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Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA/cyclin) is a nuclear protein that can stimulate purified DNA polymerase delta in vitro, and its synthesis correlates with the proliferation rate of cells. We have attempted to determine whether synthesis of PCNA/cyclin in Chinese hamster ovary cells is necessary to regulate entry into S phase. We have measured cellular PCNA/cyclin concentration of the mRNA or protein throughout the cell cycle. Cells were separated by centrifugal elutriation into populations enriched for G-1, S, and G-2/M phases. Quantitative Northern hybridization analysis was performed on RNA isolated from each cell population by using a cDNA clone of PCNA/cyclin as a probe. Results demonstrated that although intact PCNA/cyclin mRNA is present during all phases of the cell cycle, an induction of about 3-fold occurs during S phase. Two-parameter staining for PCNA/cyclin and DNA, and analysis by flow cytometry, confirmed that the quantity of PCNA/cyclin protein in the cells increases severalfold in G-1 or early S phase but generally is invariant in S and G-2/M phases. This cell cycle dependence of PCNA/cyclin expression suggests that the observed synthesis is a prerequisite for initiation of DNA replication. Introduction of an antisense oligonucleotide complementary to the PCNA/cyclin mRNA to inhibit PCNA/cyclin synthesis effectively prevented entry of G-1 phase cells into S phase. A complementary sense oligonucleotide used as a control did not have an inhibitory effect. This result suggests that a threshold concentration of PCNA/cyclin is necessary for entry into S phase.  相似文献   
A total of 864 bases from 5 regions interspersed in the 18S and 26S rRNA molecules from various clones of Pteridium covering the general geographical distribution of the genus was analysed using a rapid rRNA sequencing technique. No base difference has been detected amongst the three major lineages, two of which apparently separated before the breakup of the ancient supercontinent, Pangaea. These regions of the rRNA sequences have thus been conserved for at least 160 million years and are here compared with other eukaryotic, especially plant rRNAs.  相似文献   
Regulation of the growth of murine B-cell lymphomas has been used as a model for tolerance induction. The inhibition by anti-immunoglobulin reagents of the growth of WEHI-231 and several variant clones has now been studied. The parental line is exquisitely sensitive to growth inhibition by heterologous or monoclonal anti-mu or anti-k reagents and ceases to incorporate thymidine within 24-48 hr of exposure to anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Growth inhibition is initially reversible, but prolonged exposure to anti-mu results in cell death. This inhibition is specific for immunoglobulin light and heavy chains since growth is not inhibited by antibodies directed at either class I or class II histocompatibility antigens. In order to study the mechanism of growth inhibition, we have mutagenized WEHI-231 with ethylmethane sulfonate and cloned the surviving colonies in the presence of anti-mu. Such variants, which have been repeatedly recloned, are able to grow normally in the presence of anti-mu up to 100 micrograms/ml. These "resistant" clones, while expressing amounts of surface IgM similar to that observed on WEHI-231, do not differ markedly in their ability to cap their immunoglobulin receptors compared to the parental line but appear to have lost class II antigens. Cell cycle analysis revealed that anti-mu causes a block in the transition of WEHI-231 from G1 to S phase. The relevance of these processes to models of B-cell tolerance induction are discussed.  相似文献   
Synchronization of 9L rat brain tumor cells by centrifugal elutriation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Asynchronous 9L cells were separated into relatively homogeneously-sized populations using centrifugal elutriation with both a conventional collection method and a long collection method. A substantial increase in the homogeneity of the volume distributions and in the degree of synchrony of the separated fractions was obtained using the long collection method. Autoradiographic data indicated that fractions containing greater than or equal to 97% G1 cells, greater than or equal to 80% S cells, and 70-75% G2 cells could be routinely recovered with this procedure. Recovery in these fractions varied from 5 to 8% of the total number of cells elutriated. The colony forming efficiency (CFE) of cells from fractions representing each phase of the cell cycle was a constant 60-70%, which was comparable to the 60-80% usually found for asynchronous 9L cells. The percentage of cells in the G1, S, and G2 phases in the elutriated fractions was more accurately determined from the volume distribution than from computer fits of the DNA histogram obtained from flow cytometry. In genereal, the degree of synchrony was related to the coefficient of variation (CV) of the volume distributions of the elutriated fractions. The CV was about 14% for all elutriated fractions. When the greater than or equal to 97% G1 population was allowed to progress to S and G2, the CVs were about 17 and 20.2%, respectively. Thus, the best nonperturbing method for obtaining synchronous 9L cells in the S or G2 phases was direct elutriation with the long collection method.  相似文献   
E. coli aminoacyl tRNA synthetases are typically comprised of a single type of polypeptide chain. Glycine tRNA synthetase is an exception, and is comprised of two different subunits. Previous work showed that glyS encodes both subunits in a tandem arrangement of coding regions which are in the same reading frame. Nine nucleotides separate the TAA stop of the first coding segment (alpha-subunit) from the ATG start of the second one (beta-subunit). A plasmid containing glyS was put into four different ochre suppressor strains. In three of them, significant quantities of an alpha-beta fusion protein were synthesized in maxicells, in genetic backgrounds which retained cellular proteases. This shows that the fusion protein is stable in vivo and suggests that Gly-tRNA synthetase is operationally a single polypeptide which is the ancestor of the two subunits.  相似文献   
