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Developmental consequences of autosomal aneuploidy in mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Autosomal aneuploidy in mammals adversely affects developmental processes. In human beings, for example, trisomy 21 is the most frequent aneuploidy detected among newborns and the most common known genetic cause of mental retardation. In this review, several hypotheses are discussed that have been proposed to explain the mechanisms by which aneuploidy (especially trisomy) disrupts development. These mechanisms included specific gene dosage effects, generalized disruption of genetic homeostasis, and the influence of the parental origin of the duplicated chromosome. The availability of specific chromosomal rearrangements in mice, coupled with selective breeding schemes, permits generation of aneuploidy of specific chromosomes or chromosomal segments on controlled genetic backgrounds, thus enabling the systematic study of the causes and consequences of defined aneuploidy. Phenotypic characteristics associated with a number of specific aneuploidies in the mouse are discussed. Emphasis is placed on the effects of trisomy 16. Genetic homology between mouse chromosome 16 and human chromosome 21 has led investigators to suggest that analogous mechanisms will be responsible for the developmental abnormalities produced in these respective aneuploidies. Analysis of trisomy 16 mice from the organismal to the subcellular level has revealed a number of phenotypic characteristics (particularly neurobiologic ones) shared with human trisomy 21. The dosage effects of shared genes (or their products) may contribute to the development of these features.  相似文献   
Abstract: Golgi-enriched fractions have been isolated from rat brain of increasing postnatal age and defined by electron microscopy and distribution of marker enzymes. The expression of sialyltransferase activity associated with these fractions has been demonstrated to developmentally decrease and this appeared to be, in part, dependent on endogenous competitive inhibition. The developmental regulation of this activity paralleled the sialylation state of the neural cell adhesion molecule (D2-CAM/N-CAM) and could be demonstrated to be capable of endogenously sialylating this protein in the isolated Golgi fractions. In 12-day-old animals the majority of the transferred [14C]sialic acid was found to be associated with the high-molecular-weight [>200 kilodaltons (kd)] form of D2-CAM/N-CAM, indicative of the protein having been heavily sialylated. Sialylation of the individual D2-CAM/N-CAM polypeptides was also demonstrated in both 12-day and adult animals and transfer was evident only in the 180-kd and 115-kd components and not in the 140-kd component. In contrast, Golgi-enriched fractions prepared from adult animals showed little capability of heavily sialylating D2-CAM/N-CAM to any significant extent.  相似文献   
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) has been implicated as one of the mediators of cardiac anaphylaxis. This phospholipid has been shown to have numerous effects on a variety of tissues, including the heart. Among these effects are alterations in the resting potential and generation of arrhythmias at very low concentrations. This suggests that PAF may modulate the activity of the background, inwardly-rectifying potassium current (IK1). Thus, the effects of PAF on IK1 were examined at the single channel level. Ventricular cells were isolated from adult guinea pig hearts and single channel currents recorded from cell-attached patches. PAF had substantial effects on the single channel currents at sub-nanomolar concentrations (10–11 to 10–10 M). PAF initially caused flickering of the channels, followed by a gradual prolonged depression of channel activity. Since these potassium channels play a major role in determining the resting potential and excitability of the cardiac cell, the effects of PAF on IK1 may play a major role in the deleterious electrophysiological actions of PAF on the heart.Abbreviations IK1 Inwardly-rectifying background potassium current - Lyso-PAF Lyso-platelet-activating factor - PAF Platelet-activating factor  相似文献   
The postnatal sialylation of individual neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) polypeptides by a developmentally regulated sialyltransferase in Golgi-enriched fractions isolated from rat brain is described. The 120-kilodalton polypeptide of N-CAM was found to be sialylated at each developmental age examined. This was in contrast to the 140- and 180-kilodalton N-CAM polypeptides which were only sialylated until postnatal day 10 and from postnatal day 12, respectively. Immunoblotting procedures demonstrated that all N-CAM polypeptides were expressed in the Golgi fractions at each developmental stage examined. The heavily sialylated "embryonic" form of N-CAM was found to be reexpressed at postnatal days 10 and 12, a time coincident with extensive fibre outgrowth. The "embryonic" form of N-CAM incorporated similar amounts of [14C]sialic acid into its constituent polypeptides reflecting the difference in sialic acid to protein ratio, as this form of N-CAM was virtually undetectable in the immunoblots of postnatal material.  相似文献   
