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Receptor activation of G proteins   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
G proteins are a highly conserved family of membrane-associated proteins composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits. The alpha subunit, which is unique for each G protein, binds GDP or GTP. Receptors such as those for beta- and alpha-adrenergic catecholamines, muscarinic agonists, and the retinal photoreceptor rhodopsin, catalyze the exchange of GDP for GTP binding to the alpha subunit of a specific G protein. G alpha.GTP regulates appropriate effector enzymes such as adenylyl cyclase or the cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase. The beta gamma-subunit complex of G proteins is required for efficient receptor-catalyzed alpha subunit guanine nucleotide exchange and also functions as an attenuator of alpha subunit activation of effector enzymes. Recent elucidation of both receptor and G protein primary sequence has allowed structural predictions and new experimental approaches to study the mechanism of receptor-catalyzed G protein regulation of specific effector systems and the control of cell function including metabolism, secretion, and growth.  相似文献   
IL12 (formerly NKSF or CLMF) is a unique cytokine composed of two unrelated disulfide-linked subunits. The larger 40-kDa subunit (p40) is a member of the cytokine receptor family, and the smaller 35-kDa subunit (p35) is related to IL6 and GCSF. The chromosomal localization of these two subunits was determined by PCR analysis of DNA from rodent-human hybrids. More refined mapping was obtained by PCR analysis of hybrids containing translocation chromosomes and for p40, by analysis of radiation hybrids. The subunits map to different chromosomes: p40 (IL12B) to 5q31-q33 and p35 (IL12A) to 3p12-3q13.2.  相似文献   
The wrestler's ear   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stimulation of 2-oxoglutarate and NAD(+)-isocitrate dehydrogenase by Ca2+ in mitochondria from normal tissues has been proposed to mediate partially the activation of oxidative energy metabolism elicited by physiological elevations in cytosolic Ca2+. This mode of regulation may also occur in tumor cells in which several aspects of mitochondrial metabolism are known to be altered. This study provides a comparison of the stimulation by submicromolar concentrations of Ca2+ on the rates of ATP-generating (state 3) respiration under physiologically realistic conditions by mitochondria isolated from normal rat liver and from highly malignant rat AS-30D ascites hepatoma cells. The K0.5 for activation of glutamate-dependent state 3 respiration by Ca2+ in the presence of ATP at 37 degrees C was determined to be 0.70 +/- 0.05 (S.E.) microM for hepatoma mitochondria and 0.90 +/- 0.03 microM for rat liver mitochondria. This activation was also reflected by a Ca2(+)-induced shift in the oxidation-reduction state of hepatoma mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides to a more reduced level and Ca2+ stimulation of 14CO2 production from [1-14C]glutamate. Whereas the Ca2+ sensitivity of state 3 respiration by hepatoma mitochondria can be explained by the activation of 2-oxoglutarate and possibly NAD(+)-isocitrate dehydrogenases, the Ca2+ sensitivity of liver mitochondrial respiration appears to be predominantly mediated by activation of electron flow through ubiquinone and Complex III of the electron transport chain, as indicated by the specificity of the effects of Ca2+ on respiration with different oxidizable substrates. Although rat liver and hepatoma mitochondria employ different modes of Ca2(+)-activated ATP generation, these results support the hypothesis that changes in cytosolic Ca2+ play a significant role in the potentiation of energy production in tumor, as well as normal tissue.  相似文献   
Astrocytes are important in regulating the microencironment of neurons both by catabolic and synthetic pathways. The glutamine synthetase (GS) activity observed in astrocytes affects neurons by removing toxic substances, NH3 and glutamate; and by providing an important neuronal substrate, glutamine. This glutamate cycle might play a critical role during periods of hypoxia and ischemia, when an increase in extracellular excitatory amino acids is observed. It was previously shown in our laboratory that fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) protected cortical astrocyte cultures from hypoxic insult and reduced ATP loss following a prolonged (18–30 hrs) hypoxia. In the present study we established the effects of FBP on the level of glutamate uptake and GS activity under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Under normoxic conditions, [U-14C]glutamate uptake and glutamine production were independent of FBP treatment; whereas under hypoxic conditions, the initial increase in glutamate uptake and an overall increase in glutamine production in astrocytes were FBP-dependent. Glutamine synthetase activity was dependent on FBP added during the 22 hours of either normoxic- or hypoxic-treatment, hence significant increases in activity were observed due to FBP regardless of the oxygen/ATP levels in situ. These studies suggest that activation of GS by FBP may provide astrocytic protection against hypoxic injury.  相似文献   
