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Electricity generation from microbial fuel cells which treat food processing wastewater was investigated in this study. Anaerobic anode and aerobic cathode chambers were separated by a proton exchange membrane in a two-compartment MFC reactor. Buffer solutions and food industry wastewater were used as electrolytes in the anode and cathode chambers, respectively. The produced voltage and current intensity were measured using a digital multimeter. Effluents from the anode compartment were tested for COD, BOD5, NH3, P, TSS, VSS, SO4 and alkalinity. The maximum current density and power production were measured 527 mA/m2 and 230 mW/m2 in the anode area, respectively, at operation organic loading (OLR) of 0.364 g COD/l.d. At OLR of 0.182 g COD/l.d, maximum voltage and columbic efficiency production were recorded 0.475 V and 21%, respectively. Maximum removal efficiency of COD, BOD5, NH3, P, TSS, VSS, SO4 and alkalinity were 86, 79, 73, 18, 68, 62, 30 and 58%, respectively. The results indicated that catalysts and mediator-less microbial fuel cells (CAML-MFC) can be considered as a better choice for simple and complete energy conversion from the wastewater of such industries and also this could be considered as a new method to offset wastewater treatment plant operating costs.  相似文献   
As the main source of lipids and proteins in honey bees, pollen is a major nutrient provider involved in development and health and has been studied for tolerance stimulation against pathogens and parasites. In the case of Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman (Acari, Mesostigmata: Varroidae) parasitization, the lack of a complete laboratory system to rear both the bee larva and the acarian parasite limited the studies concerning larval nutrition effects on the bee tolerance and resistance against varroatosis. Due to the development of this complete rearing protocol, we managed to feed young honey bee larvae with pollen supplemented solutions and to study the effect on their later development under parasitism conditions. In our experimental conditions, pollen influences neither the deformity rate, nor the survival of bees both parasitized and unparasitized. However, pollen extract supplementation seems to significantly impact the weight of the spinning bee larvae without having an effect on the physiological weight loss during pupation, so the differences found at the larval stage remain the same as at emergence. Varroa has a deleterious effect on bee pupae and led to a steady increase of the physiological weight loss experienced during metamorphosis. Interestingly, this ponderal loss associated with Varroa parasitization seems to be reduced in the polyfloral pollen supplementation condition. Altogether, this work is to our knowledge the first to study in laboratory conditions the impact of larval nutrition on the tolerance to parasitism. A diverse pollen diet may be beneficial to the bees’ tolerance against V. destructor parasitism.  相似文献   
Key factors are those causes that are most responsible for the observed changes in population density between generations. Stage-frequency of alfalfa weevil was modeled using Manly-1997 model. Multiple decrement life table parameters from an 8 year-field study were analyzed using traditional and λ contribution methods. In traditional method, the key factor was determined as k LII, the death of period-two larvae from all mortality factors, whereas in λ contribution method, the key factor was determined as b 2&3, oviposition rate of females per square meter. These differences result directly from the sensitivity of the population growth rate, λ, to variation of both k and b in various stages of the weevil. Among all mortality factors, only k LI-Z, the death of period-one larvae from the entomopathogenic fungus, Zoophthora phytonomi (Arthur) Batko (Zygomycetes: Entomophthoraceae), k LII and k LII-Z, the death of period-two larvae from Z. phytonomi, acted in a density dependent fashion. Remaining factors were independent of population densities affected. Using λ contribution method, life table approach still remains a major way of studying the dynamics of field populations for applied ecologists and population managers.  相似文献   
