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Production of a fibronectin-associated lymphokine by cloned mouse T cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Azobenzenearsonate-specific cloned mouse T cells able to transfer delayed hypersensitivity reactions in vivo produced macrophage agglutination factor (MaggF) after stimulation with mitogen or antigen in vitro. Mitogen (Con A) elicited MAggF production directly from T cells. Responses to Ag were Ag-specific, required syngeneic accessory cells in addition to T cells, and were independent of T cell fine specificity for azobenzenearsonate. Mouse MAggF shared a number of biochemical and immunochemical properties with the fibronectins (FN): 1) high Mr similar to that of plasma FN; 2) binding to gelatin, heparin, and polyclonal antibodies and mAb specific for cellular and plasma FN; 3) inhibition of activity in solution by monoclonal anti-human FN directed against plasma FN gelatin-binding domain; and 4) action on peritoneal exudate macrophages mediated through a FN-receptor cross reactive with one on human monocytes. MAggF production required active protein synthesis and was associated with significant increases in gelatin-binding immunoreactive FN (Mr 440 kDa on immunoblotting) in culture supernatants and T cell lysates. Metabolically labeled peptides could be precipitated by anti-FN from culture supernatants of activated T cells. Stimulated cultures contained significantly more cells with immunohistologically demonstrable cytoplasmic FN than unstimulated control cultures. We suggest that T cell FN is a distinct species of cellular FN which may play an important role in mediating delayed hypersensitivity inflammatory reactions in vivo.  相似文献   
The molecular evolution of mammalian Y-linked DNA sequences is of special interest because of their unique mode of inheritance: most Y- linked sequences are clonally inherited from father to son. Here we investigate the use of Y-linked sequences for phylogenetic inference. We describe a comparative analysis of a 515-bp region from the male sex- determining locus, Sry, in 22 murine rodents (subfamily Murinae, family Muridae), including representatives from nine species of Mus, and from two additional murine genera--Mastomys and Hylomyscus. Percent sequence divergence was < 0.01% for comparisons between populations within a species and was 0.19%-8.16% for comparisons between species. Our phylogenetic analysis of 12 murine taxa resulted in a single most- parsimonius tree that is highly concordant with phylogenies based on mitochondrial DNA and allozymes. A total evidence tree based on the combined data from Sry, mitochondrial DNA, and allozymes supports (1) the monophyly of the subgenus Mus, (2) its division into a Palearctic group (M. musculus, M. domesticus, M. spicilegus, M. Macedonicus, and M. spretus) and an Oriental group (M. cookii++, M. cervicolor, and M. caroli), and (3) sister-group relationships between M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus and between M. cookii and M. cervicolor. We argue that Y- chromosome DNA sequences represent a valuable new source of characters for phylogenetic inference.   相似文献   
Myxospore coat synthesis in Myxococcus xanthus was studied by incorporation of [(14)C]acetate into intermediates in the biosynthesis of coat polysaccharide and into acid-insoluble material during vegetative growth and after glycerol induction of myxospores. During short labeling periods at 27 degrees C, the radioactivity was shown to be located primarily in N-acetyl groups rather than sugar moieties. Two hours after glycerol induction, the pools of N-acetylglucosamine 6-phosphate and uridine 5'-diphosphate-N-acetylgalactosamine (UDPGalNAc) plus uridine 5'-diphosphate-N-glucosamine increased about twofold and were labeled at twice the rate measured for vegetative cells. The increased rate of synthesis of UDPGalNAc and its precursors could be correlated with increased enzyme activities measured in vitro. Controlled acid hydrolysis revealed that the galactosamine portion of the myxospore coat was N-acetylated. After glycerol induction, the incorporation of acetate into acid-insoluble material increased threefold. This enhanced incorporation was sensitive to neither penicillin nor d-cycloserine. In contrast, bacitracin inhibited the incorporation of [(14)C]acetate into acid-insoluble material more effectively 2 h after myxospore induction than during vegetative growth. Chloramphenicol added to cells 90 min after induction blocked further increase in the rate of [(14)C]acetate incorporation. Since the myxospore coat contains glycine, polymer synthesis was also measured by chloramphenicol-insensitive [(14)C]glycine incorporation into acid-insoluble material. Although protein synthesis decreased after glycerol induction, glycine incorporation increased. Two hours after induction, glycine incorporation was only 75% inhibited by chloramphenicol and rifampin. The chloramphenicol-insensitive rate of incorporation of [(14)C]glycine increased during the first hour after myxospore induction and reached a peak rate after 2 to 3 h. The chloramphenicol-resistant incorporation of [(14)C]glycine was resistant to penicillin but sensitive to bacitracin.  相似文献   