The most biologically significant property of actin is its ability to self-associate and form two-stranded polymeric microfilaments. In living cells, these micro filaments form the actin cytoskeleton, essential for maintenance of the shape, passive mechanical properties and active motility of eukaryotic cells. Recently discovered actin-related proteins (ARPs) appear to share a common ancestor with conventional actin. At present, six classes of ARPs have been discovered, three of which have representatives in diverse species across eukaryotic phyla and may share functional characteristics with conventional actin. The three most ubiquitous ARPs are predicted to share a common core structure with actin and contain all the residues required for ATP binding. Surface residues involved in protein protein interactions, however, have diverged. Models of these proteins based on the atomic structure of actin provide some clues about how ARPs interact with each other, with conventional actin and with conventional actin-binding proteins.  相似文献   
A study was undertaken to assess the role of a physiological concentration of glutamine in AS-30D cell metabolism. Flux of14C-glutamine to14CO2 and of14C-acetate to glutamate was detected indicating reversible flux between glutamate and TCA cycle -ketoglutarate. These fluxes were transaminase dependent. A flux analysis was compared using data from three tracers that label -ketoglutarate carbon 5, [2-14C]glucose, [1-14C]acetate and [5-14C]glutamine. The analysis indicated that the probability of flux of TCA cycle -ketoglutarate to glutamate was, at minimum, only slightly less than the probability of flux of -ketoglutarate through -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase. The apparent Km for oxidative flux of [14C]glutamine to14CO2, 0.07 mM, indicated that this flux was at a maximal rate at physiological, 0.75 mM, glutamine. Although oxidative flux through -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase was the major fate of glutamine, flux of glutamine to lipid via reductive carboxylation of -ketoglutarate was demonstrated by measuring incorporation of [5-14C]glutamine into14C-lipid. In media containing glucose (6 mM), and glutamine (0.75 mM) 47 per cent of the lipid synthesized from substrates in the media was derived from glutamine via reductive carboxylation and 49 per cent from glucose. These findings of nearly equal fluxes suggest that lipogenesis via reductive carboxylation may be an important role of glutamine in hepatoma cells.  相似文献   
Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation is a useful method for studying the pattern of DNA synthesis in proliferating cells. The distribution pattern of incorporated BrdU in villus enterocytes of duodenal explants was analysed after exposure to TNFalpha in organ culture. TNFalpha caused a consistent, low level uptake of BrdU in the portion of the nucleus close to the nuclear membrane, this pattern was absent from the control cultures. As these epithelial cells are terminally arrested in G(0), the BrdU incorporation was thought not to be due to S phase DNA synthesis, but rather a response to the cytotoxic influence of TNFalpha. Microtitre plate proliferation assays of cell density and DNA synthesis were devised to study the effects of TNFalpha on confluent monolayers of the human foetal jejunal cell line I407 and the mouse fibrosarcoma cell line L929. Both cell lines showed a similar response to TNFalpha. Exposure to TNFalpha alone did not reduce cell numbers but did cause a significant increase in DNA synthesis (p < 0.05). When cycloheximtde was added in tandem with TNFalpha there was a significant reduction in cell number (p < 0.001) and level of DNA synthesis (p < 0.01) indicative of cell death. The DNA of cells exposed to TNFalpha and cycloheximide was fragmented when viewed on an electrophoresis gel. The results show that BrdU incorporation might be a good indicator of damage to the DNA of cells after cytotoxic insult. TNFalpha may be responsible for villus enterocyte damage in enteropathies such as coeliac disease and GVHR of the small bowel.  相似文献   
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