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Unidirectional L-phenylalanine transport into six brain regions of pentobarbital-anesthetized rats was studied using the in situ brain perfusion technique. This technique allows both accurate measurements of cerebrovascular amino acid transport and complete control of perfusate amino acid composition. L-Phenylalanine influx into the brain was sodium independent and could be described by a model with a saturable and a nonsaturable component. Best-fit values for the kinetic constants in the parietal cortex equaled 6.9 X 10(-4) mumol/s/g for Vmax, 0.011 mumol/ml for Km, and 1.8 X 10(-4) ml/s/g for KD during perfusion with fluid that did not contain competing amino acids. D-Phenylalanine competitively inhibited L-phenylalanine transport with a Ki approximately 10-fold greater than the Km for L-phenylalanine. There were no significant regional differences in Km, KD, or Ki, whereas Vmax was significantly greater in the cortical lobes than in the other brain regions. L-Phenylalanine influx during plasma perfusion was only 30% of that predicted in the absence of competing amino acids. Competitive inhibition increased the apparent Km during plasma perfusion by approximately 20-fold, to 0.21 mumol/ml. These data provide accurate new estimates of the kinetic constants that describe L-phenylalanine transport across the blood-brain barrier. In addition, they indicate that the cerebrovascular transfer site affinity (1/Km) for L-phenylalanine is three- to 12-fold greater than previously estimated in either awake or anesthetized animals.  相似文献   
The cDNA clones encoding the precursor form of glycinin A3B4 subunit have been identified from a library of soybean cotyledonary cDNA clones in the plasmid pBR322 by a combination of differential colony hybridizations, and then by immunoprecipitation of hybrid-selected translation product with A3-mono-specific antiserum. A recombinant plasmid, designated pGA3B41425, from one of six clones covering codons for the NH2-terminal region of the subunit was sequenced, and the amino acid sequence was inferred from the nucleotide sequence, which showed that the mRNA codes for a precursor protein of 516 amino acids. Analysis of this cDNA also showed that it contained 1786 nucleotides of mRNA sequence with a 5'-terminal nontranslated region of 46 nucleotides, a signal peptide region corresponding to 24 amino acids, an A3 acidic subunit region corresponding to 320 amino acids followed by a B4 basic subunit region corresponding to 172 amino acids, and a 3'-terminal nontranslated region of 192 nucleotides, which contained two characteristic AAUAAA sequences that ended 110 nucleotides and 26 nucleotides from a 3'-terminal poly(A) segment, respectively. Our results confirm that glycinin is synthesized as precursor polypeptides which undergo post-translational processing to form the nonrandom polypeptide pairs via disulfide bonds. The inferred amino acid sequence of the mature basic subunit, B4, was compared to that of the basic subunit of pea legumin, Leg Beta, which contained 185 amino acids. Using an alignment that permitted a maximum homology of amino acids, it was found that overall 42% of the amino acid positions are identical in both proteins. These results led us to conclude that both storage proteins have a common ancestor.  相似文献   
Three thiamine-binding proteins of 17-19 kDa (STBP-I, II, and III) were purified from sesame seed (Sesamum indicum L.). Each of the proteins was composed of two subunits of equal molecular mass and each subunit consisted of a large polypeptide and a small polypeptide linked by a disulfide bond(s). They were rich in glutamic acid (or glutamine) and arginine. Their binding activities were optimal at neutral pH. They bound specifically free thiamine but not thiamine phosphates. STBP-I had higher affinity for thiamine than STBP-II or STBP-III. STBP-II and STBP-III bound one molecule of thiamine per molecule, and STBP-I bound 0.5 molecule. The amino acid composition and structure of the STPBs were similar to those of 2S storage proteins.  相似文献   
The liberation of 2,4-dinitrophenolate ion from 2,4-dinitrophenyl sulfate (DNPS) in aqueous organic solvent with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide was accelerated upon addition of an equimolar amount of Oxime-I (10-hydroxy-11-hydroxyimino[20]-paracyclophane) to the sulfate ester. Oxime-I was found to undergo covalent participation at the oxime group to afford oxime O-sulfonate. The rate acceleration with Oxime-I was larger than that with β-CD (cycloheptaamylose). The catalytic efficiency of Oxime-I has been ascribed primarily to the tighter inclusion of the substrate ester into the more hydrophobic Oxime-I cavity provided by the effective apolar paracyclophane skeleton, as well as to the greater nucleophilicity of the oxime group than of the hydroxyl group in β-CD. Consequently, Oxime-I may be considered as a conventional model for arylsulfatases and sulfotransferases, providing the effective binding process for the substrate.  相似文献   
The behavior of chum slamon,Oncorhynchus keta, was studied using ultrasonic telemetry in the waters off the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido from 1979 to 1981. Thirty-six adult fish were outfitted with a 50 KHz ultrasonic transmitter provided with either a depth sensor, depth/illumination sensors, or depth/ temperature sensors. Twenty-one of the experimental fish were used as controls and left intact. Of the remaining fish, six had their sight destroyed, seven had their olfactory nerves severed or their nares filled with wax, one had both senses destroyed, and one had a sham operation, but had only a shallow transverse cut made in the skin over the olfactory nerves. Control fish and the fish with the sham operation initially swam in a horizontal zigzag pattern while fish with an obliterated sense swam in a similar pattern but to a reduced extent. The horizontal and vertical speeds of the intact fish were faster than those of the fish with a destroyed sense. Amplitude of vertical movements of the intact fish stretched from surface to bottom, while fish with destroyed vision tended towards midwater. Fish without an olfactory sense tended to be at the surface or near the bottom. Regular vertical movement would be effective in refreshing olfactory epithelia which might become acclimated when exposed to one odor. The vertical movements can be found in the horizontal zigzag movements in coastal and near shore migrations, as well as in the stream phase of homing. The zigzag movements, both horizontal and vertical, allow the fish to sense the water masses and locate the correct tributary.  相似文献   
