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Summary The chromatic properties of single units in the optic medulla and lobula of the worker bee were examined. This paper describes the spectral sensitivity, S () and the receptive fields of broad band units, ie. those neurons which receive qualitatively similar inputs from 2 or 3 colour receptor types.The simplest broad band unit responds with sustained excitation or inhibition to light of all colours. Intracellular staining has identified the sustained excitatory unit as the Y8 cell of the proximal medulla.More complex broad band units may receive a variety of colour inputs which sum with different weighting factors or the colour inputs may have different temporal patterning.Receptive fields tend to be large (diameter greater than 60°). The simplest broad band units show homogenous receptive fields which are uniform for all colours. More complex receptive fields contain different areas where different colours evoke an optimal response. No centre-sourround spatial antagonism was found.This work was supported by DFG grant no. Me 365/4 while J.K. was on an Alexander v. Humboldt Stipendium.We thank Joy Nelson for assistance with histology.  相似文献   
Trehalose monomycolate (TMM) represents an essential element of the mycobacterial envelope. While synthesized in the cytoplasm, TMM is transported across the inner membrane by MmpL3 but, little is known regarding the MmpL3 partners involved in this process. Recently, the TMM transport factor A (TtfA) was found to form a complex with MmpL3 and to participate in TMM transport, although its biological role remains to be established. Herein, we report the crystal structure of the Mycobacterium smegmatis TtfA core domain. The phylogenetic distribution of TtfA homologues in non-mycolate containing bacteria suggests that TtfA may exert additional functions.  相似文献   
A series of Mn2+-doped zinc germinate ZGO:xMn2+ (x = 0–0.05) nanorods was synthesized successfully using a hydrothermal method. XRD revealed that crystal phases of the ZGO:xMn2+ were rhombohedral and in the R-3 space group. The Williamson–Hall equation was also used to explain the strain, nanocrystalline size, and stacking fault. Green LEDs were successfully fabricated by coating ZGO:Mn2+ nanorods onto UV-LED chips. For high color purity, CIE of the fabricated green LEDs were (0.2404, 0.5428), which made this material a promising candidate for fabrication of UV-based green LEDs.  相似文献   
The projections of nerves 6 and 7 of the locust suboesophageal ganglion (SOG) were stained by axonal filling with cobalt chloride. Nerve 6 contains two motoneurons which innervate neck muscles 50 and 51. Sensory neurons innervating hairs on the dorso-occipital region of the head also enter the ganglion through nerve 6 and terminate in a small bilateral plexus. The projections of the head hairs in nerve 6 do not overlap the arborizations of the motoneurons or the neurons of nerve 7, but lie in the same area as descending sensory neurons from wind-sensitive hairs of the front of the head. One branch of nerve 7 (7B) contains two fibres which innervate the salivary gland. These 'salivary' neurons (labelled SN1 and SN2) have their cell bodies in the ganglion. The second branch, 7A, contains sensory neurons from the submentum of the labium, which form four sensory plexuses, two dorsal and two ventral. The sensory plexuses from the submentum have specific regions of overlap with the salivary neurons and with the neck muscle motoneurons. We interpret these as indicating a flow of information from labial receptors signalling head and mouthpart movement to neurons involved in salivation and head movement. We further postulate that the anatomical separation of the various sensory plexuses is indicative of functional localization within the ganglion.  相似文献   
The production of virus-like particles (VLPs) constitutes a relevant and safe model to study molecular determinants of virion egress. The minimal requirement for the assembly of VLPs for the coronavirus responsible for severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans (SARS-CoV) is still controversial. Recent studies have shown that SARS-CoV VLP formation depends on either M and E proteins or M and N proteins. Here we show that both E and N proteins must be coexpressed with M protein for the efficient production and release of VLPs by transfected Vero E6 cells. This suggests that the mechanism of SARS-CoV assembly differs from that of other studied coronaviruses, which only require M and E proteins for VLP formation. When coexpressed, the native envelope trimeric S glycoprotein is incorporated onto VLPs. Interestingly, when a fluorescent protein tag is added to the C-terminal end of N or S protein, but not M protein, the chimeric viral proteins can be assembled within VLPs and allow visualization of VLP production and trafficking in living cells by state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Fluorescent VLPs will be used further to investigate the role of cellular machineries during SARS-CoV egress.  相似文献   
We report the cases of two unrelated patients with psychomotor retardation and craniofacial abnormalities, in whom cytogenetic studies have revealed a terminal deletion of chromosome 13 confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This del(13)(q33.2) is the smallest terminal deletion of the 13q reported so far. Interestingly enough, the serum level of coagulation factors VII and X, whose genes are located in 13q34, were reduced in both patients. These cases illustrate the difficulties in identifying precisely chromosome deletions and demonstrate that FISH techniques allow to obtain a more precise correlation between clinical phenotype and cytogenetic abnormalities.  相似文献   
