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排序方式: 共有208条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Summary We used lambda and plasmid vectors containing the am + gene in an insert of from 2.7 to 9.1 kb, to transform am point mutant and deletion strains. A total of 199 transformants were examined with the potential to yield am transformants by homologous recombination. When we used vectors that had 9.1 kb of homology with the chromosomal DNA, 30% of the transformants obtained were the result of homologous recombination regardless of whether the vector was a lambda molecule, a circular plasmid, or a plasmid that had been linearized prior to transformation. When vectors with up to 5.1 kb of homology were used, very few transformants (1 of 89 tested) resulted from homologous recombination. Of a sample of 29 ectopic integration events obtained by transformation with the 9.1 kb fragment cloned in a vector, 18 included a major part (usually almost all) of both arms of lambda with the entire Neurospora 9.1 kb insert between them. Four included only long arm sequence together with an adjacent segment of the insert containing the am gene. The remaining seven were the result of multiple integrations. There was no evidence of circularization of the vector prior to integration. All transformants that had multiple copies of the am gene appeared to be subject to the RIP process, which causes multiple mutations in duplicated sequences during the sexual cycle.  相似文献   
We have characterized Neurospora crassa transformants obtained with plasmid pJR2, which consists of the Neurospora glutamate dehydrogenase (am) gene cloned in pUC8 and an am132 host strain which contains a deletion encompassing the cloned fragment. Every one of 33 transformants tested showed extreme meiotic instability: less than 1 or 2% am+ progeny were obtained in initial or successive backcrosses between am+ transformants and am132 or in intercrosses between am+ progeny. Furthermore, am+ progeny from backcrosses gave a high proportion of auxotrophic (am) mitotic segregants during vegetative growth. These results indicate that the am+ character is not stably integrated into chromosomal DNA in any of the transformants tested. Nuclear DNAs from six transformants were analyzed by Southern hybridization. All six transformants contained sequences homologous to pJR2. Four showed restriction fragments expected for unmodified pJR2, but most showed additional bands. Southern blots of undigested DNAs showed that the plasmid sequences are present predominantly in high-molecular-weight form (larger than 20 kilobases). Southern blots showed that auxotrophic (am) progeny from a backcross to am132 had lost restriction bands corresponding to free plasmid but retained additional bands, apparently integrated into chromosomal DNA in a nonfunctional manner. Considered together, these results are most reasonably interpreted as follows: recombinant plasmids containing the am+ gene can replicate autonomously in N. crassa, the free plasmids are present in oligomeric or modified form or both, and plasmid sequences also integrate at multiple sites in the deletion host but in a nonfunctional manner. An alternate interpretation--that tandem repeats of the plasmid are integrated into chromosomal DNA but eliminated during meiosis--cannot be completely excluded. However, stable integration of the am gene can be obtained under a variety of other conditions, viz., using the am gene cloned in a phage lambda vector (J. A. Kinsey and J. A. Rambosek, Mol. Cell. Biol. 4:117-122, 1984), using derivatives of pJR2, or using pJR2 to transform a frameshift mutant.  相似文献   
The process designated RIP (repeat-induced point mutation) alters duplicated DNA sequences in the sexual cycle of Neurospora crassa. We tested whether non-Neurospora sequences are susceptible to RIP, explored the basis for the observed immunity to this process of a diverged tandem duplication that probably arose by a natural duplication followed by RIP (the Neurospora zeta-eta region), and investigated whether RIP extends at all into unique sequences bordering a duplicated region. Bacterial sequences of the plasmid pUC8 and of a gene conferring resistance to hygromycin B were sensitive to RIP in N. crassa when repeated in the genome. When the entire 1.6-kb zeta-eta region was duplicated, it was susceptible to RIP, but was affected by it to a lesser extent than other duplications. Only three of 62 progeny from crosses harboring unlinked duplications of the region showed evidence of changes. We attribute the low level of alterations to depletion of mutable sites. The stability of the zeta-eta region in strains having single copies of the region suggests that the 14% divergence of the tandem elements is sufficient to prevent RIP. DNA sequence analysis of unduplicated pUC8 sequences adjacent to a duplication revealed that RIP continued at least 180 bp beyond the boundary of the duplication. Three mutations occurred in the 200-bp segment of bordering sequences examined.  相似文献   
