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In chloroplasts, tetramethyl-p-hydroquinone supports high rates of phosphorylation-coupled, noncyclic electron flow through Photosystem I to methylviologen. The reaction is totally sensitive to dibromothymoquinone, indicating an electron donation to the plastoquinone region of the photosynthetic chain. The uncoupled electron flow rate exceeds 1000 μequivalents per hour per mg chlorophyll. The phosphorylation efficiency (Pe2) at the optimal pH of 8 is 0.6–0.65. Presumably this ratio represents the efficiency of energy coupling in the electron transfer step plastoquinone → cytochrome f.  相似文献   
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and insulin were measured by radioimmunoassay in acetic-acid extracts of 19 pancreatic islet cell tumors induced by streptozotocin and nicotinamide in rats. In addition, gel filtration properties of TRH-immunoreactivity and immunoreactive insulin (IRI) were examined in 5 and 14 tumors, respectively. TRH was demonstrated in 10 of 19 tumors, with a mean of 166 +/- 47 (SEM) pg/mg wet weight, whereas the concentration was less than 3 pg/mg wet weight in the other tumors. In contrast, all tumors contained IRI, with a mean of 11.0 +/- 1.6 micrograms/mg wet weight. Ten tumors in which TRH was demonstrated contained more IRI than those in which TRH was not detected (13.1 +/- 1.8 vs 6.5 +/- 1.7 micrograms/mg wet weight, P less than 0.02). After gel filtration, all TRH immunoreactivity was eluted at the same place as synthetic TRH in the 5 tumors. In addition, gel filtration elutes showed essentially the same pattern of IRI in the 14 tumors, with 3 peaks. The predominant IRI peak comigrated with marker insulin (95.7 +/- 0.8%), another prominent peak occurred coincident with proinsulin standard (3.3 +/- 0.5%), a third peak was present in the void volume (0.28 +/- 0.04%). These distributions of IRI were similar to those in extracts of normal pancreases. The present studies demonstrate TRH immunoreactivity in pancreatic islet cell tumors induced by streptozotocin and nicotinamide in rats. Chemically induced insulinomas can serve as a model for insulin storage which is analogous to islet B cells.  相似文献   
An extracellular toxic substance was separated from the cell-free culture filtrate of Vibrio anguillarum (strain NCMB571). Two fractions (GI and GII + III) obtained by Sephadex G-200 chromatography following DEAE-cellulose chromatography were lethal to rainbow trout and mice. Material separated from the GI fraction by Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography (GI-A fraction) was lethal to these animals. By sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the GI and GI-A fractions were found to be composed of components with molecular weights of 44K and 34K, and 44K, respectively. The 44K protein band was associated with carbohydrate. Peripheral vascular disorder was observed in fish and mice that died after inoculation with GI or GI-A fraction. The toxic substance was sensitive to potassium periodate but was resistant to trypsin and acetone. Heat inactivation of the toxic substance was almost complete at 100 C for 20 min and complete at 121 C for 20 min. The toxic activity was not associated with hemolytic or proteolytic activity. Homologous antitoxin completely neutralized the toxic activity.  相似文献   
The amount of endotoxin in serum collected from normal rainbow trout ( Salmo gairdneri) and trout inoculated with viable Vibrio anguillarum or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracted from bacteria was determined by the chromogenic substrate method. The mean values of endotoxin in four different groups of normal rainbow trout sera ranged from 31.9 to 65.3 pg/ml. When fish were inoculated with viable bacteria (1 × 108), they became septicaemic and a large amount of endotoxin (> 14 ng/ml) was detected in the sera. In fish inoculated with a smaller number of bacteria the amount of endotoxin was several times higher than that of normal fish in spite of failure of bacterial isolation. Although the endotoxin level in serum increased rapidly (> 100 ng/ml) after intraperitoneal inoculation with purified V. anguillarum LPS (540 μg), no fish died during the experiment. The high level of endotoxin in normal rainbow trout and the resistance of trout to endotoxin are in striking contrast to those of mammalian and avian species.  相似文献   