The skin provides a dynamic barrier separating and protecting human body from the exterior world, and then immediate repair and rebuilding of the epidermal barrier is crucial after wound and injury. Wound healing without scars and complete regeneration of skin tissue still remain as a clinical challenge. The demand to engineer scaffolds that actively promote regeneration of damaged areas of the skin has been increased. In this study, menstrual blood-derived stem cells (MenSCs) have been induced to differentiate into keratinocytes-like cells in the presence of human foreskin-derived keratinocytes on a bilayer scaffold based on amniotic membrane and silk fibroin. Based on the findings, newly differentiated keratinocytes from MenSCs successfully expressed the keratinocytes specific markers at both mRNA and protein levels judged by real-time PCR and immunostaining techniques, respectively. We could show that the differentiated cells over bilayer composite scaffolds express the keratinocytes specific markers at higher levels when compared with those cultured in conventional 2D culture system. Based on these findings, bilayer amniotic membrane/nano-fibrous fibroin scaffold represents an efficient natural construct with broad applicability to generate keratinocytes from MenSCs for stem cell-based skin wounds healing and regeneration.  相似文献   
Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini, 1883) is a soil-dwelling predatory mite with potential for use as a biological control agent of fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae) in mushroom production. The life table, predation rate and population growth rate of G. aculeifer on a diet of larvae of the sciarid fly, Lycoriella auripila, at 23?±?1°C, 60?±?5% RH and a photoperiod of 0:24 (L:D)?h was investigated. The results revealed that the duration of egg, larva, protonymph, deutonymph, females and males of G. aculeifer were 3.8?±?0.1, 1.4?±?0.1, 3.9?±?0.1, 4.1?±?0.1, 67.7?±?2.8 and 60.3?±?3.1 days, respectively. Net reproductive rate (R0) was 54.8?±?7.1 offspring, intrinsic rate of increase (r) was 0.12?±?0.01 offspring day?1, finite rate of increase (λ) was 1.13?±?0.01 day?1and mean generation time (T) was 32.3?±?0.6 days. The predator consumed a mean of 0.08?±?0.05, 1.73?±?0.18, 3.16?±?0.28 and 75.9?±?7.1 third instar L. auripila larvae during the larval (1.3?±?0.1 days), protonymph (3.9?±?0.1 days), deutonymph (4.1?±?0.1 days) and adult (52.6?±?2.2 days) stages. Population parameters and consumption rates suggest that G. aculeifer has good potential as a biological control agent of L. auripila in mushroom production.  相似文献   
The present experiment was aimed at determining the influence of the grape erineum strain of Colomerus vitis (GEM) (Acari: Eriophyidae) on responses of local grapevine cultivars. GEM was applied at five density levels to each of five cultivars, i.e. Shahani, Sahebi Uroomie, Khalili Bovanat, Rishbaba and Sezdang Ghalat (listed from early to late grape ripening). The experiment was performed in a full factorial design (12 replicates each) and effects of the mite on the relative content of leaf chlorophyll, internode and cane length, leaf area and weight, number and size of the erinea, and percentage of leaves with erinea were investigated. Also mite density on leaves and in buds was assessed. Data were analyzed with a two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test to separate means among treatment levels and cultivars. The relative content of chlorophyll (expressed in Spad units) in infested leaves was reduced along with an increase in mite density and it was shown to be highly significant at the two higher mite density levels for Khalili Bovanat, Rishbaba and Sezdang Ghalat; Shahani and Sahebi Uroomie leaves appeared to be less affected by mite infestation. The highest mite density treatment displayed a strong correlation with weight (positive correlation) and size (negative correlation) of the leaves of four cultivars; leaves of Sahebi Uroomie appeared to be less affected. The reduced internode length was weak in infested plants. Most infested plants produced shorter canes and their lengths appeared to have a strong negative correlation with the highest mite density in four cultivars; canes of Sahebi Uroomie did not appear affected. At the highest mite density, canes of Khalili Bovanat and Sahebi Uroomie displayed the most and the least shortening effects, respectively. The percentage of leaves with erinea, as well as the number of erinea per leaves and the diameter of erinea increased along with the mite population density. The mite densities in buds (April 2014) and on leaves with erinea (in November 2013) were higher at the highest treatment level in the medium-late (Rishbaba) and late ripening (Sezdang Ghalat) cultivars, than in the early and early-medium ripening ones. Almost all data collected in the current experiment allowed the conclusion that Sahebi Uroomie and Shahani were less affected than the other cultivars (Khalili Bovanat, Rishbaba and Sezdang Ghalat).  相似文献   
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