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Pretargeted radioimmunotherapy specifically targets radiation to tumors using antibody-streptavidin conjugates followed by radiolabeled biotin. A potential barrier to this cancer therapy is the presence of endogenous biotin in serum, which can block the biotin-binding sites of the antibody-streptavidin conjugate before the administration of radiolabeled biotin. Serum-derived biotin can also be problematic in clinical diagnostic applications. Due to the extremely slow dissociation of the biotin-streptavidin complex, this endogenous biotin can irreversibly block the biotin-binding sites of streptavidin and reduce therapeutic efficacy, as well as reduce sensitivity in diagnostic assays. We tested a streptavidin mutant (SAv-Y43A), which has a 67-fold lower affinity for biotin than wild type streptavidin, and three bivalent bis-biotin constructs as replacements for wild-type streptavidin and biotin used in pretargeting and clinical diagnostics. Biotin dimers were engineered with certain parameters including water solubility, biotinidase resistance, and linker lengths long enough to span the distance between two biotin-binding sites of streptavidin. The bivalent biotins were compared to biotin in exchange, retention, and off-rate assays. The faster off-rate of SAv-Y43A allowed efficient exchange of prebound biotin by the biotin dimers. In fluorescent competition experiments, the biotin dimer ligands displayed high avidity binding and essentially irreversible retention with SAv-Y43A. The off-rate of a biotinidase-stabilized biotin dimer from SAv-Y43A was 4.36 x 10(-)(6) s(-)(1), over 640 times slower compared to biotin. These findings strongly suggest that employing a mutant streptavidin in concert with a bivalent biotin can mitigate the deleterious impact of endogenous biotin, by allowing exchange of bound biotin and retention of the biotin dimer carriers.  相似文献   
A study was performed to investigate the effect of weaning at 4 weeks of age on the activity of digestive enzymes in the stomach and pancreatic tissue and in digesta from 3 days prior to weaning to 9 days postweaning in 64 piglets. In stomach tissue the activity of pepsin and gastric lipase was determined. Pepsin activity declined abruptly after weaning but 5 days postweaning the weaning level was regained and in the gastric contents no change in pepsin activity was observed. Weaning did not influence the activity of gastric lipase. The activity of eight enzymes and a cofactor was measured in pancreatic tissue. The effect of weaning on the enzyme activity was highly significant for all enzymes except elastase. The activity of all enzymes remained at the weaning level during day 1–2 postweaning followed by a reduction of the activity. The activity of trypsin, carboxypeptidase A, amylase and lipase exhibited minimum activity 5 days postweaning. Trypsin activity increased to the preweaning level on day 7–9 whereas the activity of the others increased but did not reach the preweaning level. The activity of chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase B and carboxyl ester hydrolase decreased during the entire experimental period. In digesta no effect of weaning was observed on the activity of amylase and trypsin. The activity of chymotrypsin was reduced after weaning in the proximal third of the small intestine and lipase and carboxyl ester hydrolase activity was reduced in the middle and distal parts of the small intestine after weaning. The present study shows that the activities of the digestive enzymes in the pancreatic tissue are affected by weaning. Even though the pancreatic secretion cannot be judged from these results they show that the enzymes respond differently to weaning. In general the activity of the digestive enzymes in pancreatic tissue is low on day 5 postweaning which in interaction with other factors may increase the risk of developing postweaning diarrhoea.  相似文献   


Angiogenesis is an important process in the development of destructive synovial pannus in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The ITGAV +gene encodes a cell cycle-associated antigen, integrin ανβ 3, which plays a role in RA angiogenesis. Previously, two independent studies identified an association between the major allele of the ITGAV single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs3738919 and RA. We therefore tested this association in an independent study using New Zealand (NZ) and Oxford (UK) RA case control samples.


We compared genotype frequencies in 740 NZ Caucasian RA patients and 553 controls genotyped for rs3738919, using a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. A TaqMan genotyping SNP assay was used to type 713 Caucasian RA patients and 515 control samples from Oxford for the rs3738919 variant. Association of rs3738919 with RA was tested in these two sample sets using the chi-square goodness-of-fit test. The Mantel-Haenszel test was used to perform a meta-analysis, combining the genetic results from four independent Caucasian case control cohorts, consisting of 3,527 cases and 4,126 controls. Haplotype analysis was also performed using SNPs rs3911238, rs10174098 and rs3738919 in the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, NZ and Oxford case control samples.


