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Y Fujita  K Shindo  Y Miwa  K Yoshida 《Gene》1991,108(1):121-125
The Bacillus subtilis inositol dehydrogenase (Idh)-encoding gene (idh) was cloned in the B. subtilis temperate phage, rho 11, and then in Escherichia coli plasmids (pBR322 and pUC118). The nucleotide sequence of the idh gene, which consists of 344 codons and whose product has an Mr of 38,351, was determined. E. coli, bearing pIOL05d15, in which expression of the idh gene is under the control of the lac promoter of pUC118, overproduced an active Idh to approx. 20% of total protein upon addition of isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside. This overproduced enzyme cross-reacted with an anti-Idh antibody, and exhibited the same Mr and substrate specificity as those of the B. subtilis enzyme.  相似文献   
Two different protease genes were cloned fromRhodocyclus gelatinosa APR 3-2 inEscherichia coli HB 101/ with pBR329 or its derivatives. The recombinant plasmids designated as pRP100 and pRP300 contained 11.2 and 10.6 kb DNA fragments, respectively. The differences of both plasmids in restriction enzyme maps indicate that these plasmids contained different protease genes. DNA fragments coding for protease, 6.4 kb and 4.5 kb from pRP100 and pRP300, were subcloned into pRP329 and designated as pRP101 and pRP301, respectively. The two cloned proteases were excreted in culture medium ofE. coli, and ß-lactamase ofE. coli, which was originally localized in periplasmic space, was also excreted in the medium.  相似文献   
A cholera-like enterotoxin was purified from Vibrio cholerae O139 strain AI-1841 isolated from a diarrheal patient in Bangladesh. Its characteristics were compared with that of cholera toxins (CTs) of classical strain 569B and El Tor strain KT25. Al-1841 produced as much toxin as O1 strains. The toxins were indistinguishable in terms of their migration profiles in conventional polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectrofocusing as well as their affinity for hydroxyapatite. The skin permeability factor activity and the fluid accumulation induced in rabbit ileal loops of the toxin of AI-1841 were identical to those of the CTs. Three toxins equally reacted against anti-569B CT antiserum in Western blotting, and their B subunits formed a precipitin line against any anti-B subunit antiserum by double gel immunodiffusion. Anti-569B CTB antibody neutralized the three toxins in their PF activities and enterotoxicities. The amino acid sequence of 1841 toxin B subunit was identical with that of KT25 CTB, corresponding to the DNA sequence of ctxB from El Tor strains of the seventh pandemic. We concluded 1841 toxin was identical to CT of the seventh pandemic El Tor vibrios.  相似文献   
A new synthesis of desmosterol was described using hyodeoxycholic acid (3,6-dihydroxy-5β-cholanic acid) as a starting material. Epidesmosterol (3-hydroxycholesta-5,24-diene) was also synthesized for the first time from the same starting material.  相似文献   
Summary Electrophysiologic and tracer experiments have shown that Cl entersNecturus proximal tubule cells from the tubule lumen by a process coupled to the flow of Na+, and that Cl entry is electrically silent. The mechanism of Cl exit from the cell across the basolateral membrane has not been directly studied. To evaluate the importance of the movement of Cl ions across the basolateral membrane, the relative conductance of Cl to K+ was determined by a new method. Single-barrel ion-selective microelectrodes were used to measure intracellular Cl and K+ as a function of basolateral membrane PD as it varied normally from tubule to tubule. Basolateral membrane Cl conductance was about 10% of K+ conductance by this method. A second approach was to voltage clamp the basolateral PD to 20 mV above and below the spontaneous PD, while sensing intracellular Cl activity with the second barrel of a double-barrel microelectrode. An axial wire electrode in the tubule lumen was used to pass current across the tubular wall and thereby vary the basolateral membrane PD. Cell Cl activity was virtually unaffected by the PD changes. We conclude that Cl leavesNecturus proximal tubule cells by a neutral mechanism, possibly coupled to the efflux of Na+ or K+.  相似文献   
