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Cation amelioration of aluminum toxicity in wheat   总被引:20,自引:9,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Aluminum is a major constituent of most soils and limits crop productivity in many regions. Amelioration is of theoretical as well as practical interest because understanding amelioration may contribute to an understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity. In the experiments reported here 2-day-old wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Tyler) seedlings with 15-millimeter roots were transferred to solutions containing 0.4 millimolar CaCl2 at pH 4.3 variously supplemented with AlCl3 and additional amounts of a chloride salt. Root lengths, measured after 2 days in the test solutions, were a function of both Al activity and the cation activity of the added salt. Percent inhibition = 100 {Al3+}/({Al3+} + Km + α{C}β) where {Al3+} is the activity of Al3+ expressed in micromolar, {C} is the activity of the added cation expressed in millimolar, and Km (= 1.2 micromolar) is the {Al3+} required for 50% inhibition in the absence of added salt. For Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ the values of α were 2.4, 1.6, and 0.011, respectively, and the values for β were 1.5, 1.5, and 1.8, respectively. With regard to relative ameliorative effectiveness, Ca2+ > Mg2+ ≈ Sr2+ K+ ≈ Na+. Other cations were tested, but La3+, Sc3+, Li+, Rb+, and Cs+ were toxic at potentially ameliorative levels. The salt amelioration is not solely attributable to reductions in {Al3+} caused by increases in ionic strength. Competition between the cation and Al for external binding sites may account for most of the amelioration.  相似文献   
It has long been assumed that Al3+ is an important rhizotoxic ion in acid soils around the world, but the toxicity of Al3+ relative to mononuclear hydroxy-Al [AlOH2+ and Al(OH)+2] has been examined in detail only for an Al-sensitive wheat variety ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Tyler). That plant appears to be sensitive to Al3+ but not to AlOH2+ and Al(OH)+2. New experiments, and reanalyses of previously published experiments, provide evidence that dicotyledonous species may be sensitive to mononuclear hydroxy-Al and that Al3+ may be nontoxic, or less toxic, to those plants. Despite these consistently measured differences between wheat and the dicotyledons, the determination of relative toxicities (Al3+ vs mononuclear hydroxy-Al) may be an intractable problem. Because of hydrolysis equilibria, (AlOH2+) and (Al(OH)+2) are equivalent to (Al3+)k1(H+)−1 and (l3+)k2(H+)−2, respectively, in which k1 and k2 are the first and second hydrolysis constants (braces denote activities). Thus, any expression of root elongation as a function of mononuclear hydroxy-Al can be alternatively expressed as a function of (Al3+) and (H+). Toxicity attributed to mononuclear hydroxy-Al may actually be Al3+ toxicity that increases as pH rises (i.e. Al3+ toxicity ameliorated by H+).  相似文献   
Kinraide TB 《Plant physiology》1994,106(4):1583-1592
A consideration of mineral toxicity to roots only in terms of ion activities in the rooting medium can be misleading. A Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, by which relative ion activities at cell-membrane surfaces may be estimated, has been applied to problems of mineral rhizotoxicity, including the toxicity of Al3+, La3+, H+, Na+, and SeO42-, to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) roots. The Gouy-Chapman portion of the model is expressed in the Grahame equation, which relates the charge density ([sigma]) and electrical potential (E0) at the surface of a membrane to the concentrations of ions in a contracting bulk solution. The Stern modification of the theory takes into account changes in [sigma] caused by ion binding at the membrane surface. Several theoretical problems with the model and its use are considered, including the fact that previous authors have usually related the physiological effects of an ion at a membrane surface to the computed concentration (Ci0) of the unbound ion rather than its computed activity (ai0). This practice implies the false assumption that Ci0 is proportional to ai0. It is demonstrated here that ai0, computed from external activities (ai[infinity symbol]) by a Nernst equation [ai0 = ai[infinity symbol]exp([mdash]ZiFE0/RT), where Zi is the charge on the ion, F is the Faraday constant, R is the gas constant, and T is the temperature], correlates well with ion toxicity and that Ci0 sometimes correlates poorly. These conclusions also apply to issues of mineral nutrition.  相似文献   
