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Morphological analysis of mitotic chromosomes is used to detect mutagenic chemical compounds and to estimate the dose of ionizing radiation to be administered. It has long been believed that chromosomal breaks are always associated with double-strand breaks (DSBs). We here provide compelling evidence against this canonical theory. We employed a genetic approach using two cell lines, chicken DT40 and human Nalm-6. We measured the number of chromosomal breaks induced by three replication-blocking agents (aphidicolin, 5-fluorouracil, and hydroxyurea) in DSB-repair-proficient wild-type cells and cells deficient in both homologous recombination and nonhomologous end-joining (the two major DSB-repair pathways). Exposure of cells to the three replication-blocking agents for at least two cell cycles resulted in comparable numbers of chromosomal breaks for RAD54−/−/KU70−/− DT40 clones and wild-type cells. Likewise, the numbers of chromosomal breaks induced in RAD54−/−/LIG4−/− Nalm-6 clones and wild-type cells were also comparable. These data indicate that the replication-blocking agents can cause chromosomal breaks unassociated with DSBs. In contrast with DSB-repair-deficient cells, chicken DT40 cells deficient in PIF1 or ATRIP, which molecules contribute to the completion of DNA replication, displayed higher numbers of mitotic chromosomal breaks induced by aphidicolin than did wild-type cells, suggesting that single-strand gaps left unreplicated may result in mitotic chromosomal breaks.  相似文献   
The flowering response of axillary buds of seedlings of Pharbitis nil Choisy, cv. Violet, was examined in relation to the timing of apical bud removal (plumule including the first leaf or second leaf) before or after a flower-inductive 16-h dark period. When the apical bud was removed well before the dark period, flower buds formed on the axillary shoots that subsequently developed, but when removed just before, or after, the dark period, different results were observed depending on the timing of the apical bud removal and plant age. In the case of 8-day-old seedlings, fewer flower buds formed on the axillary shoots developing from the cotyledonary node when plumules were removed 20 to 0 h before the dark period. When the apical bud was removed after the dark period, no flower buds formed. Using 14-day-old seedlings a similar reduction of flowering response was observed on the axillary shoots developing from the first leaf node when the apical bud was removed just after the dark period. To further elucidate the relationship between apical dominance and flowering, kinetin or IAA was applied to axillary buds or the cut site where the apical bud was located. Both chemicals influenced flowering, probably by modulating apical dominance which normally forces axillary buds to be dormant.  相似文献   
A cDNA encoding a homolog of human translationally controlledtumor protein (TCTP) was isolated from cotyledons of the short-dayplant Pharbitis nil cv. Violet. The level of the correspondingmRNA increased gradually during darkness. This increase wasinhibited by end-of-day exposure to far-red light. (Received October 30, 1997; Accepted January 7, 1998)  相似文献   


To reduce HIV/AIDS related mortality of children, adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) is critical in the treatment of HIV positive children. However, little is known about the association between ART adherence and different orphan status. The aims of this study were to assess the ART adherence and identify whether different orphan status was associated with the child’s adherence.


A total of 717 HIV positive children and the same number of caregivers participated in this cross-sectional study. Children’s adherence rate was measured using a pill count method and those who took 85% or more of the prescribed doses were defined as adherent. To collect data about adherence related factors, we also interviewed caregivers using a structured questionnaire.


Of all children (N = 717), participants from each orphan category (double orphan, maternal orphan, paternal orphan, non-orphan) were 346, 89, 169, and 113, respectively. ART non-adherence rate of each orphan category was 59.3%, 44.9%, 46.7%, and 49.7%, respectively. The multivariate analysis indicated that maternal orphans (AOR 0.31, 95% CI 0.12–0.80), paternal orphans (AOR 0.35, 95% CI 0.14–0.89), and non-orphans (AOR 0.45, 95% CI 0.21–0.99) were less likely to be non-adherent compared to double orphans. Double orphans who had a sibling as a caregiver were more likely to be non-adherent. The first mean CD4 count prior to initiating treatment was 520, 601, 599, and 844 (cells/ml), respectively (p<0.001). Their mean age at sero-status detection was 5.9, 5.3, 4.8, and 3.9 (year old), respectively (p<0.001).