The acrosomic status of spermatozoa prepared for IVF has been evaluated by means of immunofluorescence test from Fenichel and Hsi using calcium A 23187 ionophore as inductor of acrosome reaction (AR). The spontaneous AR remains slight, even after 6 hour-incubation in Menezo B2 (6,8+2,7%). The response to ionophore, moderate before (11,2+9%), frankly increases after a 6h-capacitation (28,9+8,3%) in a group of 25 IVF couples (tubal indication, normal semen, positive fertilization). Nevertheless, it remains slight or null in 4 cases of unexplained repeated failure of fertilization. The response to ionophore A 23187 allows to explore the kinetics of capacitation of spermatozoa and their ability to perform AR. Its significance in terms of fecondance remains to be precised.  相似文献   
Lungs from fetal guinea pigs (62 +/- 1 days of gestation) were supported in vitro for 3 h and fluid production was determined by a dye dilution method, based on Blue Dextran 2000. Twenty untreated lungs produced fluid at 1.41 +/- 0.22 mL.kg-1 body weight.h-1, with no significant changes during later hours. Treatments with analogues of cAMP, cAMP, or forskolin during the middle hour reduced production significantly. Dibutyryl cAMP at 10(-3) M produced reabsorption (117.8 +/- 13.6% reduction, p less than 0.001, n = 10); at 10(-4) M it reduced production (77.3 +/- 11.0% fall, p less than 0.001, n = 10). 8-Bromo-cAMP appeared more effective; at 10(-4) M it caused slight reabsorption (109.0 +/- 8.9% reduction, p less than 0.001, n = 6) and at lower concentrations it decreased production (at 10(-6) M, 67.6 +/- 9.6% fall, p less than 0.001, n = 6; at 10(-7) M, 40.0 +/- 14.3% fall, p less than 0.001, n = 6). At high doses, cAMP itself produced similar effects (at 5 x 10(-3) M, 141.6 +/- 22.8% reduction, p less than 0.001, n = 6); at 10(-4) it was ineffective (n = 3). Forskolin at 10(-6) M induced the strongest reabsorptions seen (159.1 +/- 10.9% reduction, p less than 0.001, n = 6); at lower concentrations it reduced production (at 10(-8) M, 73.8 +/- 5.5% fall, p less than 0.001, n = 6; at 10(-9) M, 29.2 +/- 9.2% fall, p less than 0.05, n = 6).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
In normal development and pathology, the vascular system depends on complex interactions between cellular elements, biochemical molecules, and physical forces. The electrokinetic vascular streaming potential (EVSP) is an endogenous extremely low frequency (ELF) electrical field resulting from blood flowing past the vessel wall. While generally unrecognized, it is a ubiquitous electrical biophysical force to which the vascular tree is exposed. Extracellular matrix elastin plays a central role in normal blood vessel function and in the development of atherosclerosis. It was hypothesized that ELF fields of low amplitude would alter elastin accumulation, supporting a link between the EVSP and the biology of vascular smooth muscle cells. Neonatal rat aortic smooth muscle cell cultures were exposed chronically to electrical fields characteristic of the EVSP. Extracellular protein accumulation, DNA content, and electron microscopic (EM) evaluation were performed after 2 weeks of exposure. Stimulated cultures showed no significant change in cellular proliferation as measured by the DNA concentration. The per‐DNA normalized protein in the extracellular matrix was unchanged while extracellular elastin accumulation decreased 38% on average. EM analysis showed that the stimulated cells had a 2.85‐fold increase in mitochondrial number. These results support the formulation that ELF fields are a potential factor in both normal vessel biology and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic diseases including heart disease, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. Bioelectromagnetics 34:358–365, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
1. Interspecific competition among ants is common, and so is competitive exclusion among dominant ant species. In contrast, specific associations between non‐parasitic ant species are rare, especially in the temperate zones. As an exception, the subordinate ant Camponotus lateralis frequently co‐occurs with the dominant Crematogaster scutellaris but rarely with other dominant ants. 2. This association is one of various associations between Camponotus and Crematogaster species across the world. However, the mechanisms behind these co‐occurences are largely unknown. 3. In the present study, we therefore investigated the association of Ca. lateralis and Cr. scutellaris. We studied the spatial association of the nests, interspecific aggression, both species' cuticular hydrocarbon profiles, and their propensity to follow the other species' pheromone trails. 4. Crematogaster scutellaris usually attacked and displaced the generally submissive Ca. lateralis, but was significantly less aggressive at jointly used trails. Camponotus nests were always in close proximity to Crematogaster nests. 5. The cuticular hydrocarbons of both species consisted of alkanes with chain lengths between C21 and C35. The two species had 25 hydrocarbons in common, including mono‐, di‐, and tetramethyl alkanes. Despite this qualitative similarity, however, the quantitative hydrocarbon composition differed between the two species. 6. Camponotus lateralis followed artificial trails containing trail pheromones of Cr. scutellaris, but the latter did not follow Ca. lateralis trail pheromones. Interspecific trail‐following by Camponotus, but not vice versa, has been observed in another Camponotus–Crematogaster association and may be a more general mechanism that facilitates associations between the two ant genera.  相似文献   