The histidine C-2 proton NMR titration curves of ribonuclease S-peptide (residues 1 to 20) and S-protein (residues 21 to 124) are reported. Although S-protein contains 3 histidine residues, four discrete resonances are observed to titrate. One of these arises from the equivalent histidine residues of unfolded S-protein. The variation in area of the four resonances indicate that there is a reversible pH-dependent equilibrium between the folded and unfolded forms of S-protein, with some unfolded material being present at most pH values. Two of the resonances of the folded S-protein can be assigned to 2 of the histidine residues, 48 and 105, from the close similarity of their titration curves to those in ribonuclease. These similarities indicate a homology of portions of the folded conformation of S-protein to that of ribonuclease in solution. These results indicate that the complete amino acid sequence is not required to produce a folded conformation similar to the native globular protein, and they appear to eliminate the possibility that proteins fold from their NH2 terminus during protein synthesis. The low pH inflection present in the titration curve assigned to histidine residue 48 in ribonuclease is absent from this curve in S-protein. This is consistent with our previous conclusion that this inflection arises from the interaction of histidine 48 with aspartic acid residue 14, which is also absent in S-protein. The third titrating resonance of native S-protein is assigned to the remaining histidine residue at position 119. The properties of this resonance are not identical with either of the titration curves of the active site histidine residues 12 and 119 of ribonuclease. The resonance assigned to histidine 119 is the only one significantly affected on the addition of sodium phosphate to S-protein, indicating that some degree of phosphate binding occurs. In both the absence and presence of phosphate this curve also lacks the low pH inflection observed in the histidine 119 NMR titration curve in ribonuclease. This difference presumably arise from a conformational between ribonuclease and the folded S-protein involving a carboxyl group.  相似文献   
Experimental evidence accumulated by our research group and others strongly suggests that (–)-xanthatin, a xanthanolide sesquiterpene lactone, exhibits anti-proliferative effects on human breast cancer cells (in vitro) as well as anti-tumor effects in experimental animals (in vivo). In cancer biology, it is now critically important for anti-cancer agents to selectively target cancer stem cells (CSCs) in order to overcome cancer therapeutic resistance and recurrence. However, it has not yet been established whether (–)-xanthatin abrogates the formation of breast CSCs. In the present study, we utilized chemically synthesized pure (–)-xanthatin and a culture system to obtain mammospheres from human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, which are a CSC-enriched population. We herein demonstrated for the first time that (–)-xanthatin exhibited the ability to kill mammospheres, similar to salinomycin, an established selective killer of CSCs. A possible anti-proliferative mechanism toward mammospheres by (–)-xanthatin is discussed.  相似文献   
Bioconversion experiments of various mono- or di-substituted naphthalenes such as dimethylnaphthalenes were carried out using the cells of Escherichia coli that expressed aromatic dihydroxylating dioxygenase genes (phnA1A2A3A4 and phdABCD) from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-utilizing marine bacteria, Nocardioides sp. KP7 and Cycloclasticus sp. A5, respectively. We found that the former dioxygenase PhnA1A2A3A4 had broad substrate preference for these compounds and often was able to hydroxylate their methyl groups. Specifically, 1,4-dimethylnaphthalene was predominantly bioconverted into 1,4-dihydroxymethylnaphthalene.  相似文献   
Dictyostelium discoideum is a facultative multicellular amoebozoan with cellulose in the stalk and spore coat of its fruiting body as well as in the extracellular matrix of the migrating slug. The organism also harbors a number of cellulase genes. One of them, cbhA, was identified as a candidate cellobiohydrolase gene based on the strong homology of its predicted protein product to fungal cellobiohydrolase I (CBHI). Expression of the cbhA was developmentally regulated, with strong expression in the spores of the mature fruiting body. However, a weak but detectable level of expression was observed in the extracellular matrix at the mound — tipped finger stages, in prestalk O cells, and in the slime sheath of the migrating slug — late culminant stages. A null mutant of the cbhA showed almost normal morphology. However, the developmental timing of the mutant was delayed by 2–4 h. When a c-Myc epitope-tagged CbhA was expressed, it was secreted into the culture medium and was able to bind crystalline cellulose. The CbhA-myc protein was glycosylated, as demonstrated by its ability to bind succinyl concanavalin A-agarose. Moreover, conditioned medium from the cbhA-myc oe strain displayed 4-methylumbelliferyl β-d-cellobioside (4-MUC) digesting activity in Zymograms in which conditioned medium was examined via native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or spotted on an agar plate containing 4-MUC, one of the substrates of cellobiohydrolase. Taken together, these findings indicate that Dictyostelium CbhA is an orthologue of CBH I that is required for a normal rate of development.  相似文献   
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