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While soluble forms of the sialyltransferase (sialyl-T) enzyme have been detected in significant quantities in serum, the exact source(s) of the enzyme, or the factors controlling its secretion are poorly understood. In this study, we have examined the relationship between ambient plasma cholesterol concentrations and sialyl-T activities and also levels of constituent plasma sialoglycoproteins (SGP). There was an inverse relationship between levels of the 2,6 sialyl-T enzyme and both total plasma cholesterol and HDL, although no such relationship was observed for the 2,3 enzyme. While there was no correlation between total cholesterol and the levels of plasma SGPs, there was an inverse relationship between the HDL component and 2,3 SGPs.  相似文献   
Summary Physa fontinalis (L.) gives a characteristic, chemically mediated escape response when stimulated by the majority of British leeches and flatworms. The snail responds rapidly and consistently to contact with all the molluskivorous leeches but also to three species which may be considered harmless. However, no response was given to Erpobdella octoculata, the most abundant and widespread of the harmless leeches. The flatworms generally evoked less strong reactions. The adaptive significance of the pattern of responsiveness is discussed. A weaker shell-shaking response is elicited in conspecifics and it is shown that this antisocial behaviour leads to a relatively spaced-out dispersion pattern. A possible adaptive advantage is the reduction of risk of detection by shell-crushing fish predators, to which the snails are otherwise extremely vulnerable.  相似文献   
The postnatal sialylation of individual neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) polypeptides by a developmentally regulated sialyltransferase in Golgi-enriched fractions isolated from rat brain is described. The 120-kilodalton polypeptide of N-CAM was found to be sialylated at each developmental age examined. This was in contrast to the 140- and 180-kilodalton N-CAM polypeptides which were only sialylated until postnatal day 10 and from postnatal day 12, respectively. Immunoblotting procedures demonstrated that all N-CAM polypeptides were expressed in the Golgi fractions at each developmental stage examined. The heavily sialylated "embryonic" form of N-CAM was found to be reexpressed at postnatal days 10 and 12, a time coincident with extensive fibre outgrowth. The "embryonic" form of N-CAM incorporated similar amounts of [14C]sialic acid into its constituent polypeptides reflecting the difference in sialic acid to protein ratio, as this form of N-CAM was virtually undetectable in the immunoblots of postnatal material.  相似文献   
Satellite telemetry data are a key source of animal distribution information for marine ecosystem management and conservation activities. We used two decades of telemetry data from the East Antarctic sector of the Southern Ocean. Habitat utilization models for the spring/summer period were developed for six highly abundant, wide‐ranging meso‐ and top‐predator species: Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae and emperor Aptenodytes forsteri penguins, light‐mantled albatross Phoebetria palpebrata, Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella, southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina, and Weddell seals Leptonychotes weddellii. The regional predictions from these models were combined to identify areas utilized by multiple species, and therefore likely to be of particular ecological significance. These areas were distributed across the longitudinal breadth of the East Antarctic sector, and were characterized by proximity to breeding colonies, both on the Antarctic continent and on subantarctic islands to the north, and by sea‐ice dynamics, particularly locations of winter polynyas. These areas of important habitat were also congruent with many of the areas reported to be showing the strongest regional trends in sea ice seasonality. The results emphasize the importance of on‐shore and sea‐ice processes to Antarctic marine ecosystems. Our study provides ocean‐basin‐scale predictions of predator habitat utilization, an assessment of contemporary habitat use against which future changes can be assessed, and is of direct relevance to current conservation planning and spatial management efforts.  相似文献   


Aerosolized therapeutics hold great potential for effective treatment of various diseases including lung cancer. In this context, there is an urgent need to develop novel nanocarriers suitable for drug delivery by nebulization. To address this need, we synthesized and characterized a biocompatible drug delivery vehicle following surface coating of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with a polymer poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA). The polymeric shell of these engineered nanoparticles was loaded with a potential anti-cancer drug quercetin and their suitability for targeting lung cancer cells via nebulization was evaluated.


Average particle size of the developed MNPs and PLGA-MNPs as measured by electron microscopy was 9.6 and 53.2 nm, whereas their hydrodynamic swelling as determined using dynamic light scattering was 54.3 nm and 293.4 nm respectively. Utilizing a series of standardized biological tests incorporating a cell-based automated image acquisition and analysis procedure in combination with real-time impedance sensing, we confirmed that the developed MNP-based nanocarrier system was biocompatible, as no cytotoxicity was observed when up to 100 μg/ml PLGA-MNP was applied to the cultured human lung epithelial cells. Moreover, the PLGA-MNP preparation was well-tolerated in vivo in mice when applied intranasally as measured by glutathione and IL-6 secretion assays after 1, 4, or 7 days post-treatment. To imitate aerosol formation for drug delivery to the lungs, we applied quercitin loaded PLGA-MNPs to the human lung carcinoma cell line A549 following a single round of nebulization. The drug-loaded PLGA-MNPs significantly reduced the number of viable A549 cells, which was comparable when applied either by nebulization or by direct pipetting.