Dynamics of the steroid receptors seems to be the consequence of receptor recycling. In the present study, as a clue to elucidate the mechanism of receptor recycling, factors which affect the rate of liberation of nuclear bound 3H-glucocorticoids were examined in vitro. Among the factors examined, NAD, NADPH, cAMP and p-nitrophenyl phosphate accelerated the liberation of radioactivity from nuclei in a temperature-dependent manner when added to the incubation mixture. The presence of a large amount of unlabeled dexamethasone (Dex) did not modify the rate of liberation. From these results, it was concluded that the metabolism of ligand bound to the receptor is not a necessary step in the liberation of receptor from nuclei. These agents did not influence the binding process of 3H-Dex-receptor complex to DNA-cellulose. Therefore the stimulation of receptor release does not seem to be mediated by reducing the binding affinity between nuclei and receptor complexes. The liberated radioactivity was eluted on a Sephadex G-100 column in the void volume and in macromolecule-unbound fractions. In both fractions, the majority of the radioactivity comigrated with authentic glucocorticoids on thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   
Soil-eating byAlouatta andAteles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among 12 species of New World monkeys studied in La Macarena Region and the River Caquetá basin of Colombia, onlyAlouatta seniculus andAteles belzebuth were frequently observed to eat soil. They do this at particular sites on the ground called salados by local people. They also eat termite nests found on tree trunks. OnlyAteles drink the water of salado sites. The chemical properties of 17 soil samples and 5 water samples were analyzed. The results are discussed in relation to the question of whyAlouatta andAteles eat soil.  相似文献   
Eight restriction fragments (I–VIII) were prepared to cover a whole span of the enhancer region in the upstream of the Ars gene of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus , and their abilities to influence on the Ars gene expression were estimated by CAT assay. Only three fragments (III, IV and V) encompassing a 0.6 kb region between −2.8 kb and −2.2 kb stimulated CAT expression. By mobility shift assays, it was found that the Ars enhancer region is composed of multiple cis -acting elements that interact with nuclear proteins in a sequence-specific manner. Among them, two sequences, a G-string and a GATCTCCCC, were determined by DNA footprinting as sites of protein-DNA interaction. The DNA-binding factor prevalence changed ontogenically in three different patterns. Possible activation of DNA-binding proteins through their modification is discussed.  相似文献   
5-Keto-D-[1-14C]gluconic acid, the most effective precursorof L(+)tartaric acid among all labeled compounds which haveever been tested in grapes, was found to be a good precursorof L(+)tartaric acid in a species of Pelargonium. The synthesisof labeled L(+)tartaric acid from D-[1-14C]glucose in Pelargoniumwas remarkably depressed when a 0.5% solution of D-gluconateor 5-keto-D-gluconate was administered continuously to leavestogether with D-[1-14C]glucose. Our results provide strong evidence that D-[1-14C]glucose ismetabolized in Pelargonium to give labeled L(+)tartaric acidvia (probably D-gluconic acid and) 5-keto-D-gluconic acid withoutpassing through L-ascorbic acid. Labeled L-idonic acid was found in young leaves of Pelargoniumwhich had been labeled with L-[U-14C]ascorbic acid. The synthesisof the labeled L-idonic acid increased when a 0.1% solutionof L-threonate was administered continuously to leaves togetherwith L-[U-14C]ascorbic acid. Specifically labeled compounds, recognized as the members ofthe synthetic pathway for L(+)tartaric acid from L-ascorbicacid via L-idonic acid in grapes, were administered to youngleaves of Pelargonium. Each compound (2-keto-L-[U-14C]idonicacid, L-[U-14C]idonic acid, 5-keto-D-[1-14C]gluconic acid and5-keto-D-[6-14C]gluconic acid) was partly metabolized, as ingrapes. The metabolic pathway starting from L-ascorbic acidto L(+)tartaric acid via L-idonic acid, however, did not actuallycontribute to the synthesis of L(+)tartaric acid in Pelargoniumprobably because the activity of each metabolic step was muchlower than that observed in grapes. (Received May 28, 1984; Accepted July 30, 1984)  相似文献   
The cellular site and characteristics of the phosphorylation of a nucleolus-specific phosphoprotein (molecular weight, 120 000) in mouse ascites tumor cells were studied. The phosphoprotein was strongly labeled with 32P when the isolated nucleoli were incubated with [γ-32P]ATP in vitro. This phosphoprotein, and protein kinase for the protein phosphorylation were both purified from 0.3 M KCl soluble protein fraction of the nucleoli by hydroxylapatite and phosphocellulose column chromatographies. It was found that phosphorylation of the nucleolus-specific phosphoprotein was catalyzed selectively by a guanosine 3:5-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase in the nucleoli and the reaction product was the same phosphoprotein as the substrate used.  相似文献   
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