As fibroblasts near senescence, their responsiveness to external signals diminishes. This well-documented phenomenon likely underlies physiological deterioration and limited tissue regeneration in aging individuals. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms would provide opportunities to ameliorate these situations. A key stimulus for human dermal fibroblasts are ligands for the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). We have shown earlier that EGFR expression decreases by about half in near senescent fibroblasts (Shiraha et al., 2000, J. Biol. Chem. 275 (25), 19343-19351). However, as the cell responses are nearly absent near senescence, other aging-related signal attenuation changes must also occur. Herein, we show that EGFR signaling as determined by receptor autophosphorylation is diminished over 80%, with a corresponding decrease in the phosphorylation of the immediate postreceptor adaptor Shc. Interestingly, we found that this was due at least in part to increased dephosphorylation of EGFR. The global cell phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity increased some threefold in near senescent cells. An initial survey of EGFR-associated protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) showed that SHP-1 (PTPIC, HCP, SHPTP-1) and PTPIB levels are increased in parallel in these cells. Concomitantly, we also discovered an increase in expression of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (RPTPalpha). Last, inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatases by sodium orthovanadate in near senescent cells resulted in increased EGFR phosphorylation. These data support a model in which, near senescence, dermal fibroblasts become resistant to EGFR-mediated stimuli by a combination of receptor downregulation and increased signal attenuation.  相似文献   
The Hin recombinase specifically recognizes its DNA-binding site by means of both major and minor groove interactions. A previous X-ray structure, together with new structures of the Hin DNA-binding domain bound to a recombination half-site that were solved as part of the present study, have revealed that two ordered water molecules are present within the major groove interface. In this report, we test the importance of these waters directly by X-ray crystal structure analysis of complexes with four mutant DNA sequences. These structures, combined with their Hin-binding properties, provide strong support for the critical importance of one of the intermediate waters. A lesser but demonstrable role is ascribed to the second water molecule. The mutant structures also illustrate the prominent roles of thymine methyls both in stabilizing intermediate waters and in interfering with water or amino acid side chain interactions with DNA.  相似文献   
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) is a foodborne pathogen that causes typhoid fever and infects only humans. The ability of S. Typhi to survive outside the human host remains unclear, particularly in human carrier strains. In this study, we have investigated the catabolic activity of a human carrier S. Typhi strain in both planktonic and biofilm cells using the high-throughput Biolog Phenotype MicroArray, Minimum Biofilm Eradication Concentration (MBEC) biofilm inoculator (96-well peg lid) and whole genome sequence data. Additional strains of S. Typhi were tested to further validate the variation of catabolism in selected carbon substrates in the different bacterial growth phases. The analyzes of the carbon utilization data indicated that planktonic cells of the carrier strain, S. Typhi CR0044 could utilize a broader range of carbon substrates compared to biofilm cells. Pyruvic acid and succinic acid which are related to energy metabolism were actively catabolised in the planktonic stage compared to biofilm stage. On the other hand, glycerol, L-fucose, L-rhamnose (carbohydrates) and D-threonine (amino acid) were more actively catabolised by biofilm cells compared to planktonic cells. Notably, dextrin and pectin could induce strong biofilm formation in the human carrier strain of S. Typhi. However, pectin could not induce formation of biofilm in the other S. Typhi strains. Phenome data showed the utilization of certain carbon substrates which was supported by the presence of the catabolism-associated genes in S. Typhi CR0044. In conclusion, the findings showed the differential carbon utilization between planktonic and biofilm cells of a S. Typhi human carrier strain. The differences found in the carbon utilization profiles suggested that S. Typhi uses substrates mainly found in the human biliary mucus glycoprotein, gallbladder, liver and cortex of the kidney of the human host. The observed diversity in the carbon catabolism profiles among different S. Typhi strains has suggested the possible involvement of various metabolic pathways that might be related to the virulence and pathogenesis of this host-restricted human pathogen. The data serve as a caveat for future in-vivo studies to investigate the carbon metabolic activity to the pathogenesis of S. Typhi.  相似文献   
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