Asynchronous 9L cells were separated into relatively homogeneously-sized populations using centrifugal elutriation with both a conventional collection method and a long collection method. A substantial increase in the homogeneity of the volume distributions and in the degree of synchrony of the separated fractions was obtained using the long collection method. Autoradiographic data indicated that fractions containing ≥97% G1 cells, ≥80% S cells, and 70–75% G2 cells could be routinely recovered with this procedure. Recovery in these fractions varied from 5 to 8% of the total number of cells elutriated. The colony forming efficiency (CFE) of cells from fractions representing each phase of the cell cycle was a constant 60–70%, which was comparable to the 60–80% usually found for asynchronous 9L cells. The percentage of cells in the G1, S, and G2 phases in the elutriated fractions was more accurately determined from the volume distribution than from computer fits of the DNA histogram obtained from flow cytometry. In general, the degree of synchrony was related to the coefficient of variation (CV) of the volume distributions of the elutriated fractions. The CV was about 14% for all elutriated fractions. When the ≥97% G1 population was allowed to progress to S and G2, the CVs were about 17 and 20.2%, respectively. Thus, the best nonperturbing method for obtaining synchronous 9L cells in the S or G2 phases was direct elutriation with the long collection method.  相似文献   
Aromatase is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of estrogen in gonads and brain. Teleost fish express aromatase (AroB) strongly in the brain facilitating its detailed examination. To understand the function of AroB in the brain, we generated transgenic zebrafish that expresses green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the brain aromatase cyp19a1b promoter. GFP was found in the radial glial cells of transgenic larvae and adult fish that overlap with AroB immunoreactivity in the correct temporal and spatial pattern. GFP was also coexpressed with radial cell marker BLBP, but was not in neurons. In addition, GFP expression in the radial glial cells was stimulated by estrogen, same as endogenous AroB expression. Thus, this transgenic line faithfully mimics the regulation of AroB expression in radial glial cells. It provides a powerful tool to further characterize progenitor radial cells in adult and developing fish and to evaluate estrogenic activities of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens. genesis 47:67–73, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Members of the Deinococcaceae (e.g., Thermus, Meiothermus, Deinococcus) contain A/V-ATPases typically found in Archaea or Eukaryotes which were probably acquired by horizontal gene transfer. Two methods were used to quantify the extent to which archaeal or eukaryotic genes have been acquired by this lineage. Screening of a Meiothermus ruber library with probes made against Thermoplasma acidophilum DNA yielded a number of clones which hybridized more strongly than background. One of these contained the prolyl tRNA synthetase (RS) gene. Phylogenetic analysis shows the M. ruber and D. radiodurans prolyl RS to be more closely related to archaeal and eukaryal forms of this gene than to the typical bacterial type. Using a bioinformatics approach, putative open reading frames (ORFs) from the prerelease version of the D. radiodurans genome were screened for genes more closely related to archaeal or eukaryotic genes. Putative ORFs were searched against representative genomes from each of the three domains using automated BLAST. ORFs showing the highest matches against archaeal and eukaryotic genes were collected and ranked. Among the top-ranked hits were the A/V-ATPase catalytic and noncatalytic subunits and the prolyl RS genes. Using phylogenetic methods, ORFs were analyzed and trees assessed for evidence of horizontal gene transfer. Of the 45 genes examined, 20 showed topologies in which D. radiodurans homologues clearly group with eukaryotic or archaeal homologues, and 17 additional trees were found to show probable evidence of horizontal gene transfer. Compared to the total number of ORFs in the genome, those that can be identified as having been acquired from Archaea or Eukaryotes are relatively few (approximately 1%), suggesting that interdomain transfer is rare.  相似文献   
Alteration of the gut microbiota plays an important role in animal health and metabolic diseases. However, little is known with respect to the influence of environmental osmolality on the gut microbial community. The aim of the current study was to determine whether the reduction in salinity affects the gut microbiota and identify its potential role in salinity acclimation. Using Oryzias melastigma as a model organism to perform progressive hypotonic transfer experiments, we evaluated three conditions: seawater control (SW), SW to 50% sea water transfer (SFW) and SW to SFW to freshwater transfer (FW). Our results showed that the SFW and FW transfer groups contained higher operational taxonomic unit microbiota diversities. The dominant bacteria in all conditions constituted the phylum Proteobacteria, with the majority in the SW and SFW transfer gut comprising Vibrio at the genus level, whereas this population was replaced by Pseudomonas in the FW transfer gut. Furthermore, our data revealed that the FW transfer gut microbiota exhibited a reduced renin–angiotensin system, which is important in SW acclimation. In addition, induced detoxification and immune mechanisms were found in the FW transfer gut microbiota. The shift of the bacteria community in different osmolality environments indicated possible roles of bacteria in facilitating host acclimation.  相似文献   
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