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Nitrogen dioxide less than 100 ppm in air induced lipid peroxidation of liposome composed of l-palmitoyl-2-arachidonylphosphatidylcholine as assessed by thiobarbituric acid reactivity. The nitrogen dioxide-induced lipid peroxidation was enhanced by cysteine, glutathione and bovine serum albumin. While the activity of nitrogen dioxide in air to induce single strand breaks of supercoiled plasmid DNA was low, the breaking was remarkably enhanced by cysteine, glutathione and bovine serum albumin. ESR spin trapping using 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide showed that certain strong oxidant(s) were generated by interaction of nitrogen dioxide and cysteine. The spin trapping using 3,5-dibromo-4-nitrosobenzene-sulfonate suggested that sulfur-containing radicals were generated by interaction of nitrogen dioxide and cysteine or glutathione. Hence, certain sulfur-containing radicals generated by the interaction which could effectively induce lipid peroxidation and DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   
Congenital amusia is a neurogenetic disorder of music processing that is currently ascribed to a deficit in pitch processing. A recent study challenges this view and claims the disorder might arise as a consequence of a general spatial-processing deficit. Here, we assessed spatial processing abilities in two independent samples of individuals with congenital amusia by using line bisection tasks (Experiment 1) and a mental rotation task (Experiment 2). Both amusics and controls showed the classical spatial effects on bisection performance and on mental rotation performance, and amusics and controls did not differ from each other. These results indicate that the neurocognitive impairment of congenital amusia does not affect the processing of space.  相似文献   
A factor responsible for stimulating an increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity in the liver of mice was found in tumor cell-free ascites fluid of mice 3 days after inoculation of tumor cells. The factor was purified about 70-fold in 25% yield from tumor cell-free ascites fluid. As little as 1 μg of protein of purified fraction, injected intraperitoneally into normal mice, significantly increased the activity of ornithine decarboxylase in the liver. The most active preparation of the factor formed two major protein bands on analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and both these bands stained with periodic acid-Schiff's reagent. The factor was a heat-labile, alkaline-stable, acidic protein with a molecular weight of more than 300 000. It was inactivated by treatment with 10 mM dithiothreitol, 5M urea, pronase or mixed glycosidase, but was stable on treatment with DNAase, RNAase or neuraminidase.  相似文献   
A rat hepatocyte cell line was cultured in Higuchi's medium with fetal calf serum and insulin and labeled with 35SO2/4-. The cells were treated with a number of ligands to displace the heparan 35SO4 proteoglycan (HSPG) from the pericellular matrix. Maximum release was obtained with D-mannose-6-PO4 (50 mM), D-glucose-6-PO4 (50 mM), myo-inositol-2-PO4 (2-5 mM), myo-inositol hexaphosphate (2-5 mM), and DL-myo-inositol-1-PO4 (1-2 mM). D-myo-Inositol-1,3,4-(PO4)3 (1 mM) and L-myo-inositol-1-PO4 (2 mM) were intermediate in their ability to release the cell surface HSPG, whereas heparin (2 mg/ml), yeast phosphomannan (4 mg/ml), D-xylose-1-PO4 (50 mM), D-glucose-6-SO4 (50 mM), and myo-inositol hexasulfate (5 mM) were ineffective. When 35SO2/4- was added to cell cultures, the total cell surface HSPG increased linearly, but the percentage of the total cell surface [35SO4]HSPG that was released by myo-inositol-PO4 increased with time during the labeling period, reaching a maximum of 65% after 5 h. When cells were labeled for 12 h without insulin in the medium, the maximum amount of cell surface HSPG that was released by myo-inositol-PO4 was reduced to 30%. However, when cells labeled in the absence of insulin were treated with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C and then myo-inositol-PO4, the release of the cell surface [35SO4]HSPG was increased to 73%. When the [35SO4]HSPG that was released from the cell surface by treatment with myo-inositol-PO4 was added to cultures of unlabeled hepatocytes, it was taken up very rapidly and a portion of the internalized HSPG was converted to free heparan SO4 chains which appeared in the nucleus. Uptake was Ca2+- and Mg2+-independent. The amount of [35SO4]HSPG taken up was markedly reduced when the myo-inositol-PO4-releasable [35SO4]HSPG was pretreated with trypsin, thermolysin, alkaline borohydride, or alkaline phosphatase. When the cells were grown in inositol-deficient medium or in the presence of myo-inositol-PO4, the amount of heparan SO4 found in the nucleus was markedly reduced, and the cells no longer exhibited contact inhibition. These effects of myo-inositol deficiency on the growth and nuclear heparan SO4 were accentuated by addition of LiCl to the cultures to prevent phosphatidylinositol synthesis from the endogenous myo-inositol-PO4.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
Commercial cellulase preparations from Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus niger were immobilized on porous silica glass and ceramics such as alumina and titania with titanium tetrachloride (TiCl(4)) and on their silanized derivatives with glutaraldehyde (GLUT). The amounts of the immobilized enzymes were in the range 10-50 mg/g carrier (dry) depending on the kind of carrier and immobilization method. Their activities toward carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), xylan, aryl-beta-glucoside, and aryl-beta-xyloside were 3-53% of those of the native enzymes. The optimum pH of the enzymes shifted to the acidic side in most cases, whereas the optimum temperatures were nearly the same as those of native ones. The activity of immobilized enzyme preparations towards CMC did not change significantly during continuous operation over a periods of 60 days. Finally, xylan was hydrolyzed with the immobilized enzymes, and the sugars formed were investigated.  相似文献   