We found no evidence for association between ITGAV and RA in either the NZ or Oxford sample set (odds ratio [OR] = 0.88, Pallelic = 0.11 and OR = 1.18, Pallelic = 0.07, respectively). Inclusion of these data in a meta-analysis (random effects) of four independent cohorts (3,527 cases and 4,126 controls) weakens support for the hypothesis that rs3738919 plays a role in the development of RA (ORcombined = 0.92, 95% confidence interval 0.80 to 1.07; P = 0.29). No consistent haplotype associations were evident.


Association of ITGAV SNP rs7378919 with RA was not replicated in NZ or Oxford case control sample sets. Meta-analysis of these and previously published data lends limited support for a role for the ITGAV in RA in Caucasians of European ancestry.  相似文献   
The Raymond A. Dart Collection of Human Skeletons (Dart Collection) is housed in the School of Anatomical Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, and comprises one of the largest documented cadaver‐derived human skeletal assemblages in the world. This collection originated in the early 1920s as a result of the efforts of Raymond Dart and continues to grow. The skeletons included represent varied indigenous and immigrant populations from southern Africa, Europe and Asia. This contribution documents the history of the collection and provides an updated inventory and demographic assessment of this valuable research collection. According to a recent inventory the Dart Collection currently comprises 2,605 skeletons representing individuals from regional SA African (76%), White (15%), Coloured (4%) and Indian (0.3%) populations. A large proportion of the skeletons (71%) represent males. The recorded ages at death range from the first year to over 100 years of age, but the majority of individuals died between the ages of 20 and 70. The Dart Collection has been affected by collection procedures based on availability. All of the cadavers collected before 1958, and large proportions subsequently, were derived from unclaimed bodies in regional South African hospitals. Some details of documentation (age at death, population group) are estimates and some aspects of the collection demographics (sex ratios) do not closely reflect any living South African population. Our inventory and analysis of the Dart Collection is aimed to assist researchers planning research on the materials from this collection. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
In this investigation, studies were conducted to determine if size exclusion HPLC could be used to assess relative association rates (on-rates) and dissociation rates (off-rates) of biotin derivatives from avidin (Av) and streptavidin (SAv). For easy detection and quantification of biotin derivatives, molecules that can be detected by UV absorbance were conjugated to biotin. Concern that conjugation of the chromophoric moieties (dyes) might affect biotin binding with Av and SAv or might interact with the HPLC column led to evaluation of 10 biotin-dye conjugates. The dyes conjugated with biotin included dansyl, cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl), coumarin 343, Lissamine-rhodamine, fluorescein, Cascade Blue, Lucifer Yellow, Oregon Green, tetramethylrhodamine, and Alexa Fluor 594. The biotin-dye conjugates were initially evaluated to determine their peak characteristics on two different size exclusion HPLC columns. Measurement of the percent of biotin-dye conjugate bound with Av in the presence of an equal quantity of biotin provided an association rate relative to biotin. All of the biotin-dyes tested had association rates within a factor of 3x (slower) that of biotin. The relative dissociation rate of biotin-dye conjugates was assessed by challenging the biotin conjugate bound to Av or SAv with a large excess of biotin. All of the initial biotin-dye conjugates tested bound Av and SAv tightly resulting in very slow dissociation rates. From the biotin-dye conjugates studied, biotin-CN-Cbl, 6b, was selected as the best conjugate for the HPLC assay. To test the HPLC assay, an iminobiotin-CN-Cbl conjugate, 13a, and a biotin-sarcosine-CN-Cbl conjugate, 13b, were synthesized. The fact that the iminobiotin does not bind with Av at physiological pH was easily detected in the size exclusion HPLC assay. The biotin-sarcosine-CN-Cbl conjugate was expected to have a more rapid dissociation rate than the other biotin-dye conjugates. This was confirmed in that HPLC assay. Although 13b bound tightly with Av in the absence of added biotin, it was completely released within 1 h when challenged by an excess of biotin. A slower dissociation of 13b was noted with SAv. The results obtained indicate that CN-Cbl conjugates of biotin derivatives can be used to determine relative on-rates and off-rates of biotin derivatives with Av and SAv. The studies also demonstrated that the biotin-CN-Cbl conjugate, 6b, can be used as a reference compound to compare on-rates and off-rates of nonchromophoric biotin derivatives.  相似文献   
An investigation was conducted to determine the affect of structural variation of biotin conjugates on their dissociation rates from Av and SAv. This information was sought to help identify optimal biotin derivatives for in vivo applications. Fifteen biotin derivatives were conjugated with a cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl) derivative for evaluation of their "relative" dissociation rates by size exclusion HPLC analysis. Two biotin-CN-Cbl conjugates, one containing unaltered biotin and the other containing iminobiotin, were prepared as reference compounds for comparison purposes. The first structural variations studied involved modification of the biotinamide bond with a N-methyl moiety (i.e., sarcosine conjugate), lengthening the valeric acid side chain by a methylene unit (i.e., homobiotin), and replacing the biotinamide bond with thiourea bonds in two conjugates. The rate of dissociation of the biotin-CN-Cbl derivative from Av and SAv was significantly increased for biotin derivatives containing those structural features. Nine additional biotin conjugates were obtained by coupling amino acids or functional group protected amino acids to the biotin moiety. In the conjugates, the biotin moiety and biotinamide bond were not altered, but substituents of various sizes were introduced alpha to the biotinamide bond. The results obtained from HPLC analyses indicated that the rate of dissociation from Av or SAv was not affected by small substituents alpha to the biotinamide (e.g., methyl, hydroxymethyl, and carboxylate groups), but was significantly increased when larger functional groups were present. On the basis of the results obtained, it appears that biotin conjugates which retain an unmodified biotin moiety and have a linker molecule conjugated to it that has a small functional group (e.g., hydroxymethylene or carboxylate) alpha to the biotinamide bond are excellent candidates for in vivo applications. These structural features are obtained in the biotin amino acid conjugates: biotin-serine, biotin-aspartate, biotin-lysine, and biotin-cysteine. Importantly, these biotin derivatives can be readily conjugated with other molecules for specific in vivo applications. In our studies, these derivatives will be used in the design of new biotin conjugates to carry radionuclides for cancer therapy using the pretargeting approach.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate angiogenesis according to CD34 antigen expression in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and negative breast carcinomas.