A galactose-specific carbohydrate binding protein has been identified in eggs and embryos of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus . This protein, named echinonectin (Alliegro et al., 1988, J. Cell Biol. 107; 2319–2327) has been described as a cell-substrate adhesion protein functioning during embryonic development. The purified protein has an apparent molecular weight of 220 kDa and exists as a dimer of apparently identical 110 kDa subunits. The carbohytrate specificity of the purified protein was examined through the use of competition assays. The protein has a marked specificity for galactose and fucose and a higher affinity for polymers of galactose or galactose sulfate such as carrageenan.  相似文献   
The cell surface complex (Detering et al., 1977, J. Cell Biol. 75, 899-914) of the sea urchin egg consists of two subcellular organelles: the plasma membrane, containing associated peripheral proteins and the vitelline layer, and the cortical vesicles. We have now developed a method of isolating the plasma membrane from this complex and have undertaken its biochemical characterization. Enzymatic assays of the cell surface complex revealed the presence of a plasma membrane marker enzyme, ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+ ATPase, as well as two cortical granule markers, proteoesterase and ovoperoxidase. After separation from the cortical vesicles and purification on a sucrose gradient, the purified plasma membranes are recovered as large sheets devoid of cortical vesicles. The purified plasma membranes are highly enriched in the Na+/K+ ATPase but contain only very low levels of the proteoesterase and ovoperoxidase. Ultrastructurally, the purified plasma membrane is characterized as large sheets containing a "fluffy" proteinaceous layer on the external surface, which probably represent peripheral proteins, including remnants of the vitelline layer. Extraction of these membranes with Kl removes these peripheral proteins and causes the membrane sheets to vesiculate. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the cell surface complex, plasma membranes, and Kl-extracted membranes indicates that the plasma membrane contains five to six major proteins species, as well as a large number of minor species, that are not extractable with Kl. The vitelline layer and other peripheral membrane components account for a large proportion of the membrane-associated protein and are represented by at least six to seven polypeptide components. The phospholipid composition of the Kl-extracted membranes is unique, being very rich in phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol. Cholesterol was found to be a major component of the plasma membrane. Before Kl extraction, the purified plasma membranes retain the same species-specific sperm binding property that is found in the intact egg. This observation indicates that the sperm receptor mechanisms remain functional in the isolated, cortical vesicle-free membrane preparation.  相似文献   
Low-density groups of Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma floridana magister) confined in a 65-m2 cage exhibited despotic social organization in which one alpha rat killed or wounded all other group members within 14 days in each of five experiments. Five of seven high-density groups, consisting of six to fourteen rats in 9·5-m2 cages, were characterized by dominance hierarchies and high levels of social interaction. Two unisexual groups remained disorganized and all but one rat died in both cases. Allegheny woodrats utilized a different alarm signal and exhibited higher levels of agonistic and sexual interaction compared to similar groups of a california subspecies (N. fuscipes macrotus) which occupies a distinctly different habitat.  相似文献   
Is loss of function of the prion protein the cause of prion disorders?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are fatal neurodegenerative diseases that involve misfolding of the prion protein. Recent studies have provided evidence that normal prion protein might have a physiological function in neuroprotective signaling, suggesting that loss of prion protein activity might contribute to the pathogenesis of prion disease. However, studies using knockout animals do not support the loss-of-function hypothesis and argue that prion neurodegeneration might be associated with a gain of a toxic activity by the misfolded prion protein. Thus, the mechanism of neurodegeneration in spongiform encephalopathies remains enigmatic.  相似文献   
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