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A farmer''s wife who had helped with lambing aborted spontaneously in March after a short febrile illness in the 28th week of her pregnancy. She developed disseminated intravascular coagulation post partum with acute renal failure and pulmonary oedema. Recovery was complete after two weeks of hospital care. A strain of Chlamydia psittaci, probably of ovine origin, was isolated from the placenta and fetus. The patient''s serum showed rising titres of antibody against chlamydia group antigen; the placental and fetal isolates; and a known ovine abortion, but not a known avian, strain of C psittaci. IgG against both ovine abortion and enteric strains of C psittaci was detected, but IgM against only an abortion strain was detected. Histological examination showed pronounced intervillus placentitis with chlamydial inclusions in the trophoblast but no evidence of fetal infection or amnionitis. Laboratory evidence of chlamydial infection was found in an aborting ewe on the farm in January and in remaining sheep and lambs in July. Doctors should recognise the possible risk to pregnant women in rural areas where chlamydial infections in farm animals are widespread.  相似文献   
In view of the high incidence of thromboembolic complications after the insertion of cardiac valve prostheses, platelet adhesiveness and aggregation was measured in whole blood before, during, and for several days after this operation in 10 patients. Cardiopulmonary bypass resulted in a profound decrease in the platelet count, in the number of adhesive platelets, and in platelet aggregation. These changes returned to near preoperative levels by the sixth postoperative day. Thereafter a consistent and sustained increase in platelet count, in the number of adhesive platelets, and in platelet aggregation was observed. The results suggest that the prevalence of thromboembolism after valve replacement may be due partly to changes in platelet behaviour.  相似文献   
α-L-Fucosidase activity is elevated in skin fibroblasts from cystic fibrosis patients when compared to controls. The activities of nine other acid hydrolases including neuraminidase are similar in cystic fibrosis and control fibroblasts. The relationship of these results to the recent finding of a decreased activity of α-L-fucosidase in the serum of cystic fibrosis patients is discussed. It is proposed that an abnormal distribution of α-L-fucosidase is involved in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   
In germinating lupin cotyledons, there was a rapid depletion of raffinose series oligosaccharides, a temporary increase in sucrose and constant low levels of reducing monosaccharides. The major polysaccharide fraction was extracted with hot NH4 oxalate—EDTA solution and had the constitution of intercellular/cell wall polysaccharide. GLC examination of component sugars showed that as cotyledons expanded this fraction was depleted and that there was selective hydrolysis of arabinose and galactose, so that the uronic acid proportion increased. Gel and DEAE-cellulose chromatography showed that this fraction became more heterogeneous. The neutral and acidic fractions were separated and the component sugars, viscosities, gel chromatographic behaviour and sedimentation constants of these determined. The results indicated that in the later phase of plant cell wall expansion in germinating lupin cotyledons the arabinogalactan side chains of the pectic polysaccharide fraction are selectively hydrolysed leaving a primary wall with a high uronic acid content.  相似文献   
An automated fluorometric method, rather than the Guthrie test, has been used in North Carolina for neonatal screening for phenylketonuria (PKU). Although there is no testing law, 97% of newborn infants are screened. Twelve children with PkU, not referred for dietary management, were born before the screening program was established, were born elsewhere, or were successfully identified at birth but not referred for treatment. None was missed because of laboratory error or because of the lack of a testing law. Positive skewing was noted among initial blood phenylalanine levels of 49 infants with PKU and severe hyperphenylalaninemia. Log transformations caused the values to be normally distributed and permitted the calculation of tolerance and confidence limits. These provided estimates of the percentage of phenylketonuric infants whose initial blood levels might fall below any given cutoff value.  相似文献   
The ribosomal L12 protein gene of Sulfolobus solfataricus (SsoL12) has been subcloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Five protein L12 mutants were designed: two NH2-terminal and two COOH-terminal truncated mutants and one mutant lacking the highly charged part of the COOH-terminal region. The mutant protein genes were overexpressed in E. coli and the products purified. The amino acid composition was verified and the NH2 terminally truncated mutants were subjected to Edman degradation. The SsoL12 protein was selectively removed from entire S. solfataricus ribosomes by an ethanol wash. The remaining ribosomal core particles showed a substantial decrease in the in vitro translational activity. S. solfataricus L12 protein overexpressed in E. coli (SsoL12e) was incorporated into these ribosomal cores and restored their translational activity. Mutants lacking any part of the COOH-terminal region could be incorporated into these cores, as proven by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels of the reconstituted particles. Mutant SsoL12 MC2 (residue 1-70) was sufficient for dimerization and incorporation into ribosomes. In contrast to the COOH terminally truncated mutants, L12 proteins lacking the 12 highly conserved NH2-terminal residues or the entire NH2-terminal region (44 amino acids) are unable to bind to ribosomes, suggesting that the SsoL12 protein binds with its NH2-terminal portion to the ribosome. None of the mutants could significantly increase the translational activity of the core particles suggesting that every deleted part of the protein was needed directly or indirectly for translational activity. Our results suggest that the COOH terminally truncated mutants were bound to ribosomes but not functional for translation. Cores preincubated with these COOH terminally truncated mutants regained activity when a second incubation with the entire overexpressed SsoL12e protein followed. This finding suggests that archaebacterial L12 proteins are freely exchanged on the ribosome.  相似文献   
The delineation of discrete subpopulations of human T lymphocytes has permitted preliminary analyses of the complex cellular network regulating the immune response in man. We previously showed that a subset of T lymphocytes, designated as theophylline-sensitive because of their inability to bind sheep red blood cells in the presence of the drug, are responsible for antigen-specific suppression or regulation in an in vitro plaque-forming cell assay. We now show that 25 to 45% of these theophylline-sensitive T cells were Ia-positive by immunofluorescence with a rabbit antiserum raised against purified B lymphoblast surface antigenic material. These data suggested that 4 to 7% of peripheral blood T cells carry Ia determinants. The presence of Ia determinants on this T cell subset was confirmed by gel analysis of radioiodinated surface material. Furthermore, in mixed lymphocyte culture, the theophylline-sensitive cells demonstrated HLA-D determinants and were 10-fold more potent stimulators than equal numbers of B lymphocytes. The presence of Ia determinants on these T cells indicates the expression of major histocompatibility complex-related regulatory gene products on a specific human T lymphocyte subpopulation.  相似文献   
Peanut agglutinin was acylated with a new heterobifunctional, cleavable photosensitive crosslinking reagent, N-[4-(p-azidophenylazo)benzoyl]-3-aminopropyl-N′-oxysuccinimide ester. The lectin derivative binds specifically and reversibly to neuraminidase-treated human erythrocyte ghosts and upon irradiation covalent attachment of over 35% of the bound lectin occurs. The affinity-crosslinked ghosts were solublized in deoxycholate, immunoprecipitated with anti-peanut agglutinin antiserum, and analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamine gel electrophoresis. Bands containing both peanut agglutinin and membrane glycoproteins were detected with apparent molecular weights of 58 000, 85 000, 110 000 and 135 000. Upon subsequent cleavage with sodium dithionite, asialoglycophorin A (apparent M.W. 41 000 and 85 000) and a second glycoprotein (apparent M.W. 58 000 – 61 000) were tentatively identified as the receptors for peanut agglutinin in the intact membrane.  相似文献   
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