At birth, the cardiomyocytes in the mouse neonatal heart still retain their ability to proliferate. However, this lasts only a few days and then the cardiomyocytes irreversibly lose their potential to divide. It is still not fully understood what factors are involved in the cessation of cardiomyocyte proliferation. Using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) antibodies, we established that cardiomyocytes could divide extensively in 2-day-old mouse neonatal hearts and to a lesser extent in 6-day-old hearts. By 13 days, the cardiomyocytes have mostly stopped dividing. Comparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) was performed on total proteins extracted from the 2-day- and 13-day-old hearts, in order to identify peptides that might be involved in the inhibition of cardiomyocyte proliferation. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF), we identified two protein spots that have the same molecular weight (approximately 14 kDa) but different pIs (5.9 and 6.1). Mass spectra analysis determined the proteins to be isoforms of the heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP). The pI 6.1 H-FABP is also known as mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI; Specht et al. 1996). MGDI is a breast tumour growth suppressor gene capable of inhibiting tumour cell proliferation (Huynh et al. 1995). Both H-FABP isoforms were expressed in 2-day-old hearts but became strongly upregulated in 13-day-old hearts. We examined whether H-FABPs and PCNA were coexpressed in 2-, 6- and 13-day-old heart histological sections, using MDGI antibodies. The antibody could detect both forms of H-FABPs. It was established that there was a correlation between an increase in H-FABP expression and a decrease in PCNA expression. Hence, we tentatively propose that H-FABP isoforms are involved in regulating cardiomyocyte growth and differentiation in mouse neonatal hearts.This project was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 30340038).  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of high-load (H-load) periodized resistance training and high-repetition (H-rep) reverse step loading periodized resistance training on endurance performance. Twenty-six female university rowers (age = 20 +/- 1 year) were randomly assigned to H-load (5 novice, 8 varsity) or H-rep (7 novice, 6 varsity) groups. Subjects were pre- and posttested using a 2,000-m rowing ergometer test. Outcome variables included VO2 peak, time to test completion, total power, average power per stroke, total number of strokes, stroke rate, and body mass. Subjects trained for 8 weeks using identical exercises. Varsity rowers who performed H-load training demonstrated greater improvement compared with those who performed H-rep training. Novice rowers who performed H-rep training demonstrated greater improvement compared with those who performed H-load training. High-load periodized training appears to be more effective for athletes with advanced training status, and H-rep reverse step loading periodized training is more effective for those who are relatively untrained.  相似文献   
The numbers of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and bird cherry-oat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi L., per wheat tiller (stem) were estimated in 189 production winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields located throughout Oklahoma. Taylor's power law regressions were calculated from these data and used to construct fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species. An evaluation data set was constructed from 240 samples taken during three growing seasons from winter wheat fields at four locations in Oklahoma. Wheat cultivar and growth stage were recorded for each field on the day of sampling. Taylor's power law parameters for evaluation fields differed significantly for both species among growing seasons, locations, and plant growth stages. Median precision achieved using the fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species departed <20% from expected precision over the range population intensity in the evaluation data. For the 10% of samples with greatest deviation between observed and expected precision, observed precision was 13.8-81.8% greater than that expected precision depending on aphid species and population intensity. For the greenbug, the distribution of the percentage deviation between observed and expected precision was positively skewed, so that the sampling scheme tended to over-predict precision. For the bird cherry-oat aphid, the distribution was more symmetric. Even though precision observed using the sampling schemes frequently varied from expected precision, because of the inevitable consequence of sampling error and environmental variation, the sampling schemes yielded median observed precision levels close to expected precision levels over a broad range of population intensity.  相似文献   
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