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A technique has been outlined for identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures of CNS proteins. Myelin basic proteins can be recognized easily by high cathodic mobility at low pH, a unique electrophoretic pattern exhibited at high pH and a characteristic colour when complexed with Amido black. The major protein extracted at pH 3·0 from either brain or spinal cord is myelin basic protein. In the low pH electrophoretic pattern of these extracts it is the most conspicuous component and the component migrating farthest cathodically; it does not appear in comparable electrophoretic patterns of liver extracts. Guinea pig myelin basic protein appears as a single dense blue-green band in low pH electrophoretic patterns, in contrast to the other proteins which are stained greyish-blue or greyish-purple by Amido black. The pattern of rat myelin basic protein is similar except that it consists of a pair of dense blue-green bands. A third characteristic which facilitates the identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures is a considerable cathodic mobility and electrophoretic heterogeneity at pH 10·6. Most other basic CNS proteins barely penetrate the gel at this pH. We have also examined in detail the behaviour of two other components of pH 3·0 extracts which migrate close to myelin basic protein at low pH. Both are present in pH 3·0 extracts of liver and brain but not of spinal cord, and both stain grey instead of blue-green, a characteristic which readily distinguishes them from myelin basic protein. Neither of these components affects the characteristic pattern of microheterogeneity observed in high pH electrophoretograms of myelin basic proteins. One of these components has been purified and tentatively identified as lysine-rich histone F1.  相似文献   
Some food-derived peptides possess bioactive properties, and may affect health positively. For example, the C-terminal lacto-tri-peptides Ile-Pro-Pro (IPP), Leu-Pro-Pro (LPP) and Val-Pro-Pro (VPP) (together named here XPP) are described to lower blood pressure. The bioactivity depends on their availability at the site of action. Quantitative trans-organ availability/kinetic measurements will provide more insight in C-terminal tri-peptides behavior in the body. We hypothesize that the composition of the meal will modify their systemic availability. We studied trans-organ XPP fluxes in catheterized pigs (25 kg; n=10) to determine systemic and portal availability, as well as renal and hepatic uptake of a water-based single dose of synthetic XPP and a XPP containing protein matrix (casein hydrolyte, CasH). In a second experiment (n=10), we compared the CasH-containing protein matrix with a CasH-containing meal matrix and the modifying effects of macronutrients in a meal on the availability (high carbohydrates, low quality protein, high fat, and fiber). Portal availability of synthetic XPP was 0.08 ± 0.01% of intake and increased when a protein matrix was present (respectively 3.1, 1.8 and 83 times for IPP, LPP and VPP). Difference between individual XPP was probably due to release from longer peptides. CasH prolonged portal bioavailability with 18 min (absorption half-life, synthetic XPP: 15 ± 2 min, CasH: 33 ± 3 min, p<0.0001) and increased systemic elimination with 20 min (synthetic XPP: 12 ± 2 min; CasH: 32 ± 3 min, p<0.0001). Subsequent renal and hepatic uptake is about 75% of the portal release. A meal containing CasH, increased portal 1.8 and systemic bioavailability 1.2 times. Low protein quality and fiber increased XPP systemic bioavailability further (respectively 1.5 and 1.4 times). We conclude that the amount and quality of the protein, and the presence of fiber in a meal, are the main factors that increase the systemic bioavailability of food-derived XPP.  相似文献   
The role of ectomycorrhizal fungi on mineral nutrient mobilization and uptake is crucial for tree nutrition and growth in temperate forest ecosystems. By using a “mineral weathering budget” approach, this study aims to quantify the effect of the symbiosis with the ectomycorrhizal model strain Laccaria bicolor S238N on mineral weathering and tree nutrition, carrying out a column experiment with a quartz/biotite substrate. Each column was planted with one Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) non-mycorrhizal or mycorrhizal with L. bicolor, with exception of the abiotic control treatment. The columns were continuously supplied with a nutrient-poor solution. A mineral weathering budget was calculated for K and Mg. The pine shoot growth was significantly increased (73%) when plants were mycorrhizal with L. bicolor. Whatever their mycorrhizal status, pines increased mineral weathering by factors 1.5 to 2.1. No difference between non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal pine treatments was revealed, however, mycorrhizal pines assimilated significantly more K and Mg. This suggests that in our experimental conditions, L. bicolor S238N improved shoot growth and K and Mg assimilation in Scots pine mainly by increasing the uptake of dissolved nutrients, linked to a better exploration and exploitation of the soil by the mycorrhizal roots.  相似文献   