N-Acetylaspartylglutamate (NAAG) is a neuropeptide localized to several putative glutamatergic neuronal systems, including the rodent optic pathway. To determine whether the peptide is released by depolarization, the superior colliculus of the rat was perfused with 2 microCi of [3H]NAAG, then with Krebs-bicarbonate buffer for 1 h, using a microdialysis system. Subsequently, 10-min fractions were collected and analyzed by HPLC for [3H]NAAG. Addition of 100 microM veratridine resulted in a several-fold increase in the evoked release of [3H]NAAG that was virtually abolished by coperfusion with Ca2+-free Krebs buffer containing 1 mM EGTA. When [3H]glutamate was used as the precursor, veratridine depolarization resulted in only an 80% increase in the release of [3H]NAAG. Prior enucleation of the right eye reduced the spontaneous release of [3H]NAAG by 50%, and the veratridine-evoked release by greater than 85%, from the left superior colliculus. These results suggest that NAAG is released upon depolarization and may serve as a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the optic tract.  相似文献   
Abstract: An isocratic HPLC method to measure endogenous N -acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate (NAAG) and N -acetyl-aspartate (NAA) is described. After removal of primary amines by passage of tissue extracts over AG-50 resin, the eluate was subject to HPLC anion-exchange analysis and eluted with phosphate buffer with absorbance monitored at 214 nm. The retention time for NAA was 5.6 min and for NAAG 11.4 min with a limit sensitivity of 0.1 nmol. The levels of NAA and NAAG were measured in 16 regions of rat brain and in heart and liver. NAAG was undetectable in heart and liver and exhibited 10-fold variation in concentration among brain regions; the highest levels were found in spinal cord. In contrast, low concentrations of NAA were detectable in heart and liver, and the regional distribution of NAA in brain varied only twofold. The regional distribution of NAA and NAAG correlated poorly. To assess the neuronal localization of these two compounds, the effects of selective brain lesions on their levels were examined. Decortication caused a 28% decrease in NAAG levels in the ipsi-lateral striatum while NAA decreased 38%. Kainate lesion of the striatum resulted in a 31% decrease in NAAG in the ipsilateral striatum, whereas NAA fell by 58%. Kainate lesion of the hippocampus resulted in significant decrements in NAAG and NAA in the hippocampus and septum. Transection of the spinal cord at midthorax resulted in a 51% decrease in NAAG levels immediately caudal and a 40% decrease immediately rostral to the lesion; however, NAA decreased only 30% in these areas. These results are consistent with a neuronal localization of NAAG in brain. Combined with the fact that NAAG interacts with a subpopulation of glutamate receptors, these results suggest that NAAG may serve as an excitatory neurotransmitter.  相似文献   
While soluble forms of the sialyltransferase (sialyl-T) enzyme have been detected in significant quantities in serum, the exact source(s) of the enzyme, or the factors controlling its secretion are poorly understood. In this study, we have examined the relationship between ambient plasma cholesterol concentrations and sialyl-T activities and also levels of constituent plasma sialoglycoproteins (SGP). There was an inverse relationship between levels of the 2,6 sialyl-T enzyme and both total plasma cholesterol and HDL, although no such relationship was observed for the 2,3 enzyme. While there was no correlation between total cholesterol and the levels of plasma SGPs, there was an inverse relationship between the HDL component and 2,3 SGPs.  相似文献   
BothPseudomonas putida F1 and a mixed culture were used to study TCE degradation in continuous culture under aerobic, non-methanotrophic conditions. TCE mass balance studies were performed with continuous culture reactors to determine the total percent removed in the reactors, and to quantify the percent removed by air stripping and biodegradation. Adsorption of TCE to biomass was assumed to be negligible. This research demonstrated the feasibility of treating TCE-contaminated water under aerobic, non-methanotrophic conditions with a mixed-culture, continuous-flow system.Initially glucose and acetate were fed as primary substrates. Pnenol, which has been shown to induce TCE-degrading enzymes, was fed at a much lower concentration (20mg/L). Little degradation of TCE was observed when acetate and glucose were the primary substrates. After omitting glucose and acetate from the feed and increasing the phenol concentration to 50mg/L, TCE biotransformation was observed at a significant level (46%). When the phenol concentration in the feed was increased to 420mg/L, 85% of the incoming TCE was estimated to have been biodegraded. Under the same conditions, phenol utilization by the mixed culture was greater than that ofP. putida F1, and TCE degradation by the mixed culture (85%) exceeded that ofP. putida F1 (55%). The estimated percent-of-TCE biodegraded by the mixed culture was consistently greater than 80% when phenol was fed at 420mg/L. Biodegradation of TCE was also observed in mixed-culture, batch experiments.  相似文献   
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