This study comprised 64 cases of infiltrating ductal carcinoma in postmenopausal women divided into two groups: Group A: ER-positive, n = 35; and Group B: ER-negative, n = 29. The anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody was used as a marker for endothelial cells. Microvessel count was carried out in 10 fields per slide using a 40× objective lens (magnification 400×). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using Student's t-test (p < 0.05).


The mean number of vessels stained with the anti-CD34 antibody in the estrogen receptor-positive and negative tumors was 23.51 ± 1.15 and 40.24 ± 0.42, respectively. The number of microvessels was significantly greater in the estrogen receptor-negative tumors (p < 0.001).


ER-negative tumors have significantly greater CD34 antigen expression compared to ER-positive tumors.
Two experiments were conducted to test the effects of feeding broiler litter, either directly in the diet or indirectly through pasture-fertilization, to beef cattle on the incidence of Salmonella typhimurium (S) and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EC) contamination of carcasses and ground beef. In Experiment 1, beef cows (n = 32) were allotted either ad libitum access to grass hay or a formulated diet (80% deep-stacked broiler litter and 20% corn). In Experiment 2, beef cows (n = 32) were assigned to graze on pastures fertilized with a commercial fertilizer or fresh broiler litter. Cows in Experiment 1 were harvested following a 56-d feeding period; whereas, cows in Experiment 2 were harvested after 5, 10, 20, and 40 d of grazing pastures. All samples of muscle, purge, and ground beef were culture-negative for S and EC, suggesting that beef cattle may consume properly handled deep-stacked broiler litter, or pastures fertilized with fresh litter, without increasing the likelihood of carcass/meat contamination with S and (or) EC.  相似文献   
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