Airway epithelial cells are well-known producers of thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC), a Th2 cell-attracting chemokine that may play an important role in the development of allergic airway inflammation. However, the mechanism responsible for up-regulation of TARC in allergy is still unknown. In the asthmatic airways, loss of expression of the cell-cell contact molecule E-cadherin and reduced epithelial barrier function has been observed, which may be the result of an inadequate repair response. Because E-cadherin also suppressed multiple signaling pathways, we studied whether disruption of E-cadherin-mediated cell contact may contribute to increased proallergic activity of epithelial cells, e.g., production of the chemokine TARC. We down-regulated E-cadherin in bronchial epithelial cells by small interference RNA and studied effects on electrical resistance, signaling pathways, and TARC expression (by electric cell-substrate impedance sensing, immunodetection, immunofluorescent staining, and real-time PCR). Small interference RNA silencing of E-cadherin resulted in loss of E-cadherin-mediated junctions, enhanced phosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and the downstream targets MEK/ERK-1/2 and p38 MAPK, finally resulting in up-regulation of TARC as well as thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression. The use of specific inhibitors revealed that the effect on TARC is mediated by EGFR-dependent activation of the MAPK pathways. In contrast to TARC, expression of the Th1/Treg cell-attracting chemokine RANTES was unaffected by E-cadherin down-regulation. In summary, we show that loss of E-cadherin-mediated epithelial cell-cell contact by damaging stimuli, e.g., allergens, may result in reduced suppression of EGFR-dependent signaling pathways and subsequent induction of Th2 cell-attracting molecule TARC. Thus, disruption of intercellular epithelial contacts may specifically promote Th2 cell recruitment in allergic asthma.  相似文献   
The biosynthetic gene clusters of the staphylococcal lantibiotics epidermin and gallidermin are distinguished by the presence of the unique genes epiH and gdmH, respectively. They encode accessory factors for the ATP-binding cassette transporters that mediate secretion of the antimicrobial peptides. Here, we show that gdmH also contributes to immunity to gallidermin but not to nisin. gdmH alone affected susceptibility to gallidermin only moderately, but it led to a multiplication of the immunity level mediated by the FEG immunity genes when cloned together with the gdmT gene, suggesting a synergistic activity of the H and FEG systems. gdmH-related genes were identified in the genomes of several bacteria, indicating an involvement in further cellular functions.  相似文献   
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) signals that induce the G2 checkpoint response were examined using proliferative secondary cultures of diploid human fibroblasts. Treatments that generated DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) directly were effective inducers of checkpoint response, generally producing >80% inhibition of mitosis (G2 delay) and the kinase activity of M-phase-promoting factor within 2 h of treatment. Effective inducers of G2 checkpoint response included γ-irradiation and the cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, bleomycin and etoposide. Treatments that produced DNA single-strand breaks, directly or indirectly through nucleotide excision repair, were not effective inducers of G2 delay. Ineffective treatments included incubation with camptothecin, an inhibitor of topoisomerase I (topo I), and irradiation with sublethal fluences of UVC, followed by incubation with aphidicolin. Transient severe inhibition of DNA synthesis with aphidicolin did not affect mitosis substantially, suggesting that the replication arrest input to the G2 checkpoint required more than brief inhibition of DNA synthesis. In contrast, moderate camptothecin-induced inhibition of DNA synthesis was associated with a strong inhibition of mitosis that developed 4–12 h after drug treatment. This result suggested that G2 delay was not expressed until the cells that were in S-phase at the time of treatment with camptothecin proceeded into G2. DNA damage was not necessary for induction of mitotic delay. An inhibitor of topoisomerase II (topo II), ICRF-193, which inhibits chromatid decatenation in G2 cells without damaging DNA, induced a severe inhibition of mitosis and M-phase-promoting factor kinase activity. The results suggest that DNA double-strand breaks and insufficiency of chromatid decatenation effectively induce the G2 checkpoint response, but DNA single-strand breaks do not.  相似文献   
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