly contrasting biomes across a 74° latitudinal gradient over a total of 36 site‐years. Under relatively constant conditions of light, temperature, and other environmental factors, significant diurnal NEE oscillations were observed at six sites, where daily NEE variation was between 20% and 90% of that under variable environmental conditions. These results are consistent with fluctuations driven by the circadian clock and other endogenous processes. Our results open a promising avenue of research for a more complete understanding of ecosystem fluxes that integrates from cellular to ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
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