Calyculin A and okadaic acid: inhibitors of protein phosphatase activity   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Calyculin A and okadaic acid induce contraction in smooth muscle fibers. Okadaic acid is an inhibitor of phosphatase activity and the aims of this study were to determine if calyculin A also inhibits phosphatase and to screen effects of both compounds on various phosphatases. Neither compound inhibited acid or alkaline phosphatases, nor the phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase. Both compounds were potent inhibitors of the catalytic subunit of type-2A phosphatase, with IC50 values of 0.5 to 1 nM. With the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase type-1, calyculin A was a more effective inhibitor than okadaic acid, IC50 values for calyculin A were about 2 nM and for okadaic acid between 60 and 500 nM. The endogenous phosphatase of smooth muscle myosin B was inhibited by both compounds with IC50 values of 0.3 to 0.7 nM and 15 to 70 nM, for calyculin A and okadaic acid, respectively. The partially purified catalytic subunit from myosin B had IC50 values of 0.7 and 200 nM for calyculin A and okadaic acid, respectively. The pattern of inhibition for the phosphatase in myosin B therefore is similar to that of the type-1 enzyme.  相似文献   
Biochemical analysis of the activation of adherent neutrophils in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role played by neutrophil oxidative responses in host defense and injury is an area of active investigation. In order to study neutrophil responses in vitro, methods are required for cell purification, enumeration, and quantification of activation responses, which mimic the in vivo situation as closely as possible. In this communication (and its companion paper, Albertine et al., 1988) improved methods for all of these tasks are described and applied to investigate neutrophil structure-function relationships in vitro and in vivo. Human neutrophils were purified by using a series of platelet-poor plasma-Percoll gradients (51, 62, 76 and 80% in Percoll). This modification of previously published procedures results in consistently successful neutrophil purification and has allowed us to purify neutrophils from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid as well as blood. Activation of human and sheep neutrophils (superoxide anion production) was quantitated by the reduction of ferricytochrome c using a microtiter plate reader to measure the increase in absorbance at 550 nm from adherent neutrophils. Adherence of neutrophils was quantitated by measurement of LDH in cells lysed with Triton X-100 using a new method which uses readily available commercial reagents and can quantitate the LDH content of as few as 5000 neutrophils (or the LDH released from 5% of 100,000 neutrophils). Assay conditions for superoxide anion were optimized, limitations both in assay design and instruments used to measure OD were explored and enumerated, and these methods were used to quantitate sheep and human neutrophil activation responses. Using methods described in Albertine et al. (1988) for fixing neutrophils in microtiter wells after assay of their functional capacity, we have studied the same cells functionally and morphologically. We have used these techniques to study blood and alveolar neutrophils from a patient with acute respiratory failure. His alveolar neutrophils displayed 67% of the activation response as peripheral neutrophils (4.31 +/- 0.12 nmol superoxide released per 250,000 neutrophils at 60 min vs. 6.38 +/- 0.18 in blood, P less than 0.01) and structural changes which suggested previous activation in vivo. These studies demonstrate that similar morphological changes are observed in neutrophils activated with phorbol myristate acetate in vitro, as are observed in cells which have been activated by pathophysiologic processes in vivo.  相似文献   
Rotational streaming of the cytoplasm including chloroplastswas induced by L-histidine, as well as by light, on the anticlinalface of leaf cells of Egeria densa. In the case of treatmentwith L-histidine some of the chloroplasts remained stationaryon the periclinal face of cells after rotational cytoplasmicstreaming was initiated. However, these chloroplasts were easilydislodged and translocated to the centrifugal end of the histidine-treatedcells by application of a centrifugal force that barely affectedthe location of chloroplasts in cells incubated in the darkwithout L-histidine. This result indicates that the anchoringof chloroplasts was weakened by L-histidine. Thus only the releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring was not enough for initiationof their streaming. The cytoplasmic pH (pHc) and vacuolar pH(pHv) were noninvasively monitored by in vivo 31P-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Compared with the dark controlvalue, both illumination and treatment with L-histidine increasedthe pHc by 0.3 units. In contrast, pHv changed only a littlewith both illumination and treatment with L-histidine. Releaseof chloroplasts from anchoring and initiation of cytoplasmicstreaming are discussed in relation to the increase in pHc inducedby both light and L-histidine. 4 Present address: Department of Cell Biology, National Instituteof Agrobiological Resources, Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305Japan 5 Present address: Marine Biotechnology Institute Co., Ltd.,Head Office, 2-35-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted December 20, 1990)  相似文献   
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