The first evidence for gene disruption by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) came from careful analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans. This phenomenon, called RNA interference (RNAi), was observed subsequently in various organisms, including plants, nematodes, Drosophila, and protozoans. Very recently, it has been reported that in mammalian cells, 21- or 22-nucleotide (nt) RNAs with 2-nt 3' overhangs (small inhibitory RNAs, siRNAs) exhibit an RNAi effect. This is because siRNAs are not recognized by the well-characterized host defense system against viral infections, involving dsRNA-dependent inhibition of protein synthesis. However, the current method for introducing synthetic siRNA into cells by lipofection restricts the range of applications of RNAi as a result of the low transfection efficiencies in some cell types and/or short-term persistence of silencing effects. Here, we report a vector-based siRNA expression system that can induce RNAi in mammalian cells. This technical advance for silencing gene expression not only facilitates a wide range of functional analysis of mammalian genes but might also allow therapeutic applications by means of vector-mediated RNAi.  相似文献   
Four analogs of succinoyl trehalose lipid-3 (STL-3)with saturated even-number or odd-number carbonchains, and unsaturated or halogenated fatty acidswere examined for their ability to inhibit the growthand induce the differentiation of HL-60 humanpromyelocytic leukemia cells. The optimalconcentration of STL-3 at which such activities wererecognized was closed to the critical micelleconcentration of STL-3. Analog of STL-3 witheven-number or odd-number carbon chain and unsaturatedfatty acids strongly inhibited growth and induced thedifferentiation of HL-60 cells, as evaluated in termsof nitroblue tetrazilium-reducing activity and theappearance of the CD36 antigen. An analog of STL-3with halogenated fatty acids significantly inhibitedproliferation but only induced the differentiation ofHL-60 cells. Our results indicate that the effects ofSTL-3 and its analogs on HL-60 cells depend on thestructure of the hydrophobic moiety of STL-3.These authors contributed equally to this work  相似文献   
A gene encoding galactose 1-phosphate uridylyltransferase (GalT) was identified in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum. The gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, after which its product was purified and characterized. The expressed enzyme was highly thermostable and retained about 90% of its activity after incubation for 10 minutes at temperatures up to 90°C. Two different crystal structures of P. aerophilum GalT were determined: the substrate-free enzyme at 2.33 Å and the UDP-bound H140F mutant enzyme at 1.78 Å. The main-chain coordinates of the P. aerophilum GalT monomer were similar to those in the structures of the E. coli and human GalTs, as was the dimeric arrangement. However, there was a striking topological difference between P. aerophilum GalT and the other two enzymes. In the E. coli and human enzymes, the N-terminal chain extends from one subunit into the other and forms part of the substrate-binding pocket in the neighboring subunit. By contrast, the N-terminal chain in P. aerophilum GalT extends to the substrate-binding site in the same subunit. Amino acid sequence alignment showed that a shorter surface loop in the N-terminal region contributes to the unique topology of P. aerophilum GalT. Structural comparison of the substrate-free enzyme with UDP-bound H140F suggests that binding of the glucose moiety of the substrate, but not the UDP moiety, gives rise to a large structural change around the active site. This may in turn provide an appropriate environment for the enzyme reaction.  相似文献   

The weak interaction energy of H2 dimer is studied by double symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) within second-order of intermolecular and intramonomer perturbation for molecular simulations. The assumed orientations of H2 dimer are linear, parallel, T type and X type. Among four orientations T orientation is the most stable, while linear orientation is the most repulsive. The second-order dispersion energy E disp (2) is the most attractive contribution in all orientations. The interaction energy has the anisotropy, so we expressed our total interaction energy by the spherical expansion to compare with the experimental value. The isotropic interaction energy is about 85% of the experimental value.  相似文献   
We have studied a possible evolution process permitting a 'primitive' membrane to evolve towards a membrane structure with an outer wall, similar to that of bacteria. We have investigated whether a polysaccharide bearing hydrophobic phytyl or cholesteryl chains coats giant vesicles made of single- or double-chain lipids. Phytyl-pullulan 5b was found to bind to the surface of vesicles made of either single- or double-chain lipids. In contrast, cholesteryl-pullulan 5a only coated the surface of vesicles made of double-chain lipids. These results indicate that there must be a close match between the size and shape of membrane constituents and the hydrophobic molecules to be inserted. This process could, thus, provide a selection mechanism of lipid-membrane constituents during the course of biomembrane evolution. The presence of the above 'hydrophobized' polysaccharides on the surface of different giant vesicles was identified by lectin binding. Both concanavalin A and annexin V were shown by fluorescence microscopy to bind spontaneously to vesicles made of double-chain lipids. Our experiments exemplify that self-organization of amphiphiles into closed vesicles in aqueous solution automatically leads to the coating of vesicles by 'hydrophobized' polysaccharides, which then permit lectin binding. This is a possible mechanism for the evolution of primitive membranes towards 'proto-cells'.  相似文献   
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