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The present study reports an in-depth proteome analysis of two Lactobacillus rhamnosus strains, the well-known probiotic strain GG and the dairy strain Lc705. We used GeLC-MS/MS, in which proteins are separated using 1-DE and identified using nanoLC-MS/MS, to generate high-quality protein catalogs. To maximize the number of identifications, all data sets were searched against the target databases using two search engines, Mascot and Paragon. As a result, over 1600 high-confidence protein identifications, covering nearly 60% of the predicted proteomes, were obtained from each strain. This approach enabled identification of more than 40% of all predicted surfome proteins, including a high number of lipoproteins, integral membrane proteins, peptidoglycan associated proteins, and proteins predicted to be released into the extracellular environment. A comparison of both data sets revealed the expression of more than 90 proteins in GG and 150 in Lc705, which lack evolutionary counterparts in the other strain. Differences were noted in proteins with a likely role in biofilm formation, phage-related functions, reshaping the bacterial cell wall, and immunomodulation. The present study provides the most comprehensive catalog of the Lactobacillus proteins to date and holds great promise for the discovery of novel probiotic effector molecules.  相似文献   
Membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) is a membrane-bound proteinase and a cell-surface receptor and activator of gelatinase A in normal and neoplastic cells. We have expressed and purified a soluble deletion mutant of MT1-MMP lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains and an inactive mutant of the soluble MT1-MMP, where the active-site glutamic acid(240) was substituted by alanine (E240A). A baculovirus transfer vector coding for amino acids 21-539 of MT1-MMP (DeltaTM) and a similar vector coding for the mutation (E240ADeltaTM) were constructed for expression in insect cells. Both DeltaTM and E240ADeltaTM were secreted to the culture medium of infected High Five insect cells. They were then purified by cation-exchange followed by gel-filtration chromatography. DeltaTM was able to cleave denatured type I collagen and fibronectin and activate MMP-2/gelatinase-A, while E240ADeltaTM had only low proteolytic activity against denatured collagen I. The current expression and purification protocol should prove useful for the production of large amounts of enzymatically active soluble MT1-MMP.  相似文献   
A specific quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method was developed for the quantification of hepatotoxin nodularin-producing Nodularia, one of the main bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. Specific PCR primers were designed for subunit F of the nodularin synthetase gene (ndaF), which encodes the NdaF subunit of the nodularin synthetase gene complex needed for nodularin production. The qPCR method was applied to water samples (a total of 120 samples) collected from the Baltic Sea in July 2004. As few as 30 ndaF gene copies ml(-1) of seawater could be detected, and thus, the method was very sensitive. The ndaF gene copy numbers and nodularin concentrations were shown to correlate in the Baltic seawater, indicating the constant production of nodularin by Nodularia. This qPCR method for the ndaF gene can be used for detailed studies of Nodularia blooms and their formation. ndaF gene copies and nodularin were detected mostly in the surface water but also in deeper water layers (down to 30 m). Toxic Nodularia blooms are not only horizontally but also vertically widely distributed, and thus, the Baltic fauna is extensively exposed to nodularin.  相似文献   
In Staphylococcus aureus, ClpP proteases were previously shown to be essential for virulence and stress tolerance in strains derived from NCTC8325. Because these strains exhibit a severely reduced activity of the alternative sigma factor, SigB, we here reassessed the role of ClpP in SigB-proficient clinical strains. To this end, clpP was deleted in strains COL, Newman, and SA564, and the strains were characterized phenotypically. The proteomic changes accomplished by the clpP deletion in the different strains were analyzed using the 2-D DIGE technique. The proteomic analyses revealed mostly conserved changes in the protein profiles of the ClpP-deficient strains. Among the strain-specific changes were the up-regulation of prophage proteins that coincided with an increased spontaneous release of prophages and the relatively poorer growth of the clpP mutants in some strain backgrounds. Interestingly, the effect of ClpP on the expression of selected virulence genes was strain-dependent despite the fact that the expression of the global virulence regulators RNAIII, mgrA, sarZ, sarR, and arlRS was similarly changed in all clpP mutants. ClpP affected the expression of sarS in a strain-dependent manner, and we propose that the differential expression of sarS is central to the strain-dependent effect of ClpP on the expression of virulence genes.  相似文献   