We have developed a magnetic core-shell nanoparticle-based nanocarrier system and evaluated the feasibility of its drug delivery capability via aerosol administration. This study has implications for targeted delivery of therapeutics and poorly soluble medicinal compounds via inhalation route.  相似文献   
Aim Small (< 1 km2) alpine glaciers are likely to disappear in this century, resulting in decreased regional habitat heterogeneity in associated streams. Both heterogeneity within and spatial isolation among glacier‐influenced streams can enhance beta diversity of stream‐dwelling organisms. We measured beta at both community and population‐genetic levels within and among streams currently influenced by small Pyrenean glaciers. We aimed to evaluate whether patterns are analogous between the two levels, to apply various approaches for characterizing beta, and to infer the outcome of future glacier loss on regional biodiversity. Location Four glacier‐fed basins in the Parc National des Pyrénées, France. Methods We classified each of 18 stream reaches across the basins into either high‐, mid‐ or low‐‘glaciality’ (glacial influence) groups according to four physicochemical characteristics. At each reach, we collected macroinvertebrate communities and evaluated mitochondrial DNA haplotypes for 11–13 individuals of Baetis alpinus Pictet. Using taxa/haplotypes as basic units, we evaluated community and population‐genetic beta diversity simultaneously. We measured beta diversity in three major ways: as multivariate (Sørensen's dissimilarity, Jost D) and ‘classical’ (gamma/alpha) variation to compare among glaciality groups, and as turnover along the glaciality gradient within each basin. Results For most approaches at both organizational levels, beta was greatest among high‐glaciality reaches, absolute values of variation of beta in high‐glaciality streams were strikingly similar between levels, and the steepest turnover within basins occurred between high‐ and mid‐glaciality reaches. Therefore, high‐glaciality reaches contained assemblages and populations that were unique both within that stream type (among basins) and compared with other stream types within basins. Main conclusions Parallel beta diversity patterns at population‐genetic and community levels suggested that environmental drivers influence these levels analogously. Extreme conditions (e.g. low temperature, high instability, isolation) in high‐glaciality streams probably enhance beta at both levels. Stream beta diversity is likely to decrease substantially with continued glacial reduction in this system.  相似文献   
HIV-1 subtype C (C-HIV) is responsible for most HIV-1 cases worldwide. Although the pathogenesis of C-HIV is thought to predominantly involve CCR5-restricted (R5) strains, we do not have a firm understanding of how frequently CXCR4-using (X4 and R5X4) variants emerge in subjects with progressive C-HIV infection. Nor do we completely understand the molecular determinants of coreceptor switching by C-HIV variants. Here, we characterized a panel of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Envs) (n = 300) cloned sequentially from plasma of 21 antiretroviral therapy (ART)-naïve subjects who experienced progression from chronic to advanced stages of C-HIV infection, and show that CXCR4-using C-HIV variants emerged in only one individual. Mutagenesis studies and structural models suggest that the evolution of R5 to X4 variants in this subject principally involved acquisition of an “Ile-Gly” insertion in the gp120 V3 loop and replacement of the V3 “Gly-Pro-Gly” crown with a “Gly-Arg-Gly” motif, but that the accumulation of additional gp120 “scaffold” mutations was required for these V3 loop changes to confer functional effects. In this context, either of the V3 loop changes could confer possible transitional R5X4 phenotypes, but when present together they completely abolished CCR5 usage and conferred the X4 phenotype. Our results show that the emergence of CXCR4-using strains is rare in this cohort of untreated individuals with advanced C-HIV infection. In the subject where X4 variants did emerge, alterations in the gp120 V3 loop were necessary but not sufficient to confer CXCR4 usage.  相似文献   
Gething  Kieran J.  Ripley  Matthew C.  Mathers  Kate L.  Chadd  Richard P.  Wood  Paul J. 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(20):4273-4284

Artificial drainage ditches are common features in lowland agricultural catchments that support a wide range of ecosystem services at the landscape scale. Current paradigms in river management suggest activities that increase habitat heterogeneity and complexity resulting in more diverse floral and faunal assemblages; however, it is not known if the same principles apply to artificial drainage ditch systems. We examined the effects of four artificial substrates, representing increasing habitat complexity and heterogeneity (bricks, gravel, netting and vegetation), on macroinvertebrate community structure within artificial drainage ditches. Each substrate type supported a distinct macroinvertebrate community highlighting the importance of habitat heterogeneity in maintaining macroinvertebrate assemblages. Each substrate type also displayed differing degrees of community heterogeneity, with gravel communities being most variable and artificial vegetation being the least. In addition, several macroinvertebrate diversity metrics increased along the gradient of artificial substrate complexity, although these differences were not statistically significant. We conclude that habitat management practices that increase habitat complexity are likely to enhance macroinvertebrate community heterogeneity within artificial drainage channels regardless of previous management activities.

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