The generally rhizotoxic ion Al3+ often enhances root growth at low concentrations. The hypothesis that Al3+ enhances growth by relieving H+ toxicity was tested with wheat seedlings ( Triticum aestivum L.). Growth enhancement by Al3+ only occurred under acidic conditions that reduced root elongation. Al3+ increased cell membrane electrical polarity and stimulated H+ extrusion. Previous investigations have shown that Al3+ decreases solute leakage at low pH and that the alleviation of H+ toxicity by cations appears to be a general phenomenon with effectiveness dependent upon charge (C3+>C2+>Cl+). Alleviation of one cation toxicity by another toxic cation appears to be reciprocal so that Al3+ toxicity is relieved by H+. It has been argued previously that this latter phenomenon accounts for the apparent toxicity of ALOH2+ and Al(OH)+2. Reduction of cell-surface electrical potential by the ameliorative cation may reduce the cell-surface activity of the toxic cation.  相似文献   
Several mineral rhizotoxicities, including those induced by Al3+, H+, and Na+, can be relieved by elevated Ca2+ in the rooting medium. This leads to the hypothesis that the toxic cations displace Ca2+ from transport channels or surface ligands that must be occupied by Ca2+ in order for root elongation to occur. In this study with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings, we have determined, in the case of Al3+, that (i) Ca2+, Mg2+, and Sr2+ are equally ameliorative, (ii) that root elongation does not increase as Ca2+ replaces Mg2+ or Sr2+ in the rooting media, and (iii) that rhizotoxicity is a function solely of Al3+ activity at the root-cell membrane surface as computed by a Gouy-Chapman-Stern model. The rhizotoxicity was indifferent to the computed membrane-surface Ca2+ activity. The rhizotoxicity induced by high levels of tris(ethylenediamine)cobaltic ion (TEC3+), in contrast to Al3+, was specifically relieved by Ca2+ at the membrane surface. The rhizotoxicity induced by H+ exhibited a weak specific response to Ca2+ at the membrane surface. We conclude that the Ca2+-displacement hypothesis fails in the case of Al3+ rhizotoxicity and that amelioration by cations (including monovalent cations) occurs because of decreased membrane-surface negativity and the consequent decrease in the membrane-surface activity of Al3+. However, TEC3+, but not Al3+, may be toxic because it inhibits Ca2+ uptake. The nature of the specific H+-Ca2+ interaction is uncertain.Abbreviations {Al3+ }0 chemical activity of Al3+ at the root-cell membrane surface - {Al3+ }E chemical activity of Al3+ in the external rooting medium - E0 electrical potential at the root-cell membrane surface - HXM2+ hexamethonium ion - TEC3+ tris(ethylenediamine)cobaltic ion  相似文献   
Equilibrium constants for binding to plant plasma membranes have been reported for several metal ions, based upon adsorption studies and zeta-potential measurements. LogK values for the ions are these: Al(3+), 4.30; La(3+), 3.34; Cu(2+), 2.60; Ca(2+) and Mg(2+), 1.48; Na(+) and K(+), 0 M(-1). These values correlate well with logK values for ion binding to many organic and inorganic ligands. LogK values for metal ion binding to 12 ligands were normalized and averaged to produce a scale for the binding of 49 ions. The scale correlates well with the values presented above (R(2)=0.998) and with ion binding to cell walls and other biomass. The scale is closely related to the charge (Z) and Pauling electronegativity (PE) of 48 ions (all but Hg(2+)); R(2)=0.969 for the equation (Scale values)=-1.68+Z(1.22+0.444PE). Minimum rhizotoxicity of metal ions appears to be determined by binding strengths: log a(PM,M)=1.60-2.41exp[0.238(Scale values)] determines the value of ion activities at the plasma membrane surface (a(PM,M)) that will ensure inhibition of root elongation. Additional toxicity appears to be related to softness, accounting for the great toxicity of Ag(+), for example. These binding-strength values correlate with additional physiological effects and are suitable for the computation of cell-surface electrical potentials.  相似文献   
Kinraide  Thomas B.  Pedler  Judith F.  Parker  David R. 《Plant and Soil》2004,259(1-2):201-208
Plant and Soil - Root elongation in short-term experiments with wheat (Triticum aestivum&;nbsp;L.) seedlings demonstrated that the following ions were rhizotoxic in the order Cu2+&;gt;Al...  相似文献   