Tumor targeting with a selective gelatinase inhibitor.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Several lines of evidence suggest that tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis are dependent on matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity. However, the lack of inhibitors specific for the type IV collagenase/gelatinase family of MMPs has thus far prevented the selective targeting of MMP-2 (gelatinase A) and MMP-9 (gelatinase B) for therapeutic intervention in cancer. Here, we describe the isolation of specific gelatinase inhibitors from phage display peptide libraries. We show that cyclic peptides containing the sequence HWGF are potent and selective inhibitors of MMP-2 and MMP-9 but not of several other MMP family members. Our prototype synthetic peptide, CTTHWGFTLC, inhibits the migration of human endothelial cells and tumor cells. Moreover, it prevents tumor growth and invasion in animal models and improves survival of mice bearing human tumors. Finally, we show that CTTHWGFTLC-displaying phage specifically target angiogenic blood vessels in vivo. Selective gelatinase inhibitors may prove useful in tumor targeting and anticancer therapies.  相似文献   
Nodularia spumigena is a filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium that forms toxic blooms in brackish water bodies worldwide. Spumigins are serine protease inhibitors reported from a single strain of N. spumigena isolated from the Baltic Sea. These linear tetrapeptides contain non-proteinogenic amino acids including a C-terminal alcohol derivative of arginine. However, very little is known about these compounds despite the ecological importance of N. spumigena . We show that spumigins are assembled by two non-ribosomal peptide synthetases encoded in a 21 kb biosynthetic gene cluster. The compact non-ribosomal peptide synthetase features a reductive loading and release mechanism. Our analyses demonstrate that the bulk of spumigins produced by N. spumigena are released as peptide aldehydes in contrast to earlier findings. The main spumigin E variant contains an argininal residue and is a potent trypsin inhibitor. Spumigins were present in all of the N. spumigena strains isolated from the Baltic Sea and comprised up to 1% of the dry weight of the cyanobacterium. Our results demonstrate that bloom-forming N. spumigena strains produce a cocktail of enzyme inhibitors, which may explain in part the ecological success of this cyanobacterium in brackish water bodies worldwide.  相似文献   
A specific quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method was developed for the quantification of hepatotoxin nodularin-producing Nodularia, one of the main bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea. Specific PCR primers were designed for subunit F of the nodularin synthetase gene (ndaF), which encodes the NdaF subunit of the nodularin synthetase gene complex needed for nodularin production. The qPCR method was applied to water samples (a total of 120 samples) collected from the Baltic Sea in July 2004. As few as 30 ndaF gene copies ml−1 of seawater could be detected, and thus, the method was very sensitive. The ndaF gene copy numbers and nodularin concentrations were shown to correlate in the Baltic seawater, indicating the constant production of nodularin by Nodularia. This qPCR method for the ndaF gene can be used for detailed studies of Nodularia blooms and their formation. ndaF gene copies and nodularin were detected mostly in the surface water but also in deeper water layers (down to 30 m). Toxic Nodularia blooms are not only horizontally but also vertically widely distributed, and thus, the Baltic fauna is extensively exposed to nodularin.  相似文献   
To determine the exchange of nitrogen and carbon between ectomycorrhiza and host plant, young beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees from natural regeneration in intact soil cores were labelled for one growing season in a greenhouse with 13CO2 and 15NO3 15NH4. The specific enrichments of 15N and 13C were higher in ectomycorrhizas (EMs) than in any other tissue. The enrichments of 13C and 15N were also higher in the fine-root segments directly connected with the EM (mainly second-order roots) than that in bulk fine or coarse roots. A strict, positive correlation was found between the specific 15N enrichment in EM and the attached second-order roots. This finding indicates that strong N accumulators provide more N to their host than low N accumulators. A significant correlation was also found for the specific 13C enrichment in EM and the attached second-order roots. However, the specific enrichments for 15N and 13C in EM were unrelated showing that under long-term conditions, C and N exchange between host and EMs are uncoupled. These findings suggest that EM-mediated N flux to the plant is not the main control on carbon flux to the fungus, probably because EMs provide many different services to their hosts in addition to N provision in their natural assemblages.  相似文献   
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