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In order to investigate the causative factors responsible for removal of mucous coat from the gill lamellae of young yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata by red tide, diazo-reactions were employed for planktons and their media. The concentration of NO2- in the medium containing the raphidophyceae, Chatonella antiqua (ca 2000 cells/ml), was 0.70 +/- 0.05 (mu g/ml +/- SEM). In addition, diazo-reaction positive substances (NOx) which may degenerate the mucous, was highly concentrated in the cortex (perikaryon) of Chattonella antiqua. Morphologically, mucocysts, and chloroplats were likewise present in the cortex. Mucocysts were packed with fine fibrous content. Histochemically, the mucocysts were stained with PAS and had an abundance of nitrogen oxides (NOx). We observed discharge of the fibrous material from the mucocysts. These results suggest that when Chattonella antiqua is passing between the gill lamellae, NOx discharged from the mucocysts may act on the mucous, leading to the degeneration and concomitant removal of the mucous coat from gill lamellae.  相似文献   
Eight restriction fragments (I–VIII) were prepared to cover a whole span of the enhancer region in the upstream of the Ars gene of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , and their abilities to influence on the Ars gene expression were estimated by CAT assay. Only three fragments (III, IV and V) encompassing a 0.6 kb region between −2.8 kb and −2.2 kb stimulated CAT expression. By mobility shift assays, it was found that the Ars enhancer region is composed of multiple cis -acting elements that interact with nuclear proteins in a sequence-specific manner. Among them, two sequences, a G-string and a GATCTCCCC, were determined by DNA footprinting as sites of protein-DNA interaction. The DNA-binding factor prevalence changed ontogenically in three different patterns. Possible activation of DNA-binding proteins through their modification is discussed.  相似文献   
9-cis-Retro-γ;rhodopsin (λmax = 420 nm) was prepared from 9-cis-retro-γ-retinal and cattle opsin. After cooling to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K), the pigment was irradiated with light at 380 nm. The spectrum shifted to the longer wavelengths, owing to formation of a batho product. This fact indicates that the conjugated double bond system from C-5 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal in rhodopsin was not necessary for formation of bathorhodopsin. Reirradiation of the batho product with light at wavelengths longer than 520 nm yielded a mixture composed of presumably 9- or 11-cis forms of retro-γ-rhodopsin. These three isomers are interconvertible by light at liquid nitrogen temperature. Thus the retro-γ-rhodopsin system is similar in photochemical reaction at 77 K to cattle rhodopsin system. Each system has its own batho product. Based on these results, it was infered that the formation of bathorhodopsin is due to photoisomerization of the chromophoric retinal of rhodopsin and is not due to translocation of a proton on the ring or on the side chain from C-6 to C-8 of the chromophoric retinal to the Schiff-base nitrogen.  相似文献   
A small yet significant increase of immunoassayable pancreatic somatostatin concentration (0.107 +/- 0.005 vs. 0.156 +/- 0.017 microgram/g at 24 hr, p less than 0.05) was found in rats, 24 hr as well as 7 days after treatment with a diabetogenic dose of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg BW). These animals were characterized by marked decreases of insulin in the pancreas without any significant changes in pancreatic glucagon concentration. These results suggest that an abrupt deprivation of insulin from islets results in an elevation of pancreatic somatostatin concentration, and that glucagon in the pancreas plays a minor role in determining pancreatic somatostatin concentration in rats with insulin-deprived diabetes of short duration.  相似文献   
Seed germination and further growth of seedlings of an obligate root parasiteAeginetia indica L. are described. (1) Germination: dormancy of fresh seeds can be broken by sodium hypochlorite treatment, but seeds stored for 1–5 years at 5 C did not necessarily require halogen treatment for good germination. (2) Formation of the tendril, which facilitated the organic connection with the host, was stimulated greatly byMiscanthus root extract. (3) Septation (cell division) of tendril was promoted by addition of sucrose to the basal medium. (4) Rhizogenesis of the seedlingin vitro was stimulated by deproteinized coconut milk.  相似文献   
Two types of the dark chub,Zacco temmincki, collected from 10 river systems in Japan were genetically characterized at 27 protein coding loci using starch-gel electrophoresis. They were fixed for different alleles at 13 loci. No hybrid individuals were observed, even in specimens collected in stations where both types appear sympatrically, indicating that each type of the dark chub represents a distinct species.  相似文献   
Micronucleus tests of potassium bromate (KBrO3) and potassium chromate (K2CrO4) were conducted with peripheral blood reticulocytes (PB-RETs) of CD-1 male mice dose intraperitoneally. Peripheral blood cells collected from the tail were stained supravitally with acridine orange (AO) using AO-coated glass slides. Both KBrO3 and K2CrO4 induced micronuclei in PB-RETs in the same manner as in polychromatic erythrocytes of bone marrow.  相似文献   
The peptide N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine (MDP), which has adjuvant activities, and 17 of its derivatives and analogs were synthesized and assayed to elucidate the structure necessary for adjuvant activity in induction of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in guinea pigs. The results revealed the importance of the d configuration and the α-carboxamide group of the isoglutaminyl residue of MDP for adjuvant activity. Replacement of the l-alanyl residue of MDP by d-alanine, but not by l-serine or glycine, resulted in a marked decrease in the activity. The β-methyl glycoside of MDP was found to be more active than the α-methyl derivative. 6-O-Stearoyl-N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamme showed activity.  相似文献   
l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] or sucrose-[U-14C] was fed into grape berries and 14CO2 evolution was determined. 14CO2 evolution front l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was slightly higher in mature than immature berries, and that from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher in immature than mature ones. 14CO2 evolution from l(+)-tartrate-[U-14C] was irregular throughout the day until 2 or 3 weeks after flowering. This stage shifted to regular 14CO2 evolution until 6 or 7 weeks after flowering, and the mode of 14CO2 evolution showed diurnal variation; higher in the day than at night. Then the stage without variation of 14CO2 evolution followed 10 weeks after flowering. These observations indicate that tartrate is not biochemically inert in grape berries, while the amount of 14CO2 evolution from sucrose-[U-14C] was higher at night than in the day through the whole ripening process, except in the early stage.  相似文献   
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