Root elongation by wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Scout 66) was not inhibited by NaCl or KCl up to 130 mM in culture solutions or by high Na+ (2 mg g-1 FW) or K+ (4 mg g-1 FW) in the root tissue, provided that [Ca2+]>2 mM in the rooting medium. At [NaCl], [KCl], or [mannitol] >250 mOs, root elongation was progressively inhibited, irrespective of high [Ca2+]. In contrast, shoot elongation was sensitive to any diminution of water potential, and Ca2+ alleviated the toxicity only weakly. At solute concentrations <250 mOs, the following interactions were observed. Ca2+ alleviated Na+ and K+ toxicity to roots by at least three separate mechanisms. K+ was more toxic to roots than Na+, but Na+ was more toxic to shoots. Low levels of K+ relieved Na+ toxicity, but low levels of Na+ enhanced K+ toxicity. Tissue concentrations of Na+ were reduced by Ca2+ and K+ in the rooting medium, and tissue concentrations of K+ were enhanced by Ca2+ and Na+. Several hypotheses relating to salinity toxicity can be evaluated, at least for wheat seedlings. The osmoticant hypotheses (salinity intoxication occurs because of diminished water potential) is true for shoots at all salinity levels, but is true for roots only at high salinity. The Ca2+-displacement hypothesis (Na+ is toxic because it displaced Ca2+ from the cell surface) is correct, but often of minor importance. The K+-depletion hypothesis (Na+ is toxic because it causes a loss of K+ from plant tissues) is false. The Cl--toxicity hypothesis (the apparent toxicity of Na+ is induced by associated Cl-) is false. The results indicate that, apart from osmotic effects, high levels of Na+ in the rooting medium and in the tissues are not toxic unless Ca2+ is also deficient, a condition probably leading to inadequate compartmentation and excessive cytoplasmic accumulation. This study related growth to ion activities at plasma-membrane surfaces. These activities were computed by a Gouy-Chapman-Stern model then incorporated into non-linear growth models for growth versus toxicants and ameliorants.Key words: Calcium, potassium, salinity, sodium, toxicity   相似文献   
Wang P  Zhou D  Kinraide TB  Luo X  Li L  Li D  Zhang H 《Plant physiology》2008,148(4):2134-2143
Negative charges at cell membrane surfaces (CMS) create a surface electrical potential (psi(0)) that affects ion concentrations at the CMS and consequently affects the phytotoxicity of metallic cations and metalloid anions in different ways. The zeta potentials of root protoplasts of wheat (Triticum aestivum), as affected by the ionic environment of the solution, were measured and compared with the values of psi(0) calculated with a Gouy-Chapman-Stern model. The mechanisms for the effects of cations (H(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), Na(+), and K(+)) on the acute toxicity of Cu(2+) and As(V) to wheat were studied in terms of psi(0). The order of effectiveness of the ions in reducing the negativity of psi(0) was H(+) > Ca(2+) approximately Mg(2+) > Na(+) approximately K(+). The calculated values of psi(0) were proportional to the measured zeta potentials (r(2) = 0.93). Increasing Ca(2+) or Mg(2+) activities in bulk-phase media resulted in decreased CMS activities of Cu(2+) ({Cu(2+)}(0)) and increased CMS activities of As(V) ({As(V)}(0)). The 48-h EA50{Cu(2+)}(b) ({Cu(2+)} in bulk-phase media accounting for 50% inhibition of root elongation over 48 h) increased initially and then declined, whereas the 48-h EA50{As(V)}(b) decreased linearly. However, the intrinsic toxicity of Cu(2+) (toxicity expressed in terms of {Cu(2+)}(0)) appeared to be enhanced as psi(0) became less negative and the intrinsic toxicity of As(V) appeared to be reduced. The psi(0) effects, rather than site-specific competitions among ions at the CMS (invoked by the biotic ligand model), may play the dominant role in the phytotoxicities of Cu(2+) and As(V) to wheat.  相似文献   
Kinraide TB 《Plant physiology》1990,93(4):1620-1625
Dissolved aluminum (III) in acidic soils or culture media is often rhizotoxic (inhibitory to root elongation). Alkaline solutions of Al are also sometimes rhizotoxic, and for that reason toxicity has been attributed to the aluminate ion, Al(OH)4. In the present study, seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Tyler) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L. cv Kenland) were cultured in aerated aluminate solutions at pH 8.0 to 8.9. The bulk phases of these solutions were free of reactive polynuclear hydroxy-Al (including the extremely toxic species AlO4Al12[OH]24[H2O]7+12 [Al13]) according to the ferron (8-hydroxy-7-iodo-5-quinolinesulfonic acid) assay. At an aluminate concentration of 25 micromolar (23 micromolar activity) and a pH of 8, root elongation was less than 40% of Al-free controls, but at pH 8.9 elongation was 100% of controls. The hypothesis is offered that aluminate is nontoxic and that the inhibition at lower pH values is attributable to Al13 postulated to have formed in the acidic free space of the roots where the ratio /{Al3+/}//{H+/}3 may rise above 1010. At this value hydroxy-Al in over-saturated, alkaline solutions begins to undergo rapid conversion to polynuclear species.  相似文献   
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