Double orphans were at highest risk of ART non-adherence and especially those who had a sibling as a caregiver had high risk. They were also in danger of initiating ART at an older age and at a later stage of HIV/AIDS compared with other orphan categories. Double orphans need more attention to the promote child’s adherence to ART.  相似文献   
Some of the rare earth elements such as Sc are believed to be non-toxic and, at present, are widely utilized for the replacement of toxic heavy metals in technological applications, but they are not entirely free of toxicity, with hidden potential health risks. In this animal experiment, we report the urinary scandium (Sc) excretion rate and nephrotoxiciy in male Wistar rats. For this purpose, the rats were given a single dose of a solution of scandium chloride by intraperitoneal injection. The Sc excretion (U-Sc) was determined in 24-h urine samples by inductively coupled plasma–argon emission spectrometry along with the Sc nephrotoxicity, urine volume (UV), creatinine (Crt), β-2-microglobulin (β2-MG) and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAG). A dose-dependent Sc excretion of 0.0063% (r = 0.97) via 24-h urine was confirmed. The administration of Sc induced a significant decrease of UV and Crt and a significant increase of NAG and β2-MG. These results suggest that U-Sc can be a useful tool for monitoring Sc exposure. The formation of Sc colloidal conjugates that deposit in glomeruli may be the cause of a reduction of the glomerular filtration rate. We propose that the analytical method and results described in this study will be of great importance for future toxicological studies on Sc exposure.  相似文献   
The effect of bound sulfate groups and uronic acid residues of glycosaminoglycans on their behavior in chromatography on hydrophobic gel was examined by the use of several pairs of depolymerized chondroitin, chondroitin 4- or 6-sulfate, and dermatan sulfate having comparable degree of polymerization. Chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B in 4.0-2.0 ammonium sulfate containing 10m hydrochloric acid showed that: (a) The retention of depolymerized chondroitin 4- or 6-sulfate on the gel varies with the temperature, whereas the depolymerized samples of chondroitin and dermatan sulfate does not show a temperature dependence (this is not the case for hyaluronic acid or dextrans). (b) Among depolymerized samples of chondroitin and chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate that have a similar degree of polymerization, chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfate showed the highest retention. (c) The retention on the gel of chondroitin 6-sulfate, chondroitin 4-sulfate, and dermatan sulfate decreased in this order. The solubility in ammonium sulfate solution of the polysaccharides agreed well with the chromatographic behavior, suggesting that the fractionation by the hydrophobic gel largely depends on the ability to precipitate on the gel rather than on the hydrophobic interaction between gel and polysaccharide.  相似文献   
AtC401 is an Arabidopsis homolog of PnC401 that is related to photoperiodic induction of flowering in Pharbitis nil. These genes show free-running rhythms. To study the free-running rhythm of AtC401, we fused a firefly luciferase reporter to the AtC401 promoter and transformed it into Arabidopsis plants. The observed bioluminescence oscillated under continuous light and continuous dark only with sucrose supplementation. The free-running period of bioluminescence was temperature-compensated between 22 degrees C and 30 degrees C. Light-pulse experiments under continuous darkness produced a phase-response curve typical of circadian rhythms. We conclude that rhythmic expression of AtC401 is controlled by a circadian oscillator.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the pharmacologically active constituents of rose oil, which possesses anti-conflict effects. Analysis using GC/MS revealed that rose oil contains 9 substances that were identified as myrcene, benzyl alcohol, 2-phenethyl alcohol, citronellol, geraniol, citronellyl acetate, eugenol, geranyl acetate and methyl eugenol. We examined the effects of each of these substances using the Geller and Vogel conflict tests in ICR mice. Myrcene, benzyl alcohol and citronellyl acetate did not produce any effects in either tests. Geranyl acetate and methyl eugenol produced no effect in the Geller conflict test. Geraniol and eugenol decreased the response rate during the safe period of the Geller conflict test, but did not affect the response rate during the alarm period. In contrast, 2-phenethyl alcohol and citronellol, like rose oil, produced an increasing effect on the response rate during the alarm period in the Geller conflict test. In addition, both chemicals increased the number of electric shocks mice received in the Vogel conflict test in a manner similar to that of rose oil. Given that 2-phenethyl alcohol and citronellol produced the same anti-conflict effects in both tests as rose oil, we concluded that they are the pharmacologically active constituents of anti-anxiety-like effect of rose oil.  相似文献   
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